The Family Business: The love...

By allimyth

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Once thought of as gods, the Olympians have long since stepped out of the spotlight, but their reign was far... More

Chapter 1: Slow Life in a Busy City
Chapter 2: The Golden Arrow
Chapter 3: Cupid and Clubbing
Chapter 4: Let the Lessons Begin
Chapter 5: Lions, Tigers, and Vamps. Oh boy!
Chapter 6: The Lies We Weave
Chapter 7: Sapphire Eyes
Chapter 8: Lunch Dates and Deceit
Chapter 9: Captive
Chapter 10: Battle of the Boar
Chapter 11: From Nieces to Nyx
Chapter 12: Dangerously Flirtatious
Chapter 13: Truth Be Told
Chapter 14: Deal with the Dragon
Chapter 15: Changes Like the Season
Chapter 16: Dreaming of the Holidays
Chapter 17: Drinking with Danger
Chapter 18: Something to Be Thankful For
Chapter 19: White Winter, Green Christmas
Chapter 20: Feast of Fools
Chapter 21: New Years Confessions
Chapter 22: Family Ties, Little Lies
Chapter 23: A Fiery Vengeance
Chapter 25: Facing Fate
Rising from Ruins

Chapter 24: The Unknown

283 17 3
By allimyth

This chapter is dedicated to someone who has been so supportive with all her lovely comments! Thank you so much for reading!!

 Chapter 24: The Unknown  

 Aubrey let out an aggravated groan as she slammed yet another book down on the table. She ignored the nasty looks that were cast her way. Across from her, Morgan typed steadily on her laptop. The constant typing was beginning to try Aubrey's nerves. They had spent two days in the main reading room of the public library in search of a way into the underworld.

Keeping her voice low, Aubrey said, "I can't take this. We are wasting time. Maybe I should just go to Psyche and ask how she did it."

"Be patient," Morgan whispered. "We both know that you can't go to Psyche without Eros finding out, and there is no way he would approve. It was hard enough getting Damien to. The answer has to be here somewhere. We'll find it."

"How do you know? We've been at it for hours and so far the only thing I've learned is Celeste could be in one of three places, but how will I figure out where she was sent? I can't just wander around the underworld calling out her name."

Morgan suppressed a snicker. "Well, I'm sure you can rule out the Fields of Punishment. That just leaves the Fields of Asphodel and Elysium. Do you think she did enough good deeds to be granted access to Elysium?"

"I don't know." Aubrey groaned. "Isn't that place for heroes?"

"It's for whoever the judges deem righteous enough."

Aubrey wanted to bash her head against the table. She was beginning to realize there was so much about her best friend that she didn't know. That made her mission even more important, but with all the research they'd done, Aubrey did not feel any closer to getting Celeste back. That thought tortured her as visions of Celeste's final moments flashed through her mind. Guilt swept over her, but she closed her eyes and forced the pain away. She couldn't break down again.

"Hey, are you okay?" Morgan asked as she reached for Aubrey's hand.

"Yeah," Aubrey replied too quickly. She forced a weak smile in hopes of convincing Morgan she was fine. She couldn't have Morgan reporting anything back to Damien. He was already protective enough and threatened to lock her up if she didn't include them in her plans to save Celeste.

"Well, cheer up because I think I found the easiest way into the underworld, which will make Damien happy because we can bypass all the messy stuff, like Cerberus the three-headed Hell-hound."

"What?" Aubrey almost yelled. A ripple of angry "shhhs" from the surrounding library dwellers interrupted them. Quickly lowering her voice, Aubrey leaned over the table and whispered, "Tell me."

Morgan moved forward, her body mirroring Aubrey's. "Persephone comes back to earth every spring, right?" Aubrey nodded her head, trying to understand where this was headed. "There must be a portal or door or something she uses to cross between the worlds. We just need to find out how."

"But I've found nothing about that except that Zeus allows her to remain here for spring and summer and returning to Hades in the fall. That's all."

"I know." Something wicked flashed in Morgan's eyes. "Happen to know any horny deities that wouldn't mind seducing a former goddess?"

