Chain of Events (Magi!Solomon...

By LoonaticovdeMoon

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Modern AU!It just so happened that Solomon dumped Sheba since he lost his feelings for her(or did he?), not s... More

I:The Basis
III:The Phone Call discussing of Return
IV: The Reunion... With Ugo
V: The Reunion... With Everyone
VI: The Reunion... With Everyone II
VII: Explanation and Results
VIII: Explanation and Results II
IX:Thoughts In General
X: Into the Laem Empire
XI: Our Conclusion to a New Start
XI: Our Conclusion to A New Start II
XII: And The Chain Reaction Starts!
XIII: Catostrophical Reaction
XIV: When You're Gone
XV:A Trip Down Memory Lane
XVI: Unveiling

II:The Hypothesis & Course of Action

674 24 13
By LoonaticovdeMoon

At first, she was so sad, she couldn't even move. She barricaded herself in her room for three days, the others pleaded for her to come out, but to no avail. Solomon didn't even try to reason with her,which made her sadder.

She then realized how this was unhealthy for the baby, the sadness could affect the child, and so, she forced herself to eat and act normally.

Although it was tiring to do so, she allowed herself no time to grieve. So when
it was night, when everyone was asleep, she herself would cry, and eventually fall asleep. This was also the reason why she always woke up so late, at other times, she would wake up so early because she needed to puke,luckily it was still dawn, so
no one could hear her retch in the bathroom.

After 2 weeks, Solomon and Arba announced that they were going out. Their
friends cheered for them, many of them asked Sheba if she was alright with this to which she nodded. She no longer felt sorrow, instead, she felt angry at Solomon.

After all, how dare he move on so quickly?!Why must I suffer while he goes galavanting happily?!

And such thoughts were entertained by herself.

This stage did not last long though, since she was usually more focused and preoccupied with how to cope with her pregnancy and keeping the pregnancy a secret.

It was a struggle, she was already two months, and it was getting harder and harder to make up excuses for her quirky food choices.

Luckily, she was quite accustomed to wearing bulky clothing and loose things. So no one suspected anything...yet, she was sure she couldn't hide it forever.

She was becoming more and more recluse,
although her friends blamed it as part of the break up.

But one of her friends were suspicious, this friend concluded that there must be something else since he'd like to think he knew Sheba very well, amd that he knew enough of her if she kept something to herself.

This friend concluded that Sheba was hiding something.

This friend that suspected something was 'Ugo.'

So Ugo came into her room before she arrived and when she did, she was shocked to see him there.

She smiled at him, asking him what was wrong.

So he told her that she was hiding something.

She dropped her smile and mentioned him to be quiet.

She went closer and told him about the details, and why he couldn't tell anyone, and what her plan was.

She pleaded to Ugo not to tell anyone.

Ugo saw that she was desperate, and asked
her if she ever thought about getting rid of it.

Her eyes hardened and she replied that it did cross her mind, but she couldn't do something so cruel.

She pleaded for him again not to tell anyone.

He agreed this time, but asked if she was really going through this plan of hers.

To which she nodded with determination.

"I don't know when I'll be back, Ugo. But until then, please never tell anyone about this, especially Solomon."

"Why?If Solomon knew about this, then he would take responsibility and raise it with you."

"Don't call my baby an it, he's a person, not a thing. And I don't want that... this baby... my baby... He wasn't born out of love, he was born because of a stupid decision. But even so, I don't want my child to be raised without love. If Solomon
takes responsibility, he will raise the child with me, but he won't love him. Plus, he's with Arba now, it would be cruel to separate him from her because of me and my child."

Ugo smiled,"Your kindness never fails to amaze me. I know this is random, but how do you know it--- the baby is a he? Have you checked with a doctor yet?"

She smiled as she looked at her small baby bump,"No, I think it would be a bit suspicious if I go to to the doctor. I just have a feeling my baby will be a he."

"Alright, Sheba. I won't tell anyone until you return."

"Thank you so much, Ugo."

"When will you be leaving?"

"In 3 days, I have everything ready, all they need is confirmation."

"I can help, if you need any."

"Thank you...You know, I'm really relieved
that I told someone. It's been so hard to keep this to myself and I'm actually scared. I don't know when I'll return but I'll call you when I do."

"I'll be with you in the remaining days that
you're here."

True to his word, Ugo really did help her in the next 3 days. He held her hair back when she puked (he somehow knew what time she awoke when she did that), attended to her cravings in secret (he was surprisingly inconspicious when doing so),
helped her get the confirmations for when she was leaving (he did so when he was going out, excusing himself that he was going to the library), and simply being there for her when she needed someone to talk to.

Their friends questioned their closeness, teasing them that they might be dating next. To which Ugo promptly responded with a quick 'no,' and Sheba with a small smile and shake of the head.

Ugo was sulky on the last day, and he was with her the whole time, sneaking her into
his car in the middle of the night, and bidding her farewell in the airport.

After he did so, he went inside his car,

He stayed there inside his car for a few minutes, before deciding to drive off to the 24 hour library he was fond of.

He didn't return that day until next morning, where everyone was still asleep.

It was dawn after all, he got out of his car and parked in the driveway, and quietly went up to his room without a peep.

And when he looked at the orange waves of the sun, he hoped that she would be fine, and he waited for the day where he would meet his friend, and quite possibly, his nephew, again.

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