Operation Friendzoned (Cashby...

By Captain_Cashby

10.7K 884 177

Kellin and Vic were the best of friends from the time they were in second grade and on. But, when Vic gets a... More

Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty


474 43 11
By Captain_Cashby

Alan's POV

I was grounded, like mega grounded. I didn't have a phone or any form of communication with anyone. It was home and school that's it. My mom was pissed that I had gotten high and could barely stand to look at me. I even lied to her saying I got high with someone she'd never met before.

I didn't want to get seeing Austin or I guess Kellin to getting taken from me. And she'd kill Austin if she found out he was there.

I was currently sitting in one of my classes almost passed out. I was up all night studying for a big exam I had to take to be done with my math credits. To say I was exhausted would be an understatement.


I jumped awake in my seat, "What?"

"What's the answer?"

"Uh your math is wrong." I said, "It can't be that."

"It's not wrong."

"Yes it is, you didn't carry the negative or divide by the four."

My teacher looked back at the equation and frowned. "Good call."

"Don't forget to round your answer, it should be 86.34 in the end." I yawned.

She nodded and redid the equation. "Make sure you're paying attention Mr. Ashby."

"I am, you obviously aren't."

"Mr. Ashby," she reprimanded.


"That's enough."

I didn't say anymore throughout the class, besides correcting her mistakes every so often. Honestly, I didn't understand how she was still a teacher here. She could barely do any of the math.

The class eventually finished and I walked down the hall to my locker in a daze. I was so utterly exhausted. I wanted to go and sleep but I had to get through the day. I got to my locker and opened it up, almost having a heart attack when Vic showed up.

"Jesus!" I shouted holding my chest.

"What's wrong?"

"You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Oh sorry, what's up?"

"Nothing, you came over to me. What's up with you Vic?"


"Okay then?" I said confusion lacing my voice.

"You okay?"

"I'm just tired, really what do you need?"

"Just wanted to talk, haven't spoken to you in awhile. You should go home and sleep."

"I can't."

"Why not?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"I'm already in trouble and I can't get in anymore."

"Oh. What happened?"

"I got high and went home high."

"Oh, let me guess- Kellin?" He asked.

"Well he supplied it but it was my idea."

"Wow. Hey um, this might be weird but how's he doing."

"Uh, he's okay. I don't really know he doesn't talk to me about stuff like that." I said and shrugged.

VIc sighed. "I miss him."

"Tell him, talk to him or something."

"I can't," Vic huffed. "Every time we talk he just wants to bad mouth Emily and it's his own fault I'm even dating her."

"How is it his fault?"

"Do you have any idea how irritating it is constantly chasing after someone you love but knowing he's never going to see you as more than a brother? After a while, you get tired of waiting for them to wake up and try to move on. She's no Kellin, but Emily makes me happy."

My eyes went wide, "You lov-"

He slapped his hand over my mouth, "Don't say a thing to him. Got it?"

I nodded quickly.

"I'm telling you because I know that you don't particularly care for him and probably-hopefully won't tell him. But yeah, it sucks when the guy that's the most important to you hates your girlfriend."

"Yeah totally."

"Good, don't you dare tell him, Alan."

"I won't."

"Good," he said just as some girl shouted for him. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you later, Kid."

"Hey, is there anyway you could give me a ride home after school?"

"Uh I can try," he said scratching his head. "I gotta ask Emmy tho."

"Don't worry about it then. Now go, she's waiting."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Now go."

"Alright, alright, maybe Kellin can take you home, ask him," he said as Emily called for him again.

"Sure. See ya Vic."

"See ya."

I watched him walk off to her before I shut my locker and headed to my next class. I was so ridiculously tired.

When lunch rolled around I grabbed my lunch bag and went out to the outside seating area. It was a nice day and I wasn't really in the mood to deal with the loud lunchroom. Besides, it wasn't like I wanted to sit with anyone in the lunchroom.

