The Billionaire's Regret

By ShafiraSardar

111K 3.5K 217

Michael knew exactly what he wanted in life. He was thirty-years-old and made quite a name of himself. Earned... More

Their reality
Dirty jokes
The game
Spontaneous offer
Seed of doubt
Goodbye forever
The path you chose

Taking a risk

6.4K 304 6
By ShafiraSardar

Sitting across a dressed, cheerful looking Evelyn, Michael sipped his coffee. Returning her smile he reached for his phone and scanned through his messages. They were having breakfast together at the hotel's restaurant. Only a few other people were around this early in the morning, but he figured people would start coming in soon.

"You have any plans tonight?" Evelyn asked, tearing his attention away from his phone.

"The guy who is showing me the buildings this afternoon mentioned something about dinner."


He noticed the disappointment in her eyes. Putting his phone down he focused entirely on her.

"Did you want to do something?" He asked carefully, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.

Her eyes brightened, "Since I only have one class today I figured we could meet up after your building tour around the city, have dinner together and catch a movie at the most beautiful theatre in the Netherlands." Her lips curled up, "Well according to me it is."

He couldn't refuse seeing the excitement in her eyes. He figured hanging out with Evelyn was a lot more fun than dinner with Robin, though Robin seemed like a nice enough guy. He rather spend his remaining time in the Netherlands together with a beautiful lady.

"Sounds good to me."

She looked surprised, "Really?"

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but it's not just your body that interests me, Evelyn."

She chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement, "I'm glad." She took a deep breath and let out a sigh, "Okay, text me the last building you're viewing and I'll meet you there. We'll take the tram to the theatre, there is a good Asian place near it where we could eat. If it's not what you like there are also a lot of other restaurants around."

"Asian food is fine." He assured her, "I'll text you the address later today." He finished the rest of his coffee and thanked the waitress who asked her if he wanted another cup, he opted for water instead and focused on his pancakes, "So what class are you following today?"

"Film." She told him without hesitation, the excitement clear in her eyes and voice, "We're focusing on documentaries now. It's not my favorite kind of production, but it also has its charms."

"It's certainly down a notch from the horror short film you made."

"It is." She agreed, "The shots are not nearly as exciting. But I can manage to film it on my own. We're focusing on editing today. I can't wait to get behind my laptop and start editing my rough cut."

She was passionate about what she was doing. A documentary was not something she liked as much as shooting a horror, but she enjoyed the process. She thought he was being nice when he told her he wasn't only interested in her body. She had no idea how interesting he found her mind. The way she behaved and the way she viewed life. He liked it a lot. Spending time with her helped him reflect on his own way of living his life. When he was going back to New York he was going to change things. He was definitely taking her advice and find at least half an hour in his day to do what he liked most.

"When is your project due?"

"In two weeks."

"You have time."

"I finished earlier than expected." She admitted to him, "I just couldn't wait to get started, you know."

When you loved something you didn't mind spending a lot of time and effort into it.

"I know." He smiled at her.

His eyes flickered to his phone as it vibrated against the table. Zara's picture came up which made him panic for a second until he realized he wasn't doing anything wrong. He wasn't together with Zara and he didn't make things official with Evelyn. They were only having fun so he didn't owe her an explanation. Yet he felt like he couldn't disrespect her by answering Zara's call. So he declined it. Turning his phone to mute and putting it display down on the table.

"You not going to take it?" Evelyn asked, taking a bite from her pancake.

"It's not important." He told her, "So tell me about your documentary."

Evelyn didn't question him nor did she look taken back by his short explanation. Instead she told him about her project, the excitement in her voice making him forget about Zara and her constant phone calls. It was unlike her, but he wasn't obligated to care. He'd get back to her when he could.


