Falling For You

By kariilee23

465K 12.6K 1.4K

Liam's always there for Elena no matter what. When Elena goes back to school to be accused of something horri... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two!
Chapter Three!
Chapter Four!
Chapter Five!
Chapter Six!
Chapter Seven!
Chapter Eight!
Chapter Nine!
Chapter Ten!
Chapter Twelve!
Chapter Thirteen!
Chapter Fourteen!
Chapter Fifteen!
Chapter Sixteen!
Chapter Seventeen!
Chapter Eighteen!
Chapter Nineteen!
Chapter Twenty!
Chapter Twenty-One!
Chapter Twenty-Two!
Chapter Twenty-Three!
Chapter Twenty-Four!

Chapter Eleven!

14.7K 454 57
By kariilee23

Liam’s POV

 I’ve just witnessed the scene where Elena and Drew are officially together. I mean, I saw it coming. I should be happy for Elena. At the same time, my heart was breaking into a million pieces. The little part of me that wished and hoped that Elena liked me as more than a friend was crushed instantly. I have to admit that I felt like crying. Not even tearing but crying. Did it hurt? Yes. Did I feel like shit? Yes.

 I didn’t know that watching Elena with another boy could cause me so much pain. She has been on several dates but believe it or not, never been someone’s girlfriend.

 I watched the girl of my dreams get taken away from me in an instant. Things would change drastically now that she won’t need me to be there for her anymore. Not that things haven’t drastically changed already. We haven’t even talked to each other for weeks.

 I love Elena so much. But if she’s happy then it doesn’t matter how much pain I’m enduring.

 But it’s too much pain. I don’t even know if I can handle it. I wanted it to go away. Even just for a few seconds.

 “Hey Liam. I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Annie said while tapping my shoulder lightly.

 “Hey.” I replied glumly. “I think I need a drink.”

 Her eyes were filled with concern when she heard my voice. “Uhh, alright. Are you okay?”

 “I don’t think so.” I walked back into the house heading into the kitchen to get something with alcohol.

 I drank a few beers.

 Then more.

 And more.

 Then had a couple shots of tequila.

 By that time, I couldn’t even walk straight though, I kind of knew what I was doing though. I think.

 I was still feeling something in my chest.

 What was it again?

 I shook my head. I couldn’t think anymore. Then I saw Elena across the room dancing with Drew. She had her hands around his neck while his hands were on her waist. I felt a pang of jealousy.

 The pain in my chest came back and it hurt even more. Then I remembered why I felt weird in my chest.

 I wish that would’ve been me. All I could do is wish since I didn’t have the slightest chance with her.

 I noticed that I was staring at Elena so I turned around, not wanting her to find out. I wanted to go home. But, I had to find Annie first. I saw her talking to her friends so I headed towards her.

 “Annie. Can we go now?”

 I was actually surprised that I can even speak regularly. At least I thought I spoke regularly.

 “What in the world did you drink? You smell so bad Liam.” Her nose wrinkled but a smile was tugging at the corner of her lips. She waved her hand in front of her nose to emphasize what she had just said. “Phew! Do you know what a toothbrush is?” She joked.

 I gave her a look to show her that I wasn’t in the mood to joke around. I felt like shit and just wanted to go home and sleep.

 “Fine, let’s go.” She was leading me to the front door when I felt a tug at my arms. I stopped and Annie looked back. She had a worried look on her face and I knew who it was behind me. I didn’t have to guess since there was only one person who could literally make my skin tingle when they were touching me.

 Why did she even bother to come to me? Shouldn’t she be having fun with her boyfriend? I should leave before the numbness is gone so I won’t feel the pain as much as I will when I’m sober.

 “What do you want Elena?” I spat out.

 She looked hurt. I winced slightly, regretting that I was talking to her like that but it was the only choice that seemed like it could get me out of here quickly. Seeing her like that made me hurt but I had to do what I got to do. I just wanted to get out and away from here, from her. I was drunk so I didn’t feel as guilty as I would when I’m not.

 “Um. Well you haven’t returned my calls. Or texts either.” She started. “I miss you Liam.”

 My body was screaming at me to just lift her up and spin her around. Screaming that I missed her too but I didn’t. That would only make me hurt more when I realize that sooner or later, she would always ditch me for Drew.

 “I’ve been busy. Look, I got to go.” Before she could reply, I pulled Annie with me as I ran across the front lawn to her car.

 I felt horrible. I missed Elena so much but at the same time, I needed to get away. I never felt so conflicted in my life. One side had me avoiding her and the other just wanted to be with her, even if it was just as friends.

 Annie started the car and I couldn’t take it anymore. All the feelings came crashing down to me as I dug my face in my hands and started to cry. I haven’t even cried since sixth grade when I broke my arm. The pain of a broken hand was nothing compared to the pain of a broken heart.

