Ares Long Lost Love

By OriginalNightAngel

629 1 0

Many stories circulate around the God's and Goddesses of mythology. Many of them involve love, except for Are... More

Ares God Of War- Prologue
The Fighting Clans
Dearest Kimiko
Dinner With Her Parents
Rice Cakes and Wedding Rings
The Wedding Feast
The Happy Couple
The Stress of War
Welcome Home/Change of Venue
A Mother To Be
So Close
Zeus's Command
Death Will Part Us. . . . (The End)

But Love Will Reunite Us (Epilogue)

45 1 0
By OriginalNightAngel

I could barely hold my tears in as Ares continued to weep against my legs. My hand gently touching his head allowing him to spill the tears that have been held in for centuries. He babbled and sputtered incoherently about Kimiko, her name appearing over and over again. I felt a lump forming in my throat as I dared my eyes to look at the portrait, the horror of her death upon such an innocent soul was so horrid and appalling I wanted to puke. The monstrosity of the act alone, and to inflict the death upon a newborn child that was awaited for so long.
"My son..." I blinked looking down at Ares. "What?"-"It was a boy... we were going to name him Kenji... my son was born then killed within minutes of the event."-"Ares there are not enough words to express how deeply sorry I am for forcing you to tell me this tragic tale." Ares lifted himself up staring into my eyes, something was different though. Like he was searching for something and the longer I stared the more i felt a strange urge to wrap my arms around him build within me. "At last...." I swallowed hard and looked away blushing. "Forgive me.... I shouldn't think such thoughts after hearing your tragedy. I... I should leave." I lifted myself out of the chair gathering my things and made my way towards the door. He was muttering or trying to speak, but i only felt shame in my thoughts. "STOP!" I stopped in my tracks my hand resting on the doorknob. My heart pounding within my chest as i slowly made myself turn. "Why...."-"Please... forgive my shouting and my rudeness, but there is one last thing I must show you." I felt something pulling at me from within. A sensation I experienced anytime a man tried to get close to me that i long desired to occur. No longer feeling repulsed by someones advances but the desire to reciprocate... more and more shame began to build as my nature tried to betray me. I held my possessions close to my chest and moved forward following him down a hallway. He opened a small door and my eyes widened as I saw more trinkets of Kimiko's adorning the walls, not only that but pictures of places with an assigned trinket next to monuments. "this... this is."-"This is kimiko's treasure room. Every ten years I visit a place I brought a trinket from and take a photo of said trinket beside them. I surprise myself with how many i gave her." I felt my body moving me towards one item in particular... the small silver locket described to me in the story. I felt my hand reaching up towards my own, the picture of my parents inside. I was hesitant but could not resist, my fingers stretching out gently touching the silver surface before a flash of images entered my mind causing me to reel back. I groaned gripping my head in confusion. I felt Ares catch me in his arms only for more images to flash through my mind before i dropped to my knees holding my head. "nn, i think the alcohol is hitting me..."-"No... no angel it's not." His hands gently took my own and I looked at him in confusion as he seemed to have a new spark of hope. "Ares... what is happening."-"I knew it was you from the moment I saw you, or at least you appeared to be. I wasn't sure at first but when you addressed me by name, the fact you sought me out even in youth. I couldn't have a doubt in my mind."-"I'm sorry, but i am not sure what your talking about." He lifted me off the ground still holding my hands in his own. "Please... will you do me one favor, just one. Every once in a while I swear i find the reincarnation of my love." My eyes widened as he told me over the years he had women try on the locket to see if they can see through her eyes. That Hades had come forth to him years ago and told him that he cast a spell/curse upon the locket that the reincarnated soul of Kimiko would be able to see through her eyes the previous life when wearing the locket. "but... but why so long... why so long for her to rebirth?"-"That is an answer i do not have... but please, will you try? Give this old man some hope." I swallowed hard only fearing the worst should i see nothing, but the pleading in his eyes compelled me to turn and lift the locket off its hook. I fixed the clasp and fastened it around my neck and closed my eyes waiting for a burst of memories like in the movies. "Angel... open your eyes..." I swallowed hard opening them only to gasp as I stared at a cottage wall. I looked around curiously and saw trinkets everywhere, hanging pots and drying vegetables followed by the sound of whistling. I turned and saw the door open and.... Ares... He smiled approaching me lifting me into the air before cupping my cheek. "I'm home Kimiko..." I fell backwards against the wall on the floor and gasped for breath staring at the treasure room once more. Ares staring at me in patience and hope. I swallowed hard trying to process what I just witnessed. "What did you see?"-" I... I dont know... I can't be sure."-" Miss Angel please, if you saw nothing then tell me I can handle it.." I trembled slightly, the information crashing upon me in waves and yet a sense of joyous relief filled me. I sniffled holding a hand to my mouth as I began to cry feeling all the love of 800 years filling the entirety of my being. "No Hachiman.... I saw you." His eyes widened before bringing me close into his embrace and weeping with me as we rejoiced in being reunited once again.

That is the end of the story my dear readers.
A lone reporter looking for a big story, ended up discovering she was the reincarnated soul of Ares's Lost Love..

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