After viewing three buildings and a big lunch with Robin he met up with Evelyn at a tram stop. It was crowded, people walking and cycling all over the place. It would be the first time he'd take a tram, but Evelyn told him it wasn't much different than the subway. She was right when he stepped into one. The tram was crowded so they stood side by side, holding on tightly while they quietly discussed their day. They got off the tram and walked to the Asian restaurant which she enjoyed to eat noodles at. The place was like she told him, amazing to hang out at and they served great food. At least from what he could tell as he scanned the place, people seemed to enjoy eating their meal. She didn't mention it was actually a Japanese grill restaurant. There were a lot of dishes he wanted to try, but he knew he wouldn't be able to eat it all so instead he ordered a beef udon while Evelyn ordered the seafood udon. As a side dish he ordered vegetarian spring rolls and Calpis soda mango because Evelyn told him it was the best.

"You want to try it?" Evelyn asked as she picked up her chopsticks.

"It's the most spiciest dish in the restaurant according to the menu."

She grinned, "It is quite spicy, but it's so good." She told him, "You allergic to seafood?"


"Okay, if you change your mind feel free to try some."

They had an amazing dinner and she had been right about her choice of udon. It was freaking delicious. It was better than the fancy restaurant Robin had taken him to. He liked the atmosphere. It was modern, but in a way it still felt like home. Maybe because it reminded him of New York.

"We should walk to the theatre." Evelyn suggested.

Paying for the food Michael smiled when Evelyn hooked her arm around his and walked with him to the theatre. It was a little past seven so most people were out, having dinner. They were lucky to get good seats to a comedy. He didn't mind watching a horror with her, but she told him she was in the mood for something else, something lighter. They bought a medium popcorn and drinks and headed to their auditorium. The exterior of the theatre looked amazing, but the interior was mind blowing. It was decorated in red and gold. Both the exterior and interior definitely baroque styled.

"You had to see this." She grinned at him, "Isn't it amazing?"

They walked into their auditorium, walking up to their seats, "It isn't amazing, it's fucking mind blowing, Evelyn."

"Glad you like it."

They sat in their seats and watched the movie. He couldn't remember the last time he went to the theatre to watch a movie. Usually he watched a movie together with Zara in bed, not paying much attention because both of them were working on their laptops. He would enjoy every second of his night out with Evelyn. He was grateful she took him to this place, he couldn't describe how beautiful it was. Insane it was a freaking movie theatre. Back at home he figured two weeks was good enough to get things done at Amsterdam, but now he wondered if he could stay longer and explore more of this lively city. In the back of his mind he knew he couldn't though, people depended on him.


They took the tram back to his hotel, Evelyn had left her bag so she was good to stay another night. Their fingers were laced together as they took the elevator, both of them having permanent smiles upon their faces. They had a fun night out together. Great food to fill their bellies, a hilarious movie which made them cry of laughter and a walk with lighthearted banter. He tightened his grip on her hand and walked with her to his room. A giggle leaving her lips when he tried to open the door in a rush. He smirked at her when she trailed her fingers over his arm, sinking her teeth into her lower lip. Once the door was opened she pushed through and turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck the minute the door was closed behind them. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips against his, giving him a hard, quick kiss. Pulling away she smiled at him while taking off her jacket and tossing it on the empty chair along with her clutch.

"We should do that more often." She told him, kicking off her flats.

"Definitely." He agreed, "And not just the kissing."

She laughed, shaking her head at him, "I knew you had a sense of humor."

"You bring the best out of me."

Both of them froze when the words processed. He looked at her, feeling the need to explain himself, but she beat him to it.

"I do?"

"I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I'm not just saying that to get into your pants."

"I know." The mischievous look he came to like gleaming in her eyes, "You've already gotten into my pants, multiple times." She stepped toward him on her bare feet, her hands clutching the lapels of his jacket, "I'm glad you like other parts of me beside the fact that I put out. Often."

He ran his fingers through her soft locks, brushing her hair back, "You amaze me, Evelyn." He told her flat out, lowering his voice as he admitted something even more embarrassing to her, "I've liked every second we've spend together."

