Spiritual Ascend (Book 1 of t...

By _allyondra_

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Leah Sparks thought her life was just normal. That is, until she finds out the reason why she was beginning t... More

1.) Spiritual Ascend
2.) Spiritual Ascend
3.) Spiritual Ascend
4.) Spiritual Ascend
5.) Spiritual Ascend
6.) Spiritual Ascend
7.) Spiritual Ascend
8.) Spiritual Ascend
9.) Spiritual Ascend
10.) Spiritual Ascend
11.) Spiritual Ascend
12.) Spiritual Ascend
13.) Spiritual Ascend
14.) Spiritual Ascend
15.) Spiritual Ascend
16.) Spiritual Ascend
17.) Spiritual Ascend
18.) Spiritual Ascend
19.) Spiritual Ascend
21.) Spiritual Ascend
22.) Spiritual Ascend

20.) Spiritual Ascend

203 13 4
By _allyondra_

Okay, people. I know it's been a while but don't blame me...blame the fact I don't have a freaking laptop. So I'm stuck with an iTouch but I'm happy with it...I just can't edit the things that need to be bold/italic (I already fixed it)...

See that video at the side? YES, that's my classmates'. Please go check it out and give feedback. HAHAHA

Oh yeah, READ AmazingGurl101's story, 'Contrasting Forces'. IT'S REALLY GOOD!!! :D

VOTE, COMMENT, LIKE, TWEET, GOOGLE PLUS .... Whatever makes floats your boat :D

E N J O Y !



Chapter Twenty

(Nate's POV)

"Lee?" I said, hesitantly. Oh, God. How do I say this without looking like a noob? How do I say that she's my partner? I backed out the first time I called her attention but since I did it again, I had to say it.

                "Yeah," She said, tilting her head a bit to the side, curiously. Damn! She was so beautiful tonight! I still can't believe she's my partner, too!

                I was about to answer her when I heard distant roars from the back of the school. My eyes widened for a fracture of a second but I recomposed myself before Leah could see anything. I guess that was just nothing. But then I felt Leah stiffen in my arms. Her breath caught and I had to ask, "Are you okay?"

                She began moving her fingers frantically behind my head. What the heck was she doing?

                "Um...I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few." She said, pushing herself away from me. Leah had this distracted expression on her face as she disappeared in the dancing crowd.

                This was my chance to find out what that noise was. I guess telling Lee would have to wait a little bit later. I needed to keep everyone safe. I may have said that it must be nothing but I just wanted to make sure. I didn't want to risk the life of the people here in school.

                I touched my ring-the one with the silver 'N'-and called the Warriors in the Brotherhood (a Spirit group that is full of boys). 'Guys, let's check that noise out.'

                'Sure.' They replied.

                I headed to the back part of the school and waited for my boys to arrive. I leaned on the wall beside the door to the back and crossed my arms over my chest. A few minutes later, they rounded the corner of the hallway.

                "About time," I said, smirking slightly.

                "Sorry, Nate," Victor said, grinning. "Had to charm my lady...if you know what I mean."

                "Ew...do not even say you made out with my cousin!" I said with a fake horrified expression. But I didn't mind, not really. He is, after all, her partner.

                Simon and the other guys chuckled. I smiled for a moment as I saw their happy expressions. I still couldn't believe we ALL ended up with our partners for the dance! I was proud of them; they had the guts to ask the person that was meant for them throughout their lives.

                "You know we never kissed, Nate. She wouldn't want that and I would be willing to wait for her, too." Victor looked down at his shoes as he muttered. He was quiet for a few moments but then he looked back up again, that happy look in his eyes. It suited him; he was a Warrior of the Spirit of Happiness. "Well then," He said smacking his hand together. "What did you call us for?"

                I nodded. Back to business it was. "You know that sound you heard a while ago? Those roars, I mean?" They all nodded. "Let's go check it out and keep the people here and our girls safe."

We crossed the playground which was at the back and kept our senses up as we checked all around. We had our weapons out and ready for a battle, if there should be one. I prayed not for things could get dirty.

                Simon kept bending down and muttering, but I knew what he was doing. He was picking up the ants that walked the fields and asking them what they had seen. You see, Simon was blessed by the Spirit of the Wild, thus inheriting the ability to speak to animals.

                All the others were spread out all over the yard, doing whatever. After ten minutes, Michael shouted. "Aha!"

