Operation Friendzoned (Cashby...

By Captain_Cashby

10.7K 884 177

Kellin and Vic were the best of friends from the time they were in second grade and on. But, when Vic gets a... More

Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty


494 44 2
By Captain_Cashby

Kellin's POV

I groaned and followed Alan down the hall, stomping my feet as I did. "Alan!"

"I'm not listening," Alan sang, walking faster.

"Come on, just help me out, it's not like I'm asking you to commit murder or anything, I'm literally just asking you to ruin someone's life! It's not a big deal, besides, she's a raving lunatic," I said, chasing him down the hall.

"No, it's not right," Alan told me.

"It's perfectly fine."

"It's not! There are much better ways to go about doing this."

I arched my brows. "Really? Like what?"

"Like not."

"You owe me!" I whined, stomping my feet.

"I owe you?"

I gave him an evil smile. "I'm one of the main reasons you and Austin got together."


"So you, Alan Ashby, you owe me."

"I don't owe you anything."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes, you do. And if you don't admit that you do, I'm going to be even more obnoxious."

"I don't owe you anything."

I gave him a look. "I hope you know what this means, then."


"I'm about to be your biggest nightmare," I said before skipping away.

"Whatever!" He shouted after me.

I smiled and flipped my fingers at him and headed outside, ready to ditch the rest of the day.

School was a waste anyway. Besides, I would have much rathered bugged Austin for a while.

I took out my phone and texted him telling him I was on my way to his house.

After a few seconds my phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Why are you bullying Alan?" Austin demanded.

"I'm not bullying him."

"Yes you are. Just leave him alone about this Vic stuff. You can't make him do anything he doesn't want to."

"I can."

"No you can't."

"I can do whatever I want."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"Nope you can't."

"Austin, I can and will do whatever I want whenever I want and you can't stop me."

"I will stop you."

"Wanna bet?" I asked as I started walking to my car.

"Yes, yes I do," he finally said and I arched a brow.

"What's the bet?" I asked getting in my car.

"I don't know."

"That's what I thought," I told him smugly. "I'll be over in five minutes, just a heads up."


"So that means you better hide the dirty magazines."

"I don't have any."

"Sure you don't," I muttered.'

"Whatever. See you when you get here." He said then hung up.

"Whatever," I mocked, making a face.

I drove along until I got to Austin's house.

"Honey!" I shouted. "I'm home!"

Austin came out of the kitchen holding a sandwich, "Hi."

"Hey sexy," I said, giving him a smile. "That's cute that you made me a sandwich," I told him and snatched the sandwich from him and took a bite.

"Give me my sandwich."

"It's a really good sandwich."

"Yeah I know." He glared, "Now shouldn't you be at school."

"You make good sandwiches babe," I told him with a wink.

"Why are you here and not at school?"

"Why would I be at school?" I asked innocently.

"To be a good student."

I looked at my best friend and laughed loudly only for him to join in a few moments later.

"No, but seriously. Did something happen today?" He asked after our laughter calmed down.

"It's not something I really wanna talk about," I said with a sigh.

"What's up?"

I fell onto the closest couch and sighed. "My father's back home which means I'm babysitting someone else on top of my siblings and I think I may have just lost my best friend this week," I said with sigh.

"Oh shit." He said and sat by me. "I'm sorry. What happened with Vic?"

"Just all this shit with the bitch and she's like stealing him away from me completely and Vic refuses to listen to me when I complain."

"Well I'm always here."

I gave him a bitter look. "Not really, you've got Alan now."

"So what? You're still my friend."

"I thought I was still Vic's and he left me too."

"Well fuck that guy."

I let out a dramatic sigh. "Oh I want to."


"Yeah, I know," I laughed.

"You shouldn't talk like that around me, i'm a good kid."

"Shut up, you are not."

"How am I not?"

"You're best friends with me."

"So what?"

"So you're a bad kid."

"No, I'm a good kid."

"No you aren't."



"How? I'm a pretty good kid."

"Because even your dad has said that I've ruined you."

"Yeah I know, it's dumb."

"I'll just go then."

"No, I finished all my homework and Alan has some after school thing today and I haven't seen you in awhile either."

"Well, obviously I'm not welcome here," I said with a sigh.

"You are, Kellin."

