The hurting heart

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Recap: Me... Abigail going to hate Toby for the rest of my life and I will get my revenge jut you wait and see

chapter 11: the hurting heart


I woke up and checked my phone it was early and that's a first for me speaking of waking up early I think I might start waking up early so then I can do my "chores" and I can avoid Toby so he can't tell me to do them.

Were in the car right now driving home I told him I wanted to go home because I didn't feel good and he actually bought it.

"The princess awakens." Toby shouted at me a little to loud for my liking since I did just wake up like three minutes ago.

I choose not to respond to him because the vow I made at the hotel. "Hello Abigail I'm talking to you and you can't just sit there and ignore me."

I thought I heard him with a little guilt but probably not cause he's heartless. "Yes, I'm not ignoring you!" I said rather annoyed still thinking of last nights events.

"Don't get prissy Abigail I already have a headache and I'm really not in the mood to here your voice right now." It's time I start standing up for myself.

"What! your the one Toby that told me to speak because you thought I was ignoring you and besides you have a headache oh shut the fuck up!"

"I have a headache and a cold but I wonder why I have a cold huh?!" I was getting snappy and that last part was a slam for him because he made me suffer in the cold frosty air while exercising my Uranus off.

His faced turned away and gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
You made him mad just keep going see if you can dig a whole so deep it could be your grave I mentally thought to myself.

I tried to busy myself in the car by fidgeting with little things so he didn't see me catching sneak peaks at his body,, yes yes I know I vowed to hate him but a girl can dream,...and look.

All a sudden the car came to a stop and we were in his long rich ass driveway. "Well that was an interesting trip ay?" I only said it to make small talk so it would look like nothing was up with me.

He did a rude small laugh that showed his pissy side and shook his head then got out slammed the door and walked inside the house.

Is he really just going to leave me here? I couldn't help but feel like he had the power right inside his strong hands because when he left I felt like he was leaving me for good.

I soon got out of the car myself and walked inside. I kicked my shoes off by the door and put my bags down my eyes were scanning the area like a hawk for Toby.

I caught sight of him in the kitchen and he was on the phone I contemplated on interrupting him and then I thought best not to.

I slipped my shoes and coat back on deciding the best way to ignore him was if I beat him to the stuff he was going to tell me to do anyway.

I carried our luggage back inside and then started getting stuff like tooth brushes out and putting then away. I took the clothes out and put them in the rinse cycle and yes he was still on the phone while I did all this.

He shortly or shall I say longly got off the phone when he was done he went to me. "Abigail I need you to get the stuff out of the trunk and put them away then get the dirty Laundry in the wash."

I smirked back all badass because I had the upper hand and then I saw his face of confusion but quickly snapped back to normal.

"Thats already done sir." I said lacing extra cockiness through my words. He smirked next which caused me to frown. Why was he smirking? "Okay Abigail since your done with all that and being a little cocky I see you can sleep with me." So this was why he was smirking he wants me to sleep with him.

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