                "What?" I shouted to him from where he standing-beside a sort of bush/head. Wait...that wasn't there yesterday when I came here… "Did you find something?"

                "Hell yeah, I did!" He replied as he pulled away the branches from the thing they were hiding. I gotta give it to him. Being a Warrior of the Spirit of Intuition can really come in handy!

                A few moments later, a cage as big as a minivan was seen; the cage was open and some sort of purple liquid dripped out of the edges. Victor asked with a grimace as he neared Michael. "What the hell is that?"

                "A cage, idiot," Mike said, snorting. Victor narrowed his eyes playfully. "You think this is the one that held those things that roared a while ago?"

                Simon moved up to it and held his hand right out in front of him. In it was a hedgehog and I was pretty surprised he managed to find one. He began asking, "What was in the cage?"

                There was a moment of silence from us. We waited for the answer of the animal though we could not understand it. It was a full two minutes before Simon spoke again and he sounded angry and worried. "Where did those creatures go?"

                Again, the hedgehog answered with its tiny and quiet squeaks. Simon stiffened and his eyes widened with fear. It didn't take a genius to find out something was wrong with the picture. He thanked the animal and let it go in the dark.

                He turned to us with a frightened expression. It took a lot to make this expression cross Simon's face and obviously, this was a whole lot of trouble. He took a deep breath and answered the universal question that no one asked.

                "They were demons, heading to the front parking lot, and the hedgehog said they were after our girls."

                No one spoke until I broke it.

                "The girls are inside, right?" I asked all of them. Simon, Michael and Cody nodded. I sighed in relief but noticed Victor standing in shock. "Victor, you okay?"

                Victor shook his head, still shocked. A flash of regret instantly entered his eyes. "I don't think they're all inside."

                "What?" Simon, the Hollisters, and I shouted in unison.

                "I saw Tori slip out the front door followed by Julie and Sophie. I thought nothing of it because Tori said she wanted some fresh air with the other girls." The regret became more prominent in his eyes. "I should have followed them but then you needed me, Nate."

                "Then let's get the hell out of here and see if they weren't attacked!" I bolted straight through the side of the school. My heightened senses made running a bit easier and we reached the parking lot two minutes later.

                The first thing that shocked me as I got into the parking lot was the battle going on. It wasn't technically the battle but the people involved in it.

                It was our girls!

                All the others were frozen too as they watched in shock the girls who they thought were innocent fight against an army of demons. It was just so mind-blowing.

                I could never imagine Tori skilled with fighting-especially with a freaking dagger! I could never imagine sweet Sophie slashing with her whip, making them coil around the leg of a demon and sending a blue static down the whip-like a live wire. And I sure as hell didn't expect elegant Elaine drive her spear through a demon's heart, mercilessly!

                I gotta admit a girl fighting was a turn on but the one girl I was really looking for was nowhere to be seen. I was too distracted in finding Leah to notice this pale demonic creature with two mouths jumped right in front of me.

                My hands automatically went in front of me. I couldn't generate enough life force to create a silver ball that fast though so it was useless. But before it could even touch us, it fell to the ground with a silver arrow sticking out of its back.

                And who should have shot it but Michael's partner, Julie. She had a silver bow in her hands with another arrow notched in place. She lowered it and looked at us with wide eyes.

                "Holy sh-I mean, what the hell are you guys doing here?!" She quickly amended herself before shouting at us, catching the attention of Elaine and Sophie for a few seconds. Tori was fighting near the end of the parking lot while Leah was nowhere to be seen still. There was a possibility she wasn't a part of this...but who am I kidding? All her friends and my cousin were here!

                I was starting to get worried about her and somewhat relieved that she may have not even come out at all. But the pessimist in my mind screamed at me that she might've been taken already.

                "I think we should be asking you the same thing!" Michael said, still shocked.

                "Ah, guys?" Cody said, itching to help Sophie who was fighting about three demons at once. "Fight first; explain later."

                We nodded. And that's when I heard it: her screams.

                Her agonizing cry made its way to my heart, attempting to rip it out. Dread washed over me. It took no second longer for me to run to Leah who sounded like she was in so much pain. The others called out for me but they were soon preoccupied with the creatures that popped out of nowhere.

                I rounded this blue Jaguar and saw her on the ground with the biggest demon I've seen tonight on top of her. My blood boiled when I saw it biting her neck. I felt the power surge in my body. I couldn't hold it any longer.