"I know," I muttered.

"Now sit down and hang out with me."





"I guess."

"Now what do you want to do?"

"I don't care."

"Really helpful."

"I know," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Wanna go out and do something or we can play video games?"

"We can play video games, I guess."

"What game?"

"I don't know fam," I said with a sigh.


"Well, I feel like I can't really call you babe anymore, so...

"That's fair."

"I know."

"Now pick a game."

"You pick."

"I bet I can kick your ass in Dance, Dance Revolution."

"I doubt it."

"Try me."

"Alright, fine, pick a song."

"Pocketful of Sunshine obviously.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course."

"Who do you think I am? This is one of the best songs ever."

"It's fucking dumb."


I blew Austin a kiss. "Thanks baby."

He rolled his eyes and finished setting up the game.

"I'm going to win," I said confidently.

"Uh no you won't."

"Uh, yes I will."

"Whatever." He said as he started the game.

"Whatever," I mocked.

He pushed me then started dancing on the mat.

"Don't push me!" I shouted, kicking him in the shin.

"Ow shit!"

"You big, fucking meany," I mumbled.

"You're an ass."

"Watch your whore mouth," I said, glaring at him.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Don't call me names," I retorted.

"You two sound like a couple of twelve year olds," a familiar voice stated at the door. I glanced over to find Vic just as Austin tripped me, making me fall.

"What are you doing here?"

"Perry let me in."

"Hey Vic." Austin said, "Yes I won!"

"You cheated!" I shouted, yanking Austin to the ground next to me. "Do you have any idea what happens to cheaters?"

"I did not cheat."

"You pushed me!" I said and crawled on top of him as Vic walked into the room and fell onto the bed.

"Did not." Austin said pushing me off him or well trying to.

I scowled and sat up just as the raging bitch herself walked in. "Really?"

"Vic, you should go." Austin said.

"Why?!" He exclaimed.

"No girls allowed," Austin told him simply. "You know that." Austin pointed to the sign.

"Austin, you're seventeen get rid of the sign."


"Why not? It's dumb, it's from when we were like twelve," Vic complained and I let out a sigh.

"So what?"

"So, it's just Emy."

"No girls."

"Vic, it's fine," the bitch said. "I can wait in the car until you're done."

Austin rolled his eyes, "Thanks lady."

The whore sneered and walked out of the room.

"Why'd you come over?" Austin asked.

"To see my best friends, but obviously, I'm not welcome here."

"Your friend isn't, but you are."

"She's not just a friend," Vic said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't care."

"Aust, you don't even know her."

"Don't have to know her to not like her."

"Why not?" Vic pushed.

"Maybe because she's a bitch," I suggested, offhandedly.

"Kellin!" Austin said slapping my chest.

"What? You were thinking it too," I huffed. "Besides, that's what my best friend has always liked about me, remember Vic? When you told me you liked that I was always honest?"

Austin laughed.

"She's amazing, I don't understand what it is about her that you two don't like!"

I rolled my eyes, "You can't be serious."

"I am dead serious."

"Vic, there's absolutely nothing about her that's likeable. Even Austin who's freaking homeschooled knows the shit about her!"

"You're the only person who tells him anything that happens at school dumbass!"

"No he's not," Austin said. "Alan tells me a lot too."

"And who feeds those things to Alan?"

"Alan hates Kellin so certainly not him."

"Then who?"

"Alan has friends, literally everyone hears about Emily."

"Yeah because she sucks," I muttered.

"She does not! She's really great and amazing."


"That's what she wants you to think." Austin commented.

"No it isn't, why can't you see she's perfect for me?" Vic stressed and I groaned, biting my tongue, trying to keep from telling him that I was the perfect one for him.

"She's shitty."

"She is not!"

"She is."

"Austin, he's never just going to listen to us," I muttered.

"He's blinded by himself being dumb." Austin said.

"That's what I've been saying, he's never going to see what's right in front of him," I said and rubbed at my eyes with the heel of my hands. "Maybe Austin's right, you should probably just go."

"You should." Austin said to Vic.

"Fine, but we need to hang out soon, I miss you guys," he said, standing up. "Emily's waiting anyway."

"Sure, whatever." I said, "Now go."

Vic sighed. "Alright, talk to you later."


