Light In The Darkness(Superna...

By HopeSparksEmbers

476K 12.6K 2.1K

Ella Winchester is the youngest of the Winchester siblings. She grows up surrounded by the supernatural. Rais... More

The Beginning Part 1
Ella's Origins Part 1
Ella's Origins Part 2
Ella's Origins Part 3
Pilot Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Pilot Part 3
Pilot Part 4
Pilot Part 5
Pilot Part 6
Pilot Part 7
Pilot Part 8
Pilot Part 9
Wendigo Part 1
Wendigo Part 2
Wendigo Part 3
Wendigo Part 4
Wendigo Part 5
Wendigo Part 6
Wendigo Part 7
Wendigo Part 8
Dead In The Water 1
Dead In The Water 2
Dead In The Water 3
Dead In The Water 4
Dead In The Water 5
Dead In The Water 6
Dead In The Water7
Coming Clean
Phantom Traveler 1
Phantom Traveler 2
Phantom Traveler 3
Phantom Traveler 4
Phantom Traveler 5
Phantom Traveler 6
Phantom Traveler 7
Phantom Traveler 8
Bloody Mary 1
Bloody Mary 2
Bloody Mary 3
Bloody Mary 4
Bloody Mary 5
Bloody Mary 6
Bloody Mary 7
Bloody Mary 8
Bloody Mary 9
Bloody Mary 10
Skin 1
Skin 2
Skin 3
Skin 4
Skin 5
Skin 6
Skin 7
Skin 8
Hook Man 1
Hook Man 2
Hook Man 3
Hook Man 4
Hook Man 5
Hook Man 6
Hook Man 7
Hook Man 8
Hook Man 9
Hook Man 10
Hook Man 11
Bugs 1
Bugs 2
Bugs 3
Bugs 4
Bugs 5
Bugs 6
Bugs 7
Bugs 8
Bugs 9
Bugs 10
Home 1
Home 2
Home 3
Home 4
Home 5
Home 6
Home 8
Home 9
Home 10
Home 11
Home 12
Winchesters Keep Marchin' On
Asylum 1
Asylum 2
Asylum 3
Asylum 4
Asylum 5
Asylum 6
Asylum 7
Asylum 8
Asylum 9

Home 7

2.4K 89 16
By HopeSparksEmbers

When we arrived all the lights inside the house were off and everything seemed quiet, a little too quiet. Just being back here again put me on edge and I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that we were being watched. I kept trying to brush it off like it was nothing, but deep down in the back of my mind I knew something wasn't right.

I bit my nails nervously and hoped that I was wrong. Sam managed to convince Dean to park the car across the street from the house, so we could stakeout the place just to make sure everything was okay. I'm happy that he did, because I don't think I'd be able to sleep tonight if we left without first making absolutely sure that Sam's nightmare didn't become a reality.

I glanced down by my feet and saw that my journal was slightly sticking out of my bag. I reached down and pulled it out, along with a couple color pencils. I figured I could draw to keep busy and calm my nerves. When I opened up my journal I flipped through the pages and stopped on the last drawing I did of fire. As I stared at it I couldn't help, but feel like it wasn't done yet. I had a strong urge to complete it, so I grabbed a black color pencil and started to finish it up.

I was beginning to get cold, so I pulled my blanket out from my bag and covered up. Then I went back to work on my drawing. When I was done I stared at it with an eyebrow raised, because not only did it look beyond scary, but it also confirmed that this case was far from over. I thought this drawing was gonna turn out like the other drawing I did of fire with the letters in the center, but I was terribly wrong.

This drawing looked entirely different and the only thing it had in common with my previous one was the fire in the back ground. In the center of the fire there was some black smoke surrounding a creepy dark hooded figure. The black smoke around the dark figure kinda reminded me of the smoke I kept seeing inside Jenny's house.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Dean asking, "All right, so tell me again, what are we still doin' here?"

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling."Sam replied in an attempt at convincing Dean why we needed to still stakeout the house.

"Me too."I agreed with Sammy as I kept my eyes glued on my super creepy drawing.

"Why do you guys think that? Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubinstein thing, the house should be clean, it should be over."Dean stated, then let out a yawn. I quickly looked away from my drawing and glanced over at him. He closed his eyes while resting his head back on the headrest as he let out a frustrated sigh.

After all these years of being on the road with Dean there's one very important thing I've learned, that there's nothing worse than dealing with him when he's exhausted. Let's just say, when he's tired he tends to lose his patience quicker and basically transforms into Grumpy from, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." I know better than to argue with him once he's gone into grumpy mode. I just hoped Sammy didn't say anything to set him off.