I sat down at a table, alone and opened up my lunch. I opened the bag to my sandwich and took a bite, smiling to myself. I really needed friends. I could always eat with Kellin but that was just, well I didn't know about that.

I finished my food and started heading back inside when someone stuck out their foot and tripped me. I let out a loud oof as I fell onto my hands. I hear snickering from behind me as I stood up. I looked down at my hands which were bleeding a little bit.

"Really?" I asked with a sigh.

"It's funny."

I turned around with the intention to say something snarky but didn't when I saw who it was. My mouth was open but no sound was making it's way out anytime soon.

"Really Ronnie? You gotta trip some kid?" Someone said, unimpressed.

Ronnie laughed, "Oh get over it Kellin, he's fine."

"See, this is why I dropped your ass," Kellin muttered and came over to help me up. "Come on Al, let's get you washed up," he said and shot a look at Ronnie.

"I got it." I said, "I can clean myself up."

"No, it's fine," he murmured.

"I got it."

"Alan, let me help you out," he said. "It's what friends are for."


He flashed me a small smile and continued walking with me. "You wanna go see the nurse for some bandaids?"

I yawned, "No, I'll be fine it's just some scraps."

"Fine, then we'll get them washed."

I just shrugged and followed him to the bathroom where he proceeded to clean my hand.

"Sorry about Ronnie, he has a tiny dick so he has to make up for it by being a gigantic asshole," he said softly.

"Nothing I can't handle." I said.

"Still, he doesn't have to treat you like that."

"Trust me, this isn't my first rodeo."

"I know, but still."

"So don't apologize for him tripping me." I said and shrugged, "I've been through worse."

"You shouldn't, though."

"I shouldn't what?"

"Go through worse."

"It's fine."

"Not really."

"I disagree."

"Alan," he said.


"It's bullying, that's not right."

"I know, but it's not like I'm dying or hurt severely. It's just a few scraps. This is nothing."

"Okay, okay."

I smiled, "Exactly."

"No need to smile about it," he mumbled.


Kellin rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong? Something is obviously wrong."

"Nothing, I just can't stand bullies."

"No one likes them." I said, "But I don't let any of them get to me and you shouldn't either."

"I don't have people bullying me."

"That's a good thing and I don't either."

"Yes you do."



"I don't consider that bullying."

"I do."

"No, what he did is child's play." I said and Kellin finished cleaning my hand. "And it's not like he does it all the time."


"There is no still in this."

"Yes there is."

"No there isn't." I said getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay."

"I have to go do some studying."

"Alright, see you later."

"Later." I said and left the bathroom. I sighed and continued on to my locker to put my bag up and grab my things to study. Just studying that's all I could do with my life at this point.


When school finally ended I left the building and started my walk home. I really didn't want to go home, though, not when my mother was so upset with me. She was worried I was becoming corrupted. She even considered putting me in some group for troubled teens. Then lectured me about how weed was a gateway drug. I disagreed with her but I didn't say anything to make her any angrier. Especially when I was walking on thin ice as it was.

I arrived home and was surprised to see my mom already home.

"Hi mom."

"Hey," she said.

"You're home early."

"Half day at school."

"Oh cool."

"Yeah which means I have more time to catch up on my grading."

"Even better." I said and let out a breath.

"You aren't high are you?"

"What? No."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mom, oh my god."

"You know it leads-"

"Yes I know it leads to worse drugs." I said annoyed.

"I think I should call your father and let him talk to you about this."

"Really? That's uncalled for."

"Maybe he can tell you about what drugs do to you."

"He didn't do any drugs, though."

"Yes he did, but we never thought we'd have to tell you about it until now."

"Why-why would he do drugs?" I stammered.

"He wasn't always the smartest kid Alan." She said and grabbed the house phone. "I'll call him."

"Mom! It was just a little weed, it's not a big deal! I thought we'd gone over this!"

"You still did it and I thought you were better than that Alan!"

