Fifty Shades of Hate

By tvd_VA

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"Toby ever since we came back from Branson- and before you say anything just don't and let me finish, ever si... More

fifty shades of hate
First meeting
Scared shitless
Starting the job
Sleep deprived
Branson here we come
Diffrent concept
Let the games begin
Spanks and promises
The hurting heart
Out in the open
Surprise surprise
The date with business
Quick goodbyes and quick make ups
Wet and wild
New Years!!
Spilling my little guts
The not so fun ball
The suprise
Cold ever after

The dinner party

967 15 5
By tvd_VA

Hey readers did you know I am typing this at 6:16am, I have coffee and I'm going somewhere at 7:00 ugg lets hope it doesn't sound droopy.

Recap:"I don't hate you Toby." I said looking serious but once agin I knew I did ......I hated his guts.

Chapter 12 : the dinner party


Does anyone ever tell you that you wake up drowsy or grouchy? Well I was neither of those right now I woke up with the fattest grin on my face.

Oh so once upon a time in fairy land a girl named Abigail had a dream that she new how to get her revenge on a guy named Toby.

I looked to the other side of the bed and sure enough there was a sleeping beautiful jerk face. I got up silently and made my way to the huge stack of papers on his desk. I'm glad I woke up early or other wise I would get caught red handed planing my revenge.

I got lucky like fate must of be in my hands lucky because the first paper I picked up was the one I was looking for and it read...

Dear Toby,

We would like you to put all your income and interest money in this company. We would promise cash back every interest rate and we think we would be good for you to keep your money safe. If you would like to invest your money to the company write us back.

Yours truly, a-2b

I knew that this letter was a scam and that someone had sent him this letter hoping he would buy it so they could get there hands on his money. It was obvious first off because there's no company in the world named a-2b.

Im going to feel bad for making him lose a chunk of money but if you knew what it was like to be hurt not once but multiple times you would understand.

Consider me a bitch for doing this if you like but he deserved this. I wrote a letter back to the people saying.

Dear, a-2b

I would like to invest most of my money in your company hoping and trusting you will keep it safe. I also would like my assistant Abigail Kane to tell you the account numbers and the password.

Sincerely, abi...Toby.

I erased the Abigail part and now all I had to do is find the password to the safe that his moneys in.

I wasnt going to give away all his money, especially not my 5,000 dollars but I would take a decent size chunk of it. It's not like he can't raise more his company's high up in the market right now it will just put a dent in things for a while.

I looked around trying to find the passwords but I heard shuffling. I quickly ran to the bed and pretended to be asleep I could feel his gaze on me as I "slept." I got tingles as his hot breath came to my ear. It soon went away as he spit in my ear!

"How is waking up to my wet spit princess." I was mad but there was nothing in the morning like hearing his groggy voice and seeing his bed hair.

"Honestly how is waking up to no coffee and breakfast." It was to early in the morning to argue with him. Now that I was in bed I wanted to sleep.

My face paled I forgot to hide the letter on the table. If he finds it he would get furious then fire me or better yet even hurt me agin.

"Hello Abigail stop zoning out I'm trying to talk to you." His hand was waving in front of my face.

"Oh ya sorry just thinking, what were you saying?" It seemed like we were getting along. I wondered if that was good if I kiss his ass I think he would start to wonder what I was up too.

"I was saying.... that what I said last night....I didn't mean it I'm not trying to be rude but um.. I....could never like you like that." He said the sentences with so much pauses and stuttering it made me question if he really meant it or not. Any happiness that I felt this morning was gone.

"Toby I said I didn't hate you and Im glad you don't like me." This was true I didn't want him to like me so I wouldn't feel guilty about the letter but I never said I didn't like him.

"Really?" His confused face made me giggle "Yes Toby really."

"Well then lets go make breakfast and I....what's that?" He pointed to the desk. Oh shit I'm screwed I'm screwed I'm screwed big time... "Toby Im so sorry I didn't think it was a bad idea I mean you hur-."

He cut me off "No Abigail thanks I was going to have you straighten up the papers anyway but you already did and you cleaned my desk wow your such a good girl come here Abigail."

I was in shock I thought for sure he saw the letter but turns out he thought I cleaned it for him. I walk up to him and he have me a heart warming bear hug. It didn't seem like Toby to do this but I won't argue I get to hug him.

His scent made me just want to....
Ok enough of the dirty thoughts my subconscious told me. I stopped mid track while he's making breakfast I had time to hide the letter but it would have to be somewhere he would never find it somewhere I would remember.