I was brought back out of my inner monologue by Sammy saying, "Yeah, well probably, but I just wanna make sure, that's all Dean."

"Yeah, well, problem is, I could be sleeping in bed right now Sammy."Dean grumbled while glaring at Sam.

The last thing we needed right now was for my brothers to argue, so I decided to intervene and maintain peace, by showing them my drawing.

"Well, I think it's far from over, check this out." I said as I leaned on the front seat in between Sam and Dean. Then I practically shoved my journal in their faces.

"New drawing?"Sam asked as his eyes focused on my drawing of creepiness.

"Yup, and you guys see that freaky black smoke around the dark hooded figure in the middle?"I asked while pointing to creepy smoke around the center of my drawing.

"Yeah, what about it?" Dean questioned while glancing back at me with a confused look on his face.

"Well, that's what I kept seeing inside the house."I explained while remembering my close encounters with the dark black smoke in the house.

"What about the dark hooded figure?"Sam asked while grabbing my journal and staring at it almost like he was studying it.

"I think, that's what the poltergeist is suppose to look like."I answered nervously while staring at my drawing.

"Do you see anything right now?"Sam asked while glancing back at me attentively as he awaited my response.

I looked over at the house across the street and I could've sworn something dark like a shadow moved behind the big monstrous tree in the front yard. Suddenly a black cat ran out from behind the tree. I thought maybe the dark shadow was just a cat. I mean everything appeared to be normal, then again the poltergeist did manage to hide from me earlier. I kept my eyes locked on the house while wondering if this thing somehow survived the cleansing thingy we did earlier with Missouri and was now back hiding where I couldn't see it. Which would explain why I was experiencing an extremely horrible feeling of being watched, ever since we arrived at Jenny's house.

All of a sudden Dean waved a hand in front of my face while asking, "Earth to El, do you see anything or what?"

"Uh....No, I don't see anything right now, but maybe it's hiding like it did earlier in Sari's room."I replied while looking over at him.

"Why do you say that?"Dean asked while staring at me.

"Cause I feel like something super creepy is watching us."I responded while gesturing to the house.

"All right, stay focused El, and let us know if you see or sense anything, okay." Dean said while looking back at me with a concerned expression on his face.

"Okay, sure Dee." I replied while saluting him. Then he turned around and focused on looking out the front window in order to keep watch on the house.

"Here you go."Sam said while handing me back my journal.

"Thanks Sammy."I responded while placing my journal back into my bag.
"Sure, you're welcome Ella."Sam said with a slight smile. Then turned around to stake out the house.

When I sat back in my seat I felt an icy cold chill go down my back. I knew what that meant, so I looked around, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I sighed in frustration while wondering what in the heck was going on here.

"Ella..."I heard a familiar male voice whisper from behind.

I glanced over at my brothers and they just kept looking forward out the front window staring at Jenny's house. They both seemed unaware of what I was hearing. I turned around and prayed it wasn't the poltergeist trying to play mind games with me.

When I looked out the rear window everything appeared to be normal. No signs of anything creepy, freaky or weird. I shrugged my shoulders then turned around, so I could face forward. At the corner of my eye I saw something move. I slowly turned towards my right and nearly jumped when I saw that Jack was sitting in the seat next to me. I bit my lip hard to prevent myself from screaming and placed my hand over my heart, because it was beating so fast. It literally felt like it was gonna come flying out of chest. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. That was one jump scare I never wanted to relive again.

"Jack? What the hell? You almost gave me a friggin' heart attack." I whisper yelled while staring at him with my brow furrowed.

"Sorry kid, but shush....It's not safe...that thing, it doesn't like that I'm tryin' to help you and my family."He whispered with concern while gesturing to the house.

I grabbed on tight to my blanket and covered up completely, because being this close to Jack was making me feel so cold that my entire body was shivering. I covered up my mouth with the blanket, so Sam and Dean wouldn't see my lips moving as I talked to Jack. I had to find out what was going on and I had no time to answer my brothers twenty billion questions about who I was talking to. I figured I'd fill them in on who Jack was later, but right now time was of the essence and I had to know if Jenny, Sari and Richie were in any danger from the poltergeist.

"I can feel something watching us which means it's still here, isn't it? The cleansing thingy didn't work, huh?"I quietly asked while glancing over at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, whatever you guys did with that bright light, it only pushed it out of the house, but it didn't get rid of it, at least not completely."He answered while looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

"What does that mean?"I asked sounding as confused as I felt.