Aubrey's mind tried to slowly piece together Morgan's plan. "You want me to find someone to seduce Persephone, the Queen of the Dead, into telling us how she moves between earth and the underworld?"

Morgan's devious smile grew wider. "No. Not Persephone. Her Mother. Demeter."

* * *

Aubrey stood in awe of Apollo's California mansion. It was clear that the Olympians took pride in their homes. Palm trees lined the beachfront estate. She expected to walk into ancient Greece, but the contemporary, floor to ceiling windows was beyond what she imagined. Inside the mansion's grand entrance, muses scurried between rooms wearing the shortest of designer dresses. Aubrey was sure she could pull off the same look, if she wore it as a belt.

"Like what you see?" Apollo asked suggestively from behind her.

Aubrey twirled around to compliment his home, but froze when she noticed his own attire, or lack of. A few feet in front of her, Apollo stood shirtless, flashing the most dazzling of smiles. His jeans hung off him like he jumped out of one of those fashion magazines Celeste was so obsessed with. Confidence radiated off of him like the first time they met.

Aubrey cleared her throat and focused on the reason for her visit. If she were going to convince Apollo to seduce Demeter, she would have to do some seducing herself. Putting on her most alluring smile, she replied, "I was hoping we could talk. Is there anywhere more...private...we could go?"

The excited look in Apollo's eyes unnerved her, but she remained composed as he ushered her upstairs. She tried to focus on the beautiful artwork he bragged about and not on his hand that was slowly traveling down her back.

She had to admit, she was impressed with his taste in décor. Art pieces and music notes hung on every wall. To her relief, they quickly made their way to his room where he swiftly shooed away more beautiful muses.

"A guy like you is never alone," Aubrey teased.

Apollo flashed another brilliant smile. "They are my inspirations."

"Oh, is that all they are?"

Apollo ignored her question and motioned for her to join him on the edge of his massive bed. "Why don't you come sit and we can discuss why you're here. Eros seems to be under the impression you wanted my address for more than just coming to discuss your late friend."

Aubrey's throat clenched at the mention of Celeste. Turning her back to him, Aubrey slowly counted to ten, taking deep breathes as the pain in her chest lessened. She set her focus on the large window that overlooked the ocean. "You must enjoy the view here to have built the entire structure out of glass."

"I am the god of the sun," Apollo said as joined her by the window. His soft fingers ran down her arms. "I would not have it blocked out by brick."

His warm breath sent unwanted shivers down her back. Aubrey spun around to face him, stepping back to keep distance. She wanted to sweet talk him into doing a favor, not let him think he could get her between his sheets.

"Of course not," Aubrey cooed. "But you're not just the god of the sun. You are also the god of music and the arts. You have many talents, don't you?"

"Ah, my little cherub, you have no idea." Aubrey could almost see his ego inflate. "Perhaps one day you will let me paint you. You are such a vision."

"You're sweet, but I wouldn't want to replace your muses." She chose her next words carefully. "As I was saying, I also hear you have a talent for the art of...persuasion."

"Ah, and now we get to the reason you are here. Are you looking to learn?" he asked with a mischievous smile.

Aubrey swiftly dove from his advances. "Actually, I was hoping you would do me a little favor."

Apollo considered her words. "And what would I get in return for this favor?"

"I'm sure we could come up with a reasonable agreement."

Another smile pulled at his lips. "Perhaps we could. What's this favor you ask of me?"

"I want to bring Celeste back, but I need your help. I want you to seduce Demeter into telling you how her daughter gets to and from the underworld." Aubrey's heart pounded. "Will you help me?"

Apollo remained silent before he finally asked, "Why is it so important for you to bring her back?"

Aubrey took a deep breath. She was prepared for this question. "She's my best friend. She didn't deserve to die for me."

"Yes, but people die everyday. It's apart of life."

"She's more than a friend. She was family. The sister I never had growing up. Haven't you ever cared about someone so much that it killed you to see them hurt?"

Aubrey watched as Apollo's eyes flashed an emotion she couldn't decipher. She greatly wondered what was going through his mind. "And what makes you think I'm the one to help you?"

