Beyond The Soul: Kai

By Theodore21

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The World...has being lost. Thanks to world-spread contamination, the earth has been polluted and ravaged. Ma... More

Chapter 1: The Lone Heart
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: To Reclaim The Lost Light
Chapter 4: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 5: The City on the Sea
Chapter 6: The Fragile Youth
Chapter 7: A New Bond
Chapter 8: Innocent Strength...and Pure Resolve
Chapter 9: A Heartless Fate
Chapter 10: Strength of Heart
Chapter 11: New Feelings
Chapter 12: Worries And Fears
Chapter 13: Heartfelt Ties
Chapter 14: The Origins Of Us - Part 1
Chapter 15: The Origins of Us - Part 2
Chapter 16: The World of...Yesterday
Chapter 17: Past Shadows
Chapter 18: Divine Union
Chapter 19: Humanity's Bliss
Chapter 20: A Promise to be Fulfilled
Chapter 21: Honest Goal, Conflicting Drive
Chapter 22: One's Pain, is Another's Sorrow
Chapter 23: Cryptic Clues, Certain Prediction
Chapter 24: A Cold land...and Warm Emotion
Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions
Chapter 26: Meeting...and Departing
Chapter 27: Tears of a Loved One
Chapter 28: The Fated Awakening
Chapter 29: Divine Fury
Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request
Chapter 31: True Feelings
Chapter 32: The Call of Another
Chapter 33: A Curious Offer and Question
Final Chapter: The Power of Unity

Chapter 34: A Demon's True Nature

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By Theodore21

Tema was before Kaos, not quite able to answer the question or comprehend "I...set you free? What do you mean?"

"Don't give me that kid" said Kaos "you set my spirit free. For many a years I remained asleep...trapped in a prison of flesh and bone"

"You mean the...machine you were in?"

"Correctamundo...isn't that were humans say in a stupid fashion if they right about something. I've no idea how long I've been cooped up...I just slept it off. However the last couple of days...I sensed something...a strange but strong spirit"

Kaos put his fist on his chest "a spirit that continued to grow closer. Until it was right in-front of me. Then I felt spirit finally free from its prison. Tell me...kid what did you do?"

"Well...your body was literally dead" said Tema calling back "the reason you were even because of wires. So I...cut them"

"So that's the how...but now the why? What drove you to do it?"

Tema looked down putting a hand on his chest "who matter who you deserves to be trapped within their own body. It just...didn't feel right leaving you there. So I...put you to rest. And no we didn't give you any last words"

"Thank goodness for that" said Kaos rubbing his head "I was worried I was given a send-off with a heart-warming message. Still...that doesn't answer the question. So you freed me...because you felt sorry for me?"

"sort of...yeah. But more just felt right"

Kaos recited the answer "because it...felt right? You are aware of who I am right? The great demonic sentinel"

" I don't" said Tema truthfully "I have heard about you...but no-one seems know you personally. You could have been good, just plain rude or demonic as everyone says"

" do you judge me then?"

"I...don't know. I need longer than five seconds you know" Kaos laughed then appeared to turn see-through.

Kaos, lurched forward as his body faded and looked to great pain. So much so he fell one knee "Kaos!" Tema instinctively ran to Kaos putting his hands on his shoulders "hey...hey what's wrong?" Kaos then turned solid and in a surprise grabbed Tema by his neck

"What is the deal with you kid?" Kaos then stood up lifting Tema almost off his feet "why?" Tema was struggling for breath "Why were you so concerned just then?"

" pain"

"but...I'm the demon sentinel...remember? Feared by everyone. I'm evil remember, and before you think no I don't give a stuff about anyone. So why are you different?"

"You could be a hero...or this truly evil person. You could enjoy hurting people, and like causing pain...but nothing is more horrible than the feeling of being...alone"

 Kaos slightly loosened his grip "what makes you say...I was alone?"