"It means that the light only weakened it, and now it's pissed off and back for revenge."He explained with glancing over at the house.

"Well, that's not good."I mumbled under my breath while shaking my head.

"Yeah, and I don't want my family caught in the crossfire."He said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly an icy cold breeze brushed past me. I could see my breath when I breathed out and I was over come with the strong smell of something burning. It was the same thing I smelt when I was back in the house. I noticed a pattern with that smell, because it would only happen whenever the creepy poltergeist was around.

"Please, just help get my family out before it's too late, and remember you must be wants..." He started to say, but flickered like a light when it's about to go out.

"Jack? It wants what?"I asked while staring at him with an eyebrow raised wondering what he was gonna say next.

He flickered again and when his mouth opened he started to cough, almost like he was choking on something.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"I asked with concern while staring at him.

"The smoke smell it's...It's here..."Jack said out of breath, then he went into a severe coughing fit. That's when I realized that the smoke smell was getting stronger and it was really getting to him. I knew it had to be the poltergeist trying to prevent Jack from talking to me.

"Where is it?"I asked while glancing frantically out the window. When I didn't get a response from him I looked back at where Jack was sitting, but he was no longer in the car. I couldn't see him anywhere it's like he disappeared into thin air.

"Jack? Where'd you go?"I mumbled to myself while staring out the window.

"Ella..."I heard a deep creepy voice whisper from outside the car. It almost sounded like it was near the window, but I didn't see anything out there.

"Well, that doesn't sound good."I said under my breath as I held on tight to my blanket for dear life.

I looked around and saw the ominous black smoke appear over by the big monstrous tree in the front yard of the house. My eyes opened wide in shock when I saw it transform into a dark hooded figure. It looked like the one I had drawn in my journal, except this seemed so much more scarier in person. My heart was beating like a drum in my chest and my palms were getting sweaty. I was starting to miss the old black smoke look it had before. I mean it was creepy before, but not as freaking creepy as this. It was black from head to toe. The long black cloak it was wearing went all the way down to the floor. I tried to see it's face, but the dim lighting and the hood it was wearing kept it well hidden within the dark shadows.

All of a sudden Jack appeared right next to the dark hooded figure. He was hunched over while coughing uncontrollably as the dark smoke went all around him. I wanted to go over to help him, but right when I put my hand on the door handle I heard the creepy deep voice of the hooded figure say,"I'll offer you a deal Ella, just come here and I'll let him go..."

"Don't listen to it kid, It's baiting you, stay with your brothers! You're stronger together, she told me to tell you that..."Jack said out of breath while staring at me.

A million questions ran through my head beginning with: What did he mean by she told him to tell me that? Who was she? I really wanted to know, but before Jack could tell me anything else the dark hooded figure completely enveloped him in thick black smoke. I watched in horror as it went into his nose, ears, eyes and mouth. Then Jack flickered and disappeared out of sight. All that remained was the creepy dark figure surrounded by ominous black smoke.

"Come Ella!" It yelled out loudly in a deep booming voice causing my ears to hurt. I groaned in pain while covering my ears with my hands. Which instantly caught Sam and Dean's attention. They both turned around in unison and looked at me with concern.

"Ella, are you okay?"Sam asked sounding worried.

I shook my head as I stared at the dark hooded figure that was just standing by the house looking right back at me.

Dean blocked my view of the figure while saying,"El talk to us, what's goin' on?"

"It's back, I can see it."I replied anxiously while looking at him.

"Where is it?"Sam asked while looking back at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Outside."I responded quickly while pointing to where the thing was standing by the tree in the front yard. It just stood there menacingly as it watched my every move.

"Come..." The dark hooded figure demanded in a deep menacing voice.

"No." I said through gritted teeth while shaking my head as I continued to stare at it. I had my iron knife ready just in case it tried anything.

"No what?"Dean asked sounding confused while staring at me with an eyebrow raised.

"It's saying things."I answered as I stared at Sam and Dean in the front seat while biting my nails.

"What kind of things?" Sam asked as he turned around to look back at me.

"Tell them, everyone's gonna die!"The dark figure replied in a deep growl causing me to flinch and tighten my hold on my iron knife in my pocket.

"Trust me Sammy, you don't wanna know."I responded while shaking my head.

Then I saw the dark figure turn it's attention towards the house. It flickered and disappeared. When it reappeared I saw it in the upstairs bedroom window.

