|The Menace| A Kylo Ren Fan-f...

By firstdis0rder

16.6K 490 144

"Give yourself over to me." Kylo Ren hovered above me, his brown orbs shined with anger as he glared down at... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Eight

1.1K 35 14
By firstdis0rder


I pressed on the keypad next to the door and it opened with a swish, I stuck my head out of the door and glanced around the corridor; making sure they're wasn't anyone near.

Satisfied when i saw that no one was near and bolted out of the room down the corridor, turning the first corner I saw.

I slowed my pace down so I didn't look like I was running from something, I knew I would get caught if I did that.

I had my mind focused on getting out of this wretched place, I couldn't stand a minute longer here, and I surely wasn't going to survive if I had to stay here forever.

I continued down the corridors, turning in different directions in hope to find a way out of here. But it was hard, everything looked the same and there weren't any signs or anything.

After a couple of turns I finally admitted to myself that I was lost, I had no idea where I was or where I could go, the thought about just going back to the room popped into my head but I knew that wasn't an option.

I came around to a corner but quickly skidded to a stop when I heard footsteps, lots of footsteps.

Panicking, I pressed myself up again the wall and hoped that I could hide myself from them. If I get caught I'm surely going to be dead.

I held my breath to contain my loud and shaky breathing, my heard hammering in my chest, my legs started to shake and grow weaker with every passing second. I knew I had to get out of here soon before I was caught.

The footsteps eventually passed by me and I poked my head out of my hiding spot slowly before stepping out fully. I didn't make it this far just to be caught and most likely killed.

I quickly double checked around the corner before continuing on my way to find an escape.

I picked up my pace as I began walking again, panic started to set in as I felt as if I were getting more and more lost. I had absolutely no Idea where I was going and I was terrified to be caught, I was never like this; never really scared of anything. I was always brave and strong but now ever since I got captured all of that disappeared.

Turning down another hall, I felt I had been here already, my nerves were getting the best of me. I couldn't let Kylo find me, I'd surely be dead then.

As I walked the long dark corridors I came up with an escape plan, if I could find an escape pod maybe I could program it to fly me back home? It was definitely a long shot but it was the only thing I have.

I was so lost in the thought that I had turned the corner and ran into a group of troopers, they had been standing at least ten feet from me and as soon as I turned the corner, they all noticed me.

I cursed under my breath and was about to turn and run before I heard two of them shout;

"Hey! Who are you!" They all turned towards me.

"What are you doing out here?" Another shouted.

I skidded to a stop and stood completely still, my hands were spread out, I was like a rabbit caught in a trap.

I nervously stood upright and fidgeted my hands at my sides, my face was probably beat red.


"Isn't that..." One of the troopers stepped towards me, I backed up and held out my hands in a stance, ready to bolt if I needed.

I gulped, they seemed to all slowly close in on me and I knew I was busted.

On instinct, I turned around and bolted down the corridor before they could take out their blasters. I ignored their yells and shouts, hearing their footsteps chasing after me.

"Hey! She's escaping!"

I put all my effort into running and not getting caught, this was probably my only chance to escape and I was not about to be caught.

My feet pounded against the floor and my throat started to ache and burn, my muscles still sore from training.

I refused to get caught, I didn't want to die!

I turned my head back to see how far they were from me which was my biggest mistake. I turned back and let out a terrified shriek.


I immediately stopped- my feet sliding against the smooth surface. My eyes widened and I tried to run backwards but I was stopped and held in place, Kylo had his hands extended towards me. The same feeling from earlier was reoccurring.

I was a couple of feet away from Kylo when my entire body was frozen in place, I couldn't move anything aside from my mouth and eyes. I began to shake with fright.

My eyes widened in fear as struggled to escape the invisible force. But it was no use. I heard the pounding of the troopers suddenly stop, the clanking of their armor stopping immediately.

"Sir," One said in a breathless whisper. "we found her in the west wing. She might have been trying to escape." A trooper stuttered lowly, clipping his blaster back to his waist.

"You let her out run you all?" Kylo hissed angrily, his mask distorting his voice. It sounded even more sinister than ever.

"I-I'm s-sorry sir, it won't happ-" The poor trooper was cut off, his body being flung against the end of the hall.

I gasped from the sound of the troopers neck breaking. Kylo snapped his head back to me and I felt myself being dragged invisibly towards him, fear painted across my pale face as I squirmed. there was no way I could get free from this.

My fear building higher and higher the closer I got to him. I knew I was in major trouble and I was going to regret trying to escape.

Although, I hated being here, I will never succumb to the dark side.

My feet were still planted on the ground yet, Kylo was so strong in the force that didn't stop him from pulling me closer.

Kylo pulled me closer and closer to him until I collided with his chest, he released me from his hold but grabbed onto my upper arms and jerked me tighter against him, preventing me from running away again.

My head and body were smushed up against his black armoured chest, his chest was
heaving up and down from pure raw rage. Rage that I caused.

"You're going to regret everything you just did." Kylo growled, his mask making his voice even scarier.

I tried to pull away from him but my attempts were futile, Kylo was too strong for me.

"Get your filthy hands off of me." I spat, struggling even harder in his grip.

I twisted and squirmed in his grip, desperately trying to escape his clutches.

Kylo pulled me even tighter against his body, moulding mine to his. He dipped his head down closer to me, probably to frighten me. in response to this, I turned my head away from him and scrunched up my face in disgust, I started getting angry. I hated being this close to him. I despised him.

My arms were still pinned to my sides, Kylo held them down, almost like I was a bird and he was trapping my flight.