"It's not a big deal oh my god."

"It is if you're hanging out with dumb ass kids! Who the hell smoked with you!?"

"Just a guy who offered at school!"

"And you took it? What if it was laced with something!? You're a smart kid Alan and smart kids down do drugs!"

"It's fine! I'm fine."

"Something could have happened to you at school or what if the person who gave it to you tried something!"

"I'm fucking okay! I'm safe, I'm home I've only done it twice and I won't do it again!" I shouted at her.

"That's it, I'm calling your father."

I scoffed and gave up arguing with her as she called him. She was being completely ridiculous about the entire ordeal. I left her in the living room and went to my room. I sat there waiting for her to eventually show up with the phone. She eventually came back with the phone and I sighed.

"Hi dad." I said when I got the phone.

"Why are you making your mother panic?"

"I smoked pot and came home high."

"Do you know how terrible that is Alan Anthony!? Weed is a gateway drug!"

I groaned. "I know, I know."

"I thought you were better than that! Why would you ever think smoking pot was smart!?"

"I just wanted to have fun for once."

"I see so many guys in this place who have been in here for drugs and they started with weed."

"Oh my god get over it. It's not like I'm gonna go snort some coke or shoot up heroine!"


"What? You guys are being so annoying about this. It's weed." I said, "Mom said you did drugs."

"And look where I'm at now."

"Well I don't plan on being like you." I snapped.

"Good, then you won't be doing drugs!"

"And I don't plan to rob people either!"

"I was high as a kite when I robbed those people."

"Good for you. Unlike you I'm going to do something with my stupid, boring life!"

"Good! And you won't be doing drugs in the process!"

"I can smoke weed all I want and I still won't be like you."

"Alan, I'm telling you, it's a gateway."

I scoffed, "You don't even have room to talk."

"I'm telling you from experience."

"It's not like it happens regularly."

"But what if it does."

"I don't care about what if's dad!"

"You should! You're a smart kid and you're going to Harvard! You know better than that." He said irritation lacing his voice.

"I don't even know if I want to go to Harvard!" I shouted.

"After all you've worked for."

"Yeah sure."


"I kinda just want to be a normal kid."

My dad sighed, "Is mom putting a lot of pressure on you again?"

"Kinda," I mumbled. "She wants me to graduate next month."


"I know, it's a lot right now." I said, "I want to be a kid, Dad and she's too worried about my future."

"Don't worry, you'll be out of her hair soon. She won't be on your case as much."

"I don't even know if I want to graduate Dad, I've focused so much on school that I don't even know if I could survive on my own."

"We'll figure it out." He told me, "Everything's gonna be fine."

I groaned. He just didn't understand.

"Dad I have to go." I said, "I have exams to study for."

"Alright just, think about your future next time you want to smoke weed."

"Think about your future next time you commit armed robbery."

"I am now."

"Whatever." I muttered than hung up. I just didn't understand why they were making all of this such a big deal.

I bought the phone back to my mom and turned on my heels going back to my room. I really just didn't want to deal with my mother at this time. She was exhausting.

Everything right now was just exhausting.

Kellin's POV

As Mrs. Johnson went on and on, I couldn't pay attention. I had too much on my mind to concentrate, especially when all that was happening was I was stuck in a class where I would never apply it to my life. I let out a sigh and started doodling on my paper before I sat up straight and became struck with an idea. A genius, utterly genius idea. I immediately started scribbling down the idea, writing every single part of the idea.


I looked up, wide eyed. "Yes?"

"Pay attention please."

"I am! I'm even taking notes for once!"

She gave me an unimpressed look. "Let me see those notes, then."

I blanched as she grabbed my notebook. "Put itching powder in her gym clothes? Kellin what on earth? Poke holes in condoms and soak them in jalapeno juice?"

"Nothing!" I shouted and ripped it from her.

"Just pay attention."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Kellin," she warned.


"Now pay attention and put whatever that is, up."