"Oh crap."I said in disbelief as my eyes opened wide in shock.

"El, what's happening?!"Dean asked loudly sounding really worried.

"It's gonna hurt Jenny and her family, we've gotta get inside the house now." I explained while looking at my brothers. I quickly opened my car door and got out.

"El, wait!" Dean yelled while scrambling to get out of the car.
Right when I was gonna cross the street Dean managed to quickly grab my arm and pull me back to the car. The serious look on Dean's face told me that overprotective big brother mode was officially initiated. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Sam shouting,"Guys look!"

Dean and I looked over at Sam as he got out of the car. Then he pointed to Jenny's house with his eyes wide opened. We looked over at the house and saw Jenny in the upstairs window frantically banging on the glass with her hands. She was screaming in terror as tears streamed down her face. My eyes widened when I noticed that the dark hooded figure was standing right behind her.

"It's inside with Jenny..."I anxiously said while staring up at the dark figure.

"Sam, El you guys get the kids, I'll get Jenny, come on."Dean quickly said while motioning for us to follow him to the house.

We ran up the stairs and Dean quickly kicked in the front door. Then we all ran inside and made our way upstairs. Dean and Sam went to Jenny and Richie's rooms to get them out of the house, while I ran into Sari's room to help get her out. When I entered her room she was sitting on her bed staring at the closet like a deer in headlights. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears threatening to spill over at any moment.

I ran over to her side while asking,"Are you okay?"

"Ella, It opened by itself...."She said nervously while pointing to the closet behind me. I glanced back at the open closet to make sure the creepy dark hooded figure wasn't around, but I didn't see anything there. Then I turned and looked at Sari as a couple tears ran down her face.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'm gonna take you to your mommy, okay?" I said with a slight smile, so I could reassure her that everything was gonna be all right.

"Okay." She replied while nodding her head and wiping the tears away with her hand.

"All right, Let's go." I said while extending my right hand out for her to take.

She took my hand and stood up. Then she let out an ear piercing scream while staring at something behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a figure on fire inside the closet.

I quickly put Sari behind me and she gripped on tight to the back of my jacket. Then she whimpered in fear as the fiery figure walked towards us. It was about to block our only way out so I yelled at it, "Stay back!"

I was about to take out my iron knife when I heard a familiar female voice from within the fire say my name. It was the same voice that tried to help me earlier when the poltergeist tried to lure me into the closet. I can't really explain it, but I just knew this thing wasn't gonna hurt us. Then it reached out with their hand towards me and I could feel myself being drawn towards it. I extended my hand out ready to touch theirs when I felt something grab onto my arm and pull me back. I glanced over and saw that it was a very worried looking Sam.

He was holding Richie with his left arm while grabbing on to me with his right. I looked back at the figure on fire and felt like going towards it. I stared at it and felt like I couldn't look away. All of a sudden I saw something within the fire, it looked like a face. I focused on trying to see what it was, but before I could make it out Sammy shook my arm snapping me out of my trance like state while yelling,"Don't look at it!"

"Don't look at it!" Sam shouted again completely bringing me out of my staring contest with figure on fire.

"Come on let's go."Sam frantically said while pulling me and Sari out of the room. Then we ran down the stairs and when we reached the bottom Sam handed me Richie while standing there like he was frozen in place.

"Sammy?... What's wrong?"I asked anxiously while staring at him with concern.

Before he could respond the dark hooded figure appear right behind him and quickly knock him down on his stomach with a loud thud causing Sari to scream at the top of her lungs.

"Sam!"I yelled out in horror as he groaned in pain on the floor. Then the dark figure flickered and disappeared.

I took this as my chance to carefully walked towards Sammy so I could help him up, but before I could reach him I stopped dead in my tracks, because the dark figure managed to reappear in front of Sam completely blocking my way.
"Just let him go."I said through gritted teeth while staring the thing down.

It shook it's head while saying in a deep animalistic voice, "Since you didn't come to me willingly Ella, I'll just have to do things the hard way..."

I didn't understand what it meant until it waved it's hand towards Sam and an invisible force quickly dragged him into the kitchen. Then the dark figure disappeared.

I wanted more than anything to run after Sammy, but I knew I couldn't do that with Sari and Richie. I didn't want to put them in danger, so I handed Richie to Sari.

I bent down to her eye level and said, "Hurry, take your brother outside as fast as you can, don't look back."

"What about you?"She asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Don't worry about me, you get out of here, and save your brother, I'm gonna go save mine. Now go!"I quickly said while pointing to the open door.