 "When I heard...your message. I could see your eyes" said Tema "loneliness. I horrible that can be" Kaos loosen his grip a bit more "I spent...years that dark place" Tema's eyes were angry...but a little teary "Pushed away by humanity...I began to hate everyone...and everything. Yet...all I wanted...was one thing"

"And...what was that?" Tema's voice dropped tremendously

" be with"

Kaos had put down Tema who rubbed his neck instinctively "You...aren't lying kid. I saw it your eyes. Such anger...yet pain at the same time"

"I'm not saying it for sympathy...or pity" said Tema "More for...self-reflection"

"So kid...who set you free?"

"well you know's Aurora. She was the one...who set me free"

"Aurora...the last time I remember...she was mentally a baby"

"well...she's not anymore. She's fully restored now...and fine"

Kaos had a cheeky smile "fully restored and fine now eh? I bet that Damos fellow won't be too pleased"

"It's thank to Aurora...I now have a family...and many friends" said Tema "like for a start...Aurora is now my older sister"

"" Kaos appeared to be in curious thought "a sentinel as a sibling? Quite intriguing" Tema looked curiously "what?"

"'s just. I'd thought you'd laugh at that comment. I mean Damos did"

Kaos looked to oddly satisfied "it's strange...but for some reason...I feel...this feeling of satisfaction. It's somewhat horrible. And now I want to throw up"

"You're rather new to this aren't you" said Tema "I've also made friends some of the other divine sentinels"

"You have? Well go on then tell me, you have my..." he made a pinching motion "slightly undivided attention. So keep going until I get bored"

"okay. Well Rafiel is now a good friend. And he's bonded with my other friend Kairi"

Kaos retreated back "Wait, wait, moment. Now a sibling sentinel I'll believe...but that guy...bonded!?"

"Why do you find that more shocking?" asked Tema

"Rafiel was headstrong...very headstrong. He found it below him to be bonded. Look I might be demonic...but even I don't want to piss that guy off"

"Yeah...I know" said Tema with a shiver up his spine "well Z and Drake worked for Damos for a while. But recently...changed their choice of career"

Kaos nodded his head "to be honest anyone dumber than Damos, are the ones working for him. If they left him, they have hope yet...a very, very small amount"

"Viola almost became my older sister as well" said Tema "but even before then, she was already a good friend"

"Viola was the honourabe one and what about blondie? You know...Eve is it? As prickly as a rose bush" Tema then turned red

"She was just being misled in the beginning. She's...incredibly kind...and strong. And someone...very important to me. Very...important"

Kaos looked at Tema's face and laughed a little sarcastic laugh "oh...oh oh don't tell me? You're sweet on her...aren't you? Tema turned redder

"yes. We' love"

" and her...really? oh, oh, HA-HA-HA...HA-HA-HA...ohhhh" Kaos wiped his eye "oh that's rich...that is really rich. Eve and you a" Tema frowned

"You don't have to laugh so hard you know" said Tema scowling as Kaos was calming down

"Sorry...I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself"

Kaos leaned over and took a deep breath "ahh...there we go. Now these are some shocking times. Rafiel being bonded, sentinels adopted as siblings...and now a sentinel girl and human fall in love"

"'s not the first time you know" said Tema still frowning in disbelief

"riiiggghhttt" said Kaos in disbelief  "alright I'll take your word for it. Alright let to review, Rafiel and Viola became softies. Z and Drake are idiots currently unemployed. Damos belongs in a psychiatric ward. Eve is now in a fantasy love land...and I'm in limbo. Which leaves Zephina. What happened to her"

Tema body language drooped and his arms loosened "Zephina died...many years ago. She died in an accident...indirectly because of Damos" this seem to shock somewhat shock Kaos

"Really? And because of that psycho Damos?"