"Because you're the best deity for the job," she called to his ego. "And because Celeste is a part of your family line. You have to help me."

The light in Apollo's eyes flickered as he considered her words. "You seek quite the favor, so I'll ask again, what am I to gain?"

"What would you like?"

"Hmm.." Apollo hummed as his fingers brushed over Aubrey's cheek. "I wouldn't mind a night with a certain beauty."

Aubrey suppressed a shudder. He may have been extremely attractive, and she certainly understood why so many fell into his arms, but his touch felt wrong. Keeping a soft smile, she said, "You spend many nights with many beauties."

"Ah, but to spend a night with you..."

"Would start another war," she finished. "I don't think my mate would approve."

"So you've accepted him, yet you wear no mark?" Apollo asked. His fingers still danced along her chin.

"Claimed or unclaimed, would you really wish to anger a dragon?"

"So many wars have been waged over a beautiful face." Apollo laughed as he dropped his hand. "I will grant you your favor, my feisty little muse, but just remember that one day I will ask you a favor in return."

Aubrey was hesitant to respond, but she knew she had very few options. "Deal, but there's one more catch. You can't tell anyone. Especially Eros."

A wicked glint flashed his eyes as he whispered, "What big brother doesn't know, won't hurt him."

* * *

Aubrey hovered over the coffee table in Damien's apartment. Stacks of papers were fanned over the surface like a deck of cards. Her mind buzzed with information as she tried to memorize all of her notes regarding the underworld. It was almost a week since she left Apollo's home, and she had yet to hear back from him. The anticipation was driving her mad.

Aubrey hardly noticed Damien turn on the stereo. It wasn't until his hand was on hers that she finally looked up.

"Come on, Aubrey," he said as he pulled her from the sofa. "You need a break from all this."

"No. The plan needs to be flawless."

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself," Damien said softly in her ear.

The flames crackled in the gas fireplace behind him, but it was the soft music that caught her attention. Slowly, Damien twirled Aubrey around the table before pulling her into his arms.

Back and forth they swayed to the music. It's soothing melody carried Aubrey's troubles away.

"I didn't know you could dance like this," she teased.

"There's a lot you still don't know about me, Ka'teyo."

With each soft step, Aubrey could feel her body relax. She welcomed the moment of serenity and rested her head against Damien's shoulder. There was still so much she was unsure about when it came to him, but she couldn't deny the pure comfort his presence gave her. She refused to think about the prophecy with everything else going on. Celeste came first, but that did not mean Aubrey had to deny herself small moments of pleasure.

Aubrey was lost in the harmony when her phone began to ring, pulling her out of her fairytale. Aubrey swept up her phone and answered within two rings. Apollo's musical voice chimed from the other end. "Hello, dove, I have your information for you, but I don't think your dragon will be too happy."

Aubrey flashed an innocent smile at Damien before drifting towards the bedroom. Her voice was quiet and rushed as she asked, "What did you find out?"

"Do you know how Persephone became the queen of the underworld?"

"Sort of. Hades kidnapped her. Took her while she was picking flowers or something."

Apollo suppressed a laugh. "Yes, well, if you want to enter her realm you will have to start where her reign began."

"Oh please don't give me riddles," Aubrey whined. "I want specifics."

"I am the deity of verse. You can't expect me to make it simple, can you?"

"Apollo," she warned. She was in no mood to decipher riddles the deities seemed to love so much.

"Calm down, darling. Because I seem to have a soft spot for you, I will help you out. And lucky for you, my sister Artemis happened to be with Persephone that day. But here's the catch, only one can go through."

Aubrey's thoughts flew to Damien. He made her promise she wouldn't go alone. Apollo was right. Damien wouldn't be happy, but she had to go. "Tell me what I need to do."

"Ah, my little rebel. Meet me at my home tomorrow night, and I will take you there myself."

"No." She knew she couldn't keep the truth from Damien for very long. The faster she could leave, the better chance she had of not facing his wrath until after she returned. "Tonight. It has to be tonight."

Aubrey ended the call as Damien entered the room. Jealousy filled his tone as he asked, "And what did your spy have to say?"

