A Storm is Coming

By IKickUrDog

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Storm is a Spirit Wolf, the first in well, about 1,000 years. Her and her brothers and sisters have been on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

322 15 4
By IKickUrDog

    Okay its chapter 13. Enjoy.  


Recap: Then there was a couple minutes of silence. So I turned on the radio.  The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco.  I knew this whole song by heart.  They play this song 24/7.  I started to hum along and not show of my rapping skills.  Maybe later.     “Welcome to Hell.”  I heard Nathan mutter as we pulled into the school parking lot.      

Chapter 13

“I’m pretty sure it’s not that bad.” I said as I pushed the door open and got out.  I started walking to the school as I looked around in amazement.  There was a lawn that looked newly put in with a walk in between that looks like it goes right through the middle of the school.  The school was colored a dark brown on the rook and beige walls.   I felt Nathan throw his arm over my shoulder.  I left it there and ignored the sparks going around my neck, I was to absorbed in looking at the school.  It is so big with so many people.

      “I’ll take you to the office.” Nathan whispered by my ear, making me shiver.  I just nodded.  “Oh, and I know you’re supposed to be in your third year of high school but I got you into your fourth year so I can keep an eye on you.” He said while winking at me. I snorted     “I don’t need you to keep and eye on me.  I can take care of myself.” I said while showing of my muscles.  “These guns can seriously injure someone.” I heard Nathan laugh out loud.

    “Okay, well I am going to give you so insight on this school.  The whole school is werewolf so you can shift, whatever shit a werewolf does. Don’t  worry, no one will think it weird.”     “But do we have to like shift into our wolf for gym?”  I asked starting to panicky.    

  “No but they will test your strength to see what gym class you could keep up with.” He said and I mentally sighed.     

  Right now we were entering the building. We were turning a corner when this girl came up to Nathan and kissed him straight on the mouth.  I felt as if an arrow had just pierced my heart, and trust me when I say it wasn’t cupid.  Even more disgusting when the girl moaned in his mouth.  But the worst thing was that Nathan just stood there. Not moving.  So much for bringing his charm on.       Finally after like forever the girl pulled away. Wow and I would have thought Nathan was going to pull away.  Boy was I wrong.  

She then took notice of my presence and gave me a kind smile.  It was actually kind.  You’d probably like expect the school slut to be with the hottest guy ever.  But she honestly didn’t look like one at all.  She has dark straight brown hair with dark brown eyes.  She’s wearing some dark blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, a black cardigan, and some black flats.            

“Oh, hi, I’m Riana.  You must be the new wolfs Nathan told me that came in to town.”  She said          My face went blank after that. Did he fail to mention I was his mate. I guess he really wouldnt care if I left.  I didn’t know Nathan could be like that.

 “I’m Storm, oh and thanks for offering to take me to the office.  I’ll just find it myself.”  I said still with an unreadable expression and with that I turned on my heel and started walking in the direction before ‘Riana’ interrupted.         

 "Hey babe, sorry I was out of town for while. Is there any other new mews while I was gone?" I heard her ask in a sickly sweet voice.  

I didnt stay to hear what he had to say. I didnt really even care.        

 Once I walked a little bit more, I came across a door that had 'office' neatly written across the door.  I quietly opened the door and looked around.  He room looked very homie.  It has honey colored carpet and light beige colored walls. With dark brown leather couches in the one of the corners of the room.  And there was a long dark brown desk across from where I was standing with two doors on either side of it.      

I walked up to the desk to see an old woman that look around the age of fifty.  Her hair’s a light gray but in a bowl cut.       She looked up at me and gave me a kind smile but with a questioning look.  “Umm I’m new here.” I told her.  

  “Oh, yes.  Are you Storm or Hannah?”  

  “Storm.’"     With that, she starting telling me where my classes are, what classes I was in, and what classes I could choose for my two electives.  So, I decided on Auto and ceramics (pottery).  She then told me to go to the library down the hall the first door to the right to pick up my books.     “ So here are your papers and I hope you have a fantastic first day at Le Rona High .”  I gave her a polite thank you and left.  I looked down at my Schedule.    

  R. 318     Math-Calculus--  Mr. Watts

R. 234    Science-Physics-- Mrs. Brady

R. 564    Gym--  Mr. Weimer

R. 132   Ceramics -- Mrs. Franko


Tutorial --

R. 441    English--  Mrs. Ronnie

R. 156    Auto--  Mr. Clark

L # 1025 15-16-45  

I quickly headed toward the library and walked downt the steps and into the room.  when I walked in the library my eyes widened.  I dont think I've ever seen so many book.  There were rows upon rows of  books.        

   I started walking toward the desk where im guessing the person who was sitting there was the librarian.        

"Yes?" SHe said when I came up to her.      

    "Um, I'm new here and I'm here to get my books", I told her.    

      "Oh okay. May I see your schedule?" She asked while I nodded.  I quickly gave to her while she scanned over it and went to go get the books.        

    She came back with about five huge books. I thanked her after she gave them to me and left.  I started walking around the school following the numbers on the lockers till i fouond mine.  It was right next to the science buildings.  I quicky turned the dial and put all my books in it then closed it.  I wasnt sure if I even needed for my classes.        

   I didn’t even bring a backpack. Crap.  I guess I’ll head over to the math class right now.  I looked at every door, checking the numbers on the door to see if I was almost at room 318. Right now I’m passing room 316, 317, ah room 318. I quietly opened the door and looked inside.   There is an old aged man sitting at a desk looking like he is grading papers.  He had brown hair and you could see the wrinkles starting to form on the side of his face.  He’s wearing those spectacle glasses.  He looked up, his warm brown eyes wide.  

I heard him mumble something like ‘Who the hell would come in before school starts.’  Well apparently me.  His eyes caught mine and I quietly shut the door behind me.    

“Yes?”  He asked.  

“New Student.”    I told him.

“Oh, well. You can have a seat anywhere.  Class is going to start in ….five minutes.” He said.    

“Okay just please don’t make me do an introduction in front of the class.  I’m Storm.”  I heard him chuckle.      

“Damn I was hoping to embarrass you in front of the class.”  He said in disappointment while slamming his fist lightly on the desk.  You could tell he was faking and decided that I like this teacher.             

 “ I would hate you forever.”  I said with a smile.    

  “Ah, a phobia of attention.  I can use that to my advantage.”  He said and i gave him a fake laugh.  

    I headed to the back corner of the room where the window is.  This is a classroom on the outskirts so I could see the forest right outside of the window.  The forest is truly beautiful.  Oh, how I long to go for a run in my wolf form.  To feel free again.    

  The bell rang at that exactly at that moment, interrupting my thoughts.  Kids started pouring in the room in groups, laughing and pushing each other.  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see kids giving me strange looks but other wise continued to their seats.      

“Storm!” I turned my head quickly only to see Rose heading over to me.  “Omg , I’m sorry I wasn’t there in the morning.  I had to come take a test I missed but I didn’t want to stay after school.  I’m sorry I wasn’t here with you.”  She said breathlessly.  “And your in my class!  Here give me your schedule.”  She quickly changing the subject.  I handed her my schedule and she made a weird face at it.  “ You choose auto as one of your electives?  Why?  I think you’re going to be the only girl in that class.  But I think Nathan is in that class.  Did he tell you to put that?”  I suddenly didn’t want to be in that class anymore.  “ You have a couple classes with Nathan.  But you have English and this class with me!” She squealed jumping up and down on her chair.    

   I all of the sudden didn’t want to be here,  and I have a couple classes with the heartless devil himself.  


Finally I know but comment vot and fan please.

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