Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Co...

By tampamanatee

32.4K 1.9K 309

**This is part of a series. Please read Sex Ed FIRST.** [Book 6] Wes Yeager is used to being unwanted. From... More

One: Wes
Three: Noah/ Wes
Four: Wes
Five: Noah
Six: Wes
Seven: Noah
Eight: Wes
Nine: Wes
Ten: Noah/ Wes
Eleven: Noah
Twelve: Noah
Thirteen: Noah
Epilogue: Wes/ Noah

Two: Noah/ Wes

2.5K 140 13
By tampamanatee


"Well, I finally talked to him," I said while throwing my bag down onto the floor. I groaned while falling down onto the bed, running my hands over my face.

"You don't sound very happy." Turning to my right, I saw my roommate Archie looking at me. His green eyes were barely visible from his long beach blonde hair, but I could tell his eyebrows were raised.

Rolling onto my side, I frowned while thinking about the interaction I just had in the library. The first day of my American Studies class, I instantly noticed one of the most attractive people on the planet. He was tall dark and handsome, seriously. He had these amazing blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. That mixed with his brown hair made him so beautiful.

I wasn't even planning on taking an American Studies class, but I guess I needed it. Thank goodness I took it though, or else I wouldn't have gotten to see Mr. Hunky. It took awhile to even find out his name, until the professor called on him. Wes Yeager. That seemed like a wonderful name, a very strong name too.

I always noticed that he never talked, not even when the class was paired off into groups. He seemed so intimidating, yet there seemed to be so much more to him. It took a lot of guts to follow him into the library, feeling like a complete stalker. And he instantly didn't seem to like me. Maybe it was because of the puppy folder I had... that's the last time my mother bought anything school related for me.

"He wasn't interested at all," I sadly said while pulling a blanket around my body.

"So the guy you've been stalking isn't interested... huh."

Rolling my eyes, I threw a pillow at him before saying, "I wasn't stalking him!"

"Right," Archie said while getting off his bed. "They must've changed the wording for when you watch someone you don't know. Come on, let's go to lunch."

Following after him, we walked out of the dorm and started making our way across the campus. I met Archie the first day of freshman orientation, when I realized he was my roommate. I was so nervous to come to college, but luckily I had a roommate who was nice.

Once we walked into the cafeteria, I instantly walked over to the desserts to see what they made. My dream, besides getting married and adopting some kids, was to own my own bakery. I loved being in the kitchen, baking really calmed me down. I also had the biggest sweet tooth known to man... I always wondered how I still had all of my teeth. Most people wondered why I didn't just go to culinary school, but I had no background in business. And I felt like I knew baking like the back of my hand. Well, hopefully I did.

Grabbing a brownie, I went to grab more food before stopping in my tracks. Wes was filling a cup up with water, his black v neck clinging to his mouth watering muscles. God he was so attractive.

When those blue eyes were suddenly looking over, I squeaked and almost dropped my tray. He gave me a dark look before walking away, basically making my knees weak from how good he smelled. Good lord.

Taking a deep breath, I started grabbing random food, not really paying attention. Once I found Archie, I sat down next to him while still looking around for Wes.

"That's an... interesting lunch."

Looking down, I groaned while seeing my tray. A brownie, a brown banana, a roll and a spoon were sitting on my tray. "Yum."

As I bit into the roll, I suddenly found him. He was sitting by himself, at a table agaisnt the wall. There were some people at nearby tables who seemed to be whispering about him. That made me upset, no one even knows him. I don't even know him, but he seems like a kind person.

"I'll be back," I said before getting up and grabbing my brownie. Walking across the cafeteria, I smiled at him while standing at the other end of the table. "Hi."

He instantly looked up and frowned, sighing as he looked away from me. "What part of leave me alone don't you understand?"

Frowning, I looked down at my brownie while asking, "Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Whatever." At least he didn't tell me to fuck off or anything. That's progress... barely but it's progress. Baby steps.

Sitting down, I looked down at the brownie as my mouth instantly started to water. "You know, brownies really aren't too complicated to make. But some people can't seem to get the recipie right. I always like to make them and then pour chocolate syrup over them. The key is to pour the syrup when the brownies are still warm. Then you have the amazing combination of warm and cold. It's good to have some differences in your desserts."

When I looked up, I felt my cheeks erupt into a blush when realizing Wes was staring at me like I was insane. "Sorry. I just really like desserts. I have a really big sweet tooth."

He looked down at his hands, where he was holding a red apple. My eyes instantly glanced down at his chest, man oh man those pecs. His body was making me feel self conscious, as my eyes glanced down at my flat chest.

Splitting my brownie in half, I held it out to him with a smile. "Do you want half? Everyone needs some chocolate."

My smile fell when he didn't take the brownie, instantly making me feel stupid. "Look Noah." Goosebumps instantly lined my skin when my name left his lips. "I don't want friends okay? I've made it this far without any."

