Ready or Not


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"Your mine," I tell her, trying to control my breathing. "As your mine." She whispers back, her sweet breath... More

Ready or Not (Unedited)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chater 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

16.8K 464 15

Camille’s POV

         Let’s see…maybe a pinch more sugar for the batter. Oh wait I think I put that dough over here. Hmm did I measure out that flour correctly? Oh chopsticks- why hasn’t the timer gone off for the pie?! I better go check that before I burn the place down. Whatever happened to that crumpet recipe I found? I think I got all the needed ingredients for it. Butter! You know what, I forgot I was running low on butter. I should go run and get some-

         “Eeep!” And cue flashes of white as my life dances before my eyes.

         “Sweet baby Jesus woman! What have you done to the kitchen?” A deep vibrating baritone and constricting arms break my fall, and snap me out of my near death experience. “This is the kitchen right?”

         “Um…What…Yes…Kitchen…I…Thank….Saved…Butter.” Wow I am officially the worst kind of mess.

         “I don’t exactly know what that means but it looks like I came in at the right time. Can’t have miss top dog falling to her death now can we?” I’m finally able to shake my almost fall out of my system and recognize my savior.

         “Jeff. I can’t thank you enough. That would have been quite painful.”

         “Anything for you doll face.” He winks over dramatically and reaches a hand as to pinch my cheek before thinking better of it and retracts his arm. “You got a little…all over.” He waves his arms smirking.

         “Your mean Jefferson.” I throw him a professional pout before reaching for a discarded rolling pin and clocking him with it.

         “Ow! Man little girl you pack a mean punch.” Jeff laughs backing off, hands up in surrender. “So there must be some pack event I’m not aware off that you’re baking for. I mean usually Austin let’s me know, but- Oh it’s a surprise isn’t it?!”

         “Well, no you see I’m trying to-

         “Ah I got it. This is your first attempt at being Luna!”


         “I gotta say, I’m impressed. This is enough to feed the pack two or three times over. I don’t think this kitchen has seen this much action, like ever.”

         “Well I’m glad I could break the kitchen in but-

         “You know I think your gonna fit in just great here. Aw you even made Austin’s favorite cookies! I see why he loves you.” Another wink.

         “No Jeff you don’t understand-

         “Nope don’t worry your pretty little flour filled head. Your secrets safe with me. Austin won’t know about the surprise I’ll go invite everyone and it will be-

         “ARG! I COOK WHEN I’M NERVOUS OK?! NOW JUST STOP INTERRUPTING ME! THERE’S NO SECRET MEETING. I’M NOT MAKING SOME SORT OF LUNA DEBUT AND I’M JUST FREAKING OUT AND YOUR NOT HELPING AND I HAVE FLOUR EVERYWHERE AND-AND-AND…. I’M FREAKING OUT OF BUTTER!!!” by the time that train wreck comes out I’m practically panting and staring down a rather taken aback Jeff. I’m sure I’m sporting the crazy-eye look right about now. I steal a glace to the doorway off to the side and spot Jamie, eyes wide, concerned yet understanding. I plead with my eyes for her to get him out of here.

         “Jefferson you heard the woman! She’s out of butter. Go! Go! Go! Make yourself useful I’ll deal with this.” God I love Jamie. I awkwardly sniffle and smile at her probably looking like a deranged animal, as she takes control quickly dismissing Jeff and turning to me.

         “You wanna tell me what this is about Cam?” She takes her right hand and places it to my check using her thumb to gently brush away some of the mess.

         “I’m fine. Really. Your right about Jeff he can really get on your nerves.” I step out of her grasp and brush some more of my mess off my shoulders and hair before facing her with my last attempt at a smile. “He was just all in my space and wouldn’t stop talking and I…I just lost it I think.” Excuses, excuses. I need to get it together.

         “Beeeeeeep!! Beeeeeeeeep!” Jamie’s cut off and I make a made dash for my pie.

         “Hold that thought Jams I’ll be darned if I ruin this pie.” I’m about to unleash the precious desert from the oven when-

         “Here these might help.” I turn mid grab to be face to face with a pair of gloves, no wait oven mitts. Oops.

         “Thanks. Always looking out.” At last my little pride and joy is complete. I carefully set it on the cleanest section of counter to cool. Maybe I should look into cleaning up a little. Perhaps a good sweep would be a good place to start…

         “Cam? Sweetie?”

         “Hmm? Did you say something Jams? I was just analyzing how to best tackle this disaster.” I gesture around to the flour covered counters; dangerously slippery floor, and egg splattered, well-seasoned various other surfaces.

         “That can wait. I want to be sure your ok.” I open my mouth to brush off her concern. “I mean okay with everything that has gone on. The recent stuff, the not so recent stuff…the Austin stuff…all of it…so are you?”


