Professor Layton: Love In All...

By EffervescentElixir

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The sequel and final part of the Love In Memories two-parter. The heroes escape from the thrilling finale in... More

Professor Layton: Love In All Adversities
1. Prologue
2. The Fallen Castle; Memories Of A Time Gone By
3. The Feelings Will Always Be Close
4. Making Connections
5. The Diabolical Plan
6. The Dream Net
7. A New Age
8. Revelations: Time To Fly
9. The Dead World
10. A Warm Reunion
11. The Race For Claire
12. London Streets Remapped
13. The Illusion of Free Will
14. This Is Our Cycle
15. Changing Tides
16. Betrayed Senses
18. A World In Turmoil
19. I Knew You Would Come
20. Endless Love
21. Deceived Minds
22. Stranded And Trapped
23. Shared Sentiment
24. Everything Is In Order
25. The Seeds Of Corruption
26. Before the Storm
27. Looks Can Be Deceiving
28. Love In All Adversities
29. This Isn't Over
30. Forgive Me
31. Love In Memories
32. Epilogue
Author's Notes
A Delicate Lie

17. Only Perceptions

287 9 13
By EffervescentElixir

Sending the wide main doors of Gressenheller University flying backwards, the five members of Team Claire huffed their way out and made for the path ahead that lead to the main road. Night had fallen and the lack of lights around the University meant that they were running in almost complete darkness. Hershel could barely make out the features of those around him.  

The Professor cried aloud for them to follow him and they did so as he made a jarring right behind some bushes and trees. He stopped there and gestured for them to rest and stay low.

They did so, exhausted from running down two flights of stairs and through many corridors trying to stay ahead of the Gatherers.

As Flora just moved her head below eye line, the doors bashed open once more and out came two Gatherer men. They stopped and looked left and right before Oliver and the other Gatherer agent, his right hand man, came out of the darkness and pushed their way through.

"DON'T STOP HERE!" He screamed, the spit visible all the way from behind the bushes where Flora was watching with a beating heart.

"Sir," The young man at his side employed, clearly one who seemed to disagree with many of his master's ways. "they won't have gone for the main road. It's too obvious. I think they went around and-"

"If it's too obvious, then that is the path they will take. You forget we are dealing with Professor Layton. He will try and outwit us."

"But sir-"

The young man was cut off as there was rustling in some bushes over to the side of the University. The shaking of the leaves grew until people could clearly be seen jumping out and heading into the fields.

It was too dark to see so they only appeared as black shapes, but it seemed to most definitely be the Professor and his group.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Oliver boomed, a wry smile on his face. "DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE!"

Without saying a word, the men had started to run after the fleeing people and only Oliver and Benedict were left in front of the empty University.

Flora found herself covering her mouth as she was breathing far too heavily. The thrill of the chase never was the type of thing for her.

"We'll head back to the car and cut them off at the end of the field." Oliver explained, running his hands through his straggly hair. "We're faster than them. A foolish move, Professor."

"Alright, sir."

As Oliver strided purposefully down the main path, Benedict lingered a moment and sighed. He turned his gaze around the area and Flora found herself start as he stopped at their bush. Then he did the unthinkable. He winked at her.

She fell back in shock; certain something fishy was going on. When she composed herself, she jumped back up to see where he was but he had already joined his master.

She couldn't be certain if that wink meant that that man was on their side, but in the slight chance he wasn't, it was crucial to go now.

She turned to the Professor, but he was already on the same line of thought as her.

"This way!" He spoke, loud enough for them all to hear, whilst still be quiet enough to be unheard by unwanted attention.

The others rose into a hunched over position and followed the Professor to the other side of the University. It would normally be too dark to see, but their eyes had grown accustomed to the dark now and they could just find their way.

The Professor stopped in front of a large, oddly shaped vehicle and then he carefully made his way over to the wall where he found a switch. As soon as the dull light flickered on, Flora gasped.

It was the Laytonmobile.

As they climbed in, Hershel driving, Flora in the front, and the other three in the back, - Barton squished uncomfortably in the middle - Hershel explained to the three in the back that he had left his car here and had taken Dimitri's, or it seemed to be Don Paolo's really, to get to the train station. Flora had forgotten that small detail just as she had forgotten a lot of other seemingly small, but important details over the course of this trip.