She liked to hear that because next thing he knew she was pressed up against him, her lips roughly kissing him as she tried to get closer and closer to him. Chuckling into the kiss he grabbed onto her hips and walked toward the bed with her, making sure they didn't trip over their own feet along the way. She laid back on the bed, grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him on top of her. She didn't give him time to shrug off his jacket or undo his shirt. Her hands reached for his belt, undid it and unzipped his pants. A moan leaving her lips when she reached for him, squeezing his erection tightly when he deepened the kiss. He wanted to pull away and get rid of their clothes but she wouldn't let him. She liked his confession an awful lot. She needed him, desperately. Pulling her hand away she unzipped her own pants and pushed them down her thighs. He pulled out of the kiss and cupped her face, trying to catch his breath while Evelyn reached for his erection and rubbed it against her wet, lacy panties.

"Slow down." He whispered.

"I can't." She sounded desperate, "I need you right now, Mike."

He clenched his jaw when he felt him rub against her, her wetness coating them both. She was definitely ready. He was about to tell her to take a deep breath and relax when she surprised him by pushing herself onto him, both of them moaning when they connected.

"Fuck." He cursed, "Evelyn."

"Don't think." She whispered to him, brushing her thumb over his lips, "I need you right now. Hard and fast."

When he locked eyes with her he could tell she wasn't joking. Her eyes were clouded, her lips swollen and parted as lewd sounds left her lips. She had liked his confession even more than he realized. Giving into her needs he grabbed onto her hips, pulled out and spun her around.

"Get on your hands and knees."

She didn't question him and did what she was told. It was rough and fast, but both of them got what they wanted in the end. A fucking mind blowing orgasm which tired them out so much they fell asleep half naked and snuggled up. A few hours later they woke up and cleaned up. He had taken a shower and was sitting in bed, going through his emails while Evelyn was taking a shower. He freaked out mentally when he woke up, realizing they didn't use any protection. She assured him they were fine though and he trusted her. It was weird to trust someone he met only a few days ago, but he did. He knew her a lot better than the woman he was about to marry which said it all. Instead of letting Zara contact him first he reached for his phone and called her. She answered the phone a lot faster than normal.



She hesitated for a few seconds before she spoke again, "I called you a few times."

"I know, I wasn't ready to answer."

He knew it was cold, but he didn't want to lie to her.

"I see."

"What's wrong?"

"I just..." She didn't finish her sentence, inhaling sharply before she continued, "I just missed you."


"I know I'm the one who broke things off and I know we agreed we'd meet up when you get back. But I needed to hear your voice. It's so different with you not being around."

"Thought the relationship was too much of an effort?"

"Michael, I can't imagine marrying anyone else but you. We're a good team together and I apologize that I realized that a lot later than you did."

"You're feeling lonely, Zara. That's the only reason why you're reaching out to me."

"No, it's not."

He sighed, not being able to listen to her a second longer. If he did he'd get confused and he didn't want to go back there. Evelyn showed him how amazing things could be. He wasn't going to give that up. Not for Zara.

"I've met someone." He told her, knowing it was going to be a stab to the heart for her, but she needed to know.

"You've met someone?" She repeated.


She was silent for a long while, he checked his phone to see if it disconnected. But it didn't. He was about to ask her if she was okay when she spoke up again.

"That's fine. You're pissed at me for breaking things off, so I'll give you that. We'll talk when you get back. We're going to be fine."

"We're not." He told her firmly, "We're over, Zara. You're the one who ended things, don't go changing your mind, because you were right. We weren't going to work, things were too forced between us. I've actually met someone and I want to explore things with her." He flickered his eyes to the bathroom door and figured he needed to end the conversation, "We're not going to be fine, Zara. I think this is goodbye." He told her, "Take care of yourself."

Ending the call he let out a sigh of relief. It actually felt like a burden just got lifted off his shoulders. He knew it was a risk to say goodbye to Zara, but things felt right with Evelyn. He wanted to explore things with her and see where it goes. What he didn't want was to have any regrets when he left Amsterdam.

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