STAR WARS: The Time Traveling...

By RaistlinBarnes

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Set during revenge of the Sith then Anakin is sent into the events of A New Hope and goes on from there all t... More

Anakin heads home.
Battle on the Death Star
One year later
Dagobah, Asteroid Worms, and the fight on Cloud City
Darth Vader's unexpected arrival and rescue mission on Tatooine
Death of a Jedi Master and the truth about the Death of Anakin Skywalker
The battle over and on Endor
returning home, destroying Sidious and the birth of Luke and Leia
preview of the future
Author's notes

The Battle of Yavin, reuniting with old friends and gaining new ones.

1.4K 30 1
By RaistlinBarnes

The rebels got into their fighters, after the briefing showing them the schematics of the battle station and it's weakness. They began to take off Luke looked at Anakin and said, "Aren't you coming?" He asked Anakin but he said, "No I'll be on the comlink at all times. I believe in you Luke you can do it." Luke had a warm feeling about what he said and went to go talk to Han. While Luke was talking to Han, Anakin walked over to Princess Leia and started talking to her, she could tell that Anakin was a little worried about Luke she finally said, " Don't worry he'll be fine I can feel it." Then Anakin said trying to play along with his new identity, "Yeah so can I." He said with a smile and walked into the war room where there was a chart reading the Death Star's distance from Yavin it was a very short distance Anakin heard Luke over the comlink, "This is where the fun begins." And Anakin couldn't help but smile from ear to ear mentally saying, "That's my boy!" Soon the fighters were gliding over the surface of the battle station dodging fire from the turrets and then came the TIE Fighters coming from every direction firing on the small band of rebel ships it was a massive Dog fight. Everything was going fine until three of the X Wings went into the shaft to hit the station's weakness a small exhaust port that was left almost completely unguarded accept for a few turrets but what wasn't known to them was that at that moment Vader's and two other TIE Fighters were coming out of the main hanger. Vader told the other two pilots, " Stay in attack formation. " Vader and the other two TIE's attacked the rebels from behind. Vader laid waste to the first wave completely and then part of the second but the surviving rebel pilot's photon torpedo missed the mark and just impacted on the surface but Vader still killed the rebel pilot on his second attempt but when Luke got involved Vader couldn't take him out he was moving to quickly dodging his fire until he hit him on the surface of the ship Biggs was right behind him and asked Luke if he was alright Luke said, " I'm fine I just got a little cooked that's all." then Vader took Biggs out a couple minutes later he was gaining on Luke and fired hitting R2 but not Luke directly still gaining on him Vader said," The force is strong with this one. " trying to fire at him, Vader had so much confidence in himself that he didn't notice the Falcon come out of nowhere and Han screamed over the comlink, "Yahoooo!" Vader screamed, "What!!!" Han open fired and hit one of the TIE's hit Vader's ship and crashed and Vader's ship hit the other one causing it to crash.

Vader's ship on the other hand hit side of the shaft that completely destroyed one of the wings and sent him spinning out into space then Han said, "Come on kid let's blow this thing and go home." Luke fired his torpedo and him and Han raced out of there just as the station exploded Han said, "Great shot kid, that was one in a million!" when they got back to base. Everyone celebrated Anakin rushed over to Luke's ship and was happy until he saw R2 he frowned at the sight of his old friend Threepio said, " Oh! My if any of my parts will work I'll gladly give them to you to fix him." the engineer said, "No that won't be necessary." As soon as Luke got out of the cockpit Anakin and Leia both gave him a big hug and Anakin said, " Good work up there Luke I'm proud of you and Obi-Wan would be proud of you as well." Luke looked at him and said, "You know it's kind of funny I heard Obi-Wan's voice up there he kept telling me to use the force." "And what did you do?" Asked Anakin and Luke said, " I trusted him and used the force to blow that thing up." Anakin turned around and walked over to a crate and grabbed Luke's lightsaber and said, " after today we will start you back on your training I will teach you everything you need to know in lightsaber combat I don't know of any other Jedi Master that is still around." Luke said, " I always kind of wondered what my father would think if he were alive. " Anakin smiled and said, " He is very very! Proud of you. For what you've done for these people." And Luke said," how do you know?" Anakin said, " When a Jedi becomes strong enough with the force I guess they can travel through time. " Luke said with wide eyes, "Really how do you know?" Anakin said with a bit of a smirk on his face, " Because I did. " and Luke couldn't believe his ears what did he mean, "What I'm saying is Luke I am your father. My real name is Anakin Skywalker, your mother's name is or in this time line.....was.... Padme Amidala."

