My Princess | Nyx Ulric

Par LyraUlric

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A hidden love story between a Princess and a Glaive. There aren't many Nyx Ulric love stories so I thought I... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 11

2.3K 66 14
Par LyraUlric

It was just before 5am. The sky was still dark and most of the city still slept. Lyra began to toss and turn in her sleep. She felt uneasy and it went on for a few minutes. Suddenly, she woke up and leapt out of bed, running to her bathroom before retching and vomiting into the toilet bowl. She sat on the ground, wondering why she was sick all of a sudden. A few minutes later, she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet again. After a while, once she was certain she wasn’t going to be sick again, she flushed the toilet and got up to wash her face so she could feel refreshed. She still felt really tired, so passing it off as probably eating something funny yesterday, she returned to bed.

Although she was tired, she couldn’t go back to sleep. Putting on her bedside lamp, she took her mother’s diary and began to read it as she sat up against the headboard. Before she knew it, the sun had risen and there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” she said as she put her book down.
One of the maid's walked in and bowed. “Good morning, your highness.”
“Good morning.”
The maid stood straight again. “Breakfast is almost ready. Also, the dress designer will be coming later so you can choose a dress for tonight’s event,” she informed.
Lyra sighed, forgetting about the party tonight. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”
“And you also have to choose a dress for your wedding.”
Lyra groaned after hearing that causing the maid to giggle quietly. “Ugh, okay. Thank you. Can you do my hair for tonight?” she asked the maid.
She nodded. “Of course, your highness. I’ll come by in the afternoon to help you get ready.”

Lyra nodded and then the maid left, leaving Lyra to get ready for the day. She wore a simple outfit before going down to the dining room to join her father for breakfast. When she saw the breakfast items for that morning, she had no desire to eat. She called one of the maids and apologised before specially requesting for sweet pancakes with strawberries. As the maid rushed off, she sighed quietly and sat back in her seat.

“Are you alright, my dear?” King Regis asked as he took notice of her appearance. “You look a little pale.”
Lyra smiled softly and nodded. “I’m fine. I felt a little sick this morning but I’ll be okay.”
The King wasn’t very reassured by her words but he gave a nod. “Once you’ve met with the designer, I want you to take rest before this evening’s event.”
“I will.” She then looked around, suddenly noticing that Luna hadn’t joined them. “Where is Luna?”
“She had to return to the hotel to join her brother. She will meet us again at the party tonight,” he told her.

Lyra nodded and soon her specially requested breakfast was served to her. She thanked them before beginning to eat. She hoped she would have been able to meet Nyx, but she knew she would only see him again at the party. King Regis soon left to attend yet another meeting and the designer had arrived early.

Lyra looked through many of the ready made dresses the designer had brought. It was like a dress shop had been set up in the reception hall and there were so many to choose from. However, Lyra was soon set on her dress for that night.

She then began to browse the wedding dresses, which felt a little harder to decide on for she knew she wouldn’t be marrying Ravus no matter how much he wanted it. The only person she would ever wear a wedding dress for would be Nyx. Thinking about marrying Nyx made the task of choosing a wedding gown a lot easier, and not before long, she had chosen the perfect dress.

The designer took her measurements, giving her the dress she had chosen for the party before packing everything away and leaving. One of the maids carried the dress to Lyra's room before leaving the princess alone in her room again. She began to feel sick again but didn’t like the feeling. Hoping to control it, she opened the balcony doors to allow fresh air in before laying on her bed.

After what felt like a minute, there was a knock at the door. Lyra opened her eyes and looked at the clock, seeing that it was already 4pm. She sat up quickly before calling in whoever was at the door. The maid from the morning walked in.

“It’s time to get ready, your highness.”
“Oh, right. I must have fallen asleep,” Lyra said as she rubbed her eyes.
“Would you like anything to eat or drink?” the maid offered.
Lyra shook her head. “No, thank you. I’ll eat at the party.”