Aubrey felt guilty for the lie she was about to tell, but she knew there was no other way. This was her only chance to save Celeste, and she wasn't going to pass it up because of an overprotective dragon. "He knows the location Persephone uses. It should lead us right into her chambers. Now, we just need to find out how to get in. I'll figure that out tomorrow. I'm pretty tired."

Damien nodded. His quick acceptance made Aubrey feel worse about the lie, but now was not the time to question morals. She was on the verge of entering the kingdom of the dead.

"An early night it is," Damien said with a smile. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek before turning to leave. "Good night, Ka'teyo. Sleep well."

It had become their nightly ritual from the day she began staying with him. She would sleep in his room, while he took the guest room across the hall. For a possessive fire-breathing dragon, his patience was astounding.

"Wait," she said before he could leave. "Why don't you stay here tonight?"

Damien's eyes turned a deep blue as he closed the distance between them. His fingers traced her neckline, causing all her senses to ignite. "Aubrey Rose Hadaway, are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"I..I just..." Aubrey tried to keep her focus. She had no idea what she would face in a few hours. She wasn't even positive that she would succeed, but if that was her fate than she deserved one night with his arms around her. "Just for tonight. And no funny business."

Damien laughed at her serious expression. "As you wish."

Aubrey's libido was whirling as she crawled into bed, but she refused to let herself give in. She could not fully accept him with everything going on. Worry crept back into the corners of Aubrey's mind, but it was washed away when Damien pulled her closer to him. Her body instantly relaxed. Falling asleep in his arms would have been the easiest thing in the world if the anticipation of the night's journey didn't keep her wide-awake.

The moment the alarm clock shone 2:45a.m, Aubrey quietly wiggled out of Damien's embrace. She was careful not to wake him, but she couldn't resist placing a soft kiss on his check before tiptoeing into the bathroom. In another life they might have been perfect together.

Quickly pulling on her clothes, Aubrey took a moment to calm her nerves. The woman in the mirror looked exactly like the one who fought in Ares's arena, right down to the attire; however Aubrey knew better. So many things in her life had changed, and she was stronger because of it. She was ready to face death. She looked down at the little note she left for Damien, praying to the gods that he would understand. This was something she had to do alone. Closing her eyes, Aubrey willed herself away.

Before she knew it, she was walking through a dark forest in Attica, north of Athens. Apollo stalked the woods a few feet in front of her. Armed with a bow and arrow, he looked every bit like a hunter. Perhaps him and his sister have more in common than meets the eye, she thought as she noticed the sword strapped to his side. Aubrey did not know what type of danger they might encounter, but it was clear he wasn't taking any chances.

"What are we searching for?" Aubrey asked. She was relying on the light of the full moon and her deity senses to help her navigate through the dark trees.

"We need to find the one area of the woods were nothing grows. That will be the gateway to Persephone's lair."

"And what do we do once we find-"

"Shh..." Apollo interrupted.

Aubrey froze, watching Apollo crouch as he stared off into the darkness. Before she could question him, a massive beast lunged out of the tree line, releasing a growl strong enough to shake the forest floor. Dark, matted fur covered the beast's entire body.

Apollo was quick to act, sending an arrow soaring into the beast's shoulder. Another roar rippled through the darkness as the animal fell. His wolf-like snout wrinkled with distaste as his long claws yanked the arrow from his limb.

Apollo sent another flying into the beast's leg. Another trembling howl ripped through the beast's chest as he rose and leapt through the air at the deity who dared attack him. Apollo was faster, diving under the monster's sharp claws. The glint of his sword flashed in the moonlight as it flew upward, slicing the beast from thigh to chest.

The animal howled in agony and stumbled to the ground. Terror filled the monster's hazel eyes, as Apollo stalked forward, ready to end the beast. The look in his tormented face pulled at Aubrey's heart. She saw Caleb, the shifter wolf, deep in her mind. The story he told about his kind on her first day of training circled around her head.

"Stop!" Aubrey yelled as Apollo's sword rose. "He's a werewolf!"

"I know what he is." Apollo lifted his weapon to deliver one final blow.