By the end of the discussion Luke was looking on in awe. Anakin said, " I will train you in the ways of the force. Just as I trained my apprentice." Luke asked, " Your apprentice what was his name? " and Anakin said, " Her name was Ashoka Tano." and an old rebel soldier stepped forward after over hearing them talk and Anakin actually recognized him almost immediately, " Rex? Is that you? " and he said, " General Skywalker it can't be! You were killed over twenty years ago during the Jedi purges! How are you back? And you look just as young as the day I last saw you alive!" Anakin had to know, " Rex where's Ashoka?" Rex frowned and said, " I'm sorry Anakin, Ashoka was killed almost three years ago by Darth Vader on Malachor." He said sadly and Anakin's eyes narrowed and then a huge vision came upon him about Ashoka and Vader's fight and at the same time his memories of her

he suddenly came out of the vision not noticing that he had been crying the whole time, but then he became filled with rage but then he came back to his senses long enough to ask, "What was she doing on Malachor?!" Rex began to explain what was explained to him and when he arrived at the part about Maul Anakin said, "Maul? Darth Maul?! Darth Maul was on Malachor three years ago?! How is that possible? Obi-Wan told me he killed Maul on Naboo when I was a boy. After he killed Master Qui-gon!" Rex went on and he got to the part where she cut a piece of his mask off Anakin's eyes grew wide," What?! Well what did he look like?" Rex said that Vader's face was scarred over with old burns. Anakin was surprised to hear this he really wanted to know who he is and what happened to him. Anakin asked about where he could find Kanan and Ezra. Rex pointed to the chart room and signaled for them to follow him they found out that Both Kanan and Ezra were hiding on a moon near the Lothal System Anakin said to Luke, "Want to take a family trip to the Lothal System Luke?" And Luke said, "Sure why not might as well the fleets not going anywhere for a while." Anakin and Luke went to where Rex showed them on the chart when they got there Ezra and Kanan weren't exactly expecting rebel ships to come there they ignited their lightsabers and advanced on them thinking they might be Imperials in disguise. Anakin jumped out of his new X Wing and signaled for Luke to remain in his X Wing until he gave the okay Luke nodded and did as his father told him Kanan said, " We will not allow Imperials near our hide out!!!" Anakin could tell that he was blind but it didn't stop him from igniting his lightsaber and getting ready to duel, Ezra noticed the way he looked and he remembered Ashoka showing him a clip from the clone wars of Anakin giving her new lightsaber techniques to practice on, he couldn't believe his eyes and said, " Anakin Skywalker is that you? " and Anakin stopped for a moment and then saw Kanan look in Ezra's direction and said, " What! Impossible Anakin Skywalker is dead." And Anakin said, " no I'm not I'm right here in front of you." And Kanan felt through the force and captured Anakin's force signature, " It looks like your right. But how did you get here to this time line Master Skywalker?" And Anakin explained that he didn't exactly know how he arrived there either then to their surprise Anakin gave the signal to Luke he jumped out of his ship then came and stood beside his father, "I'm Luke Skywalker. We came here to ask for your help." Then Anakin said, "Rex told us about Ashoka I thought we might use her help before we found out that Vader killed her." Kanan and Ezra deactivated their lightsabers and Anakin did the same the three Jedi put their weapons away, they spoke for quite a while before they decided that they would join them even though Kanan was a little bit confused as to how Anakin had a son. Anakin told them that Princess Leia would be glad to see them. Kanan said, " hold on I'm calling Hera and Sabine to come pick us up." Anakin asked, " Hera, the name does ring a bell do you mean Hera Syndulla?" Ezra nodded yes and said, " She's now the leader of Phoenix Squadron and Sabine Wren an ex Mandalorian who was an Imperial until she turned against them to help us and the Rebellion we also have Captain Zeb Orrelios on our side a clone wars astromech named Chopper and our equipment manager AP-5. Kanan said to her, " we're going to have guests on our way back to Yavin." They waited at least two hours before The ship showed up and landed and Hera walked out she nearly fainted at the sight of Anakin Skywalker in front of her Chopper rolled up and shocked Anakin's leg he jumped in surprise and pain. Kanan and Ezra climbed aboard the Ghost after Hera and then Chopper. Anakin and Luke jumped into their ships and went back to Yavin once there they were greeted by Princess Leia and the next day the fleet moved out and headed for the Mustafar System which was their new hidden base that night Anakin began to have horrifying nightmares about the place two blue lightsabers clashing Padme screaming and then a lightsaber cutting through flesh and a blood curtailing scream someone screaming, "I hate you!!!" And then the worst thing of all was the smell of burning flesh more screaming then it seemed to skip forward and the sound of Vader's respirator was loud in Anakin's mind and Vader screaming, "NOOOOOO!!!" And then the dream ended and Anakin woke with a start in a cold sweat and breathing heavily completely horrified by the images he saw and heard. He soon fell back to sleep but cautiously. The next morning Princess Leia said they were moving to a new Base. Anakin couldn't have been more thrilled to get out of there as the place gave him an uneasy feeling. After they moved Leia explained the sudden evacuation, " AP-5 has given me a detailed chart of Imperial out posts and Mustafar is the main out post for the fleet of Darth Vader." Anakin thought to himself, "So that's why he was having dreams about Vader he must have a base or even his own living space built there." Knowing that made him confident because if he knew where Vader lived then there was no place in the galaxy that Vader was safe from him.

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