Beyond The Soul: Kai

By Theodore21

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The World...has being lost. Thanks to world-spread contamination, the earth has been polluted and ravaged. Ma... More

Chapter 1: The Lone Heart
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: To Reclaim The Lost Light
Chapter 4: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 5: The City on the Sea
Chapter 6: The Fragile Youth
Chapter 7: A New Bond
Chapter 8: Innocent Strength...and Pure Resolve
Chapter 9: A Heartless Fate
Chapter 10: Strength of Heart
Chapter 11: New Feelings
Chapter 12: Worries And Fears
Chapter 13: Heartfelt Ties
Chapter 14: The Origins Of Us - Part 1
Chapter 15: The Origins of Us - Part 2
Chapter 16: The World of...Yesterday
Chapter 17: Past Shadows
Chapter 18: Divine Union
Chapter 19: Humanity's Bliss
Chapter 20: A Promise to be Fulfilled
Chapter 21: Honest Goal, Conflicting Drive
Chapter 22: One's Pain, is Another's Sorrow
Chapter 23: Cryptic Clues, Certain Prediction
Chapter 24: A Cold land...and Warm Emotion
Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions
Chapter 26: Meeting...and Departing
Chapter 27: Tears of a Loved One
Chapter 28: The Fated Awakening
Chapter 29: Divine Fury
Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request
Chapter 31: True Feelings
Chapter 32: The Call of Another
Chapter 33: A Curious Offer and Question
Chapter 34: A Demon's True Nature
Final Chapter: The Power of Unity


2.6K 156 32
By Theodore21

"I am Atlas, of Nova Aerris. One of Five beings destined with the protection of the guardian pillars. The keepers of live in skyworld. For many years we have stood watch, over these vital pillar. We have watched the world for a long time, the sun rise and fall, the moon waxing and waning...and the flow of life ever moving"

"I have watched humanity for a long time, and while my brothers remain reclusive...I have seen the true strength and joy of the world. The wonders of the world, the bonds between friends and family...and more importantly the power of a bond"

"Individually one is weak...but with others their strength is infinite. I never seen more proof of this...then of Tema Cirrus and his friends. A sibling to sentinels, a child of a human and sentinels, and friends to both...his journey  I'll remember to days ends. I still remember their final days on this journey"

"Nick, feeling bad for his past activities devoted his life, to science. He's working on a process to restore the energy of the guardian of pillar of Terra. I've heard he's even got plans on a teleport station allowing one to travel freely to Lower Aerris from anywhere"

"Lea decided to stay with her parents, along with Noa and Seje. Lea is currently exercising her legs, and hopes very soon she'll be able to run and walk like everyone else. Lea decided as soon as she can walk properly, she going to Aqua city...and is going on a shopping trip with Kairi"

"Kairi went back with Rafiel to live back at her home. Kairi's father...lightened up a little and has decided to let Kairi freely travel whenever she wants. Kairi often makes regular visits to Tema's house, the two being practically best friends. The two just hang out and have fun"

"Jo went back to Ventus City with Blaze and currently lives in Tema's home. I've heard from my brother Atlas of the wind, she still regularly goes down to the slums and entertains the kids with stories of her journey. She awaits Tema, who has promised to help her clean the house"

"As for Damos...well...he's spending time...campaigned. In an odd twist he's currently pursuing a Nova Aerris without ego or ignorance. The old fashioned way by talking and preaching. I've heard it's slow...but he's determined. You've got to give him that"

"and now we move to Tema, Eve and his family. On the final day, Mistress Alana awaits at home...until she hears a knock"

Alana gets up from her chair and quickly gets to the door "Aunt Alana" said Tema "we're home" Alana sees Eve, Aurora, Yumi and Viola. "it's finally all over now" Alana smiled

"it's good to see you" said Alana "I watched your epic were great out there"

"so you saw Tema fight then?" said Viola

"I did indeed. He was quite spectacular out there" just then Yumi sniffed

"What is that delicious smell?" said Yumi

Alana smiled "that would be the banquet I have prepared for you. I had ready for when you came home" Yumi then hugged Alana

"Oh thank you, thank you" Yumi then stepped back and blushed "it's good to be home...Aunty Alana" Alana smiled

"now go on off you go" Yumi nodded and ran into the house "Aurora..." Aurora hugged her "it's good to see you home"

"thank you Aunty Alana" said Aurora "now I'd better stop Yumi before she eats everything" Aurora then darted inside.

Tema then spoke "hey...Aunt Alana?" Alana turned to him "would it be alright..." Tema took Eve's hand "if Eve could live here with us?"

"of Course" said Alana happily "I wouldn't dream of splitting up two kids in love" she then hugged them both in each arm "it's good to see you both safe and sound" Alana moved back "I know you'll be good to each other. So Eve...welcome to the family"

"thank you...Ms Alana" said Eve happily as Alana "come on Tema, let's go eat" Eve then dragged Tema inside

"ow, ow...stop pulling...Eve"

Alana then turned to Viola "'s good to see you safe too" Alana then gently hugged Viola

"I thank you for your concern" said Viola happily as Alana let go "and I also thank for taking me in"

"It's no big deal at all. This house was always too big for me. Although I never dream I would have such a big family" just then a familiar voice spoke

"neither did I Alana" Alana turned to see Zephina "never did I"

Zephina stood in-front of her glowing with white sparkles emitting off her body "Alana...It's been a long time since I last saw you as I am. I hope you been well" Alana nodded happily

"I have...Zephina" said Alana a little misty-eyed

"I can't thank you enough for looking after Tema for me. Viola...Alana please continue to look after I know you always will"

"it'll certainly be lively with everyone around now"

"it will indeed" said Viola Zephina began rising in the air "Zephina...goodbye. And thank you"

"I'll be watching over you...always" said Zephina

"Zephina...tell that idiot brother of mine I said hi" Zephina laughed a little

"indeed I will" then in a small flash she disappeared.

Alana looked back down "well Viola. We'd better get to the banquet"

"yeah if we don't hurry" said Viola "it'll be all gone by now" with small laughed between them Alana shut the door...and went with Viola into the dining room.

"The entire day was filled with the laughter and joy of a family and friends. To think...all of this happiness and joy resulted...from the simplest gesture. A simple gesture that led to something more. Something so which may seem insignificant...but is extremely vital"

"If you find someone...suffering and in the dark, maybe you could be their guiding light. All you need to do is...offer...a single hand. A hand they know...which will guide the light" 

Well...that's the end of the story. I hope you all enjoyed it. I certainly worked hard on it. I hope you enjoyed the story and if you manage to take on lesson from this story...then I'll be happy.

If you enjoyed what you read, be it this chapter or story I am very thankful and hope you enjoy the rest of the day. Don't forget to leave a comment and/or vote.

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