With that Vic left and I looked at Austin, tears welling up. "Why is he an idiot?"

Austin sighed and opened his arms for a hug.

"You don't like hugs," I mumbled.

"Come on. Take is before it's gone Kells."

I held back a cry and let him pull me into a hug.

"Everything is gonna work itself out." He told me.

"I need Alan to commit to this plan more now than ever," I said with a sigh.

"He won't."

"He's gotta."

"Good luck."

"Austin!" I whined.


"You gotta convince him."

"He won't listen to me on this."

I let out a needy whine. "Austin! You see he's brainwashed, you gotta!"

"I know, I know."

"I need you best friend, more now than ever before."

"I'll try."

"Good," I said and kissed his cheek.

"I know, I'm great."

"Yes you are."

"I'll try to convince him."

"Thank you," I said, hugging him even tighter. "I love you Aust, and sometimes," I let out a sigh.


"Sometimes I really wish you were the one I fell in love with."


"Not your fault."

He shrugged, "I know."


"Now what?"

"Now I lay here and work on the first part of my plan," I said.

"Which is?"

"I can't tell you until you can get Alan on board. I don't need you divulging precious information that could get him to change his mind after he agrees or something."


"Yes," I said solemnly.

"I'll try."

"Thank you," I hummed and closed my eyes. "I'm sleepy."

"Take a nap."

"Are you okay with that?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's whatever."

I nodded and cuddled against him. "When I wake up, we can go hang out and do something. We can even kidnap Alan or something."

"Great. I'm gonna go make another sandwich."

"Wait, you gotta hold me till I fall asleep."

"Really Kells?"

"Yes, I'll start crying if you don't."

He groaned. "Fine."

"Thank you," I said and laid my head on his chest before slowly falling asleep.

Alan's POV

I sat in the room with my mom and the guidance counselor. They were talking about me and how I could get all my credits this year and graduate. I just kinda sat and listened as they went on and on, not bothering to ask me anything. They were deciding my schedule and what would look best on the application to Harvard.

Even though I've been in contact with the admissions place for years. I've been guaranteed a spot in there since my mom got in contact. I've done visit upon visits there and had overnight stays and stuff. I knew what I was going to be getting into if I did graduate this year. So the entire meeting seemed a bit unnecessary in some ways.

I already knew what was needed to get this whole high school experience over with. So it was kind of useless to go over it with me.

At this point I was kinda ready to just move on and do my own thing. I just wanted to go to college and start my life. It would be easier at this point in my life.

"Alan? Did you hear me?"

I looked up at my mom. "What?"

"How would you feel if you graduated next month?"

"Next month?" I asked, my eyes widening. "That'd be, yeah that'd be great."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, that'd be awesome."

"Alright, we'll get it all set up, then," the counselor said with a smile.

"Great." I said waiting for this meeting to be over with.

I nodded, smiling just a little.

They went on talking and eventually the meeting was over. My mom and I walked out to her car, her raving about how excited she was for me. I just smiled and went along with it. Sure I was happy about all this but I was so young and gonna be going off to some upper class university. I didn't know just exactly how I felt about it.

I was nervous and scared, obviously. I was also worried about what this meant for Austin and I or even Kellin. I didn't want to just leave them.

"Alan? Alan are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, of course I am," I said.

"Oh really? Then what did I just say?"

I gave him a wide eyed look, not even really remembering what she said.

"We're talking about your future Alan."

"Well maybe I don't want to talk about it." I snapped.

"What's going on?" She asked, sounding affronted.

"That's all you talk about is my future. It's annoying Mom."

"It's important!"

"I know, but I'm still sixteen."

"I know you are."

"So can't I be a sixteen year old and be dumb, make mistakes or something?" I asked.

"Not until I'm sure you're going to be set for your life."

"Just stop talking about my life! I don't even really want to fucking go to Harvard!"

"Watch your mouth!" She said, flabbergasted.

"Can we just go home?"

"No, I want to talk about this," she said, pulling over to the side of the road.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"You hate everything we've been working for Alan!"

"I just hate talking about it all the time. Everything is going so fast."

"Okay," she said, nodding. "We'll slow down. I'm sorry, I just thought that this is what you wanted."

"I do. I'm just scared."

"I know you are sweetie, I am too. Do you think I want my little boy growing up?"

