Kiss with a fist (completed)

By vgcampos

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"What's your name?" He tries again. Should I tell him so he can shut up? Or will he just keep talking. "Fine... More

Important Author's Note
Prologue: Peripeteia
Chapter 1: Dog days are over
Chapter 2: Coffee Talk
Chapter 3: Rise and shine
Chapter 4: What kind of man
Chapter 5: Partners
Chapter 6: In four words
Bonus Scene (Chapter 6.5)
Chapter 7: Tell lies day
Chapter 8: Only if for a night
Chapter 9: Various Storms & Saints
Chapter 11: Last Damn night
Chapter 12: Tear in my heart
Chapter 13: House of Memories
Chapter 14: The Anchor
Chapter 15: Feel again
Chapter 16: Alone together
Chapter 17: Interruptions
Chapter 18: Build god, then we'll talk
Chapter 19: Send them off
Chapter 20: Something just like this
Chapter 21: Feel so close
Chapter 22: Somebody told me
Chapter 23: Liability
Chapter 24: Count on me
Chapter 25: Unsolicited advice
Chapter 26: Cosmic Love
Chapter 27: Things We Lost In The Fire
Chapter 28: The Kids Aren't Alright
Chapter 29: Over My Head
Chapter 30: Don't You Know Who I think I am?
Chapter 31: The Judge
Chapter 32: Trouble Is A Friend
Chapter 33: Cold, Cold, Cold
Chapter 34: Wherever I go
Chapter 35: Smile
Chapter 36: Love Is Mystical
Chapter 37: I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Chapter 38: Do I Wanna Know?
Chapter 39: 20 Dollar nose bleed
Chapter 40: Bottled Affection
Chapter 41: Dream
Chapter 42: You get what you give
Chapter 43: Dancing's not a crime
Epilogue: Miracle mile

Chapter 10: Where did the party go?

24.9K 896 434
By vgcampos

"This tastes soooo good!" I exclaim as I take another sip of this awesome concoction known as a pina colada.

"You should slow down Jenny, that's your second one tonight. Plus, you had a margarita before that." Alex warns as I spin in circles on the barstool chair I'm occuping. I should get a barstool for my place! They are really fun and spinny.

"You should slow down." I retort. I'm near the kitchen island watching Skylar make magical drinks for several other people. Apparently, she took an online mixology class earlier this year and learned to create different cocktails.

"What are you talking about? I'm not even drinking." Alex gives me a weird look as he takes a sip from his Ozarka water bottle. That was supposed to be mine since I had asked for a water earlier, but after the whole "Stephen drama", I decided to try something stronger.

"I know. You're acting like a bodyguard." I mumble and take another gulp of coconut heaven. Alex has been sitting next to me for the past hour, never leaving my side.

"I have to watch after you. Who knows what you'll do if you're left unsupervised. Remember earlier you started talking to who you thought was Ann, and it was actually a random guy? Then, you thought he was the drummer from Twenty One Pilots." He chuckles at the event I vaguely remember occuring.

"Well, he looked like him! You can't blame me, he had yellow hair! The same color Josh has now."

"If you say so." He shrugs.

"I do say so." I answer smug. "Can I have another drink Sky?" I turn to her with my now empty glass and shake it. There's not one drop left.

"Um, maybe take a break." She tells me with a remorseful expression.

"Why?" I think I'm even making a pouty face.

"Because you are drunk." Alex butts in.

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am." I whine.

"Are you quoting the song?" He scrunches his nose in confusion. It actually looks cute.

"What song?" Did I randomly start singing?

"Nevermind. Here, I'll get you something to drink." Alex stands up and brings me a water bottle from the other side of the counter. Oh, so now they have plenty of bottled water here when I don't want it.

"But, I don't want that." I answer unimpressed.

"Drink it."




This exchange goes on for awhile.

"What about coffee?" Alex suggests after it's obvious that I'm not going to give in. Cause I'm a rebel like that.

"Ew! That's worse! Are you trying to kill me?" I stick out my tongue in disgust.

"Nope, the opposite actually."

"Who invented coffee? Who the hell thought it was a fucking good idea to take a bean and turn it into a hot liquid and drink it?" I go on a mini "I hate coffee" rant. Halfway through it I realize I have to go pee.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go to the restroom, then come back and finish this discussion."

"It sounded more like a one sided discussion to me." Jax comments from across the kitchen island as he adds more tostitos tortilla chips to a giant bowl. Next to that, there's a cup of guacamole. I look away before I get started on a different rant about that green, clumpy goop.

"Whatever. You coffee drinkers are abnormal." I yawn and rise from my seat.

As soon as I'm standing, I regret it. "Why is the floor moving guys?" It needs to stop so I can find the damn bathroom and empty my bladder. Is there a stop or pause button?

"Hold on, you're about to fall." Alex holds me up by putting my arm around his shoulder.

Wow, he smells really good. I hadn't noticed earlier that he was wearing cologne. Has he always worn it?

"Thanks. It's brand new, just bought it. Glad you like it." Alex smirks down at me.

Oh crap, I said all that out loud.

"I'll help take her to the bathroom." Skylar offers and gently holds my right hand to lead the way. My left is still out of use since it still hurts. I think the alcohol helped dull the pain. Or maybe I'm too drunk.

