The Princess and The Servant

By Airtempleavatar

554K 15.1K 10K

Asami is a princess. Not an average princess. She is the princess of Encanta, a magical realm. She has everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 27

10.6K 248 218
By Airtempleavatar

Enjoy :)

Korra looked in the mirror as she brushed her hair. She could hardly keep the smile off her face as she got ready that morning. Today was the day her parents were going to take her to the village for the first time since she got back.

Korra couldn't wait to see everything and everyone. Her father had warned her that there may be some people that may not be so nice to her or may want to hurt her so she'd have to be with Asami and her friends the whole time. Korra happily agreed, understanding completely how mean and inhumane people could be in the world. She reminded her parents that. She wasn't stupid.

She was nearly killed by her uncle three times in her life.

The world was a terrifying place but it wasn't all bad. There were still goodness in it. Trolls and sirens weren't a part of that equation but fairies, mermaids, elements controllers, pixies, some magic wielders, and a lot of humans were the good ones.

But Korra knew she had to be careful. Asami told her not to bring anything valuable with her or anything worth stealing. Korra took the warning and didn't put on any jewelry, not that she'd wear it anyway. Jewelry was not her thing.

Korra out the brush down. She hummed quietly to herself as she looked around the top of her dresser. She picked up a white handkerchief. She expertly tied it around her hair like she'd done a million times.

She looked herself in the mirror, looking for anything she missed.


Korra turned around. She saw Asami standing in the doorway, obviously not expecting it to be her.

Korra smiled.


Asami closed the door behind her. She walked up to Korra.

"What are you wearing??".

Korra was wearing her old clothes. Her slightly torn blue shirt and brown pants, and her white apron that she worn over her pants.

Korra spun around, arms outstretched.

"I'm blending in", she said.

She looked down at her clothes, wiping off imaginary dust.

"I don't want to seem like I think I'm suddenly better than anyone else. I'm not trying to make myself seem like I wanna be put on some pedestal".

Asami smiled. As much as she didn't like Korra wearing lose clothes, she understood why she wanted to wear them.

"Plus", Korra added, "if I'm not hurting anyone or getting hurt because of wearing these clothes then I don't really see any reason I shouldn't wear this. No one's gonna tell me how I dress as long as I don't look like a slut or look like a beggar on the street, right??".

Korra looked to Asami for confirmation.

"Yeah", Asami said. "You're right".

Asami's eyes roamed over Korra. She brought a hand to her chin.


Korra raised an eyebrow.


"You'll need a cloak", Asami said. "At least something so people don't recognize from far away. The less people recognize you, the better".

Asami waved her left hand. Magic flowed from her hand, swirling around it. A baby blue cape appeared in her grasp.

She smiled and walked up to her.


She took the cape and put it on Korra's shoulders. She took the strings on the neck area and loosely tied it into a bow.

"There", she said.

She turned Korra around. Korra smiled. She twisted her body to get a good look at the object.

"I love it", she said. "Can I keep it??".

"Of course you can, Korra", Asami said. "I made it just now, just for you".

Korra turned around and looked at her in surprise.

"You made it?? Just now??".

Asami giggled. "Yeah. Magic, remember??".

"Well I didn't know you could make things", Korra said with a shrug. "I just thought you made things appeared from somewhere else".

Asami placed a hand on her hip.

"Then I might as well have stole half the things I made appear for you with my magic".

"You never know", Korra said, turning around, grinning. "You could have".

Asami giggled. "I think you'd be more likely to steal something".

Korra made a face. "Good point and even that chance is slim. I've only stolen at least four times in my life as a servant".

Asami raised an eyebrow, her smile falling.

"What did you steal?"

"Food for other servants if they really needed me to. I only got caught once and that was because someone told on me".

Korra crossed her arms, an annoyed look on her face, her eyes shifting to the floor.

"Bastard got me lashed with a stick for that".

"Kooorraaa", Asami said, prolonging it to make emphasis.

"Sorry", Korra said. "But he was a bastard".

"Stop saying that word", Asami scolded. "It's better that I tell you than for your parents to hear you say that".

Korra looked at her. She pouted.

"Sorry but he was. He was a jerk to everyone. Not as much as our masters and mistresses but still rude".

Korra smiled and looked at Asami.

"I'm glad you're not like that, your highness- I mean princess- I mean mistress- I mean......".