Hershel started the car and then they were off, but heading through the opposite field to the ones the Gatherers had headed through,  to also avoid encountering Oliver.

This part of the journey was very bumpy and they all held on tight until they reached the main road and then they sighed as the clear road meant clear sailing.

"Can you please explain what happened back there?" Flora finally said, stating what they were all thinking.

"Yes, but first I must tell you where we are headed. We are going back to Folsense. Our mission has succeeded thus far."

"Succeeded!" Chelmey scoffed, gripping the seat tightly as they hit a bump in the road. "THIS WAS A COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME! He knew about the other team and now they are most likely bound in ropes!"

"I should not think so." Hershel replied softly. His face was very composed and he had the hint of a smile. "There is one part you may not know. I informed Don Paolo that there may be a traitor in our midst so he should be careful. I do believe they should be just fine now."

"But how can we believe that?! What if-"

"Enough!" Inspector Marauder snapped, turning her gaze towards the cherry-faced Inspector. "Let the man explain!"

"Thank you, Inspector." Hershel smiled, turning left sharply as they appeared to be making their way towards the edge of the city. "The reason for heading here is more complex than it appears and whilst I was aware there was a traitor, I still believed that we would discover who it was and that the other team would still succeed in their job. My little detours in the University were to keep Oliver here for as long as possible. I cannot say when the Gatherer will be dismantled, so time is the crucial thing here."

"Why did we go here if this Claire was false?" Flora queried, staring at the Professor with confused eyes.

"As well as the promise I made, I knew that Oliver would follow me to Claire as he does not know where she is. If we did not go to London, he would have found her rather quickly. This is a way of keeping him here and away while the others do their job, allowing for some more breathing room."

"Very clever..." Chelmey scoffed, crossing his arms. "You could have told us all this! I feel like we are just the audience. Let us be involved! We can help!"

"You are more than just a passive audience, Inspector. Whilst I have kept information from you, it was only because I needed that element of surprise and to spare you if any of you were captured. Your part to play may not seem apparent now, but I assure you that it will come in due time."

Chelmey seemed satisfied and the group sat in estranged silence for a little while after that. They still had a lot of questions, but everyone just needed some time to breathe after all that.

It was Flora who eventually asked the big question.

"When did this plan with Inspector Marauder begin?"

"That was relatively recent. I had a slight suspicion it was Clive who was the traitor when I saw him speaking on a phone to someone. I needed someone who would seem just as suspicious as him, and so I spoke with the Inspector on the helicopter ride over of the possibility of an escape method should we be caught, but I went ahead to the next stage when we encountered the Black Ravens."

"So that's why you wanted to sit opposite her on the helicopter!" Flora exclaimed, the pieces now slowly beginning to fit together in her head.


"So... who were those people in the bush? Do you know?"

"I do. And so do you."

"Huh?" She frowned, thinking desperately back to the last few days. Her mind then flicked to what the Professor had just said and then it clicked. 'THE BLACK RAVENS!"

"Precisely. Crowe and the members of The Black Ravens provided us with that last little part of the plan. We needed something that could be a distraction for when I escaped using one of the tricks from Randall's puzzle box."

Flora remembered just before in the classroom with Oliver seeing the Professor slowly pulling the box out of his pocket. She refrained a gasp and nodded at the group around her. They nodded back and when the Professor threw down the smoke bomb, they were already sprinting out the door, faces covered to keep away the thickening smoke.

"I thought they were working for Oliver?"

"They were only told to lead us to the University along a pre-determined path. After that, they were free to help us out. I could see that the circumstances for them being here were direr than they appeared. When Crowe mentioned the person who paid them, it became quite apparent that Oliver had paid them when he arrived in London some time ago. He knew their speed and agility would lead them to us faster than they could and they knew that through them was their greatest chance of capturing us at the University."

"My head is hurting with all these twists and plans..." Flora muttered, holding her forehead steady. "I really wish you would not keep so many secrets next time, Professor."

"I do apologise, Flora, but as I said, it was for your own safety."

