Play Date // h.s. (REVISING)

By LukeHemoji

3.6M 57.6K 45.4K

When her mother leaves her with a new babysitter, Rose discovers the "little" side of herself and indulges in... More



98.7K 1.3K 1.6K
By LukeHemoji


Later on in the day, I had been in the living room with Rosie, who was snuggled up in my lap. We had been watching tv for once in a long time, which was a stark contrast to recent activities. It was nice to experience a chill day after everything that went on.

"Why are you all dressed up today, daddy?" Rosie randomly asked me as she tugged on my shirt.

"We have an event to go to tonight. Well, I do. But you're coming with me because I don't want to leave you home alone." I explained to her. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a pigmented pink. I thought she would be excited but she seemed to be the complete opposite. She was shocked, but not in the good way.

"What for?" She straightened up on my lap and glared at me like a deer in headlights.

"It's just a little party for a job I have." I simply stated. I rubbed up and down her sides in attempt to relax her but she remained in the same state of shock that she had been in. I wondered what was going on in her head.

"W-what do you do?" She asked me, her voice hushed then.

"I'm a photographer for magazines." I told her, which caused her jaw to drop.

"For magazines? Like Vogue?"

"I've only ever had one of my shots in Vogue but no, I usually shoot for smaller titles. I mean, I also photograph for some stores too, like Victoria Secret. You know, when you see photographs of girls to give you an idea of how the clothing looks?"

"Why haven't you told me? That's amazing!" Rose had the cutest smile on her face and I wished I could photograph it for some popular magazine.

I wished I could take photos of her in lingerie too. People everywhere would love her. She'd become a big hit. But her mother would hate me and most likely hate Rose for it too and I wouldn't be able to live knowing I caused Rosie's mother to forever be angry with her. I guess it wouldn't exactly be hatred but she'd constantly be quite angered that her little girl didn't turn out to be so little. Ironic, right?

"I didn't think it was a big deal." I said to her.

"Daddy!" She whined. "You shot for Vogue. That's amazing."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, there will be a lot of models at this party as well as professional photographers. I just don't want you to get too nervous, alright?"

"Models? They're going to hate me, daddy." Rose frowned. All I wanted to do was kiss the frown off of her face.

"How so?"

"They are super pretty and I'm average."

I sighed. "You are beautiful, princess. No model can compare to you."

Rose grinned, though I could tell that she still had quite a lot of anxiety about the party.

"Come on, I'll help you pick something nice to wear." I said before allowing her to get up from my lap. I stood up as well and led the way to her bedroom. She had followed close behind me with an excitement for me to help her pick an outfit, but a continuous nervousness knowing that she was going to such an important party.


I watched as Harry rummaged through my closet, eyeing each and every one of my dresses as he tried to decide which one to pick. Eventually, he dug out a burgundy bodycon dress that I had forgotten I owned.

The dress was tight-fitting and ended just about mid-thigh. It was long sleeve with a fairly wide laced up cutout in the front. The cutout was so large that I couldn't even wear a bra underneath. I felt very exposed, but Harry liked it.

[ the dress ]

Harry loved the dress, for it showed every little curve in my body, but I felt quite insecure in it. I wore it anyways, knowing that if I hadn't, Harry would've given a huge spiel on loving myself and how I should believe him when he says I look beautiful in things. Maybe I hadn't thought I looked good, but he thought I did so that was all that mattered.

Harry wasn't aware but I also sported a black lacy thong underneath the dress in hope to please him later on if he so happened to notice.

After I dressed myself in the attire, I entered my bathroom to fix up my hair and makeup. Harry watched as I curled my hair loosely, then did my makeup, which consisted of a light coat of foundation, winged eyeliner, and mascara. I wasn't big on lipstick so I decided on applying chapstick just to make sure my lips were soft and hydrated.

After finishing, I turned to Harry, who seemed awfully pleased with a smirk on his face.

"You look beautiful, angel." He whispered into my ear after pulling me into his chest. His lips brushed against my cartilage and his warm breath sent shivers down my spine.

Harry's plump lips found my own, and I followed through with the soft, intimate kiss. It was a more passionate kiss than I was used to recently, but I enjoyed it and felt the need to savor every moment.

I was disappointed when it came to an end, but Harry mentioned that we had to get going. He didn't want to show up late to this party, but nor did I. That would be awkward for both of us. Harry, because he's expected to be there, and me, because nobody would know who I am and what my purpose is in being there.

Before Harry and I left, I stopped at my closet to pick out a pair of shoes with the help of Harry. We agreed on a pair of black velvet pumps that met just above my ankle and laced up similar to that of a sneaker, though it looked much more elegant.

