On the inside

By norwegian_beliebers

388 4 0


On the inside
1. Outside of his hotel
2. Wake up honey
3. You okey?
4. Tell me what's wrong
5. Apologise
7. Deal
8. Surprise

6. Telling mom

17 0 0
By norwegian_beliebers

-Justin's P.O.V-

"Wow.. I don't know what to say...But to make two things clear, Scooter has no rights to treat you like that and i'm sure he will come to you sooner or later, and tell you he's sorry. The other thing is that I want to remind you how proud I'm of you! I think it's great that you want to help her.. and hey, after what you have been telling me about her, she sounds very pretty? uh"  Mom said and gave me  a glance

"Yeah, she's tall, have long brown hair and amazing eyes! Just look at her! DAMN!" I said and sent her my phone

"You're right.. as always. You have a good taste on girls Justin! But ey, why don't you fly her to you tomorrow or something? I want to meet her!"

"Haha, thanks mom.. I though the same earlier today and that would have been amazing! But what do you think Scooter will say?" I asked with a worried look

"For once..don't listen to Scooter. Now go call Amanda and ask her if she wants to go on tour with you for a while, and I will go and fix tickets to her and talk with Scooter." She gave me a clap on my shoulder. Damn I've been missing my mom.

I decided to call Amanda the second after my mom left, I just couldn't hold in the news in 3 more hours! 

"Hey Amanda, what are you doing sweetie?" I screamed in the phone. She screamed something in a language I guess where norwegian, because I didn't have a clue of what she was saying..

"Hey Biebs, sorry for that.. My brother decided to come home earlier, and he didn't want to shut up when he saw that you were calling.. Now anyway.. why are you calling me?" Her cute voice said.

"Okey.. I have two things to tell you.. 1 bad, and 1 good. Or it isn't that bad.. because it led to the good one. Wich of them would you like to hear first?"

"Emmmh.. The bad one I guess..?" She questioned.

"Promise not to get mad at me..." I paused before I continiued "Remember when I told you someone were knocking on my door earlier? well that was my mom.. and she saw that something was wrong and asked me what was bothering me.. so I told her. Everything. I told her about Scooter, and I told her about you and your eating disorder, and that I wanted to help you & stay by your side.. She promised to keep it as a secret.. and I promise you that she will.." I stopped and hoped she wasn't mad at me..

After a while she said "I can't not say I'm happy with this.. but done is done, and I appreciate that you want to help me.. But this isn't something you can cure over the night Justin.." She sounded sad. F$ck.

"I know, I know and I'm so so so sorry! But I promise with my whole heart that I will do anything for you.. "

"Aaw your so cute! But yeah, what was the good part?"

"Yeah, after I was finish telling her the whole shit and I realized I've been talking a lot about you, she said she wanted to meet you! I know we've just known each other for less than a week, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on tour for a while? I will pay hotel, plane-tickets and whatever you need! Do you like my idea?" I crossed my fingers, hoping she was going to say yes.

"Ofc I like your idea Justin, but what am I going to do with school? And for not thinking about my brother! I don't give a damn about my parents.. But it's more difficult with my brother.."

"The school is not a problem! It's not like you going to be away for months, and while you are on tour I will fix you a privat teacher who's staying with us at the bus. My mom and I can call your brother and talk to him!"

"I would love to stay with you at the bus.. But good luck trying to convince my brother! Although he's kind, he's very overprotective!" She laughed a bit. Ooh I melt everytime I hear her voice..

"Hey! I gotta go to the arena right now.. But send me his number and mom & I will call him soon, okey?"

"Okey. Good luck at the concert tonight, with I could be there watching you!" hmmm she gave me an Idea

"Ey, yo! I got an Idea.. although it's not the same, make sure you are online on skype at 8PM, and Alfredo will call you. In that way you will be able to watch it!" I said with entusiasm

"okey, thanku! Now go and have some fun, kill it on stage tonight and say hi to Pattie from me!"


After the talk with mom and Amanda I felt way much better then yesterday.. Kenny and I took a black van(car) to the arena so I could do the soundcheck.

When I came to the areana, It was about I dunno.. maybe 400 beliebers in the front of the VIP door trying to get in. I put the shades on and walked out. I started to walk anonymous through the crowd. The anonymous part didn't last long.. They started to scream and and push against me. I could feel the claustrophobia come and I started to panic a little. "Ey, PLEASE. LISTEN TO ME?" Wow. Everyone went quiet in a few seconds. "You guys probably know that I have claustrophobia.. so please don't push and come closer. If everybody could take one step back, it would be nice." They took a step back. Kenny came to me and said "You know.. You don't use 3 hours to warm up your voice.. I'm sure you have time to talk to your fans if you want to!"


After I had been taking insane many pictures and signed autographs for the fans, I went soundchecking. It was just me, the dancecrew and the security. I wasn't surprise that Scooter didn't show up at the soundcheck..I was wondering if mom had been talking to him.. 

The concert started and before 'Be Alright' started  I made a special deal with Scrappy and DJ Tay James, to give me a few more seconds.. I knew Amanda was watching it via skype and just the thougth made me smile. I was standing in the crane looking down at the beautiful crowd, before I grabbed the mic and started 

"You know.. I just want to remind you guys something.. You guys are beautiful no matter what. Now some of you are maybe thinking that ''ooh he's just saying that to be nice, he dosen't mean it. He just want PR and for people to look at him as a rolemodel", but that's not true. Not true at all! It will come times in your life when you are feeling down. It will come times in your life when you just want to give up. It will come times in your life where you feel that everything is a hell. It will come times in your life when you feel alone. But then you have to remind yourself that .. one day it will come a man or a girl, and he or she will love you to death. He or she will love you for being u. Tall, small, fat, thiny..It dosen't matter. I know that many of you are having a hard time.. Maybe you have lost someone you loved, maybe you are sick or maybe you are sick pshychically.. But always remember what I just said, and that....Everything is gonna be alright."

I started to sing and I saw beliebers crying. It's crazy to know that someone you haven't even met are crying of hapiness when they see you, screaming when you RT them, and faint when you hug them.. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. I'm so glad in my fans, and I love my beliebers. We are like a family. 

After the concert I headed right to the hotelroom. I unlocked my phone and started to read messages.

From Amanda(x3):

-You were fantastic tonight. As always. Btw, pretty good speech huh ;)

-I forget to tell you something earlier when we talked.. I told my brother about my eating problems.. thought you should know it when you call him..

-Eating dinner now. #Proud.

I typed her back:

To Amanda:

-Thanku u, hope u liked it! So glad u ate and talked with ur bro.. what did he say? Im btw calling you soon, just going to take a quick shower first..;)

I posted a tweet at the same time, and went to the shower.

@justinbieber U were amazing tonight, hope u had a great night!













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