Kiss with a fist (completed)

By vgcampos

1M 36.6K 13.7K

"What's your name?" He tries again. Should I tell him so he can shut up? Or will he just keep talking. "Fine... More

Important Author's Note
Prologue: Peripeteia
Chapter 1: Dog days are over
Chapter 2: Coffee Talk
Chapter 3: Rise and shine
Chapter 4: What kind of man
Chapter 5: Partners
Chapter 6: In four words
Bonus Scene (Chapter 6.5)
Chapter 7: Tell lies day
Chapter 8: Only if for a night
Chapter 10: Where did the party go?
Chapter 11: Last Damn night
Chapter 12: Tear in my heart
Chapter 13: House of Memories
Chapter 14: The Anchor
Chapter 15: Feel again
Chapter 16: Alone together
Chapter 17: Interruptions
Chapter 18: Build god, then we'll talk
Chapter 19: Send them off
Chapter 20: Something just like this
Chapter 21: Feel so close
Chapter 22: Somebody told me
Chapter 23: Liability
Chapter 24: Count on me
Chapter 25: Unsolicited advice
Chapter 26: Cosmic Love
Chapter 27: Things We Lost In The Fire
Chapter 28: The Kids Aren't Alright
Chapter 29: Over My Head
Chapter 30: Don't You Know Who I think I am?
Chapter 31: The Judge
Chapter 32: Trouble Is A Friend
Chapter 33: Cold, Cold, Cold
Chapter 34: Wherever I go
Chapter 35: Smile
Chapter 36: Love Is Mystical
Chapter 37: I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Chapter 38: Do I Wanna Know?
Chapter 39: 20 Dollar nose bleed
Chapter 40: Bottled Affection
Chapter 41: Dream
Chapter 42: You get what you give
Chapter 43: Dancing's not a crime
Epilogue: Miracle mile

Chapter 9: Various Storms & Saints

24.5K 956 332
By vgcampos

"You have no idea what you're talking about. Bye." I answer extremely annoyed and look back down at my phone as a signal for Stephen that I'm not in the mood to talk with him right now. Or ever to be exact.

"I'm pretty sure I do. Guys like him will just fuck you and move on to the next bitch. From what I've heard, he's a player. I'm just warning you." He responds in a nasty tone.

"He and I are just friends, not that I owe you an explanation. You and I on the other hand, are no longer anything." I sigh. I'm not the type of person to get over a betrayal so easily. I can't even fake being friends with him.

"Don't say that. If you would just forgive me, we could get back together. I've apologized and changed. You owe me another chance." Stephen steps closer to me and I can now smell alcohol on his breath. It unsettles me since I had never had to deal with a drunk Stephen. He rarely drank during our relationship. Then again, who knows what he did when he went to parties? After all, he did cheat on me during one.

"I don't owe you anything. Please, leave me alone." I decide to move away from this bizarre situation and go find Ann or just walk somewhere else when I feel my left hand being forcibly pulled back.

"Don't leave. Amelia, listen to me!" Stephen whines with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Stephen, let me go." I try to stay calm but he's holding my wrist so hard that I think it might break if he doesn't let it go.

"Not until you agree for us to get back together. All I'm asking is for another chance. Why are you being such a bitch about this? You think your too good for me? Are you sleeping wth someone else?"

He continues his spiel, but I'm too busy trying to pull my hand free from his grasp to even pay attention. It's not working and he puts even more pressure on it and spins my body towards him.

"Are you listening to me?" He basically spits on my face.

Okay, that's enough.

"Amelia?" I hear someone call out behind me but I'm too busy dealing with this asshole to fully recognize who's calling me.

"You're drunk and hurting me. Stop!" It feels like my wrist is going to snap. Is that possible?

Stephen softens his grip and it looks like he's about to let go when he grabs me by the shoulders and leans down to whisper in my face.

"It's your fault. If you would just fucking listen to me-"

"No. I will not listen to your drunk ass." I look him in the eye to let him know I'm serious.

He gives me a dirty look and raises his hand at me.

What happens next goes so quickly that I have trouble processing the scene at first.

As soon as I see his hand go up, I know he's planning to hit me. Or try. My first instinct is to knee him in the balls as hard as I can which causes him to fall down to his knees.

Next, I see Alex punch a now suffering Stephen right in the nose.

Wait, where did he come from? During all this, I completely forgot about him.

"Don't ever talk or touch her again. Got it? Or else I will beat your ass so bad you'll be in the hospital for the rest of your pathetic life." Alex scowls enraged.

"Fuck off." Stephen mumbles as he places one hand where I hit him and the other on his bleeding nose.

"What the fuck did you say?" Alex raises his fist again and Stephen flinches.

"Thats what I fucking thought."

"What happened?" I see Asher and Ann walk into the kitchen with baffled expressions.