I looked over at my mom and sighed, "Sorry for swearing and I do wanna go to Harvard."

"It's okay, I'm sorry I'm taking all of this so fast."

"It's okay." I said and smiled.

"Good, now how about we get home?" She said.

I nodded and she finally started driving again till we finally got home.

"I'll be in my room," I mumbled.

"Dinner will be in an hour. Anything in particular you want?"


"Sounds like a plan."

"Sounds good."

I didn't say anything more before heading to my room. I wasn't really in the mood for anything at the moment and not even really hungry. I didn't really know how i was even feeling.


After dinner I got a text from Austin telling me to meet him at the library. I was confused but went along with it, asking my mom before leaving.

"Of course, as long as you get some studying done."

"Studying, that's all I do." I said before leaving. I walked down the pavement slowly, silently brewing. I felt like a complete loser. I didn't even know why I left the house. I was in my lazy clothes and glasses looking like a mess. But maybe it wouldn't completely scare Austin off.

He thinks I'm cute or I hope so at least. I mean, I know he's cute.

When I got to the library I saw Austin waiting there with Kellin.

I frowned, I was hoping it'd just be Austin.

"Hi guys." I said smiling politely.

"Hey Al!" Kellin said happily."

"What's up?"

"Nothing really," Austin said and kissed my cheek.


"How'd that thing at school go?"


"What was it about?" He questioned.


"That's cool, are you okay?"

"Just stressed, lot of school ahead in the next few months in order to graduate before the school year ends."

"You're graduating this year?"

"Yeah or maybe earlier even, depends on if I get all my credits now or later."

"That's cool."

"Yep and then I'll be shipped off to Harvard before you know it."

"Harvard?" Austin asked, arching a brow as Kellin looked down at his phone.

"Yep. I've been accepted already."

"That's cool," Kellin mumbled.

"I guess so."


"It's crazy."

"Sounds like it."

I nodded, "So why did you guys drag me out here?"

"Why not?" Austin asked.

"I don't know."

"Exactly, besides, Kellin was bored."

"Oh okay. What do you guys wanna do?"

Kellin shrugged. "Don't care."

"How about we skateboard and get high."

Kellin arched an eyebrow. "I thought you were against getting high?"

"That's the past, this is the now."

"Okay then."

"Let's do it then."

"I think I have my board in my car," Kellin mused. "And I have some gas somewhere in there."

"Great." I said, "Shall we go then?"

"We shall," Kellin purred.

"Don't do that." Austin said pulling me close.

"Don't do what?"

Austin rolled his eyes at Kellin, "Come on let's go."

"Fine, fine," Kellin said, exasperated.

We all walked to Kellin's car and got in, Austin taking the front seat and myself in the back.

"Check the center console, I think I have some in there," Kellin said, looked at Austin.

Austin nodded and checked.

"This it?" He asked.

"You know, it's not a good idea to keep weed in your car," I piped up.

"Why not? What if I wanna get high while driving or at school?"

"Still not a good idea."

"It's almost like you think I care?" Kellin laughed. "I have absolutely nothing to lose."

"I guess..."

"Kellin, shut up," Austin said with a sigh.

"It's true."

"Can we do this now?"

"Yeah, Aust, roll it up," Kellin said, glancing at my boyfriend for just a moment.

"Okay, okay." Austin muttered.


Austin finished it up and held his hand out to Kellin, "Lighter."

Kellin fished one out of his pocket and handed it to Austin.

"Thank you."

I couldn't deny watching Austin smoke was really hot. Austin was just hot in general.

"Babe." Austin said breaking me from my thought.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up.

"Are you sure you wanna smoke?"

"Yeah of course, hand it here."

I took it from Austin then took a big, long drag. I blew it out and smiled at Austin.

"Let's go skateboard." I said and took another drag.

"We are," Kellin said, and started to drive.

I coughed a little and took another hit.

"Hey, hey chill." Austin said trying to take it from me.

I held it away from him, "Stop it."

"No, you're trying too hard."

"I'm not."

"You are."


"You don't need to take that many hits at once."

"I can do what I want." I muttered and too another hit.

"Alan," Kellin said and slammed on the brakes. "I will fucking deck you if you don't stop."

I rolled my eyes and gave it back to Austin.