After putting them on, Harry and I made our way down the stairs and out the door to his car. As always, he helped me in then hopped in on his side. Thank god the dress was tight so that way my undergarments would remain unknown this time around. Once Harry turned the key in the ignition, we were off to the unfamiliar destination that was apparently in town according to Harry. I was more nervous than I had been when meeting Luna and Louis.


We arrived at the place of the party, which to my surprise was a normal house. As soon as we exited the car, the booming sound of bass filled our ears. As we made our way to the front door, the noise rang louder and it was almost as if I could feel the vibrations at my feet. It became clear to me that I would no longer have a voice by the end of the night due to having to scream for anyone to hear me. My voice was far too mellow for parties.

Harry grabbed my hand as we made our way through the door. Though we were on time, there were already an overwhelming amount of people. I wondered just how filled the house would get in only thirty minutes.

Not only were there tons of people flooding the house, but a good portion of them were ridiculously pretty models that made me wish I would have worn more makeup or put more effort into my hair. I second guessed my entire appearance and I found myself literally hugging Harry's arm like a sloth for comfort.

He stopped walking through the crowd to turn to me and I could barely concentrate on him over my own thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, having to yell in order for me to hear him. I hesitantly nodded, attempting to pull myself together.

I continuously repeated in my mind, "Harry thinks I'm beautiful compared to these girls," and that was all that seemed to save me in that moment. Compared to these unbelievably gorgeous girls that Harry probably used to see everyday while working, he chose me.

"I'm okay." I yelled back, recieving a reassuring nod from Harry. He then turned back and continued to walk through the house, seemingly in search for someone or something.

I found that I was correct once Harry started walking faster towards a guy with three girls surrounding him like he's some big hit. He had dark slicked back hair and a small amount of facial hair. He was wearing a black short sleeve t-shirt, which was a bit odd seeing as everyone else was dressed at least slightly fancy.

Once the guy spotted Harry, he pushed through the girls to make his way towards us. I then noticed the outstanding amount of tattoos that ran down his arms. I found myself analyzing them until my eyes met with his hand. He was holding a beer and a wedding band reflected light off of his finger. He was married.

"Hey Harry, glad you could make it!" The guy said, his voice low and raspy but not nearly as low as Harry's. He did have a similar accent though.

"Nice to see you too, Zayn." Harry said, revealing the name of the man; Zayn.

"Who's the girl?" Zayn asked, snapping me out of my train of thought. I fixed my view on him, then on Harry. Harry looked down at me with a smile.

"This is Rose. You may have heard from Lou but I don't think I've personally mentioned her to you yet." Harry explained. He glanced at me occasionally but mostly focused on Zayn since he was engaged in conversation with him after all.

"Ah, yes. Louis mentioned her. Similar to Luna but different, yeah?" Zayn had examined me a few times, which only caused my cheeks to heat up. I wanted to run away and hide but it was safer just to stay with Harry.

"Mhm." Harry hummed, as he released my hand to grab a hold of my waist. He rubbed up and down my side, as if he knew I was internally panicking.

"I wished my wife were into k.inky like that but unfortunately she's vanilla to an extreme." Zayn remarked. I acted as if I knew exactly what he was talking about but in my head it was as if I were solving the equation to life. K.inky? Vanilla? What did he mean?

Just as Harry parted his lips to respond to Zayn, a women with a caked face had walked up and pulled Zayn aside. She looked very serious when she started talking to him so Harry and I just walked away.

Harry and I weaved through the crowds of people until Harry had bumped into some really tall, skinny chick in a short black dress. She had almost toppled over him, which would have caused him to topple over me and cause a chain like dominoes. Luckily, she was able to catch herself, but only by placing her hands on Harry's shoulders, which made me feel a bit jealous and protective.

When she had straightened herself up, I was able to get a better look at her. She had long brown hair and green eyes. Her skin was perfectly tanned and her face was caked like just about every other girl at the party. She had the perfect figure, with a thin waist and cl.eavage spilling from her dress. She looked exactly like what you would think a real life Teresa doll would look like.

"Oh, Mr. Styles! I'm so sorry." She cried out, overdramatic and still touching his shoulders.

She had a smirk on her face and lust in her eyes, as if she didn't notice I was there holding Harry's hand. I just wanted to force her hands off of his shoulders then charge at her like a bull.

"That's alright, Gwen." Harry excused her, then pushed past her to continue weaving through people. She came right back up to him, her doe eyes begging for his satisfaction.

"Hey, are you going to be shooting for Victoria Secret anytime soon? They had an request for photos on a new lingerie line and I figured you and I could take that up?" She suggested, refusing to take her eyes off of him. Seduction was evident in her voice, making it clear that she was definitely trying way too hard. I wondered if her and Harry had some kind of past.

