Buckteeth and Sunglasses (Pep...

By fanaticOddball

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When Dave moves, he doesn't expect his best friend/crush to be there too. Dave seriously hopes they could sta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
McChapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Welp... (οΌ›δΈ€_δΈ€)
πŸ”₯ πŸ˜‚ Ayy Waddup Lmao πŸ‘Œ πŸ’―

Chapter 13

330 11 21
By fanaticOddball

==>John:Drag your ass to school.

You were already at the bus stop, no need for that kind of language...jeez.

You took your phone out of your pocket and opened up the Pesterchum app. Then you stopped...Would Dave even want to talk to you now? He was probably really mad at you. Then a thought struck you... Didn't he ride the same bus as you?

You scanned the small crowd in search of platinum blonde hair and shades. Hmm let's see...Terezi, Aradia, Sollux, Eridan, Nepeta, Equius, Jade, Rose...Rose! If you couldn't find Dave, she was the next best thing!

You pushed through everyone to get to the lilac eyed girl.


She turned away from her girlfriend, Kanaya, to look at you with a small smile.

"Oh. Hello John."
"Rose have you heard from Dave anytime soon? I really need to know."
"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?"

You glanced at Kanaya and asked if you could talk to Rose in private for a second. She, being the polite girl that she was, said yes. You pulled Rose by the arm away from everyone.

"Okay so...you know how I had that crush on Dave?"
"Well...he kinda told me he liked me too."
"That's great John!"
"It would've been if it weren't for me.."
"What are you talking about?"
"I couldn't get the words out that I liked him back and I kinda screwed up and gave him the idea at I didn't like him like that."

Her face fell at those words.

"Oh...So were you going to apologize to him?"
"Yeah that's why I was looking for him."
"Why don't you just pester him?"
"I'm not even sure he wants to talk to me right now..."
"I can ask him about it if you would like."
"Could you? I'd really appreciate it Rose."
"Of course. What are friends for?"

You couldn't help but hug her. She was a good friend for doing this. You let go of her and she walked back towards Kanaya.

Well then.

==>Rose:Question your brother

A therapist's work is sometimes the hardest. But this time...You were worried and concerned for your brothers emotions. John said he had faltered when answering Dave, and no doubt Dave had gotten the wrong idea. Plus the fact that he's not present has gotten you extra worried.

The bus pulled around the corner and to the stop. You got on and sat next to Kanaya. You pulled out your phone and started messaging Dave.

----tentacleTherapist[TT] began pestering turntechGodhead[TG]----

TT:Are you alright?
TT:John told me what happened.
TG:I don't wanna talk bout it...
TT:There there Dave. It will be alright.
TG:have you ever got your heart stomped on?
TG:I think not
TG: its just....
TT:If you would like, I could ask Mother if I can stay over at your apartment tonight.
TG:nah I just wanna be alone
TG:thanks though
TT:What are sisters for, right?
TT:Remember though, if you ever to want to talk about it, I'm always here.
TG:you're the best
TT:I am. Now, I must go. School awaits.
TG:sounds like you're having it worse than me
TG:Kay then

----turntechGodhead[TG] ceased pestering tentacleTherapist[TT]----

You couldn't help but chuckle and shake your head at the Strider's words. He acted cool but he was really the biggest dork at heart.

You hoped he was as okay as he said. He always said that you're the overprotective sister, but he may be thankful for that now.

==>Dave:Question Life

Whyyyyyy....Why do bad things always happen to you? You're not necessarily a bad dude. Your grades are...moderate. You don't talk back...that much any ways.. Who are you kidding? Bad things always happen to you even if you are good...

But this? What horrible thing did you do to deserve your heart being ripped out of your chest and then have a rabid dog chew on it like a day old piece of meat from behind the butcher shop?

You told Rose you were okay, but you were just making sure she didn't worry too much. She was the one who you felt that cared about you the most. It actually felt like she was the only one you had since your other bro, Dirk, went off to college with his British boyfriend. You depend on her and she depends on you. It's a two way relationship.

Bro has been true to his word though. He hasn't been giving you any shit, he hasn't been calling you for strifes and stuff like that. All he did was occasionally slip a slice of pizza under your door. He hasn't bothered with you, and you were kinda grateful for that. You'd never tell him that though.

School was supposed to start today, but you didn't bother with that. What was the point? Plus, you and John had lockers next to each other. It would be super awkward.

==>John:Enter hell

You are now at school. You walked nervously to your locker; just because Dave wasn't at the bus stop didn't mean he wasn't at school. You turned the corner to see...

Yours and Dave's lockers...without Dave. Huh. Well you were overdramatic for nothing. You sighed and opened up your locker, getting things out and shoving things in, the usual. When suddenly, a wild bell appears! It rings, signaling that you had five minutes until you were late for your first period class. It didn't really matter though, your locker was close to your classroom. You walked in and sat down, glancing at the empty seat next to you. Dave's seat. Dave...


The rest of the day dragged on and on. You hated going back to school after breaks because the teachers expect the students to work harder than before. You didn't really pay attention to much anything, however. Your mind always slipped to the subject of the Strider. You hardly even ate lunch because you were really worried. You decided that you were going to pester him after school, to ease your rowdy nerves.

Speaking of which, the last bell of the day rings, and you bolt to your locker. Taking things out, shoving things in, blah blah blah. You walked out the front doors, turning towards the direction of your house. The route you take home passes by Dave's apartment building, and you think about visiting him. The thought disappears as soon as it forms. You had to build a lot of courage to just even talk to him online, much less in person.

Finally, your house came into view. You open the door and run in, shouting a greeting to your dad as you pass him by. You run up the stairs and into your room. You plop into your computer chair and open up Pesterchum.

----ectoBiologist[EB] began pestering turntechGodhead[TG]----

EB:you there?
EB:I know you probably don't wanna talk to me but im really worried and I'm so sorry and I just wanted to say that
TG:I'm here, I'm here
TG:had to get more aj
TG:but yeah, I'm fine dude
TG:totally fine with my heartbreak
EB:I was in shock!
EB:I didn't mean to say what I said!!
EB:I'm soooooooo sorry!!
TG:I was joking dude
TG:I'm fine, really
EB:then why werent you at school?
TG:wasnt feeling it
TG:don't worry though, I drank away my problems
TG:with apple juice.
TG:I'm good now
EB:so you're good?
EB:we're cool now?
EB:youre really fine?
TG:I'm good
TG:we're as cool as metaphorical fucking cucumbers
TG:(at least, I am)
TG:yes I'm fine
EB:youre gonna be at school tomorrow?
TG:yeah probably
TG:its weird I think
TG:I confess to you and we act like its no biggie
TG:its kinda strange
EB:do you want it to be?
TG:I dunno anymore..
TG:can we just act like that night never happened?
EB:I can live with that
EB:glad that that's all sorted out
TG:I gotta go
TG:see ya

----turntechGodhead[TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist[EB]----

Your fingers still hover over the keyboard, as if they were stuck there. There was an unsent message in the message bar. You had wanted to send it to him, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. That and he probably logged off. The little line at the end of the message blinked in and out of existence, as if mocking you. Now that the worry for Dave was finally cleared out of your head, a different thought took it's place. What would've happened if you sent that message?

"Wait...I love you too though..."

((Daaammn...1413 words. How..IRONIC. On a side note, it was worth the wait, right? Right??))

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