Saving The World While Fallin...

By nickii_96

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 9

28 3 0
By nickii_96

“Where is she now” Lala asked suddenly awake from the seriousness of the situation

“At her house. Shan stayed with her while I came to get you guys” Whitney said while making a sharp turn to the left.

“How did he get there before us” I asked

“He was there with me” Whitney said

“How” I asked dumbly

“Do you seriously think I like sleeping outside?” Whitney asked me seriously

“Yes” I replied with no hesitation

“No asshole I only do it to keep watch over her and once a week Shan brings a tent and spends the night so I don’t have to sleep completely outside” Whitney says with a slight change in her voice from irritated to love.

I don’t know what possessed me to say what I said next, but im just going to blame it on lack of sleep.

“That’s only because he wants to hit” I said without thinking

“And right now he can get” Whitney said chuckling but I knew she was serious.

“I thought I could get it” I said as we exited the car.

“You are such a hoe” Lala yawned from the back seat

“I'm waiting for that one special girl to change me” I said while winking at her

“You two belong together” Whitney said as she led us to the back of the house

The house was your classic two story house with the big oak tree in the front. Instead of leading us to the back door of the house she led us into the woods behind the forest until we reached a beautiful clearing you could easily miss if you didn’t know what you were looking for. In the middle of the clearing a little girl laid in the grass bleaching it with her red blood. She was slowly bleeding to death from the gash on her forehead. She was currently unconscious and in dire need of a miracle. There was no way we could get her to the hospital in time. Shan looked up in shock when he noticed that Whitney had brought us back instead of the paramedics. In his eyes I could see him wondering how we could possibly help.

“Whats up” Shan said trying to sound casual but his voice was laced with worry.

In a situation like this it is never acceptable for me to open my mouth. You would think from the millions of times that I did that I would learn when and when not to have a smart ass comment. This was just another time to add to the millions of times I ignored my own advice.

“Apparently you can get it” I said before I could stop myself.

“Forreal” Shan said temporarily forgetting the seriousness of the situation

“My sister” Whitney said bring us back to reality

“Why do you need me” Lala said standing at the edge of the clearing

Upon looking at all the blood  for the first time she sat down and put her head in between her legs to keep from fainting. We clearly didn’t have time to waste so I jogged quickly back to Lala and squatted in front of her.

“Close your eyes and trust me” I whispered to her

She closed her eyes and placed her hand in mine. It was obvious as to why Whitney picked us to help. We were healers. By some kind of magic. I'm sure there was a scientific explanation but I didn’t need to know that. I led us over to her body and took a deep breath. I placed her hand over the wound and slowly it iced over. It was my turn I used my gift until it turned the royal purple. Slowly the wound turned purple but something was off. After a few moments life was restored into her eyes. Instead of her getting up and walking around like Whitney did when we healed her she stayed still. Her eyes didn’t turn back to their olive color. They stayed the royal purple shade.  At this moment I should have known something was up but I didn’t. I tried to stand up but my legs were jelly I couldn’t get up. I was being drained. She was trying to drain me. I didn’t know what to do so I panicked. Panicking is never a good solution. I heated and heated up until my clothes burnt themselves off and the grass was quickly burning up. I had never been this hot. I was a walking ball of fire. I heard shouting around me but I couldn’t focus because by each second I was getting weaker. I grabbed her by the arm and she didn’t even burn. She simply heated up more. Draining me more. The two of us were on the verge of setting the woods on fire effectively starting a wildfire. I couldn’t help it though. I didn’t know what to do.

If it wasn’t for Lala I probably would have been completely drained and possibly died. The little girl was a lot smaller than me so she pulled the little girl toward her and the flames instantly died  but her plan backfired as the little girl started to drain her. Slowly everything went into slow motion. We all knew what was coming next.