Korra looked panicked and confused. She looked at Asami.

"What do I call you again??".

Asami giggled. "Asami".

Korra let out a breath, relaxing.

"Right. Asami".

She bushed, raising a hand up and resting on the crook of her neck.

"Sorry. When I say certain things or talk a certain way or about certain things that have to do with being a servant, I tend to go back to that mindset".

"Understandable", Asami said.

She looked down at her own outfit.

She was wearing a long, dark red dress and a black coat.

She decided to change her clothes.
She thought for a moment. She looked up at Korra's, looking at her outfit for inspiration. Then she got an idea.

Asami snapped her fingers. Magic swirled around her. Her long dress changed into what looked like a villager's dress but had a regal look to it. It was red and white with long sleeves. She also had on a red cloak around her and she had on black boots. Asami looked down at her clothes, happy with her choice. She liked it but felt like something was missing.

Then she remembered her sword.

Asami waved her hand over the waist of the dress. A belt, along with her trusty sword, appeared on it.

She placed her hands on her hips, looking in the mirror.


Korra smiled, obviously impressed.

"You never cease to amaze me, princess Sato".

Asami looked at her.

"C'mere you".

She reached out her hands. Korra took them. Asami pulled her towards her. She wrapped her arms around Korra's waist, pulling her close. She smiled, their foreheads almost touching.

"Don't forgot we're going to be married in just a few weeks".

Korra smiled. She gave Asami an Eskimo kiss.

"How could I forget the day I become the wife of the most beautiful and most amazing woman in the world??", she said quietly.

The two giggled softly, not breaking eye contact. They both slowly leaned in. Their lips pressed together. Asami held Korra tighter. Korra ran her fingers through Asami's always perfect hair.
The kiss was gentle and loving yet passionate. Just perfect.

Korra felt her heart race. She slowly slid her hands to Asami's cheeks. Her thumbs slowly rubbed the princess's soft, porcelain skin. She couldn't help smiling. Asami pulled away, a smirk on her face.


She poked Korra's side. Korra giggled, jerking away from Asami.

"What's so funny??", Asami teased, poking her twice more in the side.

Korra tried to pull away from the embrace but Asami held on to her. She continued to poke Korra's sides, making the other princess laugh.

"What's so funny, huh??. What??. Tell me".

Korra just laughed, trying to get away.

"Asami", she cackled.

Asami grinned at her fiancé. She loved hearing Korra laugh. She needed a bit of laughter especially after everything they've been through the pass couple of weeks. It felt refreshing to see Korra so happy.

Asami kissed Korra's right cheek before letting her go.

"I love you".

Korra rolled her eyes.

"You're annoying", she said, playfully.

Asami smirked. "I know. But you don't mind it, do you??".

"Nope", Korra replied.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door.

Korra turned and looked across the room to where the door was.

"Come in", she called.

The door opened. Queen Senna walked in, smiling.

"I heard a commotion but I thought you two were having fun so I didn't want to interrupt".

"It's fine, Mama", Korra said. "Is there something you need??".

"It's time to go", Senna said, walking across the room, her shoes making a sound on the tiles on the floor.

As she got closer, her smile widened.

"Wow", she said. "You girls look great".

Korra and Asami looked at eachother then at the queen.

"Thanks", Asami said. "It was Korra's idea. She wants to blend in and be the humble person she is so I decided to match with her style".

Asami slowly spun in a circle.

"It's not as simple or realistically villager like, but good enough for me to look like some form of nobility. I don't think anyone in your kingdom knows me or Korra so I don't know if they'll recognize us anyway".

"Well I think it's a great idea", Queen Senna said.

She looked at Korra. "You were always very clever as a child and I see you haven't changed".

"I guess not", Korra said. "Maybe I got it from you".

Senna smirked slyly. "Maybe and your gorgeous looks too".

Korra struck a pose, one hand on her hip, batting her eyelashes while Senna stood beside her, hands clasped and raised them to rest her left cheek of the back of her hand in a fawning matter, her right foot raised and also batted her eyelashes.

Asami giggled, bringing a hand up to her lips.

"I can see where Korra got her personality".

Senna laughed elegantly. She looked at Asami, crossing her arms.

"I'm only thirty five", she said. "I can be just as goofy as Korra. Plus, I wasn't always royalty, you know".

