Cold ever after

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This is the last chapter I really hope you like it.
I love you guys and soon read my new book bye.


"Aren't you cold Mrs.Summers?" Toby asked me. My teeth were chattering

"Yes thank you very much." I replied with sarcasm lacing through my voice.

"Come on, You no you love it you have my body heat to keep you warm." He was smiling all smug like.

"Ya ya get over here and keep me warm so far these blankets aren't doing a very good job I guess being in Alaska can make you quite cold."

....okay wait you probably like woah what the fuck how did me and Toby get here. I will gladly tell you it's a mesmerizing story actually.

After I woke up the night he proposed it had seemed the whole world had already found out. My parents, his parents and sister came knocking on our door at 8:00 in the fucking morning.

I answered the door and they practically killed my mind, pushing it with all the new "plans." Why did Toby have to go to work and leave me with all the family?

"Hey Abigail sweetheart how does this wedding dress look?"

"Do you think this would look good on my son?"

"Omg I can't believe my brother's getting married!!!"

The questions were spreading like a wild fire and there was massive chaos. I was starting to develop a small headache.

"Guys we only just got engaged were getting married mouths from now." I said chuckling at them and waiting for my soon to be husband to come home.

When people get butterflies it's okay but when you get butterflies, bees and other insects in your stomach its not, I wish I could tell you how happy I really felt.

!Knock Knock!

The door was being knocked on with someone's thick hard knuckles. I smile really big knowing who was going to be at the door.

The door swung open and there stood Toby with a surprised face I guess he wasn't expecting to see his house so full.

"It's a pleasure to see you all, but I hope your not giving MY Abigail a hard time." I blush furiously as he states the my in that sentence really loud and clear his sister smiles giving him a hug.

"Oh Toby brother I could not be more happy for you but mouths from now is a little long don't you think?" She tells him and he smiles back down at her.

"I guess but if I had a choice I would make her mine the second I could." I gushed never did I think me and him would be getting married life sure is weird.

Once my parents and his family decided to finally leave our house after what felt like hours upon hours it was just me and Toby....alone.

"So would you like something to drink princess?" Toby asked in a sweethearted way but I just had to ruin the moment.

"Ya your cum." I was feeling very aroused all I could think about was Toby in every single shade.

His face lit up in confusion and excitement. He turned to me his pupils dilating while he took big strides over to me.

We were chest to chest as I bucked my hips forward rubbing my front right on him. Are breathing was starting to get harder as we stay in motion.

He groaned moving up and down with my front we were practically dry fucking. I moaned with all the voice inside me I wanted to be fucked and I wanted too fuck.

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