“Notice anything different” the little girl said appearing out of nowhere

“I don’t know.. Maybe the fact that she draining our gifts”

“Nothing a little rest cant fix” The little girl said chuckling to herself

“How do we stop her” Lala said while still holding the girl

“You cant she has to wake up and stop herself” the little girl said

“Why is she doing this” Whitney said coming out of hiding

“Its not her choice just like it wasn’t yours to have your gift”

“So basically she can momentarily take on peoples powers”

“Depending on how much she drains but yes” the little girl said

“Great just what we need another fire starter” Whitney said seriously

“People will come for her” The little girl said as she left again with no further explanation

“Whitney whats her name” Lala asked as the girl continued to drain her

“Leslie” Whitney answered

“Leslie wake up” Lala said speaking softly

“Leslie wake up” Lala said dropping to her knees as she gently shook her

“Yes” Leslie said waking up

Immediantly Lala passed out from being drained.

“Did I do that again” Leslie asked

“Don’t worry about it” I said giving her a reassuring smile

“Whitney Im sorry make sure she knows” Leslie said as she ran back into the house clearly upset over hurting Lala.

I picked Lala up and headed back to the house leaving Whitney and Shan behind.

We finally made it back to house around 4am. I fell on the bed face first and instantly fell asleep. Only to be awoken two hours later.

“Time for school” Lala said chirpily as she jumped on my bed.

“Leave” I said absently throwing a pillow

“Not a chance in hell” she told me laughing

I grabbed another pillow to try to block her out.

“Thank god I don’t have to go get the water”

It took me a second to realize she was talking about the water on my nightstand. By the time it sunk into my brain I was already jumping up from the quick icy shock. I could have sworn there was less water in the cup last night.

“Good your up” she said and skipped from the room

30 minutes later I was in Lala’s car speeding toward the school with Whitney in tow. No need for me to take my own car when my mom would be picking me up later. I was a man on a mission and ready to execute it. I pulled smoothly into the parking lot and hopped out the car.I ignored all the greetings from everyone and headed straight for Warner. I felt myself begin to heat up as anger surged through me but I forced myself to repress the urge. I wanted to handle this man to man. As I came closer and closer the primal urge to kill was written all over my face. His laughter drifted to me from the school stairs and it took everything in me to not run the rest of the way.

“Ryan he’s not worth it” Lala said suddenly on the side of me

I turned to look at her and I saw something I never wanted to see in her again. Fear. She was afraid of me. I was scaring her. This revelation calmed me down almost instantly. I never wanted her to fear me.

“Your eyes” she said slightly scared

I looked into the nearest rearview mirror and saw my eyes. They were not the red they usually were. They were crimson and filled with anger. I pulled her into a hug not to reassure her but to remind myself that I wasn’t that person. I glanced one last time at Warner and walked away. In that little glance I saw Alex coming down the stairs. Something was telling me to pay attention so I did. I watched as she walked down the stairs and every guy on the stairs checked her ass out. Warner couldn’t be like them he had to take it a step further. He slapped her on the ass making a loud noise. She turned around and immediately started yelling at him. That’s when I noticed the cheerleaders coming up to her from behind. I guess one of the guys girl must have caught him staring at her because next thing I know a bright blue slushy was being poured over her head. At this point I don’t know who was more upset. Alex. ME. Or Lala. Whitney and Shan still hadn’t made it yet so they got to avoid the riot. I didn’t even know why Lala was so upset its not like it happened to her.

By this time Alex had ran off somewhere to get cleaned up. I glanced at Lala one last time asking with my eyes if it was worth it yet and judging from her icy blue stare at the cheerleader I knew it was. I walked up to Warner and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and smirked at me. I couldn’t wait to wipe it off.

“Sorry about that she just has one of them butts. I know you know what I mean” He said while craning his neck to obviously look at Lala’s

Him and his boys thought that was the most hilarious thing in the world. Everyone knew that Alex was our friend too and we would defend her. So I stood there and waited until the laughter stopped. After the laughter stopped I said in a very clipped tone

“Not funny”

This is the point where all hell broke loose. I grabbed Warner by the front of his shirt and hit him with all my strength. I wouldn’t stop there. I landed blow after blow. He tried fighting back but his hits felt like nothing to me. Even when security came I still didn’t stop. I hit him for everything he had done and everything he was ever thought about doing. It took security and half the football team to remove me off him.

“Leave my family and friends alone” I yelled at him.

Those were the last words I ever said to him.

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