I slipped the notebook back in my bag and got to work on the stupid notes. I hated this class. I hated pre-calc. I just wanted to keep writing my idea out. It was ingenious and I didn't want to forget any of it. This was important. Much more important that math.

Finally that painful class ended and I was so relieved to get out of there.

As I hustled to the cafeteria, I shot a text to Austin telling him we needed a group meeting later and went to find my favorite little sister.

"Hey sis!"

Kailey turned to scowl at me. "What?"

"What's going on?"

"What do you want Kellin?"

I rocked on my heels. "I need you to do something for me tomorrow after I buy the stuff."


"Will you maybe, sort of... put itching powder in the slut's clothes- just like her pants or something after cheer practice so she can think she got an std or something."

"I'm not part of your little plan!"

"You said you'd be a part of it!"


"When I first came up with the idea!"

She rolled her eyes, "Fine."

"Thank you!" I shouted and gave her a hug. "Wanna hear my part of the plan?"

"Later, I have to eat my lunch in peace."

"I'm gonna have lunch with you," I said, hooking my arm with hers.

"Don't you have other friends to talk to besides Vic? Like that Alan kid?"

"Yeah, I do, but like I don't wanna talk to Ronnie right now, Hayley's being petty because of a bet and Lynn's mad at me for debunking her rumor about Tay. I'm telling you, Lynn is the reason the rumor mill around here is so unreliable."

"What about the Alan kid?"

"I got him high and I think he's mad at me."

"You got the poor kid high?"

"In my defense, he asked and I just gave him what he wanted. I'm thinking, I could probably bank in a lot of cash if I started selling weed."

"You're not going to sell weed." She said and slapped the back of my head.

"Why not! Think about it, Eddie buys like bulk amounts, I steal his and sell it to someone else and it's a perfect gig."

"No. I will turn you in."

"You would never turn your own brother in!" I shouted, a little too loud causing others to look over at us.

"I would if you were selling drugs! What if you would get caught then who would be there for all of us."

"Oh it'd be fine, you can do it."

"No I can't. No you won't be selling anything because you're not a dumbass. Now go be with your friends so I can be with mine."

"Nope, I'm spending time with you. My darling little sister, our time is precious together."

"I won't help you with your plan if you don't leave me alone."


"Leave me be with my friends."

"Your friends love me."

"I'm not helping you then."


"Then stop!"

"I'm eating lunch with you."


"Too late."



"No Kellin."

I gave my sister an evil grin and pushed her out of the way as I went to sit with her friends.


"Hey guys, how're you guys?" I said, smiling at her friends.

"Hey Kellin." One said with a smile.

"How you doin' gorgeous?" I asked her, Jen, I think was her name, with a wink.


"You know, it's been awhile since we-"

"Kellin! Quit trying to get into my friend's pants and go find your friends!" Kailey shouted, hitting the back of my head.

"Who said I was trying to get into anyone's pants."

"Kellin," she said disapprovingly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes, go find your fun somewhere else."

"All I was going to say was that it's been awhile since I've seen Jen."

"It's Kim," she said.

"I know that."

She gave me an unimpressed look.

"Kellin!" Kailey whined. "Go away."

"No, I"m having fun."

Kailey groaned as I flashed a smile at her friends. She was such a buzzkill.

"Well ladies, I guess I'm not wanted here so I'll just take my leave," I said and stood up. "Kails, don't forget what I asked of you," I reminded before I sauntered away.

I heard her scoff before I was out of range. Deciding I didn't exactly want to deal with anyone in the cafeteria, I found myself leaving to go to the library.

It was probably more entertaining than anything else.

"Hey Shirley," I said, glancing at the librarian.

"Hey Kellin. It's been awhile since I've seen you."

"I know, I've been ridiculously busy lately," I said and flashed her a smile. "Any new books while I've been awol?"

"A few here and there."

"Well where are they?"

"Oh I've a few back here I've been saving for you."