 The pain is indescribable. All I can say is it hurts. It hurts like shit.

 As soon as I knew it, we were in front of my house. Annie patted my back saying that it was going to be alright even though she and I both knew that it wasn’t going to be okay. I was going to feel upset every time I see Elena from now on. I couldn’t control my feelings or my heart. I wish I could. I wish that I didn’t fall for my best friend. But, I did and I can’t do a damn thing about it.

 “What am I going to do Annie?” I mumbled into my hands. Seriously Liam? Crying in front of a girl?

 “I don’t know Liam. I really don’t know.”

 I stayed for another ten minutes, both of us just sitting in silence. Finally, I looked up and opened the door.

 “Thank you Annie for being here for me. I really need a friend now and I’m glad you’re here to help.”

 “Don’t worry about it. Just get some sleep. You drank a lot. Get ready for a killer headache when you wake up tomorrow.” She chuckled trying to light up the mood at least a little.

 This was the opposite of what she was aiming for because I frowned. I was not looking forward to that.

 “Good night.” Was all I said and I headed towards my house into my room. I didn’t even bother taking a shower. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

Annie’s POV

 I felt so horrible that I couldn’t do anything to help Liam. I’ve grown close to him because we were hanging out for the past weeks. He’s like a brother to me. I wish that he was my brother. Being a single child can be really boring sometimes. No one to play with and no problems to solve.

 It just broke my heart seeing him cry because Liam never cries. I know ‘broke my heart’ are the wrong choice of words but I felt really upset seeing him like this. I don’t know how it feels to have your heart broken but I know it hurts. It hurt enough that even Liam couldn’t take it and that guy is tough.

 I was dancing when I heard Melissa talking about how cute Elena and Drew were together and I knew that Liam already knew. News travels fast. I took a guess that he was probably drinking. When he came to me asking to go home, I knew I was right because he smelled like he drank a whole lot of alcohol. I couldn’t yell at him for drinking so much because he was probably drinking to forget about everything. I teased him but he didn’t seem to be amused by it so I just took him home.

 Right after I got home, I quickly took a shower and collapsed on the bed. I have been staring at the awesome blank ceiling for the past thirty or so minutes. He really deserved the girl he wants. I really hope that Elena would see how great Liam is. The sooner the better because I don’t know how Liam would be holding up. Liam doesn’t deserve any of the pain he’s going through and right that instant, I knew that I was going to do something about it.

Liam’s POV

 I woke up with a killer headache the next day. I closed all my curtains so that even the slightest light couldn’t get through. I walked into the bathroom slowly because the slightest movement triggered the pain of my head. I was glad my parents went out yesterday since it was their eleven year anniversary. They weren’t going to be home until tomorrow night. If they were home, I would definitely get scolded by my mom about drinking too much. The house was peace and quiet as I brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror.

 My first thought that came into my mind? Damn Liam, you look like shit.

 My eyes were red, my hair was greasy and I smelled horrible. Again, thank god my parents weren’t home.

 When I got into the showers, the hot water relaxed my muscles making me feel a little better. I started to wonder how I got so drunk. I tried to think and think. Nope, nothing, nothing at all.

 I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. Just as I was about to put on some clothes, my phone made a beeping noise signaling that I had gotten a text. Who would text me so early in the morning? I looked at the time. Whoa, it was 3:30 p.m. Not morning. Time to eat lunch I thought and right on time, my stomach growled. Before I made my way out of my room, I looked back at my phone. The text was from Annie.

 We’re going out today. I’m gonna come over at 5. BTW feel better :D

 Feel better? What was she talking about? My headache? Then it all came rushing back into my head. Elena and Drew. They were together. The familiar pain in my chest was back but I tried my hardest to ignore it.

 I went to slip on my boxers and to put on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I headed downstairs to get an aspirin and making my famous delicious dish. Cereal.

 I ended up playing Call of Duty to get distracted from my Elena thoughts though, it kept on coming back to me every once in a while.

 The bell rang which told me that it was about five, I took notice that my headache was gone. I opened the door to let Annie in.


 Instead of greeting me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my room.

 From the past weeks of spending time with Annie, I got to know her pretty well. And I can figure out that something is not right.

 She’s been pacing back and forth in my room for about five minutes already. I couldn’t take the suspense. “Annie! What’s wrong?”

 “Okay, listen up. I’m only going to say this once. You got it?”

 Okay things are getting weird. Don’t tell me she’s going to say that she liked me all along because I will not know what to do. I don’t want to break her heart. Oh my god. What if she discovered that she loved me all along? Things will get really weird and then I’ll have to be alone for the rest of the summer. Wait, never mind I can hang out with the other guys on the football team. But I don’t want to break Annie’s heart. What should I tell her?