I placed it on the top shelve in his closet. When I grabbed it to make sure it didn't fall codes, passwords and numbers fell with it. I smile looks like I don't have to look for those passwords no longer. I put it back up there where he would never find them.

Toby's voice startled me.

"Why are you in my closet?"

"I was picking out a warm outfit for your to go to work in." It seemed believable to me. "Okay Abigail let me make this clear for you here take my hand."

Did he want me to hold his hand I looked away to hold in my blush.

"Ok" I say softly then he took it and yanked me outside not exactly what I had in mind but I got to hold his hand.

"Close your eyes." I did as I was told. "Now reopen them." I opened them and I had to squint because the sun got in my eyes.

"Toby that's not funny that hurt my eyes and what does this have to do with your closet anyway?" I was getting rather annoyed because of Toby.

"Why did you squint?"

"The sun got in my eyes idiot."

"Is the sun hot or cold?"

"Toby I don't have time for this-"

"Answer the damn question Abigail!"

"It's hot okay, it's hot!"

"Yes princess so I don't think I need warm clothes on my way to work." He said grabbing my hand and there came that damn blush.

"I'll just uh... I'll just go pick out something different." I was embarrassed I thought my cover up was good but it happened to be shit.

I walked to the closet and picked him out a cool business suite that wasn't to hot. I got to the kitchen and there he was on his phone agin!


"Oh I know...."

"No I have to spend time with Abigail..."

The last thing he said came as a shock to me because I believe he just said he wanted to hang out with me.

He whipped around faster than you can say potatoes and he gave me a cold glare. Im guessing its because he thought I had heard him I acted like I didn't. "Sorry didn't know you were on the phone, I will be in the room."

"No wait .....go get in the car." I got confused I guess I should of listened to the whole conversation.

I chose not to listen to him so I shake my head no and he made a spanking motion I practically sprinted to the car then.

I waited in shot gun for a while. He came out looking like a playboy model I had to start wiping my mouth from the drool that came out of it.

"Well ready to go to the dress shop?" He gave me a short smirk.

Remembering he said he would spank me if I didn't listen to him I asked him a simple question leaving out smart commits.

"May I ask sir why do I need a dress and why do you look like a play- never mind, why do you look fancy?" I said covering my slip.

"We need to get you a dress princess because we have a "date" to attend with my friend and his girlfriend."

"Oh which ones?" I said biting my tongue so I could hide my smile I love being "his" even if it is fake.

When he plays with me like we're dating in public it just I don't know it makes me do backflips.

"The bastard I caught fucking my ex girlfriend are the "friends" were double dating with. I want to show them I don't need them or that I don't care that they both stabbed me in the back."

I remembered he had told me that three mouths ago his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. I decided to help him out if it was me then I would want someone to help me.

"Well lets go get my dress sweetheart" I said noting else. I wanted to show those bitches that Toby was way much better than them. He smiled at me and my heart melted Into a million pieces.


I put on the dress he had got me which was a long rose colored dress, at the top of the dress it had one strap with ruffles.

I started working on my hair and makeup. I really wanted to help Toby with this so I tried to look my best.

"Abigail hurry up!" Toby started screaming at me I looked in the mirror and I let my long jet black hair fall beside me in curls .I smiled at my appearance finally satisfied.

"I'm done lets go." I hollered from the other room heading towards the door. I saw Toby fixing his blue tie and It made me wounded if he still liked this girl.

"Do you need any help?" I asked referring to his tie.

"No Abigail we should hurry and get to Mulidea and you look good by the way."

I was assuming Mulidea was the fancy restaurant we are going to eat at. When we get there I had to show them Toby didn't care.

We pulled up to the restaurant I was ready for tonight the only thing that bothered me was what if Toby saw her and discovered secret feelings for that would hurt me.

"Abigail Im not playing with you if you fuck this up your dead meat." I gulped he said this with a cold glint in his eyes and I could tell this meant a lot to him.

We walked inside arm an arm smiling at each other. "Remember this is fake." I sighed of course he would point that out.

"Hey Toby my man!" The guy approached Toby gently to make sure there were no grudges.

"Hey Matt how have you been these days still banging my ex girlfriend?" His friend Matt dropped the friendly smile and looked down in shame.

My smile dropped when I saw her. She was one of the prettiest girls ever.

Flawless skin, long brown hair and a skinny hour glass figure. Her outfit looked absolutely stunning I hoped that wasn't the girl but I knew better.