"Listen, I haven't been shooting for quite a while now because I've been busy. Maybe you could ask Liam about doing that for you?" Harry replied.

"But you're the best photographer in town!" She whined. She then grabbed Harry's free hand and pulled him closer, which infuriated me more than I wanted it to.

She attempted to speak to him quietly but the music was too loud. She still had to yell and luckily I coulf hear every word that came out of her mouth. I wondered if she even knew I was there.

"It's not the photo shoot I want. I could care less about that. I want your d.ick, daddy." She said to him, bringing my frustration to a whole new level. I wanted to punch her pretty little face in but there was no use in getting myself in trouble over her.

"I'm not that type of guy anymore, Gwen. You'll have to find a new f.uck toy." Harry denied her and attempted to walk away once more, but she grabbed onto him and pulled him back again.

"Come on, Harry. I want you." She pouted. "Please? At least I'm prettier than your new b.itch. I can ride you so much better than her, I bet. You know it, too."

"F.uck you, Gwen." Harry spat, then stormed off through the crowds with me scurrying behind him. As he rushed through, the people split apart like he was Moses and they were the Red Sea. It was pretty comical.

Harry ended up dragging me over to the kitchen of whoever's house it was, which didn't feel right to me, as there were plenty of bottles of expensive alcohols and red solo cups partially filled with mysterious liquids. He most likely just wanted to get away but I felt like I had been committing a crime for even stepping foot near the alcohol.

"Harry!" A feminine voice shouted as soon as we entered the area. Both of our heads snapped towards the direction of the sound.

My eyes met with a gorgeous woman who had a caked face just like any other girl at the party, but luckily her makeup was minimal compared to everyone else, however a lot compared to what I had on. Maybe a model's mindset made it priority to have caked faces at huge parties like the one we were at.

Anyways, the woman had a lighter brown hair that reached her hips and golden-brown eyes. Her face was perfectly symmetrical, making her fit body seem even more desirable than anyone would originally intend. I surely wasn't a lesbian, but if I were, I would so want her.

The woman was clad in a white two-piece bodycon dress with long sleeves. Her attire hugged her body perfectly, and the contrast of the white was perfect with her tanned skin. She looked a lot like Gwen, but gave off nicer vibes.

"Vivian, hey!" Harry shouted back. He released my hand to walk towards her but made sure that I followed closely behind him.

Vivian embraced Harry, which again made me a bit jealous but she seemed too sweet to get angry over, unlike Gwen. I thought about ways in which Harry could've known Vivian but the most prominent one in my mind was Vivian modeling for Harry as he was a photographer and them becoming best friends or something like that. Maybe they got along really well and just hit it off.

"So is this your girlfriend?" Vivian asked Harry as she motioned towards me. She had a smile on her face and it was clear that she had respect for him.

Harry nodded. "Girlfriend in normal terms. But you and I used to be pretty close so you know what I mean when I say, 'not exactly girlfriend,' yeah?"

Vivian nodded her head and the smile on her face grew even bigger. She seemed happy for him; really happy for him.

"Well, yeah. This is Rose." Harry said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. Vivian gawked and stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I took her hand into mine and shook it as I smiled awkwardly back at her. "Nice to meet you, Vivian." I said, truly just to interrupt the awkward silence I created myself.

"Nice to meet you too, Rose." She replied, the toothy smile still on her face. Happy woman are lovely woman but she was almost too happy.

Her and Harry must have gone way back if she was really so thrilled for him to have a per say, "girlfriend".

"Well, we're going to go check out the rest of the party; see what's going on. It was nice seeing you." Harry said to Vivian, and I was somewhat thankful to hear it. It's not that I didn't like her, I was just already overwhelmed with the amount of people at the party by then and I really just wanted alone time with Harry.

"It was nice seeing you too, Harry! Goodbye, Rose!" Vivian waved to the both of us as we walked away and I smiled back at her. She was so cheerful it was almost as if beams of light had been radiating off of her, touching the hearts of everyone around her.

Harry dragged me through the crowds of dancing people once again, some grinding on each other lustfully, some purely just having fun. I knew it would be a very long night but after meeting Vivian I had a little hope that maybe everyone wasn't so bad after all.


Hello! (:

I had a few people ask for a huge update so I somehow managed to write this long ass chapter with over 3000 words which is like double the usual.

I hope you all enjoyed this. I guess it was kind of a filler in a way but you learned a lot about Harry's past and stuff. Next chapter will be a lot better, I promise.

Thank you! ♡♡

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