She held on tight to her little brother as she sprinted out the front door. Then she ran straight for her mother who was standing next to Dean by the Impala. All of a sudden the front door slammed shut and locked all by itself causing me to jump back. I instantly pulled out my iron knife and went into my fighting stance ready just in case it decided to attack.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud followed by the sound of Sam groaning in pain from the kitchen.

"Sammy."I anxiously whispered to myself as I turned around and carefully approach the kitchen. When I entered my eyes opened wide in shock, because I saw Sam pinned to the wall next to the stove. I sprinted over to his side and grabbed on to his arm while desperately trying to pull him free.

"El, just get out of here."He said while looking down at me with a pained expression on his face.

"No, not without you!" I said while staring at him like he had two heads, because there was no way I was gonna leave him behind.

"Damn you're really stuck on there, what'd it use friggin super glue."I grumbled under my breath while pulling his arm.

"Just go."Sam said while staring down at me.

I shook my head and looked him right in the eyes while saying, "No Sam, you're crazy if you think I'm leavin' you behind, I almost lost you here earlier, I'm not losing you damn it, and knowing Dee he'll be in here any second, then we can get the hell out of here, together."

"I don't think so..."The deep creepy voice whispered in my ear as I felt something cold tightly grab onto my left arm.

"Oh crap."I mumbled under my breath as I saw the dark figure appear at the corner of my eye. It had a strong hold on me and I knew it was about to pull me away from Sam.

"What? What's wrong?"Sam asked sounding panicked while staring at me.

"You can't escape your past, you'll be with your Mother soon..."The dark figure whispered in my ear in a deep tone. I could feel it's icy cold breath against my ear and shivered while trying to move my head away from it. Then I looked up at Sam as I held back the tears that threatened to come out.

"I love you Sammy."I replied as I let go of his arm and held on tightly to my iron knife in my right hand.

"Ella?"Sam asked with his brow furrowed as he looked at the iron knife in my hand. Then I quickly turned to my left and stabbed the dark hooded figure causing it to let out a loud deep growl as it disappeared.

I stood protectively in front of Sam with my iron knife tightly gripped in my right hand. I didn't know exactly where the poltergeist disappeared to, but there were two things I definitely knew for sure: #1) There was no way I was gonna let this thing hurt my brother and #2) I wasn't going down without a fight.

"That was foolish little girl, now you must be punished!"The deep menacing voice practically yelled viciously in my ear. I winced in pain, because it's loud booming voice managed to give me a horrible headache.

Suddenly the creepy dark hooded figure appeared in the center of the room. It waved it's arm towards me causing an invisible force to pick me up off the ground. Then with a tilt of it's wrist it sent me flying across the room from Sam. I slammed against the wall and groaned in pain from the impact. I desperately tried to move, but this thing had me pinned to the friggin wall. I glanced over at my hand and realized that my iron knife was knocked in the collision.

"Well, that sucked!"I yelled out in frustration while glaring at the dark hooded figure that was standing in the middle of the room.

"You okay?"Sam asked while staring at me with concern plastered on his face.

"I'll get back to you on that."I muttered while keeping my eyes on the dark hooded figure.

Then it started to walk towards Sam. I shook my head while thinking there was no way I was gonna let that thing hurt him again. I needed to draw that thing away from Sammy and at least keep it distracted until Dean could get here or until I could get to my iron knife somehow.

"Hey! You! Fugly! Get the hell away from my brother!" I yelled while glaring at the menacing dark figure.

"No!" The creepy deep voice growled loudly causing me to wince in pain.

"What is that the best you got?!"I shouted while glaring at the dark figure as it stood right next to Sam.

"Ella don't."Sam warned with a worried expression on his face as he stared at me.

The dark figure disappeared and I frantically looked around the room wondering if it was gonna magically reappear again, but I didn't see it anywhere.
All of a sudden an icy cold breeze brushed past me causing my entire body to shiver uncontrollably. Then I screamed, because the creepy dark figure reappeared right in front of me.

"Ella!" Sam cried out.

The dark figure grabbed on to my throat and I gasped for air. It leaned in towards me and I turned away as it whispered in my ear, "Welcome home Ella, I told you that you can't escape your past...."

"No!"I screamed as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Leave her alone!"Sam yelled while struggling against the invisible force that kept him pinned to the wall.

"Let him go, please."I quietly pleaded hoping the dark figure would just let Sammy go.

"You plead and beg just like your Mother."The dark hooded figure said with a deep chuckle.