"Here's the bathroom. Do you uh- need help?" She asks me after we make it down the hall.

"Nope, I got it." I hope.

"I'll wait for you out here."

I nod and mumble a thanks. I close the door and take one step at a time to the toilet.

For a frat house, it's suprisingly clean in here. I expected everything to be cluttered and dirty, but that's not the case at all.
The sky blue floor tiles and white walls are spotless. Good job "Alpha pi cake pumpkin-" whatever the fraternity name is.

After I'm done and wash my hands, I slowly open the door and try to regain balance.

"You good?" Skylar questions as she helps me walk back.

"Yeah, just a little sleepy. I should go home." I finally give in. I admit to myself that, yes, I am a little bit tipsy.

"Okay, we'll find Ann or one of us can take you."

"Thanks, you're so nice!"

"Well, we're friends now. Even if you are a lightweight when it comes to drinking." She quips.

"I guess I am." I chuckle.

We make it back to the kitchen and I sit on what has become my favorite barstool. I wonder if I can take it without anyone noticing... hmm.

"Skylar said your ready to go home, do you want me to drop you off?" Alex offers as I put my head down on the cool table. I could fall asleep right here.

"I'll take her." I hear Ann's voice behind me. "Damn it, we are going to have to walk since we didn't come in a car. Also, we weren't planning on drinking this much. Damn you Skylar and your amazing skills!" I hear several people laugh but my head is fuzzy and starting to pound.

"I'll drop both of you off in my car. I only drank half a can of bud light earlier than drank water the rest of the night. Someone had to stay responsible." Alex suggests.

"Sounds good, I would take you guys, but I took too many shots." I think Asher groans.

"Same." Jax adds.

"C'mon, drunky." I hear Alex laugh as he helps me up.

Everyone starts saying their goodbyes and I try as best as I can since my eyes won't stay open.

Next thing I know Ann and I are in, what I assume is Alex's car. It looks fancy from the inside but what fascinates me the most is how comfortable the back seat is. I lie down sideways to take a small nap.

"Thanks for the ride. Her place is-" I hear Ann list off a familiar place. Wait, that sounds like my apartment. "Hopefully Rebecca's there and she can just let you in. If not, Amelia has the keys in her bag." She continues.

"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night at my place Amelia?" Ann directs at me.

"No, I want my bed. Also, you know I hate your roomate Eva." I grumble. She's a rich stuck up princess who thinks she's better than everyone. One time when I came over, she kept trying to show off her new Chanel purse and when I ignored her, she made fun of my plain tote bag from Target. I got her back by "accidently" spilling water on her purse but still, I'd rather not be near her.

I only got ready at Ann's earlier because she promsed Eva wasn't going to be there.

"Fine, call me tomorrow."

"-kay." I close my eyes again.

I feel the car start moving and it lulls me to sleep.

"Jenny, we're here. Jenny." I hear a voice call out to me.

"Shh, I'm sleeping. Leave me alone. Sleep is important, why are you cutting in on it?"

"I'm trying to help you into your apartment. Where are your keys? They're not in here and no one is answering at your place."

"I don't know." I give one last big yawn and fall into sweet oblivion.

********Alex P.O.V*******

"Jenny, are you seriously still asleep?" I ask when I make it back to the driver's seat. But as expected, I don't recieve an answer. For the past fifteen minutes, I've been trying to wake her up. I even gave her a small pinch on her side to see if she would react.

All she did was swat my hand away, then cursed me out and mumbled some random jargon I couldn't make out.

Forget sleep, she's completely passed out now.

I laugh and shake my head. I never thought Amelia would go to a frat party, let alone get as wasted as quickly as she did. It's clear she isn't the party going type.

I look back to the back seat of my mercedes and smile. She's lying on her side, her light brown wavy hair covering her face and snoring quite loudly. I don't know what it is about her, but Amelia makes me feel happy when I'm around her. She's different than anyone I've met.

Speaking of which, when I first met her, she ignored me unlike every girl on campus and never tried to impress me. I suspect that she had heard of my over exaggerated reputation as a "player". Once gossip spreads, people just believe it without actually looking at the truth. All because of one resentful person.

I really hope Amelia isn't one of those who believes that lie. For right now, I'm just planning to take it slow and continue our friendship. I don't want to ruin this somehow and lose her.

There is one thing that she may or may not get mad at me for if she finds out. Originally, she wasn't supposed to be my partner for our creative writing class. We were each paired with another person, but I noticed she hadn't been paying attention to Mr.Hall calling out the names so I told her we had been paired up. I convinced the other two to team up instead and Mr. Hall never noticed the switch.

Looking back, it was a fucking crazy thing to do, but I don't regret it. Because of it, I have gotten to know Jenny.

I exhale and look down at my phone and know I need to make a decision soon since it's getting late.

I couldn't find her keys and I'm guessing Rebecca isn't home since no one answered the door when I knocked. I've already called Ann three times with the phone number she gave me, yet there was no response.

I'm not going to just abandon Amelia, I have an idea. I just hope she doesn't kill me when she wakes up.
A/N: So, did you get the song reference? Comment below if you know the song name! Also, what did you think of Alex's point of view? I hadn't planned to do his p.o.v, but it just happened while I was writing.

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