                No one touches her. No one.

                "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" I shouted. Both the demon's and Leah's heads snapped my way and I gotta say, Leah looked genuinely surprised but then it turned to worry. Seriously, that girl was hurt and she was worried about me? Damn.

                But my anger was centered on the damn thing. I raised my hand, which now held a silver glowing ball in it, and threw it at the creature. The orb managed to blast the creature away from Lee's body but it wasn't that far. It came back to stand right above her head.

                "Aha, a child of Life," it said in a sinister voice, "how thoughtful of them! Now, my kin and I will be even more powerful."

                What the hell? Who was 'them'?

                I saw Leah attempt to move away from the creature but the pain was too much. She let out a soft strangled yelp and fell back to the ground. I made a move towards her but the demon raised its suddenly elongated fingernail and pretended to stab her.

                I knew what this meant. 'Move and she dies' just like in most movies. But this wasn't most movies and I knew there was still a way out of this. I saw a glint a few meters behind the creature; it was a sword.

                I knew I had to plan this quick but it needed a whole lot of improvising. My blood was racing but I managed to keep my cool. I began concentrating on my powers. "Let me repeat. Get. Away. From. Her."

                The creature shook its head and was about to bring down its clawed hand when I threw the orb in my hand-it was bigger and brighter than usual and I knew I kinda overdid it with the absorbing thing yet I didn't care-straight at the monster. It blasted it away, far from her.

                I quickly ran to the sword, taking only a second to admire the star sapphire on its hilt, and brought it down on the eternally damned creature. After a few moments, it disintegrated and I let out a huge sigh of relief.

                But there was no time for resting. Though the power took out a lot from me, I still moved back to Leah, dragging the sword with me. When I saw her lying lifeless on the ground, I began to panic.

                "Leah!" I shouted at her. "Oh, God, wake up! Wake up! Can you hear me? Wake up!"

                But there was no response. I tried shaking her gently but it didn't work as well.

                "No no no! This can't be happening," I said, frantically. Leah, don't leave me! I picked up her head gently and felt around for a pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt it. It was faint but it was there. I glanced around for more of those God damn monsters but there were none.

                I looked back at Leah's beautiful unconscious face. I was breathing heavily. I was lucky enough to have been partnered with a funny, kind, and strong girl and I almost blew it if I had been a minute later. I stroked her face and put pressure on the wound on her neck. She was losing a lot of blood though.

                Images of that demon on top of her, hurting her, flashed through my mind. The way her scream reached all the in my body and ripped my heart out. I was going to kill whoever owned those demons.

                I had simply stabbed that creature and made sure it was sent back to wherever it came from and I prayed it stayed there-for good this time. I will not have any more of that demon hurting any of my friends.

                "Nate?" Victor shouted, calling me. He was on the other side, from what I could tell. "Nate!"

                "I'm here!" I shouted back. I stood, making sure not to jostle Leah too much as I carried her. I then moved in the direction of his voice.

                "What the hell happened to her," Victor said as soon as he saw me with her. His voice was loud enough to get the attention of the others and soon enough they were flanking him, looking at me, and waiting.

                The girls arrived a second later. All their eyes widened at the sight of Leah's bloody neck. But Tori was the first to speak.

                "Their master is going to pay when I find him." She was whispering. By the venom in her voice, I knew she was ready to kill. I guess we were on the same page then.

                "Guys...Lee's losing a lot blood. Do you know any place we could bring her to for treatment?" Sophie said as she checked Leah's wounds. "I'm sending as much energy as I could but its just enough to keep her heart beating."

                "And I'm getting energy but I'm keeping tabs on it for the lot of you look like you could use lots of rest. If I keep getting, one of you will surely faint," Julie piped up.

                "What?" We guys asked with furrowed brows but Tori and Elaine seemed to understand.

                "The wound's too big and the poison circulating through her body is almost too much." Sophie whispered, still checking out the wound. "Urgh! I wish Heather was here. We could get help much quicker. But now, we need a place."

                Victor's eyes shot up. I knew what he meant whenever he did this. He found a solution. "How 'bout our place?"

"Can you please drive faster?" Sophie said, putting more pressure on Lee's wound. She was at the back with me while Tori sat in the passenger seat with Victor being the driver

                We all agreed to meet at the place where we guys trained. And Simon let us borrow his Porsche because it had a full tank. The others who weren't riding with us took the other cars.