"in one way or another...yeah. She died in an explosion trying to save a mentally restricted Aurora"

"in an explosion? I always pictured something...grander than that. That sounds almost boring"

"Well...she wasn't exactly a sentinel at the time you see. She was pretty much human at the time"

Kaos nodded his head "that explains her boring death. It's...almost a shame she's gone. Hey did you know that? With the drivel I was told by that idiot Damos, he said Zephina had just vanished"

"I knew her...very well" said Tema wearing a smile "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her"

"Why? Did she save your life or something?"  Tema closed his eyes and focused and within a moment a column of purple surrounded him. Then as the light faded...Tema was in his sentinel form

"She didn't save my life...she gave me life"

Kaos looked visibly shocked by Tema's change " my mother Kaos" said Tema "I'm a senti-human. Born from my sentinel mother...and human father" Kaos looked just to be awestruck

"Now...this is one for the memoir" said Kaos looking at him "a human...with sentinel power? Can you give...a small demonstration?" Tema nodded and jumped to side.

Tema took a breathe and thrust his arms out producing a streams of fire which he shot out. Tema then used his hands to guide a funnel of wind, which he sent to Kaos blowing his blonde hair in the breeze. Tema then stomped the ground producing a thick wall of earth and forged a sword in hand. Tema then made randomly sliced with his sword, before changing to a hammer. Then with a great smash the wall simply split apart into many fragments.

Tema the clapped both hands together...and thrust then forward producing a 5ft ball of water which he raised up in the air. Tema aimed at the ball of water, and shot a bolt of lightning at it. The water then dispersed, raining all around them...producing a small rainbow. Tema took a breath out, returned to human form, and turned to Kaos who did a single clap "umm...6 out of ten"

"A bit harsh isn't it?" said Tema

"Fine...6.5" Tema chuckled but then Kaos lurched forward, momentarily becoming transparent


Kaos went solid again...but now rather worn down as he stood " looks time is starting to wear thin"

"Kaos..." said Tema

"sorry kid. This afterall was a temporary meeting. So kid back to my previous question. What do you think I'm like? Come on you've had long enough" Tema thought to himself 

" me...I guess...maybe a brother"

"" Kaos blinked in disbelief "What drove you to that conclusion? Don't pit me in with the rest of your softy family. I am not a nice guy you know"

"Why do you think I said brother? I mean there's gotta be one family member I argue with. Its keeps things...interesting and entertaining. Then when we feel like we cause trouble for everyone else" Kaos shook his head and chuckled

"you are truly one interesting kid you know" Koas for the third time cringed and turned see-through


Kaos went back to one knee...but was now going see-though then solid and back again "sorry time really is running short"

"Kaos..." said Tema "it's a shame we couldn't had more time. Call me crazy...but I would've liked to see you in action" Kaos just smirked

"this weird. It really is. Kid...what's your name?"

"Tema...Tema Cirrus"

Koas repeated the name "Tema Cirrus. Not a bad name. You know...if I'm going with one regret. It's that I couldn't beat the crud out of that psycho Damos" Tema then gestured out his hand

"then...what do you say...we work together?" said Tema "I'm currently fighting'll get your revenge"

" work with you?"

"I'm least I'm asking. I didn't just steal it like Damos did" Kaos snickered

"Just answer this remaining curiosity. If you had to give me a name...what would it be?"

Tema put his extended hand to his chin and thought " are just as strong as Zephina. But more rougher around the edge. So...something beginning with Z. Hey about...Zodiark? How does that suit you? I think that sounds good"

Tema then saw Kaos' hand gestured to him "Kid...Tema...I Zodiark will give you my strength on one condition?" said the newly christened Zodiark with a smirk "you beat the crud out of that Damos" Tema nodded and firmly gripped Zodiark's hand

"it's a deal"

As Tema grabbed Zodiark's hand, Zodiarks' hand began to glow a twinkling green. His body began solid, and he stood up to his full height "So Tema...let's see if you can truly handle my power"

"I managed to handle Zephina's" said Tema smartly "I'm pretty sure you won't be that much of a problem" Zodiark smirked "you know...for what it's worth. I'm sorry for what happened to you"