The maid nodded and closed the door as Lyra got up so she could get ready. About an hour later, she was all set to go. She wore the dress she had chosen with light makeup and the maid had done her hair in a half up half down style with a diamond encrusted hair comb tucked into it. She joined her father and then they set off to the Insomnia Hotel. They went up to the roof where the party was to be held.

The orchestra were setting up and the bar was ready to serve the guests, who slowly began arriving. There was a huge fish tank with many exotic fish inside, bringing a more calming atmosphere. The king and Lyra greeted the guests, thanking them for attending. Nyx soon arrived with Captain Drautos and they were immediately on duty.

Nyx watched Lyra, who still hadn’t noticed that he had arrived as she became busy with talking to the guests. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful she looked as the fireworks were set off in the background. She almost looked as though she was glowing. Lyra looked around beyond the guests and soon her eyes came in contact with Nyx's. She sent him a smile, which he returned before he winked at her making her smile a little more.

Soon, the Emperor of Niflheim arrived, walking up the steps as Lyra went to stand beside her father again.

“A most grand reception, King Regis,” he said as he arrived to the top. “You honour all of Niflheim.”
“Oh, the honour is ours, Emperor Aldercapt,” the King said with a smile. “You have ventured far to grace us with your presence.”
“It was the very least I could do,” he replied before his eyes fell on Lyra. “You look as beautiful as ever, Princess Lyra. It is an honour to finally meet you.”
Lyra put on a smile as she gave him a curt nod. “It’s an honour to meet you as well, Emperor. Thank you for coming all this way.”
“Thank you for having me,” he said. “Tomorrow will be an historic day for both our nations. And your Insomnia is truly a marvel. My own cities pale in comparison. I pray we are able to take much from this visit.”

Once the introductions were done, Lyra left her father to talk to the Emperor on his own as she went over to stand beside the railings. She knew she wouldn’t be able to speak to Nyx as he was on duty and she needed space away from everyone as she still wasn’t feeling well. She looked over the city, the fireworks lighting the sky as the orchestra played calming music. It wasn’t long before she was joined by Ardyn.

“Might I offer you a drink, your highness?” he offered as he stood by her, leaning against the rail with a drink in his hand.
Lyra looked at him before looking back out at the city. “I’ll pass for now. But thank you for offering.”
“It is a time for celebration,” he said before taking a sip of his drink. “You need not look so concerned on such an occasion.”
“My concern can’t be helped. There’s lot to look forward to in the near future and a lot of planning to be done,” she replied.
“Ah, of course. I assure you, your husband-to-be has already commenced his planning. I’m sure he’s just as excited as you are.”
“I’m feeling everything but excitement,” she said before stepping away from the railing. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening, chancellor.”

He raised his glass to her as she walked away, joining her father again who was busy speaking with people. She saw Nyx was speaking to Luna and so she decided to join them.

They stood atop a few steps and as Nyx saw her approaching, he held out his hand to her. Lyra smiled softly as she took his hand as he helped her up the steps before she went and stood beside Luna. She was holding a hairpin and she told Lyra it was a gift for her. Nyx stayed silent as the two princesses spoke. Luna was glad Lyra was still in the city so she had someone to talk to. She expressed her concerns for Noctis and Lyra reassured her that it would all be okay.

Moments later, Lyra began to feel sick again and she closed her eyes as she breathed in and out deeply.

“Are you alright, Lyra?” Luna asked her with concern, which caught Nyx's attention as he glanced at her quickly.
Lyra opened her eyes and feigned a smile. “Yes. I’ve been feeling unwell since this morning but it’s not too bad.”
“You should go home and rest,” she suggested as she placed a hand on her shoulder.
“No, I couldn’t leave you alone.”
“I will be fine. I’m sure King Regis will tell you the same,” Luna assured her.

Lyra went over to her father, calling him away to speak in private. Before she said anything, he could tell she wasn’t feeling well.