Korra looked at her mother in surprise, her eyes wide. Asami wore an identical expression on her own face.

"You weren't??", Korra asked.

Senna shook her head. "Nope. I grew up in the village your grandfather ruled with his wife. It was my mom, my dad, and I".

Korra sat down on the chair in front of her vanity. She smiled and rested her hands on the top rail of the chair, one hand on top of the other, resting her chin on top. She watched her mother, like a child hearing a bedtime story.

"We weren't the richest people in the kingdom", Senna continued. "But I did have quite a lot of suitors asking to court me".

"Ooooooh", Korra said, smirking. "Were any of them taken into consideration??. What were they like??".

Asami looked at Korra with a raised eyebrow. Korra noticed her looking at her and looked right back at her.

"It's just a question, Sami".

"Better be", Asami said before looking back at Senna.

Senna laughed. She looked at her daughter.

"Some were quite a head turner", she said.

She giggled. She exhaled.


Senna looked over at the doorway. She looked back at the teens

She leaned in.

"Those stuck up bastards were too damn snobby".

Korra laughed. "Did you turn them all down??".

Senna gave a nod. "I was quite a heartbreaker when I was your age", she said.

"How did you meet dad??", Korra asked enthusiastically, yearning to know the story.

Senna sighed. She walked over to Korra's queen-sized bed. She sat down. Asami and Korra looked at each other. They got up and walked over to Senna. They sank down to the floor, sitting beside on another.

Senna looked off in the distance, thinking back.

"Well", she said. "Let's see".

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Three turned and looked at the door.

"Come in!", Korra called.

The door opened and Korra's father stepped in.

"Korra??. Senna?? Asami??".

King Tonraq looked around the large bedroom before spotting them.

He smiled and walked over to them.

"Am I interrupting something??".

Senna laughed lightly. "Nono, my dear. I was just telling them about when I was their age. I was just about to tell them how we met".

"I want a love story too", Korra said, looking at Asami. "There needs to be story written about how we met and fell in love".

Asami nodded in agreement.

"I think so too".

Tonraq chuckled. "Well. We can tell them on the way to the village. I've been waiting for quite some time and I was getting worried. Come on. If we want to spend the day there, we'll have to leave now".

Senna, Korra, and Asami stood up. Tonraq looked at Korra and Asami's outfits.

"Well. What do we have here?? What are you wearing??".

Asami grinned. "Korra's idea. So we can blend in and not look so "regal". Just to show them we're normal everyday people too".

"That was a very great idea", Tonraq said to Korra.

"Thanks", Korra replied. "I'm not one to brag about my status".

"Well then", Senna said. "Let's get going".

She walked past Tonraq. She swiped the crown off his head.

"You won't be needing this", she said, before running out of the room.

Tonraq ran out after her, both laughing.

Asami giggled. She looked at Korra.

"Your mother is amazing", she said.

"Yeah. She sure is", Korra agreed.

She walked a few feet away. She turned back around, a smirk on her face.

"Hey Asami??".

"Yeah??", Asami replied, already knowing Korra was up to something.

"Like mother".

She held up Asami's hair pin. Asami's eyes widened, touching her hair. The hair pin wasn't there. How did she.....

"Like daughter".

Korra turned and ran towards the door. Asami smiled. She ran after Korra, who was almost out the door. Asami chased her out the room and down the hall. They ran so fast, they caught up to the king and queen. Korra ran past her father. She ran beside her mom who was laughing.

"Let's switch", she said.

Senna nodded. The two switched items.

"Race ya to the pegasi", Korra shouted. "First one to get to Kai wins!!", Korra called over her shoulder.

Korra and her mom looked at each other and smiled, their dark brown hair flying behind them. Magic suddenly swirled around the queen. Her clothes and shoes changed in something way less elegant. It was a dark blue and white long sleeved peasant's dress and a dark blue cloak of her own.

"Nice", Korra commented.

"Thanks Asami", Senna called.

"You're welcome!!", Asami called back.

It was closer than before.

Korra looked back. She saw Asami and Tonraq gaining on them fast. She clutched her dad's crown in her hand. So they were all running side by side. Korra's heart pounded in her chest. This was the most fun she had in such a long time. She never wanted this day to end and it was only beginning.


So yeah. Comment what you really think of this chapter and I'll be updating most likely tomorrow :)

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