For My Eyes ONLY

By cutestcurly

697K 18.2K 2.9K

"No," I whispered in pure disbelief, "You can't be Ashton, that can't be." My voice cracked making me feel we... More



23.9K 687 137
By cutestcurly

Finally, we were all settled into the cabin after a few hours of obnoxious screaming and already plenty of making out.

Not for me,
I helped bring in and set up everyone's stuff.

We were finally going to go down to the lake for a late night swim which usually ended in everyone hooking up with someone.

Again, everyone except me.

I'd never hooked up with anyone at the cabin because all it caused was problems.

Year before last, 3 couples split up because of the sprink break trip.. Well more because they cheated all spring break trip but, you get me. Every year after that there was a 'No Phone Rule' and trust me, you wanted to follow that rule. The cheaters would just assume you took your phone to catch them cheating and destroy it.



I ran upstairs, taking the steps two by two to the room. Flinging my shirt off into the corner of the room, the fact I was sharing a room with Ashton was the last thing on my mind. That was until, he spoke.

"If you wanted me that bad little one," he let his eyes rake up my body before continuing, "all you had to do was ask."

"I FORGOT!" I cried out, mortified.

I could feel the heat overwhelming my cheeks and I knew my face was 50 shades of Red.

I couldn't finish my what I had to say, thank God, because he had gotten up and strode across the room without missing a beat. His hand traveled down my body, stopping on my waist while I stayed completely frozen. He had made it across the room, holding me up against the door all before I could say dadd--

We stayed there in that position for awhile, daring the other to move. Surprisingly, I was comfortable pinned between the door and Ashton's rock-hard front. The way he held me so tight but gently was doing numbers to my head and I knew he could feel the way my breath was picking up.

From one simple touch. 

For a minute, I almost felt like it was something more,

I almost felt as if he would close the rest of the distance and give me a taste of what he constantly hinted at.

His eyes
oozed with a foreign emotion;
such a place to get lost in.

"You can change in here. I'll go to the bathroom."

Just like he had appeared, he was gone, no warning.

Out the door.
Never happened.
Did I imagine that?

I changed into my swimsuit, pulling a long t-shirt over it. I did this rather quickly considering I was me and I hardly made quick movements.

And then I bolted down the stairs..
Two quick movements?
Who am I?

My thoughts were chopped short because I literally plowed into Noah, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs like a dumbass.

So this is why I don't make quick movements.

"Sorry." I laughed out very nervously, embarrassed by my quickness. At this point, everyone's eyes were on me. Even the bimbos, who I figured were probably just trying to spell their middle names and needed a cover.

Noah just smiled, shocker, and that seemed to break everyone's attention. As we filed a make-shift line out the door, I shifted my attention to behind me where I literally felt Ashton's presence. I turned to catch him already focused on me, to which he gave a small shrug accompanied with his infamous smirk.

Half way through the trip, I realized I really should have worn shoes and began wondering how the fuck I'd forgotten them.

Every single thing I stepped on, was a thorn. I couldn't help but blurt a cuss word every other time I stepped on something.

"You good over there?" Noah laughed a little.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I hesitantly tried laughing with him. As my foot hit the ground, I muttered a new cuss word under my breathe, not to bother the guy and the girl to my left, practically eye raping each other.


"Here, Noah take this." Ashton grunted, shoving a case of beer at him a little too forcefully.

"Come here, little one." He chuckled lifting me up swiftly, bridal style.

I couldn't help but notice how he'd completely changed demeanors within the past minute. Sure, he did that often, but how could I ever get used to it? I felt, oddly special with the pet name and recent random kind acts being thrown my way from Ashton.

But what was his angle?

"Stop calling me that." I bit out, struggling to keep my guard up. Our now, close proximity didn't help my situation.

"But thanks." I mumbled low enough so just he could hear me.

"You're welcome little one," he whispered back, scooting his face closer to mine before smirking deviously.

I let out breathe I didn't know I was holding as he backed away, and pushed my face into his chest. He was making it really hard to remember how much of a duckweed he was.

I guess I got so deep in my own head, that I didn't realize we were at the lake and my head was still buried in embarrassment in his chest.

I failed to grasp the fact Ashton was walking onto the dock, and wasn't stopping or even slowing down in the slightest

Or that he was about to toss me into the lake.

That was until I was submerged into really cold water.

You know what's cooler than cool?

Ice cold.

"Ohh-hh-h my GOD! I FUCKING hate you." I chattered, coming up from the water and flopping onto the deck like a lifeless fish.

He just glanced down at me for a split second, smiling, before jumping in with everyone else who had that CHOICE. Now, there was no way I was getting back in.

At least that was what I thought until I was thrown into the slightly less cold water.

this time by Luke.

When I resurfaced, gasping dramatically for air, he was doubled over laughing and I was a pretty pink shade of pissed.

I pulled off my shirt, which wanted nothing more then to cling to my body and dwelled on the fact none of us had brought towels.

"Fuck you, Luke." I bit out, grinding my teeth together.

Ashton lifted himself onto the deck, droplets of water dripped off of his perfectly sculpted body.  I accidentally watched every single one of them drip down dangerously low hating how good he made wet look.

"Aw, little Madi's cold huh?" Luke laughed, literally in my face.

Before I could even try to push him in to get some sort of revenge, he willingly dipped and swam to the sand bar with everyone else.

I was thinking about it, I mean they did have all the alcohol but I noticed Noah sitting all alone, off of the dock.

Naturally, I headed towards him because he looked sad and he never looked sad. As I neared Noah, a large figure blocked my way.

"I'm gonna get you so wet." Ashton smirked at me, easily picking me up but my waist.

By holding me close to your already insanely hot, wet body?

"No! Please Ashton, I'm so cold." I begged, my teeth chattering wildly.
If he'd put me down in front of him, I'd get on my knees.

Not like that! Head out of the gutter.

He was walking back towards the water, with me in his hands and I was panicking. I decided to thrash my arms and legs hoping he'd just drop me. Instead, my futile attempt caused him to laugh whole-heartedly and only left me more tired.

I heard a splash to my right and saw that Noah had jumped in and was swimming to the sand bar.

Okay, great that was for nothing.

We were practically to the edge of the dock now and I was still pondering my master plan of survival.  I needed to not go back into the water, so I did the only natural thing I could think of doing that would shock someone.

I kissed him.

Yeah, I grabbed Ashton Moore by the face and kissed him, hard.

It took him no time at all to respond to the kiss, claiming my lips as his,
dominating the kiss.

So much for surprising him.

But the kiss, was strange..

Like tingly or some shit.

I finally pulled back and cracked my eyes open hoping I'd won myself freedom.

The last thing I saw was his full smile, dimple and all, already looking at me.

"Well shit." I exclaimed.

And then I was underwater.


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