“Lyra, you’ve become pale again,” he said with worry. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Lyra nodded, not wanting to cause him anymore stress. “I probably just need to rest. I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Go home and rest, my dear,” he told her.
“But I don’t want to leave you alone. Nor Luna,” she said, expressing her concerns.
“I have Clarus with me and Luna will be with me. Now please, go and rest.” He looked over at Nyx and called him over. “Escort her back home and keep her safe,” he ordered.

Nyx gave a nod before leaving with Lyra to go back to the citadel. On the car ride back, Lyra sat quietly with her eyes closed, finally being able to relax.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“I don’t know,” she answered truthfully. “I was feeling sick this morning and I didn’t sleep very well. I think I may have eaten something off the other day.”
“Well, you’re almost home now so please don’t throw up in the car.”
Lyra opened her eyes and slapped his arm. “I’ll throw up on you if you’re not careful.” She smiled and looked at him. “It’s a good excuse to be alone with you again.”
“And I’ll stay as long as you want me to,” he smiled before parking up as they reached their destination.

Once they reached her bedroom, Lyra decided she couldn’t be bothered to change out of her clothes and so she stayed in her outfit as they went out on the balcony. From their, they could still see fireworks in the distance in the direction of the hotel, which made the view even better. The calm breeze helped Lyra to relax as she sat on Nyx's lap. He held her close to his own form as she laid her head on his shoulder, their hands locked together.

She told him about her having to choose a dress for the planned marriage to Ravus, which he of course wasn’t very happy about. However, she told him that she would be saving it for if they ever decided to get married one day. As she said that, Nyx sat up, causing Lyra to lift her head to look at him.

“What is it?”
“This is good a time as any...” he muttered to himself.
“What?” she asked, not hearing what he said.

Nyx looked at her, making her stand up before he stood up too, holding both of her hands in his. She looked up into his eyes, her eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.

“Lyra...” he began before breathing out. “You know how much I love you. Everything about you. You’re selfless, kind and pure. And so damn beautiful. Even tonight, you look as beautiful as ever. I can’t believe how lucky I am,” he said as he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers causing her to blush and smile in embarrassment. “You're all I have. You are my world now. I fall in love with you all over again every single day and with even more reasons to love you. And...I want to keep falling in love with you every day for the rest of my life.”

Lyra's cheeks became even more flushed and she smiled brightly at his words. He had never expressed so much in words before. Then, her eyes widened slightly as he went down on one knee.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is, Lyra Lucis Caelum...” he pulled out a small box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring. “Will you marry me?”

Lyra couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely she must have been dreaming she thought. But this was reality and she was oh so glad that it was. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she looked down into his expectant eyes. Without hesitation, she gave her answer.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Nyx smiled, his heart beating with joy as he took the ring and slid it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. As soon as the ring was on, Lyra literally fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck before pressing her lips onto his. He quickly returned the kiss, holding her around her waist. A few seconds later, she pulled away and looked at him as tears fell from her eyes.

“I love you so much, Nyx Ulric,” she said softly.
He wiped away her tears and smiled. “I love you so much, too.”

He lifted her bridal style before taking her inside and laying her down on her bed. He took off his jacket and put it aside before laying down next to her. He held her body to his as she held her left hand up to admire the ring. It was so elegant and it looked really expensive.

“It’s so beautiful,” she said as they both looked at it.
“It was my mother’s ring,” he told her. “She gave it to me to give to the woman I fall in love with.”
Lyra smiled and held it close to her heart. “I will treasure it always.”
“Thank you.” He kissed the top of her head. “How are you feeling now?” he asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.
“A lot better,” she answered as she sat up. She gathered her hair and pulled it to the front. “Can you take the zip down for me?”

He reached his hand up and slowly pulled the zip down all the way. Once he was done, she pulled her arms out of the sleeves and she could soon feel Nyx kissing the back of her neck. She blushed deeply as his kisses became more passionate and before she knew it, they spent the rest of the evening making love.

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