I look out into the party to see if anyone else witnessed this mess, if they did I would be seriously mortified. But all I see is party goers lost in the loud music and playing beer pong.

"This asshole was hurting Amelia." Alex speaks up. "Asher, will you help me kick this trash out?"

"Of course." Asher smirks and each go to one of Stephen's sides and lift him up.

"First, I think this fucker owes Amelia an apology." Alex taunts.

"I have nothing to say-" Stephen begins but Alex kicks him in the leg. "I mean sorry." He grumbles.

I just nod.

"We'll be back." Alex grunts then he and Asher continue to carry Stephen out the backdoor.

"Are you okay? What did the jackass do?" Ann immediatly hugs me once the guys are out of sight.

"I'm okay now. He wanted for us to get back together. I didn't want to talk to him so he got kind of grabby. He was obviously drunk. Not that I'm excusing him."

"Oh my god." She gasps then carefully examines my wrist. It has become a bit swollen and I can already tell that its going to bruise. It's already pink. "Let me get you some ice. I should have bitch slapped that idiot, but it looked like Alex had it under control." Ann adds as she goes to the fridge, grabs ice, and wraps it in a green tattered washcloth.

"Hey, I'm the one who kneeled him in the balls. I mean, Alex punched him, but still....." Now that I think of it, I should have done that sooner.

"Really? Well, I'm proud of you, my little ninja." She does a bow and gently places the ice on my wrist.

"Ow." I cry out. The sudden cold and pain mix into a highly unpleasant feeling.

"Sorry. We can go ahead and leave. I had no idea that ass was going to be here. I'll walk you back to your apartment and-"

"No, it's fine. I'm not letting you know who ruin this. Plus it looks like you and Asher are getting along very well."

"I mean yeah. He actually asked me out on a date." Ann's cheeks turn light pink as she tells me this new information.

"Well, well, well, looks who's blushing." I tease.

"Shut up." She responds and laughs.

"Are you all right now? Who was that guy?" Alex asks me as he and Asher re-enter the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm alright. He's my idiot ex who I don't wanna talk about anymore. Um- thanks for helping me."

"Of course Jenny. How bad is your wrist?" He eyes it and steps closer to me.

He lifts the ice and curses. " I should have punched that fucker again." He mutters.

"I'm fine. Let's all just get back into the party." I try desperately to liven the now sour mood. A couple of party goers are now making their way back into the kitchen for refills on their drinks.

"Hey guys!" A male voice calls out towards us. We all turn and see Jax enter with a girl at his side. She has vibrant light purple hair as well as hazelnut brown eyes that make her look gorgeous.

"Hey." Alex mumbles back in greeting as he stares at my now ugly looking wrist.

"What's going on? Y'all look so down. What happened to your wrist Amelia?" Jax asks me.

"Some ass-" Alex begins but I stop him.

"Nothing serious." I smile to show everyone I'm okay and to move on now. "I just want someone to make me a drink." I joke.

"You said you don't dr-" Alex starts and I have to stop him again.

"I changed my mind. Now can someone make me a drink? I don't know how."

"Skylar can, she makes the best drinks." Jax puts his arm around the girl next to him and smiles. He seems smitten with her and it's cute. She seems to be only 5'1, so she looks small standing next to Jax's taller frame.

"Great! I can't wait to try one." I add.

"Oh, I should introduce y'all. Skylar is my girlfriend, and Sky, this is Amelia and Ann. They are friends of Alex and mine. Alex calls Amelia Jenny though."

I roll my eyes at that reminder.

"She loves it." Alex grins at me. Alright, I kind of do.

"Well, nice to meet you both, friends of Jax are friends of mine. Let's start this new friendship with a round of yummy drinks!" Skylar hugs me and Ann then proceeds to mix some liquids on the counter.

She seems really nice and her and Jax look like an adorable couple. I tend to be wary of new people, but I already like her.

"Your sure you're fine? You want to stay?" Ann asks me again while Asher and Jax go see what Skylar is creating. Alex is still right next to me, watching me like a hawk.

"Yes. After what happened, I think we need some fun."

"What if he comes back or-" Alex puts his hand up and interrupts Ann.

"I'll be by her side the whole night. Nothing is going to happen. Trust me."

"I don't need a babysitter guys." I huff but the two ignore me and finish the conversation.

"All right. I guess we can stay." Ann concedes.

"Who wants a margarita?" Skylar calls out holding up a glass of yellow green liquid with ice. I've never had one before so I raise up my good hand.


Alex raises his eyebrow and I ignore his surprised look. After what happened, I deserve a drink. I just hope it tastes good. All I've really tried before is wine.

"Beware, I make them kind of strong, Okay?" Sky warns as she hands me the cold drink.

"Got it." I nod before taking a long sip.

At first it tastes sour but I power through and gulp it down.

Little did I know, I should have followed directions.

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