"why are you sorry..." Zodiark put a hand on Tema's head "I'm not. I mean you should have seen those scientists faces,  it was priceless. Some of the even wet themselves" Tema sniggered "And I'll be able to see the world through your eyes now. Q win-win" Zodiark rubbed down on Tema's head

"alright cut it out" said Tema pushing off his arm while the green light began thicken around Zodiark who began to disappear

"You know...I wonder...if this is...what having a brother feels like" Zodiark became the green light, and flowed into Tema's chest. Tema's body briefly glowed green and then dissipated

"Zodiark...not as much the demonic sentinel, but more the hell-raiser. Well...I'd better get back...just how though?" the world suddenly brightened "must been a password" Tema then closed his eyes.

The scene shifted now to the skyscraper. Damos was still firing his beam, looking very satisfied "and away he goes. I told you I wasn't falling for it"

"Tema..." said Eve looking disheartened "no..." then as Damos dropped his beam "wha..." Eve's smile returned "Tema!" Tema was stood exactly where he was, with his arms crossed

"Tema...he's okay" said Kairi while Aurora sighed in relief.

Damos looked lost for words "but...but how? That can't be possible" Tema uncrossed his arms showing he was in human form "You should be dead!! I called your bluff"

"no you didn't" said Tema "I offered you a chance...and you turned It down. So you know what...stuff it!" Tema pointed at Damos "I'm stopping this here and now" Damos then loudly laughed

"while you might a little stronger, I have the power of Kaos. I can keep going on forever" Tema looked serious

"His Zodiark" Tema then tensed his body and focused.

A rising spiral of purple and green light suddenly began to engulf Tema. Then the two lights engulfed Tema like a cocoon before breaking apart. Tema stood in his sentinel form "Tema looks...different" said Kairi

"yeah...he's wearing a coat...and his hair is different" said Aurora looking him

Tema stood, with his eyes closed, in his sentinel form which now looked somewhat different. Tema now wearing dark purple top and jogging bottoms but now also a dark loose leather coat which hung to his knees. His hair was still long and purple, with two light blue streaks. However he now has bangs of platinum-blonde hair eclipsing each side of face to his chin. He also had a droopy quill of blonde hair stuck up on his purple head.

Eve was straining her eyes "What...what is that?" she could just about see someone next to Tema while Damos looked at him

"what...what is this? And who's Zodiark?"

"That is the name... of the sentinel whose power you stole from" Tema opened his eyes showing one eye was violet and one a dark green "he didn't like his I gave him a better one. And as of now...he's lending me his strength"

"you...have his strength!? have to be lying!" Tema then thrust his hand to the astral pillar...and shot a beam of purple and green.

The beam easily pierced the astral pillar's barrier and went through the pillar creating a large hole. The glow of the pillar vanished and suddenly hundreds of coloured lights and white smoky clumps began streaming out the pillar going off into all different directions.

Damos just looked "That was...his power" Tema put his arm down " just how? How can you have Kaos power? Only I am supreme enough to have Kaos' power?" as Tema began to speak...Damos could see someone next to him

"For the last's Zodiark" said Tema putting his hand to his chest "and I think it's time you got what's coming to you" Eve could see this person too

"It's...the demon sentinel"

Zodiark was there, and transparent speaking in unison to Tema and copying his action with perfect timing  "today...your about to come crashing down off that high perch of yours" Tema and Zodiark pointed at Damos "and Damos..." Tema and Zodiark gave him a thumbs down "you're going down" Zodiark then vanished.

Damos clenched his hands in anger "i will prove myself supreme. And I will save...this world. With or without you" Aurora looked at Tema

"So...Tema now carries the powers of Zephina...and Zodiark" said Aurora

"Tema was already strong enough before" said Kairi "I wonder how much stronger he is now"

"Tema..." said Eve "you can do it" Tema gestured a thumbs-up "now go get them" Tema pumped his arm in response.

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