 My thoughts got interrupted with someone hand knocking on my head. More specifically, Annie’s hand was knocking on my head.

 “Hello? Did you even hear a word I said?”

 Oh shit. I missed her whole confession. Things are going to get really weird now that she had to repeat everything again. I didn’t want her to be even more embarrassed.

 “Sorry.” I apologized while looking down.

 “Ugh! I said I won’t repeat it. But I guess I’ll have to since someone wasn’t listening to a word I was saying.”

 Prepare for it Liam.

 “We’re going bowling today and you will have to pretend to be my boyfriend.” She stated. I looked at her with a confused face. What happened to her confession? “You have to look super hot.” She added.

 I let go of the breath that I held in without noticing and started to laugh.

 “What’s so funny? I’m being really serious.”

 “I thought you were going to confess to me that you loved me and I was panicking!”

 “How many times did I tell you that I don’t like you that way? God you’re so stupid.” She tried to say sternly but failed since she also laughed along with me.

 “Hey! You were being weird so I thought it was that. But why do I have to pretend to be your boyfriend?” I asked when we both calmed down.

 “Because there’s a boy I like and I want to make him jealous. I know, I shouldn’t but that’s the only way I would know if he likes me. So please can you do this for me?”

 “Uh sure.”

 “You have to look really hot though.”

 “Aren’t I hot enough?” I smirked. I lifted my shirt to reveal my 6-pack which I was very proud of. Like I said, it was the only attractive thing about me. Hard work has paid off.

 “Getting cocky aren’t we?”

 I smiled innocently. “What? I’m never cocky. Stop accusing me!” I said, faking hurt.

 “Ha Ha.” She said in a boring tone.

 She turned towards me. “We got to get ready now!”

 She opened my closet and started to throw all my clothes on the floor after examining it.

 “Aren’t we going bowling? Can I wear what I’m wearing now?”

 She gave me a once over. “No! Just let me pick your clothes. Just sit down and wait like a good boy.”

 Half an hour later, I come out of the bathroom with a blue t-shirt and dark washed jeans. She even told me to wear my leather jacket even though it’s July and hot as ever. I don’t know what took her so long to find that. I usually put on a t-shirt and jeans in less than five minutes and she took twenty. I better not say anything she might yell at me. Annie seemed very determined about this so I figured it would be best to not burst her bubble.

 We finally left the house ten years later. I looked pretty normal. I don’t get why I had to look hot. If the guy felt something for her, it wouldn’t matter how the guy she was with looked like. The thing that would bother whoever she likes will be the fact that she’s with a guy other than him.

 Whatever. We both rented our shoes and typed in our names on the machine. We started the game and I realized that Annie was pretty good at bowling. I on the other hand wasn’t that good.

 I looked around to see if I can find Annie’s mystery boy. When I was going to ask Annie who the person was, I saw Drew and Elena in the corner of my eye. Elena was laughing with Drew. He had his arms around her, his hand over hers and they were both holding the bowling ball together. He was teaching her how to bowl. I turned around because I was staring. The pain in the chest started again but this time, I couldn’t push it aside since the love of my life was with another guy only a few yards away from me. Mostly, it felt like a constant sinking feeling in my chest but when I actually see Elena with Drew, it was like a punch to my chest. I hoped that I got used to this sooner or later. I didn’t want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

 I look at Annie so she can hopefully help distract me but caught her staring at Elena and Drew while thinking hard. Her mouth was drawn in a straight line and she was staring at them intently.

 Oh was all that came to my head. Was she going to ditch me now too? I thought with sadness.

 I wasn’t angry. I was just, I don’t know. The boy that Annie wanted to make jealous. Can you guess who she probably liked? Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s probably Drew…

 I analyzed my thoughts.

 Drew likes Elena.

 Elena likes Drew.

 I like Elena.

 Annie also likes Drew.

 Things might just get a little complicated.


Wow, I'm up to chapter eleven! What did you guys think of this chapter? Is it getting boring?

I have absolutely no idea what you guys think about my story. So please, tell me what you think and comment! Thank You ! The song on the side is by Enrique Inglesias. It's called "Why Not Me" and I dont know, I just feel like it fit the chapter, like in the beginning of the chapter when Liam saw Drew and Elena kiss.

Oh my. I can't wait till March 13th when the One Direction album, Up All Night comes out. If you read my other author notes, I have a huge crush on them. Anyway, it's coming out on March 13th! AHHHH! Just to let you know, I sometimes squeal when I'm super happy. Hehe, I know it's kind of weird but hey, that's what makes me, me. Can't wait.! SQUEALLLL

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