42: The Big Guy

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It was a really hot day in New York. The news said it was close to hundred and two, and had that the humidity in the air, we had one heck of a hot day. Don't ever say Natalie Spengler didn't do good in the weather unit in high school. Not that I care if you do. 

"Do you think you can turn that fan up?" Peter asked Janine. We were sitting around her desk since that is were the fan was. She wasn't wearing too much today, in fact it was just her bathing suit. I was wearing tan shorts that came to my waist, and a blue tank top. I wasn't going to be wearing too much. I didn't even have shoes on. We were all trying to beat the heat, and it was not easy. 

"Sure," she said leaning forward and turning it up. It felt good. So did the water Slimer kept dripping on me. I would normally tell him to stop, but it felt too good, so I said nothing. 

"Thank goodness that there are no calls," Winston said picking up some paper to fan himself. "It's too hot to bust ghost today." 

"It's too hot for any ghost to come out," Ray told him. "The only ghost that I would welcome is one that could make it cooler." 

"Wish there was one," Peter put in. "Egon, is there one?" 

"No Peter," Egon told him placing a wet towel on his face. "Unfortunately." 

"You don't think that it would rain, do you?" Winston asked. 

"It's no where close to the dew point," I answered. "There's not enough water in the air." 

"When did you learn weather?" Janine asked. 

"I'm an astronomer. It kind of comes with weather. Not that I really care for it." 

"So when will it cool down." 

"Last time I check, next week." 

"You are kidding, right?" Peter asked me. I took one of Egon's rags and placed it on my own head.

"I wish." 

The phone started to ring, and everyone but Janine groaned. She picked it up, and wrote something down. She smiled at us and gave me the sheet, and we got ready and got in Ecto 1. I was driving. 

"She seemed happy," Egon observed. 

"She now gets the fan and she doesn't have to catch a ghost," I told him. "Of course she is happy." 

"I think I might have a heat stroke," Ray put in. 

I drove and looked around the place we were supposed to be. I didn't see a thing. What was the point of us coming here? 

"There's nothing here," Winston cried. The screaming people made us look to the side, and I saw something that I didn't really want to see. 

"That thing is huge," Egon said, his eyes wide open, and I think all of us were in shock. Walking towards us was a giant pink monster. It had huge hands, sharp claws, five pair of eyes, no nose, and a long tale. Did I mention it was about has tall has the Empire State Building? No, well it was. 

"Anyone got a plan?" Winston asked. "Egon? Ray?" 

"I'll get back to you on that," Ray answered. 

"Alright Egon, you're up," Peter told him. 

"Three of us can climb on top of the buildings and hit it with the proton beams, and two of us can go get Ecto 2 and try and hit it with that," Egon answered. 

"Ecto 2?" I asked. I knew we had Ecto 1, but I had no clue what Ecto 2 was. 

"Come on," Winston told me and dragged me to the car. We drove to the firehouse and we climbed the stairs. I've never really been on the roof, and when we got up there, I saw a helicopter type thing sitting on a launch pad. It was a blueish-grey color. It had two seats and had a gun on one of the wings. I could see on top that it had the Ghostbusters logo on it, and it seemed to have them on the bottom too. It was very impressive, and by that I mean I was surprised it could fly at all. Winston tossed me a helmet and I put it on. 

"This is Ecto 2?" I asked him, and he nodded. 

"It is," he answered. "Isn't she a beauty?" 

"It's something all right." 

"Maybe I'll teach you how to fly it." 

"This can fly?" 

"I know, doesn't seem like it. But trust me home girl, it flies." 

"Who built this?" 

"Ray and Egon." 

"I trust you, but I'm not sure I trust those two." 

"Very funny," he said laughing and got in the pilot seat. "Now come on. I need someone to fire this gun here."

"If I die I'm blaming you," I told him getting in. He pressed a few buttons and the blades up top started to turn. The thing shattered a bit, but took off without a problem. I held on until I saw that it wouldn't crash and calmed down a bit. Winston was right, it wasn't too bad. I saw three streams hit the ghost, but it didn't seem to harm it. 

"Natalie, you see that gun?" Winston asked me. 

"Yeah, hard to miss," I told him. 

"I need you to fire it at the ghost." 


"Shoot it." 

"I don't think I have a good aim Winston. I might hit the others. I haven't used this stuff before." 

"Then come fly Ecto 2 for me and I'll blast it." 

"I've gone mad." I mumbled taking the two steering sticks in hand. I almost made us crash, but after a quick lesson from Winston, I was keeping us in place so Winston could fire the stream at it. I was watching both the sky and the ghost. 

"Look out!" I heard Ray yell, and I moved us out of the way of a hand. The next hand wasn't so lucky, and it hit one of the blades, and I couldn't get it to move. We were going to crash. 

"Hold on Winston!" I yelled has Ecto 2 started to fall. 

"I find it funny you have to tell me that!" he yelled back, and soon we were on the roof, Ray and Peter looking at us, Egon close behind. 

"Natalie, Winston, are you okay?" Egon asked helping me up, and Peter helped Winston up. 

"That girl can fly," Winston told them, and I smiled. 

"You were the one flying?" Egon asked. 

"Maybe," I answered. 

"You don't even know how to fly!" 

"Neither do you." 

"So now what do we do?" Peter asked, making both of us look up. "Our streams don't hurt it." 

"We only have one choice," Egon answered looking at his hands. "I wish we didn't have to take it, but we do." 

"What is it?" Ray asked. We were all looking at Egon, worried about the answer. We knew it wasn't going to be good, but I never thought it would be what he said next. 

"We're going to have to let the Big Guy out." 

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, only people who watched the cartoon will know who the big guy is at the moment. So I'm not sure how many will know, but I know at least one of you will! So you might be wondering if Ecto 2 is a real thing. In the cartoon, yes, it is. It was the main way the guys travailed in air. They used it for busting ghost, of course, and it only sat two people. I've been dying to get Ecto 2 into the book, and I finally did it! Ecto 2 on the side! Peace out my Stars! 

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