"And your enjoyment of surprises!" Chelmey chided.

"I do admit I have a certain... flare for drama, but I would never put your lives on the line for that. Quite the opposite, not telling you was beneficial to you."

"Yeah, whatever..." He snorted, turning his attention back at the window to the bright city lights that sparkled at night.

"And so when did they agree to help you then?" Flora inquired, remembering as the children had departed hastily.

"Not through words, but as I said farewell to Crowe, he slipped this in my pocket."

Reaching into his pocket, eyes still fixed on the road ahead; he pulled out a small slip of paper and handed it to Flora.

We have your back.

We will be waiting outside in case things go awry in there.


"He had hope in you!" Flora cried, folding the paper in half and placing it in the Professor's dashboard. "They all did! They were ready to be a distraction in case we escaped!"

"We have a lot to thank because of them. I no doubt think we shall see them again in the future."

The car slowed and stopped with a spluttering sound. The Laytonmobile really hadn't seen its best day.

Stationed just a few metres away, the helicopter was a welcome sight and Flora was already out of the car and approaching it.

Hershel went around to Inspector Marauder's side and helped her out - which she thanked him for - and then they were heading for the doors which the pilot was now opening.

"Wait there, Layton." Chelmey stated, stopping and signalling for Barton to do the same. "I think you know what must happen next."


'What? What is it, Professor?!" Flora cried, pulling at his arm.

"This is where we play our part." Chelmey grinned, slapping Barton on the back, causing the little man to almost stumble over.

"What are we doing, sir?" Barton said through dizzy eyes.

"Well, I see we can no longer help with the current predicament, so our next move is to go to Scotland Yard, tell them the Professor is innocent and then see if we can't get you any help on the field."

"Well then, let's hurry there and back! We don't want to hold the Professor up!"

"And we shall not. This isn't some quick trip there and back again. This will take time. We have to convince them properly of his innocence. Then we need to gather support. That will no small amount of time and time isn't what we have right now. They need to be in Folsense As! Soon! As! Possible!"

"That is correct, Inspector." Hershel nodded in reply. "If we are to be one step ahead, we need to seize this advantage. And, more importantly, we have an ever greater advantage."

"What is it, Professor?" Inspector Marauder asked, beginning to climb into the helicopter ahead of them.

"Oliver cannot find Claire; because he thinks that this is fifteen years ago. In actuality, he made a mistake. This isn't fifteen years ago. It is ten."

"Then that means..." Flora began.

"That Claire is out of Gressenheller University," Inspector Marauder finished ecstatically. "and Oliver doesn't know."

"I believe that he will be conflicted. If he stays," Hershel explained. "he can find Claire, but he risks us reaching Folsense and stopping the device."

"But if he comes after us, he can stop us..." Chelmey said grimly.

"The good news does not stop there, Inspector. What Oliver doesn't know is that we are about to fly off. His men will still be chasing the Black Ravens and as long as they are keeping up the chase, Oliver still believes we are in London."

As the others cheered in their good fortune, Barton took a step towards Flora and found himself blushing.


"So... this is goodbye." Flora murmured, looking with sad eyes at Barton. They had become good friends on this adventure.

"Not goodbye, young lady." Barton assured her. "Just so long. We'll see you in no time!"

"Right you are, Barton!" Chelmey laughed, his arm flying to smack Barton on the back. The portly Constable saw it as the Inspector attacking and he flinched. He opened his eyes with surprise as he only felt a small pat.

"You've done well, Barton. I'm n... I'm not ashamed to admit that this time."

Barton felt warm tears forming in his eyes and he threw himself at the Inspector, hugging him with all his strength.

"Oh, Inspector! This is the happiest day of my life! Ever since the first day we started working together, I waited for you to say that. Through endless shouts and teasing and abuse, I waited for this moment! I think I'm in heav-"

"Alright, enough! Don't get all soppy on me!"

As the others laughed at the sign of affection from the small Constable, the blades of the helicopter began to whirl until they were a blur.

It was time to return. To Folsense!


Gazing up at the colossal beast that was the Gatherer, Clive breathed in the wistful air and then turned to see how his three prisoners were doing.