         “Hey, go get cleaned up. Get your shit together. And meet me on the second floor balcony for some serious sugar and girl talk.” Jamie directs, saving me from an answer. I can’t help but stand there staring at her gathering all my cookies, pies, and pastries together. Its like I’ve been on autopilot since yesterday morning and I’ve just shut it off. Everything has just caught up to me. “Hey don’t be standing there watching me work, get to it. I wanna see you sparkle, and not because of the sprinkles.” She winks. “Now go! If your not out soon I’m gonna be coming in after you.” I manage a mangled chuckle watching Jamie try and nudge me out of the kitchen with her hips while balancing all the sweets.

         Finally out of the same constricting yet therapeutic room I’ve been in all day, I manage to muster some sense of calm. I let the ties free and the first flour drenched layer drops. Next is my tank top. It may be salvageable since my trusty apron took the brunt of it. After that my jeans drop and I’m free. The steam is gathering but I can still make out the figure staring back at me in the mirror. Well, I recognize those blue eyes, even if they’re a little puffy and red from my emotional breakdown. My hair on the other hand, maybe I’d look like this if I were about thirty of forty years older, white hair just isn’t my style. That gets the first real smile to appear in two days. Progress.

         Stepping out of my little relaxing bubble, and back into reality, I wrap myself up in a fluffy white towel and let out a breath. Sure the tension, nervousness, and fear still linger, but I honestly feel like a new woman. Cliché as it is.

         “Jamie you were right. I really needed that. I feel so much better.” As much as I hate admitting she was right, because she’ll never let me forget, I can’t help but let her know. The silent response I receive isn’t like her though. Usually she can’t stop bragging.

         “No need to be modest Jams, I know I might’ve looked and acted a little crazy back there but I’m all good now. I’m giving you a free pass to say ‘I told you so’ so feel free anytime…” still nothing. Maybe she went out to the balcony already. She would still be able to hear me though. She is a wolf after all. Ugg. Who knows with that chick? I slip on some undies and slide into a pair of sweat pants. Looking around for something not covered in flour to use as a shirt, my eyes fall on Austin’s t-shirt I borrowed the other day. That should work. I feel and hear my stomach protest, perfect timing. All my chef masterpieces would make a great snack.

         “Hey Jamie I don’t know what your playing at but I could have sworn I was talking to you. I forgive you though since you helped me out back there and- Austin!?...I thought you were…where’s Jamie?”

         “Come here kitten. I tried not to eat any without you, but you were gone so long and those cookies are my favorite.” I realize I haven’t seen Austin since the morning I found out Jeremy was missing. His presence instantly eases my mind. That smile. Those eyes. My mate. I’m home.

Austin’s POV

         I could hear her and smell her before I saw her. Her soft little footsteps I find so soothing and her oatmeal and lavender scent drives me crazy. I just want to bury my head in her hair and lick her skin and- shit don’t get excited here man.

         “Hey Jamie I don’t know what your playing at but I could have sworn I was talking to you. I forgive you though since you helped me out back there and-

         I could hear her voice getting closer as she walked towards the balcony Jamie said she’d be on. Jamie came into my office and told me I was needed on the balcony. I guess I’m about to see what she meant.

         “Austin. Camille’s been having a tough time these past couple days. I think she’s been overwhelmed with everything that’s been going on and she needs to let it all out.”

         “Wait, am I freaking her out? Is the mate thing stressing her? I know she didn’t want to rush things, and that being Luna scares her but-

         “Austin. Just talk to her. Be there for her. As her mate you are going to know her better than anyone. You are a team now, and a team takes care of each other. Some things you know about and others you don’t. Allow her to come to you. Just make sure she knows you’re there for her. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she needs you.” I open my mouth to respond but can’t seem to get a word in, “And whether or not you want to admit it, you need her too.”

“Austin!?...I thought you were…where’s Jamie?” I let my eyes take in my gorgeous little mate and can’t help but smile.

         “Come here kitten. I tried not to eat any without you, but you were gone so long and those cookie are my favorite.” I offer her an impish grin. Hopefully that broke the ice and she forgot all about Jamie meeting her.

         “Thank you Austin. I didn’t know they were your favorite but to be honest I was just about making any recipe I could get my hands on.” Ah, so there is something on her mind. Let’s start easy. Baby steps. I gesture to the space next to me on the bench. She hesitantly eases down biting her lip. Damn. She needs to stop that right now.

         “That’s okay. You will hear no complaints from me. It’s been a while since I’ve had anything remotely as good as all this.” I tell her, hoping she can see the honesty in my eyes, and that it gives her reassurance. “So, now that you know my favorite cookie, what’s yours?”

         “Well when I was little my mom and I would bake together every Sunday and the kitchen would get so messy we-“ she pauses as if realizing she was just babbling and maybe said something wrong.