Aubrey willed herself between Apollo and the wolf. "You can't kill him."

"He attacked us! Complete shock drenched Apollo's words. "Besides, he is a cursed creature. It's kinder to put him out of his misery."

"It's not his fault that he's cursed." Lowering to her knees, she ran her hand over the wolf's thick fur. The moment her fingers brushed the dark strands, the wolf howled in pain.

Aubrey jumped back as the sound of cracking bones echoed through the air. The wolf's cries sounded almost human as his body contorted in impossible angles. Laying on the cold ground was a bare man wailing in agony.

"Apollo, help him!"

Apollo looked unaffected by the man's groans. "And why should I do that?"

"Because he will die if you don't! And it's your fault. You and your sudden fighting skills. I thought you were a lover, not a fighter?"

Apollo rolled his blue eyes. "That was hardly a fight. I killed my first dragon when I was four."

Anger flared through Aubrey's veins. The cockiness in his voice was almost enough to make her want to burn down the forest, but the cries of the hurt manwolf diverted her thoughts. Something deep within her told Aubrey that she could not let this man die. She clenched her teeth. "Apollo, you're the damn deity of healing! Help him."

Apollo's face was painted with annoyance as he said, "Remember this day when I come to collect my favor."

A light as white as the heavens exploded from Apollo's hand. By the time the little specks stopped their dance around Aubrey's eyes, the man was healed and reaching for Aubrey's hands. He stuttered in a language Aubrey didn't recognize.

"What is he saying?" she asked.

"He thanked you," Apollo replied before speaking to the man in his native tongue. Aubrey felt like an outcast as ancient words flew between the men.

Groaning loudly, she asked "What are you saying?"

Apollo ignored her and continued his relentless questioning. With a final nod, the man turned to Aubrey and repeated, "Epainō, epainō!" before he shifted into a giant wolf and sprinted deeper into the forest.

"What the hell just happened?" Aubrey asked as she stared in amazement at the wolf's new form. He was no longer a monster.

"You broke his curse," Apollo answered in blatant tone.

"But, how? What where you saying to him? What's epainō?"

"So many questions." Apollo released an exasperated breath." First, epainō is Ancient Greek for thank you. Since you are a full-blooded deity and both of your parents hold a chair on The Council, you should probably learn the language. Second, his name was Lykos. Centuries ago he came to Persephone to take away the vampire venom that cursed him. She was still angry at Hades for trapping her in the underworld, so she told Lykos that she would help him if he vowed to guard her passage until the curse was broken. Desperate, he agreed, and she promised the curse would break when someone saw him for something other than a monster. She never expected that someone actually would."

Aubrey was appalled. "He's been guarding this place for centuries?"

"Yes. Now, if there are no other questions, may we please continue this journey? As it turns out, saving that wolf was more beneficial than killing him."

Aubrey nodded and followed Apollo into the trees that Lykos first lunged out of. She nearly ran into him when he suddenly stopped. Directly in front of them was a five-foot circle of dead land as cracked as a shattered vase.

Apollo spoke the ancient words Aubrey was beginning to recognize as Greek. The ground shook under his command. The dirt rose like a massive crater.

Aubrey peered down the eerie passageway. " did you know to do that?"

"Like I said, your wolf was better alive than dead. There are benefits to being cursed to guard Persephone's gate," Apollo said with a smile. Slowly the grin fell, and his voice grew serious. "Are you sure you are ready for this?"

"I have no other choice. I will get my friend back even if it kills me."

"Well," he began, uncomfortably, "I wish you the best of luck. You are on your own from here. And although I was able to get you in, I have no idea what you will have to do to come back. You may have to make a deal with Persephone herself, but just be careful. Choose your words wisely."

Aubrey nodded her head and smiled. "Thank you, Apollo. For everything. I truly couldn't have done this without you."

"You're welcome, dove. Now go before the passage closes."

With one final hug goodbye, Aubrey stepped into the dark tunnel, throwing out a bright flame to light her way into the unknown.

Author Note: Thank you to all you amazing readers who have stuck with me! It means so much!!!  :D  Please don't forget to comment and vote!! 

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