"There," Kellin muttered and kept driving.

I didn't say anymore as my high kicked. Soon we were finally at the skatepark and I found myself stumbling out of Kellin's car.

I giggled and leaned against Kellin's car.

"Come on Babe," Austin said, taking my hand.

He led me to a bench and sat me down.

"You're so cute," I giggled.

"Thank you." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Have you ever given a bj before?"

"No, I haven't."

"You ever gotten one?"


I bit my bottom lip and pulled him close, "Can I give you one?" I said, my words slurred a little as I started to undo his belt or tried to.

"Not in public and not when you're high."

"Oh why not?"

"That's bad."


"You can't do that."

"Note for later," Kellin said, skateboarding past us. "Alan gets horny when he's high."

I giggled, "I bet Kellin would want one."

"Kellin would love one," Kellin said, doing some weird skateboard trick. "But, not from my best friend's boyfriend."

"You know what we should do!?" I shouted.

"What?" Austin asked.

"No need to shout," Kellin muttered, taking a hit off the blunt.

"Let's have a threesome!"

"Fuck no!" Kellin shouted, staring at us wide eyed.

"Why not?" I whined. "That would be fun."

"Austin- I would fuck in a heartbeat," Kellin said. "You, I'd never fuck. I prefer receiving rather than giving and with you, I feel like I'd be giving."

"Giving?" I asked, "Like in my butt!?" I said and burst out laughing.

Kellin groaned and took another long hit. "I need some stronger shit if I'm going to be dealing with high Alan."

"Can I have another hit?"


"Why not?"

"You've had enough," Kellin said and looked at Austin. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yeah I would." He said slapping Alan's hands off his belt. "Alan, quit."

I groaned, "Fine."

"Thank you."

"Let me board."

"Can you?" Kellin asked, giving me an amused look.

"Fuck yeah."

"I don't know if you can, and I really don't want to see you getting hurt."

"I will be fine." I said taking the board from Kellin.

"Alright, alright," he relented and whispered something to Austin.

I had no idea what I was doing but I got on the board and pushed off.

"Babe, be careful!" Austin shouted.

"I'm fine!" I shouted at him before I fell off and hit the ground face first. "Oops!"

I heard Kellin sigh. "Go help the idiot."

I flipped onto my back, "No, I'm great! That was fun! Like tons of fun."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Austin asked.

"Yes." I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a kiss.

"Okay, okay," he laughed against my lips.

I smiled against his lips before kissing him harder. Austin smiled and pulled me closer to him.

"Break it up!" Kellin shouted.

I laughed and pushed Austin off me.

"Show me how to do this without messing up."

"It's not that hard."

"Show me!" I whined.

"Okay, okay." He said.

Austin helped me out a little and so did Kellin. Eventually we gave up on skateboarding and just hung out in the grass for a bit by the local Rec center. Kellin and I sat behind the place passing what was left of the blunt back and forth. Austin had gone inside to go to the bathroom.

"So, you smoke my weed," Kellin started. "But you refuse to be a part of my evil scheme."

"You know what? Fuck it, I'll do it." I said shrugging.

Kellin shot up. "You will!?" He shouted.

"Sure. I don't see why not."

Kellin tackled me in a hug, making me scream. I rolled my eyes and took the blunt from his fingers then took a hit.

"Alan Anthony Ashby I love you so much."

"Stop it."

"No, come here, give me a kiss," he said, trying to grab my face.

I rolled my eyes. "No."

Kellin grinned wickedly and grabbed my face before laying one on me.

"Ew!" I shouted pushing him off me.

"I don't have cooties," Kellin said and kissed me again.

"What the heck?" Austin exclaimed.

"I agreed to his dumb plan and he kissed me." I whined.

"Oh, yeah, he does that when you make him happy," Austin said.

"I don't like it."

"You'll get used to it," Kellin informed me.

"Don't kiss me again." I mumbled.

"I'll try my best but no promises."

I was gonna say something snarking just as my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked annoyed.

"It's late you need to be getting home."

I paled. I couldn't go home high.

"Okay, I'll uh be home soon," I mumbled.

"See you soon sweetie." She said before hanging up.

I stood up, "I have to get home."

"Alright, I'll take you."

"Thanks." I said before the two took me home.

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