Hiccups sister the dragon hyb...

By Trinitybazan

11.3K 240 39

What happens when hiccup and his team find a new cave? What about when they find a girl that lives with drag... More

Part 3
Part 5


2.6K 45 21
By Trinitybazan

Gaia's pov
I look over at my best friend Skydiver. I smile at her sleeping form her beautiful green-blue scales shine with tints of red and orange in the sun. Skydiver is a atmospheric dragon, she can create rain from her wings and can control the wind and clouds along with her ability to create lightning. Her scales are so strong almost nothing can hurt her. Well except the barb from another atmospheric dragon on top of there wings. My names Gaia. I'm a Viking, well a half Viking. I'm half dragon. Half atmospheric dragon more specifically. How well atmospheric dragons breed threw lakes and my mom decided to take a bath in the wrong lake. So here I am with my dragon like eyes, wings, and skin as tough as Skydivers scales. I live in a cave system with Skydiver and a lot of other dragons. I don't live in a Viking village because I am a devil in there eyes. They call me the Spitfire.
"Gala why are you sad?" Skydiver asks her beautiful face twisted in worry.

"I just miss Gobber," I sigh

"Gala it was 17 years ago," she says "he probably thinks your dead or not coming back."

"I know. I should just move on," I sigh standing and stretching my wings out "lets go flying."

Hiccups pov
I look back at the group. My wife Astrid and my son Jackrabbit on storm fly. Erit on skullcrusher. The twins on barf and belch. Fish legs on meatlug. Snoutlout on hookfang.

"Come on guys we are almost there!" I yell back at them them pat Toothless "let's see if we can find the caves again bud." We get into the thick fog you have to go threw.

"Hiccup if we find a new dragon can I have one?" Jackrabbit asks. He still hasn't called me dad. I'm not his biological father nor is Astrid his mother but he calls her mom at least.

"Sure thing bud as long as you can gain its trust," I say looking back at him. Then threw the fog I see something come at them. "Watch out!" I yell but not in time they are hit. And they fall Stormfly gets Astrid but Jackrabbit falls.

"I'll get him!" Eret yells diving. But Jackrabbit has already been caught by what had hit us and he's screaming which isn't a good thing.

Gaias pov
"Quit screaming boy unless you have a pair of wings hidden under your shirt," I growl. I'm not normally rude but his yelling hurts my ears and will throw me off.

"Please don't kill me!" He cries. I look down at him shocked by his words and a little sad that he's scared of me.

"I do not wish you harm child I'm trying to help," I say then see the other riders following me "where do you live?"

"Burk," he says quietly. My wings falter slightly at the name.

"Burk?" I say softly to myself then sigh "very well." We fly in almost silence for an hour the only noise being the riders behind us yelling at me to give the boy back. My wing starts to burn and move less fluidly. Then it locks momentarily. "Oh no," I breathe "kid can you swim?" I look down at the water below us.

"No," he says fearfully.

"Come on," I growl at my wings trying to stay in the air "come on." I see the island up ahead.
"Almost there you can do it Gaia you've made it this far," I breath. I look back at the riders seeing the night fiery speed up. I turn and stop. Looking behind him to see Skydiver and chirp to her. I look at the boy. "I'm going to toss you to him," I say "I can't carry you." The boy nods I call to the black dragon who tilts his head at my ability to communicate but seems to go with my plan as I toss the kid in an arch over to him. My wing pops and stops working after that and I start to fall. Skydiver dives for me catching me as my feet touch the water.

"Do I take you to the land?" She asks. I nod panting from exhaustion. She lands setting me down my wings limp and my legs weak. The Vikings run up pointing weapons at me and my dragon.

"It's the Spitfire," someone says.

"She's come to kill us," another says.

"Take your mask off!" The rider of the night fiery yells him and the other riders walk forward. I reach up and pull it off revealing my panting face. My legs give out and I fall to my knees.

"Wait! She's not evil!" Someone yells "don't touch her!" I look over and see the man who raised me, the man I've missed for so long.

"Gobber?" I say trying to stand but falling "Daddy." He walks over to me and pulls me to him.

"It's ok Gaia just breath," he says.

"Daddy?!?" A lot of different people yell.

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