She came up behind Matt strutting all the way over here. He pecked her on the lips while Toby tensed. I squeezed his hand for reassurance he turn to face me saying thank you with his eyes.

The girl cleared her throat to stop us like she was jealous which would be absolutely ridiculous.

"Who's that girl?" She whispered leaning in to Toby, he shivered.

I was pissed now she doesn't get to come in and sweep him off his feet.

"Im his girlfriend and your who? I don't think he's ever talked about you I only know of Matt I guess you weren't that important to mention." I batted my eye lashes at her and she gave me a cold stair.

"Ladies shall we get our table." Matt said breaking the fusion.

"My names Tanya." Looking at her facial features the named Tanya fit her well, it matched.

"My names Abigail." She flipped her hair and rolled her eyes walking away as if she were golden.

"Hi guys I will be your waiter and I.... hey your the girl from the hotel."

"James?" Toby and I asked in unison.

"Small world huh?" James was cute but I would never like him like I liked Toby.

"Ill get your wine and have your orders ready when I come back."

We all ordered and while we ate our food they were all caching up on each others life's.

Every once in a while Toby would make up a cute story about us. Tanya looked jealous and I think it's stupid she's one of those girls who always wants what she can't have. He's mine the thought made me growl.

"Did you jut growl, freak?" I was getting sick of her always trying to find ways to pick on me.

"No I choked on my whine." Ignoring me she gave her attention to Toby. "Matt and I went sky diving do you want to see I have a picture?" Tanya asked.

"Oh ya dude it was so fun and definitely an adrenaline rush!" Toby nodded but any one could tell he didn't want to see the pictures.

Warning flags were being set off as Tanya scooted to out booth. She came so close to Toby her breast were touching his arm.

I wanted to show her that he wasn't hers. I took my hand and placed it on Toby's upper thigh then started to slowly rub up and down.

He looked down gulping then quickly looked back at Tanya while she was just glaring at my hand.

"See that's us right there." All Toby did was nod he didn't say anything which was odd. He had been talking up a storm all night what's so different now?

She went back to her seat and started having her own little conversation with Matt ignoring us both. Matt wasn't as bad as her but he ignored us trying to pay attention to Tanya.

"Princess...." Toby grunted in my ear.

"what?" I whispered back.

"That's really distracting all I can think about is your hand." I could feel his hot husky breath in my ear.

My face flushed. "Im sorry just thought I would make a statement." I didn't stop though I keep my hand on his upper thigh, still moving it.

"And what statements that princess is it the one where your not even dating me but can make me horny as fuck." His voice got huskier as he repositioned his legs.

I was really embarrassed by then. I was surprised Tanya and Matt hadn't heard but I guess they were caught in a little conversation of there own.

I smiled try to be brave, I've had my hand in his pants before this shouldn't change a thing. I don't stop rubbing his thigh as I say...."Nice to know that I turned you on but I think it's funny and Im not going to stoping." Teasing him, I bit his ear which made him tense.

He grunted while getting really close to my ear where I felt his breath fanning on me "Unless you want me to strip you naked, spread you on the table and eat you for dinner instead of this shit I suggest you stop."

By then I couldn't breath. I pulled my hand away but I was frozen. The matter of fact is I wanted him to, I wanted him I wish I never took my hand away because he would of done it and I would of loved it.

"Well thanks for dinner but me and Matt better get going we are have a pool party to attend tomorrow."

THE WICKED BITCH OF THE WEST IS LEAVING!! I only thought I really smiled and said "It was nice meeting you bye." she scoffed, "Honey ill be in the car."

"Well Toby as much as I would of loved to see that, we both know you don't have the balls to do it." Matt said smirking.

"Do what?" I was lost and by the looks of it Toby was to.

"Oh you know have the diner you really wanted." He motioned to me, Toby's eyes got big as I blush.

"Goodbye Toby nice catching up with you and Abigail you probably would of loved it. "He walked out the door leaving me and Toby shocked.

We loaded up in the car both being silent and not a good silence and it was an awkward one.

Toby was the first to speak....

"So we didn't get caught this time."

I took a swallow "No we didn't I guess we did pretty good."

"Ya we did but about....."

"I know you don't have to say anything." I rush out.

"Good I wouldn't know what to say because I meant turn me on Abigail." He left me in total shock he didn't disagree.

I was happy now and we soon both crawled in bed and I laid there thinking about...


The letter.....

..........and Toby.

anyway happy Monday if that's what your into

So what's she gonna do......what do ya think?

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