                "I am driving as fast as I can, woman!" Victor replied, hotly.

                "Well it isn't enough! Her blood's moving out fast and her legs are starting to turn purple. That's the poison spreading so if you want your best friend to live, so help me God, move a little bit faster!"

                I don't know how but the car accelerated more than before. We were nearing the turn to the abandoned lot at the edge of Lincoln Street; the place where we trained.

                "Um...Sophie, easy on the energy ‘cause if we go any faster, Vic might lose control of the act and then we’d turn into roadside sunny-side up," Tori said. She was gripping the front seat with dear life. Any other circumstances, I would have laughed but there were more pressing matters at hand. "Seriously, if a car crash doesn't kill me, then cardio arrest will!"

                "Okay okay, chill, Tor." Sophie said and then I felt the car slow down a fraction of an inch. "There, I stopped giving. Don't bust a vein on your pretty little head."

                I frowned. Giving? I locked eyes with Victor and he had the same 'What the heck?' look. I felt Leah stir on my shoulder. She whimpered.

                "It hurts." she whispered. "Nate, it hurts so much."

                I looked pleadingly at Sophie but all she said was, "I'm doing my best. I'm giving her as much energy as I can but it's just enough for her to keep fighting the poison."

                Victor slowed down then pulled to a stop. We were here. At once, everyone was out. I carried Lee while Victor run inside, shouting for the Spirits.

                Sophie and Tori followed behind us. "Whoa..." Tori muttered as she looked around the lounge. "This house is really creepy."

                "Ditto." Sophie replied. We made our way to the lounge, quickly.

                "Ah, are these the ones you guys always talk about?" Mark appeared right in front of me. I resisted jumping a mile in the air because I was on the floor, balancing on the balls of my feet. Lee was lying on the couch, waiting for the Spirits to come and I was thankful that they arrived seconds later.

                "Yes. The others are coming with the rest of the girls." I answered and just like that, we heard the front door open followed by frantic footsteps. "I guess that would be them."

                "This is yours, isn't she?" He whispered, looking down at Leah. He frowned when he saw her wounds. "She's in bad condition."

                I nodded. "Can you help her?"

                "I'll do the best I can. Excuse me; I need to call the others." He floated out of the room and then yelled at the top of his voice. "Ryan! Liam! Will! Austin! We've got an injured girl here. We've got to treat her."

                Mark came back but was followed by all the other Spirits. When Ryan (the Spirit of Happiness) saw me hovering protectively over Leah, he winked. He was actually the first Spirit of the group for Leah to see, but she didn't know that because he was acting like a park ranger during that time. In fact, all the Spirits here worked as park rangers for they heard that their very own mates/partners were around the area...and I guess my boys and I found them.

                "Nate, you need to get out," Will (the Spirit of Intuition) said. I shook my head. I wasn't leaving her! He read my quiet denial though and sighed. "You've got no choice. This isn't going to be pretty. I don't want this memory seared into your brain forever."

                "Okay, fine. I'll go, but please call me when you're done." I leaned down and pressed my lips on Leah's cold forehead. "You'll be fine, Lee. I promise."

                Then I left my girl to be dealt by the Spirits of my clan. When I was out of the living room and in the foyer, I joined my boys who were leaning on the walls. But before I could even let my back touch the wall, we were all confronted by the girls we brought along with.

                Tori glared at me. She was tapping her foot on the floor-a sign that meant you can't get out whatever you do. "Nate?"


                "You've got a hell lot of explaining to do."


Okay, guys. I know I know...I placed this as 'private' but I changed my mind. So here you guys are!!

But I'm not sure I'll be making another Nate's POV though. :D

Just so you know...here's the list for Warrior to Spirit...in case you're confused.


Leah - Layla (Spirit of the Future) 

Tori - Rose (Spirit of Love) 

Elaine - Megan (Spirit of Truth) 

Julie - Faye (Spirit of Faith) 

Sophie - Lily (Sprit of Hope)


Nate - Mark (Spirit of Life) 

Victor - Ryan (Spirit of Happiness) 

Simon - Liam (Spirit of the Wild) 

Michael - Will (Spirit of Intuition) 

Cody - Austin (Spirit of the Past)

P.S: Ignore all the mistakes. I'll go over it later when I've got the computer. Promise.

Next update: Next week if my projects don't get in the way. :P

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