"I just-"

"You seem like a nice guy. Don't waste your time on someone like me." With that he stood up and walked away, my eyes following after him as he left. This was going to be harder than I thought.


Staring at the ingredients in front of me, I frowned while trying to figure out what to do. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to make brownies. Well it wasn't really my idea, my History professor was giving extra credit to anyone who brought in desserts. I don't know why, maybe he just liked to eat. But you couldn't just walk into the store and buy a container of cookies, you actually had to make them. It seemed stupid, but hey extra credit was always useful.

Running a hand through my hair, I sighed while feeling my head start to hurt. I didn't like baking, and I wasn't good at it. Maybe I should forget the extra credit. I could always just go back to my dorm and study or something. My roommate wouldn't be there since it's Friday, and he loved to party. That was fine by me, as long as he didn't try to talk to me. And I had to bring these stupid brownies in by the end of the day.

Screw this, I thought while looking away. Just as I was about to leave, I heard a familiar laugh. I then watched Noah and some guy with blonde hair walk by the end of the aisle. Wait, Noah likes brownies. Maybe he could help me? My stomach hurt at the thought of even talking to him. I had gotten so used to being alone and by myself. This wouldn't mean I was going to become his friend... right?

Following after them, I watched as Noah found a pack of chocolate chips. You would've thought he found gold by how excited he was. The closer I got to him, I could hear him telling the other guy which chocolate chips were better. Was this a bad idea? Stop Wes, he isn't Justin. He won't hurt me just by talking to him.


He instantly turned towards me, moving so fast the chocolate chips flew out of his hands. The bag landed by my feet, making me instantly reach down to get it. Noah apparently had the same idea, because he went to grab it as well. That didn't work out too well, since we knocked our heads together.

"Ow," he muttered while closing his eyes as he held his hand against his head. "God I'm so sorry."

"No, I'm sorry."

His chocolate eyes reopened, a blush sprinkled across his cheeks. I wont lie and say Noah isn't attractive, because he is. But he doesn't need to be associated with someone like myself. I'll just ask for help and never talk to him again.

"So what's up?" He asked after a few minutes, making me realize I had zoned out.

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I leaned against the shelves while asking, "I was wondering if you could help me? I need to make brownies for my History class. I need to turn them in by the end of the day, and I remember you saying you like desserts. I get it if you're busy or whatever, it is Friday. And I get it if you don't want to, I know I'm not the greatest person to work with."

His eyes lit up as well as his face, a big smile spreading across his lips. "Of course! I mean... yeah I guess. What supplies do you have?"


"Come on, I'll help you pick out the best items. Archie, I'll meet up with you later. Oh Wes, this is my roommate Archie."

Archie smiled at me while saying hello, before walking away. I walked after Noah and watched as he started grabbing random items. We stayed silent even as I paid for the items and walked out of the store.

"I'm parked over here, if you want a ride back."

"I'd like that," Noah said with a smile.

"What about your friend?" I asked while opening my piece of shit car.

Noah got into the car, instantly putting his seat belt on. "He drove me over. He'll be okay."

Instead of responding I didn't, instead we stayed silent as I drove back to my dorm. After getting out, I could feel Noah walking beside me as we walked into the building. The dorm was filled with loud music and shouting, what seemed like a typical Friday night.

Walking into the small kitchen area, I sighed in relief when no one else was in here. I watched as Noah started unpacking the items before he preheated the oven. The whole time he was making the brownies, he seemed so calm and relaxed. I tried to help him, but I didn't really know what I was doing.

When the brownie batter was finally made, I stole piece and about died. Noah sure knew how to make brownies. I watched as he started to put the brownies into the oven, when he suddenly gasped. He pulled back and held his finger against his chest, his eyes squeezed shut.

"What happened?"

"I accidentally touched the shelf in the oven. I'm fine, I just got distracted."

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the sink and started to turn on cold water. "Come over here."

When he finally came over, I took his small hand and held it under the water. His little finger was bright red, his hand shaking lightly. "Are you okay?"

When he didn't respond I looked over, to see him staring at me in a weird way. He seemed to snap out of it when he realized I was looking at him. "Yeah, I am. Thanks for this."

I didn't say anything as I looked back down at his finger, which wasn't as red as it was before. It was weird touching him, even if I was only holding his hand. It's not like it was gross being this close to him, it just felt strange. Noah made me feel things I haven't felt in a long time, which was also scaring me.

That thought made me get away from him, instantly running my hands over my face. "I can handle it from here. Thanks."

"Oh, okay." I couldn't see his face because I wasn't facing him, but I could imagine him frowning. "Bye Wes."

Instead of responding, I stayed silent while hearing him walk out of the room. I'm so stupid, what am I doing? I can't believe I almost allowed myself to become close to someone. That can't happen again, even if I have to live under a rock. I can't get hurt again.

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