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk about my Mom!"I said through gritted teeth while glaring at the dark figure.

I could hear a loud banging sound coming from the other room. It sounded like the front door and I prayed that it was Dean.

"Sam! El!"Dean yelled as he entered the room with a shot gun in his hands.

"Dee..."I anxiously said while glancing over at him as he stood by Sammy across the room. He looked over at me with concern.

"He can't save you Ella..."The dark figure said in a creepy deep voice.

"What do you want?"I mumbled under my breath.

"You..."It whispered into my ear causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.

"What do you want with me?"I asked while trying my best to keep a brave face on. I didn't want to give this thing the satisfaction of knowing that it scared the crap out of me.

"I'm hungry and your energy smells so appetizing, I just need a little taste...Don't worry Ella I won't drain you completely, I'll leave enough energy so you can watch me as I kill your brothers by draining them before your eyes, it's not like they can stop me only you can see and hear me....No one can save you now. It's hopeless, give up now..."the dark figure whispered in my ear."

"No..."I said out of breath as it's grip tightened around my neck making it hard to speak.

"I wasn't asking!"It growled in a deep menacing voice causing me to flinch.

All of a sudden the dark hooded figure let go of my throat and started to move it's hand towards my head. I whimpered in fear causing Dean and Sam to look over at me with worried expressions on their faces.
Before the creepy poltergeist could lay a finger on my head, the figure on fire walked into the room and started to come towards me. Dean raised his shot gun and aimed right at it.

"No, don't!"Sam yelled out frantically while staring at Dean.

Then the fiery figure rushed towards me causing the dark hooded figure to completely back away from me as it flickered and disappeared. Dean still kept his shot gun aimed at the fiery figure ready to shoot. I focused on staring at the fiery figure and saw a familiar face within the fire. I couldn't help, but smile while staring at her.

"Don't Dee!"I managed to shout as a tear went down my cheek.

"What why?"Dean asked in disbelief while looking over at me.

"Because I know who it is, I can see her now..."Sam quickly replied while staring across the room at her.

"You can see her too?"I asked with a smile while glancing over at Sam.

"Yeah..."He responded with a slight grin.

Then the fire around the fiery figure went completely away leaving a blonde hair woman dressed in a white nightgown. I smiled, because I knew exactly who it was. She looked just like the picture in Dad's journal. I thought no wonder I didn't feel threatened by her presence in Sari's room earlier, because the fiery figure was Mom this whole time.

"Mom?"Dean said with tears welled up in his eyes.

"Dean..."She said with a smile as she walked towards him.

Then she walked over towards me while saying,"Ella..."

"Sam..."She said while walking towards Sam with a smile still on her face.

Suddenly her smile faded and she looked sad while staring at Sam as she said,"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"Sam asked with a pained expression on his face as he looked at her. She didn't answer as she walked away towards the center of the room.

Then she looked up at the ceiling and I followed her gaze. That's when I saw the creepy dark figure reappear on the ceiling. It was staring down at her as it growled viciously like a rabid dog.

"You get out of my house, and let go of my kids!" Mom demanded while glaring up at the dark hooded figure.

Suddenly her body was covered in fire as she lunged at the dark figure on the ceiling, causing her and the dark hooded figure to completely disappear. I heard the creepy dark figure scream out in pain. When I couldn't hear it screaming anymore I felt the invisible force that was keeping me pinned to the wall fade away. My headache along with the creepy feeling of being watched and the cold freezing temperature in the room all went away. I knew that meant they were gone. I glanced over at Sam and smiled, because he was no longer pinned to the wall. I ran over to Sam and Dean tackling them both with hugs.

"Mom totally zap fried the poltergeist, huh?"I said with a while looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, and you don't sense anything right now? Do you?"Sam asked while him and Dean attentively stared at me awaiting my answer.

I shook my head and replied,"No, do you Sammy?"

"No, now it's over."Sam said with a slight smile while looking over at Dean and I.

"All right let's get outta here."Dean said while putting an arm around my shoulder and lead me to the front door. Sammy following right behind us as we made our way out the door and down the front steps.

Then we walked over the back of the Impala, so Dean could put away his shot gun and ax. I looked at his ax as he shut the trunk. Then I glanced over at the front door. It had a giant hole in it and I just knew he went full on, "Here's Johnny"  from, "The Shining" in order to get to Sammy and I. I'm happy Dean came busting in when he did, because I don't wanna think about what could of happened if he didn't. I'm just happy we all made it out alive.

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