"Awesome." Shirley handed me a stack of books from a cart behind the desk and I grinned. "This is a little more than a few, Shirl."

"Well, I know."

"Thanks, I'll bring them back to you after I pick one out," I told her and carried the books to a nearby table.

She didn't say anymore as I sat down at a table.

I looked through each book slowly, marveling at each sleek and smooth cover.

"Kellin Bostwick in a library, and I thought pigs couldn't fly," someone said and I looked up at Alan.

"I didn't think you even knew where the library was."

"Surprise." I said putting the book in my hands down.

"Vonnegut's really good," he noted.

I gave him a look. "I know, I've read all of his books. Slaughterhouse 5 is a personal favorite."

"I like that one too."

I nodded and looked through the books. "You can sit if you want."

"Sure. I have to study for a big science exam though."

"Go ahead and study, I'm just reading," I told him as I continued looking through all the books.

He smiled at me then pulled out a big textbook to study.

Once I picked a book that'd keep me busy for a good minute, I gathered the rest into a stack and took them back to Shirley.

"Fine one you like?" She asked taking the books.

I nodded. "Yeah I think so."

"What'd you pick?"

"This one."

I showed it to her and Shirley grinned. "You've always had a thing for the odd ones didn't you?"


"Jonathan Swift is phenomenal. His satire is incomparable in my opinion."

I laughed, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Good, after you finish that, I'll see if I can find a book of his essays."

"Sounds good."

She smiled, I returned with one of my own before going back to the table and sat down. I relaxed in my chair and started reading. As I got submerged in the book before I knew it, lunch had ended and it was time for fifth hour.

"Kellin." Alan said shaking my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, looking up from my book.

"It's time for you to go to fifth hour."

"Right, right," I said and stood up and went to Shirley's desk. She handed me a note and I smiled. "I'll be back in like ten minutes," I told her. Every so often I'd skip a class to read and get some things done with Shirley watching. I may not have been as smart as Alan but I still had ways to get some things done.

"See you soon sweetie."

I nodded and headed to my fifth hour class. I grabbed a few things from my locker before showing up just a bit late.

"I have a note, Mrs. Eden needs me in the library," I said, handing the note to my teacher.

"Alright, here's the homework for tonight." He said handing me a paper. "It's due next Monday."

I nodded. "Alright, if I have any questions I'll have Alan help me," I said.


I sent her a smile and walked back to the library and resumed my reading.

"How did you get out of class?" Alan asked not looking up from his book.

"Shirley loves me," I said flipping the page.


I hummed in response. "So, I've got some of the plan figured out for the first part."


"I'm having a meeting about it tonight at six, so make sure you're there."

"Can't. I'm grounded for getting high."

"Alan!" I whined, quietly. "You gotta."

"I can't leave the house."

I stopped and thought. "What if we came to your place?"

"I don't know."

"I'll be there at six."


"Okay," I said with a cheeky smile.


"You're adorable," I stated before looking down at my book.

"Uh thanks."

I winked and just went on reading.


"His mom's going to be mad," Austin said as I drove to Alan's apartment.

"No she's not, she's going to be happy to see that Alan has friends."

"But he's grounded."

"He said he has to stay home, not that he can't have


"No buts."

"Don't talk to me like that," Austin mumbled.

"I can do what I want."

My best friend reached over and punched me. I scowled. "Asshole."

"I know."

"Just-don't let her know we were the ones Alan smoked with."


"Whatever," he muttered.

"Whatever," I mocked.

He punched me again.

"Motherfucker!" I shouted, rubbing my arm. "Quit fucking hitting me."

"Then stop being an asshole."

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"How?" I demanded, glaring at him.

"Just drive."

"We're here fuck face."

He glared at me then got out of the car. I muttered under my breath and shut my car off before I got out and followed Austin. We headed upstairs and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

"Hey," Alan said finally as he opened the door. "Look my mom's not really happy about this so just pretend you're here to study, okay?"