         “Kitten? What would you and your mom bake?” I fix my eyes on her, trying to get her to open up, but she just stares off, looking out to the vast pack grounds. I gently place my fingers on her chin and guide her to turn to me. “Look at me kitten.” I delicately coax her. Her beautiful, captivating orbs snap to mine. I catch my breath. “No matter how long it takes, or how hard you resist, I intend to know every little thing about you.” I never let my eyes stray from hers. “I want to know you inside and out, and I want you to know me better than I know myself. We’re a team now kitten. There’s no I in team now is there?” She very subtlety shakes her head and I take that as I sign to continue. “I know this whole mate thing is a lot to wrap your head around. One minute your just living your life and the next your whole future is intertwined with a complete stranger.” I see understanding enter her eyes. “I want you to know that I truly believe I have found my other half in you, and I want you to find the same with me. I understand it might take some time, and I’m willing to give it to you. Camille, sweetheart, you can’t just shut out on me though.” She blushes and I can feel her putting her walls back up. I place my hands on either side of her face forcing her attention on me head on. “All I’m asking from you is to be an open book. I’ll do the same. No secrets. No lies. Just you and me.”

         “Just you and me.” She whispers, almost to herself, like she’s trying it out and seeing how it feels.

         “That’s right kitten, you and me.” I place a kiss to her forehead before releasing her and leaning back a bit. “Now are you ready to tell me the big secret as to what your favorite cookie is?” She giggles. I love the sound, and vow to get her to laugh as often as possible.

         “Gingersnaps.” Her eyes sparkle, and I can’t suppress my smile any longer. “I love Christmas and the way the house smells when we make them.” She has a far off look and I imagine she’s recalling a time when she made them. “I cook when I’m nervous or have a lot on my mind.” She sheepishly admits.

         “Well it’s good to know the pack won’t ever starve.” I inform her humorously, earning a shove and a heartwarming smile. “So to what do I owe this delicious spread?” I gesture at all the food before us, taking a turn for the serious, hoping she opens up.

         “There are some things you probably should know Austin.” She looks into my eyes, hers holding pain and fear, before turning to look away. My stomach is suddenly in knots and my fists clenched. When she speaks again she sounds far away. “Jeremy. His name’s Jeremy. He’s missing. He’s…he…they can’t find him….” She trails off her eyes glistening. I immediately pull her into my chest, offering her comfort and support. I don’t know who this Jeremy is, but he deserves a good beating for making my mate feel like this.

         “Who’s Jeremy kitten? Why can’t they find him?” I gently ask, smoothing out her hair and rubbing circles on her back. She burrows further into my chest. “If he hurt you, I’ll end him baby. Just say the word.” I place a kiss to her temple.

         “H-he said I’m his. He thinks I’m his.” She pauses and looks up at me with wide eyes, I realize I growled. I try and soothe her and comfort her, but I want to wring this guy’s neck. Camille is mine!

         “Shh. Kitten just tell me what happened. I’m just gonna sit and listen.” She sniffs one more time before seeming to pull herself together, and takes a deep breath.

         “Jeremy has always had sort of a crush on me. He was in my dad’s pack and I’d know him for a while but hadn’t really paid him any attention until recently. He kept trying to get me alone, and would always tell me I was his, and that he would have me.” I’m trying hard to keep my wolf at bay. He is torn between finding and ripping apart that bastard and staying to comfort and protect his mate. “He’s been getting braver about pursuing me recently. First at a party a little while ago, then at the golf course, when I left to go to the bathroom, then after you left and the girls and I went to a local bar. He and some of his friends cornered us on the way home and there was a fight. Luckily my brother and Matt came or else it could have gotten ugly.” She shudders, remembering that night and the possibilities.

         “You didn’t think you could tell me any of this?” I ask her; hurt and angry that she doesn’t trust me.

         “No Austin! Of course not!" She assures me. "If I thought myself in serious danger or something I’m sure I would have told you. It all seemed trivial until the fight. But then Ryan and my dad were so bent out of shape and I let them handle it while I left to come here with you.” She looks up at me smiling slightly as she brushes some hair out of my eyes. “I didn’t feel safe there any more and knew you’d take care of me.” She blushes slightly at that admittance, like she didn’t mean to say it aloud. I smile at her embarrassment, and feel pride swelling knowing she trust me to protect her.

         “This bastard will have to get through me to touch you, and I don’t intend on letting him.” I assure her.

      “I know.” She states proudly. “I feel so much better getting that off my chest.” She huffs out, dropping her shoulders.


       “Thanks for trusting me kitten.” I whisper into her ear, holding her close to appease my wolf, and assure him she’s safe.

         “I’m just worried now, because they can’t find him. I know now, that he has a couple screws loose and there’s no telling what he’ll do.” She shivers in my arms. I hug her tighter.

         “You have nothing to worry about kitten. Your safe here with the pack and I.” I press a kiss to her temple. “I’m gonna have a talk with your dad. Don’t you worry a hair on your head. We’re gonna nail the bastard.” She pulls back enough to flash a heart-stopping smile up at me. I waste no time bringing my lips down to meet hers.

Its time to put my playboy past aside and as an alpha, focus on my pack, my mate and my mate’s safety. Step one, find Jeremy and put an end to him and his games. He won’t touch what’s mine and get away with it.

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