The King and Queen (A Bellark...

By BlarkeQueen

22K 552 69

Princess Clarke of Arkadia always imagined running away with her forbidden lover. But what happens when (the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

3.1K 48 20
By BlarkeQueen

Clarke sat at her desk, sketching her own reflection in the mirror. Usually she did sketches of her lover and hand maiden, Lexa. But, she called in sick that day which left Clarke to be alone and board.

There was a knock on her door.
"Enter." Clarke permitted, putting away her unfinished drawing under near by books. Clarke faced the loud, creaking door as it opened. Then, came Lexa, who closed the door behind her. Clarke went wide eyed and stood up to rush to her. "Lexa?! What are you doing? I thought-"
"I wanted to see you in private." Lexa grinned mischievously. "You know we can never be alone. Besides, it's not like we have much time left." Lexa pushed passed Clarke to take off her cloak and set it on a chair near the desk. Clarke turned to face her direction.
"No." She shook her head. "Whoever it is they want me to marry, I won't. I love you, Lexa." The girls stood in the room for a long while. Finally, Lexa got the courage to look her in the eye.
"Clarke. I've... I've been reassigned."
"What?" Clarke couldn't move. It was like moving through molasses. She couldn't tell if her heart wasn't beating at all, or so fast she couldn't feel it.
"I've asked you mother to reassign me to another kingdom. I leave in two months time."
"Then we have two months." Clarke stepped foreward, determined to change her mind.
"To do what, Clarke?" Lexa narrowed her eyes. "Run away and be hunted the rest of our lives? To watch your kingdom, your people, your legacy perish? No. You don't want to do that and you know it."
"Then we tell them! Tell my parents-"
"That your in love with a commoner? They won't see it any other way!" Lexa snapped. Clarke shook her head lightly in defeat.
"I..." she tried to defend herself but her voice faltered. Lexa sighed, then pulled her into a hug.
"I'm sorry." She said then pulled away. "But it has to be this way."

With that, she got her cloak back on and started opening the door when Clarke looked back at her in her light pink princess dress.
"Wait!" Clarke called in the mist of her tears. Lexa haulted. " you." Clarke sniffled. Lexa looked at her almost expressionless.
"Don't be weak, Clarke." Lexa said and immediately walks off, making sure to wipe the tear that managed to escape.


"My lady, you've been summoned to your father in the throne room." A maid bowed politely at Clarke who was throwing paper in her fire.
"I'll be there in a minute." Clarke waved off. The maid didn't go.
"M-my lady, he said-"
"I said, I'll be there in a minute!" Clarke glared.
"Yes, my lady." The girl bowed and left, leaving the door open.

Clarke walked to the throne room to see the entrance open, which never happened. Cautiously, she walked in, trying to make as little sound possible. When she walked in, she saw her role model. Her father. The king.

He wasn't in his throne, but rather, standing in the middle of the room admiring it. To Clarke's left, a whole wall was covered in art and history. The other, nothing but tall windows going to the celling.
"Close the door." He ordered Clarke, her being the only other person there. She did and walked up next to him. "You know... I hate that chair." He says, making her laugh. "My father, a long time ago, died without teaching me so much as the value of our currancy. I know I taught you better. But still, even now, there's one person that keeps me level. You mother." With that, Clarke sighs.

"So this is when you give me the 'you can't rule a kingdom alone' speech, huh?" She partially joked.
"Unfortunately kiddo, yes. It's time." Clarke sighed again.
"Ok. Who's the Prince? Roan? Possibly, Wells?"
"Bellamy." He spit out and waited for her reaction. Clarke stopped smiling.
"Excuse me?"
"Bellamy... of Mecca." He let his shoulders rise. Clarke started shaking her head.
"No, dad! I won't do it!" She crossed her arms stubbornly.
"Clarke." He said in terms loving tone that always got her to listen. "Mecca is a great Ally. They are really poor but if we murge Kingdoms, imagine what we could do!"
"No!" Clarke decided. It was the kings turn to sigh.
"Clarke. You are my only hope. You know I don't have many more years left and... I want to walk you down the isle someday. Mecca is our best option. So... please... for me?" Her father looked in her eyes. Clarke stares for a moment and gave in.
"Fine. I'll give him two months." She caved, knowing he'd be there longer than two months. He smiled at her.
"That's my girl." He said and embraced her.
"So when do we make the offer?" Clarke asked after pulling away.
"Already made. The Queen thinks it's a great idea."
"You made an offer for my hand in marriage without me?"
"Give me a little credit! It's not... a proposal... it's an offer. Bellamy will be a guest here til the both of you agree to it or disagree to it."
"When will he be here?"
"Two weeks from now." Her father explained. Clarke crossed her arms.
"Ok then." She nodded. How did this happen to me? When have I wronged someone this severely? She wondered.

***Two weeks later***

Bellamy stared out the window of the carriage, board and angry.
"Stop sulking, Bellamy. It's not attractive." Octavia warned, fanning herself.
"Sorry if I'm a little upset about our most recent developments." Bellamy spat. Octavia looked at him with sorrow.
"I'm sorry, ok? Gina was a wonderful girl but-"
"Gina was real." Bellamy glared. "More real than any princess." He rolled his brown eyes and fixed them to look out the window again. Octavia sighed.
"You don't know her, Bell. It's been years since last time-"
"Five. It's been five years." Bellamy corrects.
"Right." She nods. "We're all different people. She was thirteen!"
"And I was ninteen!"
"Exactly! You were just as immature as the both of us! I miss Clarke! She was the only friend I had! You know how awful it is being a Princess, Bell? I was practically locked up for being born!" This struck a chord with Bellamy, knowing the secret. But he pushed his thoughts away.
"Yes, and all the while, she's allowed to go to the market, go horseback riding, and all that which only proves how privileged she is."
"Seriously? She donates her- you know, nevermind." Octavia gave up and sat back. Bellamy tried to catch some sleep, after all, they had a long journey ahead of them.

***So, here concludes the first chapter of my new fic! I hope you all enjoyed and that it was interesting! I'll be posting more at some point so, yeah, see you then!

See you this wednesday! ❤

Love yall,

T-Rex aka Queen of Bellarke 👑

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