"I said, get your filthy hands off of me!" I snarled, I was furious, but a part of me was still terrified of what he'd do to me.

I shuddered violently when Kylo slipped his one arm around my waist, and gripped my upper arm with his other. He was switching positions to keep me closer to him.

Kylo let out a weird sound that almost sounded like a chuckle, a sinister chuckle, but I couldn't really tell due to him having his mask on. He was probably looking at my thoughts, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"You all, get out of here. Now." Kylo ordered, snapping at the other troopers.

They all scattered like scared mice, scurrying off down the corridor in unison.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was no use. Kylo turned his attention back to me; letting go of my arm before pulling me along the corridor roughly, he was surely leaving bruises. Jeez could you loosen up on your grip?

Kylo glanced back at me slightly, and unexpectedly he tightened his grip on my waist, still pulling me along the corridor.

Decided to be even more difficult, I started dragging my feet, trying weigh myself down as much as possible. I even started flailing my arms around like a little kid, but I didn't care. I needed to escape and right now I was no where near escaping.

I was determined to escape and he squashed my hopes.

I started swatting at his arm, digging my nails into his arm in weak attempts to get him to let me go. Kylo let out a low hiss in response and swiftly turned around, grabbing me by the throat and slamming me into the cold wall.

I gasped, his leathery glove snaking around my throat and squeezing it tightly. My lungs lurched for oxygen, I struggled to try and remove his hand from my throat, I was being deprived of oxygen.

I opened and shut my mouth in attempts to suck in some air but failed to do so, his grip wasn't allowing any oxygen to pass.

"How dare you try and escape me." Growled Kylo, he gave a small sarcastic chuckle, or so I thought was one. "I could end you right here and now without a second thought! So I will repeat this one more time..." Kylo trailed off, his voice deepening, "Do not test me." He said squeezing my neck so tight I thought it'd break. His face was uncomfortably close to mine.

I wheezed and nodded my head frantically, praying he'd let me go.

Just as I felt like I was about to pass out Kylo released me and I fell to the ground, landing on my knees, I coughed and sucked in as much air as my body would let me, sobbing on the cold floor.

"Let's go." Kylo grabbed my arm roughly again; ripping me up from my position on the floor and started dragging me down the corridor.

"Ow!" I cried and bit my lip to prevent tears from falling, my throat dry and sore.

Still struggling in his grip I stumbled forward to keep up with his brisk pace, my feet almost getting caught beneath me.

Kylo jerking me harder when I couldn't keep up to his brisk pace.


After being dragged down endless corridors I was brought back to the dreaded room, I knew this wasn't going to be good.

Kylo pulled me inside despite my struggles and pushed me onto the bed, I landed onto my back but quickly sat back upright.

I panicked and fidgeted with my hands, trying to calm my wave of nerves. I knew Kylo was a huge mess of uncontrollable rage right now.

Kylo suddenly ripped off his helmet and casted it to side, he took large steps towards me and glared down at me, he was fuming, his eyes held that sort of fire the day I was strapped to the chair.

"Why?" He suddenly asked.

I held back a scoff, why? Was he really that insane?

"I told you that I don't want to be here anymore, I don't want to train with you, I don't want to live here, and I don't want to stay in the same room with you!" I sighed, aspirated.

"After everything I've done for you!" He turned his body towards me, his dark curls scattered all over the place.

God I realllyyy wanted to run my hands through his hair... Whoa, snap out of it Jess, you're supposed to be mad; "Everything you've done for me?" I scoffed, "And what was that? Kidnap me? Force me to stay with you? Kill my entire village!" I shouted angrily at him.

"Watch your tone with me! You will respect me, if not, I will make you." He hissed out the last part.

I flinched at his words but continued glaring at him, I wasn't going to let him win. Not this time.

I turned my head away from him and glared at the floor, I couldn't take this much longer, I was breaking down.

Kylo stalked towards me, his heavy footsteps ringing in my ears.

I finally looked back up at him, "You're a pathetic excuse for a human, you're nothing but a wannabe." I gritted my teeth in anger. I dug deep and knew that would hurt him. It had to!

Kylo's eyes widened and a look of surprise filled his face before, he pulled his hand down away from my face and before I could react I felt a sting on the right side of my face and my head snapped to the left. The back of his hand connecting to my cheek.

I quickly placed my hands on my cheek in attempts to sooth the burning tingly feeling, my eyes blurred with tears once again, I couldn't stop them this time, they fell freely down my red cheeks.

He...He hit me...

I looked up at him, my eyes wide with fright and shock, never in my life have I been hit like that. It hurt too, he was so strong he nearly knocked me over. He backhanded me...

Kylo's expression changed for a split second before returning to his cold glare, his full pink lips parted slightly,

"Y-you hi-hit me." I sputtered.

Kylo straightened himself before speaking; "Your attitude will no longer be tolerated, I expect a change soon enough."

I couldn't answer, instead and kept my gaze focused on the floor, my tears dripping down onto my full lips, leaving a salty taste behind.

I slowly slipped my hand away from my throbbing cheek and crawling back away from him and under the black silk sheets, curling up into a little ball and closing my eyes, my body was desperate for sleep.

After awhile I heard the shower running, then Kylo step out of the bathroom and climb into the bed next to me, I was laying on my stomach pretending to sleep.

I felt his presence loom over me, his hand pulling up the blanket and covering my exposed back. Why was he doing that?

First he hit me, then he tries to comfort me and make sure that I'm alright? I tried not to move before I heard him settle down beside me, scooting as close as I could to the wall I closed my eyes again. Letting sleep take over my exhausted body.

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