I gave him a grin. "Already one step ahead of you Gingy," I said and stepped into his apartment to see Mrs. Ashby in the front room. "Thank you so much for letting me come over Mrs. Ashby, I've got a really big English test tomorrow and I'm really not sure I understand much about the test and I know that psychology says cramming is bad but Alan's really my last hope," I told her and snuck a wink at a gaping Alan. "I've really been panicking about this."

She gave me a sceptical look, "Alright, door open Alan."

"Yeah mom." He muttered.

"Oh don't worry Mrs. Ashby, I'll make sure these little love birds don't do anything I wouldn't do," I told her and shouldered my bag to Alan's room.

Alan sat on his bed, "What's the plan Kellin?"

I grabbed my notebook out of my backpack and opened it up. "Well. Tonight after we leave here, I'm going to have Austin go buy me some condoms."

"Why do I have to do it?" Austin whined taking a spot by Alan.

"Because, I have to buy the jalapenos and it would be weird if I got the two together."

"Fine, fine."

"I mean, unless you want to be the one buying twenty jalapenos."

"I'll buy the condoms."

I rolled my eyes. "That's what I thought. Oh-and itching powder, we gotta find some itching powder. Google where we can get some."

"Alright. Why though?" Alan asked.

"Okay, so, I'm going to get some condoms, I know what kind Vic uses-don't ask why I do just know I do- and I'm going to soak them in jalapeno juice that way when he uses them, it'll burn Emily. Then I'm going to give Kailey some itching powder so she can pour it in Emily's pants, that way she'll start itching down there and then when Vic feels the burning sensation himself and hears of Emily's complaints about itching downstairs he'll immediately assume that Emily has an STD and will hopefully dump her if he thinks she gave it to him."

"Wow, that's a lot."

I chuckled evilly. "That's only the beginning. Al,I need you to do something as well, don't think you don't have a part in this."


"I need you to lowkey tell people you think she has an STD, that way if they hear the smartest kid in school thinking this, they'll think it's maybe true, but only start saying it after you hear me give the word or if you personally hear the bitch complain about her stuff itching. Just like something like man she's walking like a crab or she must have crabs or something."

"That's mean."

"I know."

"I don't think I can do something like that to anyone. It's bullying."

"Not really, all you have to do is-actually, all you have to do is let it slip to Lynn Gunn that Emmy has an std."


"Okay, now that we have that settled, I really do need to get some tutoring done because I skipped my class today to read and I have no idea what happened in English." I grabbed my homework out of my bag and set it on the bed. "I'll let you know when I have the second part of the plan figured out."

"Alright then."

I smiled and blew him a kiss as I got to work on my homework with Alan and Austin helping me when I needed.

"Alan!" Mrs.Ashby called.

"I'll be right back." He said getting up and leaving the room.

"His mom's pretty strict, huh," I said, glancing at Austin.

"Yeah I guess."

"It's weird, I've never had that."

"Had what?"

I gave him a small smile. "Parents that gave a shit, Aust. I haven't seen Lisa in two months."

"Two months?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "And Eddie just came back but I think he's about to run again."

"Of course." He muttered, "Well you know my dad is willing to help if needed."

"I don't want your dad to have to help. I'm thinking about applying to some places and get a part time job."

'I know, but if you need it. He helped you before. A job would be smart though."

"I still feel bad asking for help. And yeah, I just have a few things to figure out before I do."


I nodded and let out a sigh.

"How's english coming?"

"Fine, this is pretty easy, I just want to make Alan feel good or helpful really."

"Why would you do that? He doesn't need you to make him feel good or helpful."

"Because," I said simply.


I shrugged. "I don't know but, I knew you'd want to hang out with him for a little bit and this is all the homework I have at the moment so if his mom really thinks he's tutoring me it works."

"I guess that makes sense," he said slowly. I nodded and gave him a smile.

"Just say thanks and move on," I murmured as Alan came back and we got to work. 

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