He saw that Albert was stirring, but the other two slept on.

"This won't do!" He exclaimed, causing the Gatherers around him to turn slightly. Partly because they were ready in case something went awry, but mostly they were just bored of standing around. Nothing was going to happen.

Sending his foot flying into Don Paolo's chest, the evil genius exploded awake, pain clear in his eyes, but the tape on his mouth prevented any noise from coming out louder than a sneeze.

"Oh, that's right."

Clive ripped off the tape from each of their mouths and as they winced at the pain, Grosky slapped on a big smile.

"Come on, I'd like to see you kick me. I wouldn't feel a thing!"

"Very stoic of you, Inspector. As usual. No, I am not some evil villain. I... I am just someone taking their chance at freedom. Hey, it might mean taking down a few old friends, but that's what life is about!"

"That's not what life is about!" Don Paolo shrieked.

"As if you would know." Clive chided, a wry smile on his face. "How many times did you try to kill the Professor?" His smile widened at Don Paolo's bulging eyes, but he hadn't finished. "And all for revenge. I am not seeking revenge anymore. Just..."

"Just what? I thought you promised the Professor that you would change!"

"I know what I said!" He barked back. "It's not as simple as that... I... I-I don't know why I am doing this. I could have just run, but something is keeping me here... As if I have some bigger part to play."

"Well, here's some news for you. No you don't. You had the chance of a bigger part and guess what?! You messed it up. You had a shot at greatness with the Professor, but you proved your true colours. And for what?! Are you happy?!"

"I...I... Shut up!"

Clive's heart was beating rapidly and he needed to take a step back.

"Enough!" Albert croaked, attempting to clear his throat. "I think this is why he let us speak. Why he ripped off the tape when he could have left it on. He needs advice, and the best person for that is kind of not here right now."

Clive knew that the young boy had got it exactly right. He needed advice. He was lost his whole life, and when he had the chance to find his way, he blew it again.

"It's just..." He finally said, not finding the courage to look up at them. "I was locked away, thinking over all the mistakes I've made in my life... I couldn't take it there. The other people, only my age too, and their fists spoke louder than them, themselves. I could have got past it, but every day it was the same... I needed the Professor, but I knew that he was suffering. Luke, he wrote me a letter. He was wishing me luck and saying how I would find my way... Here, I still have it."

He fished around in his pockets and began to read it out.

"Dear Clive Dove, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you because I want to say that I had an amazing time with you. As you played the part of future me, of course. Not so much after. I saw the shining spirit inside of you and I had feared that was gone when you revealed your true intentions. Afterwards, however, I was so happy because you found your way again and I couldn't have been more overjoyed.

Clive felt a tear stinging his eye, but he continued.

"I am going away soon. With my father. I haven't told the Professor when yet. I just want a few more days of normal before we say our goodbyes. I will miss him terribly, but I know that if I hadn't met the Professor, my life wouldn't be the same. And I don't just mean that because danger threatened my home. He showed me the virtues in being a true gentleman and how much of an impact we can have on each other."

The clearing was silent, except for the faint whirring of the beam being sent from the Gatherer's outstretched hands. Clive's tears were falling freely, but he had to finish.

"I ch-cherish these memories more than anything, and I hope you too have memories you will forever cherish. Here is some of my favourite advice from the Professor. Cherish your inquiring spirit. Well, for you I say, cherish the times you had with the ones you love. Never let sourness get in your way. From your friend, Luke Triton."

Clive finally looked back at the others who looked back with longing eyes.

"H-he said I was his friend. That seems to stick out more than the rest. I couldn't quite believe this when I saw it. I was so confused, I-I didn't know how to respond to it. Now I think I have some idea, but yet still I can see no further..."

"Isn't it obvious?" Albert beamed. "He was telling you not to throw your life away. Don't do this. You are on our side. The side worth fighting for."

Clive found himself smiling and soon the tears were gone and his smile lit up the small ensemble.

He walked over and went to untie them, - the Gatherers were too far away to hear or care what was going on behind their backs - when he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out.

We are heading for Folsense now. Be ready!

He glanced down at the sender.


Well, I guess it is nearly time, he thought with a devilish smile.

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