By jiminbootylicious95

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His " I'll never love you" turned into " I'll always love you " Being Arranged to marry PARK JIMIN wasn't ea... More

Chapter 1 " only the beginning "
Chapter 2 " getting to know you "
Chapter 3 " i like you "
Chapter 4 " it begins "
Chapter 5 " little by little "
Chapter 6 " the journey starts here "
Chapter 7 " I'm sorry "
Chapter 8 " all I want is to be yours "
Chapter 9 " it's too late "
Chapter 10 " i've found you "
Chapter 11 " Secret kiss "
Chapter 13 " give me an answer "
Chapter 14 " it's been a lie "
Chapter 15 " her happiness "
Chapter 16 " our new chapter begins "

Chapter 12 " please come back to me "

12.5K 439 70
By jiminbootylicious95


Your POV
" jimin "
" long time no see "
You felt as if your body froze and you couldn't even take another step. It's been four years since you last seen him.
" what are you doing here "
He started walking closer to you, the closer he got the more nervous you got. You avoid eye contact with him
" I've been looking for you for so long and that's the first thing you ask me "
" well what should I say, I have nothing too say to you "
" I missed you "
" well I don't "
" stop lying "
You finally locked eyes with him looking at him. You really missed those brown sparkly eyes.
" I'm not lying at all "
" please stop this "
He grabbed your hand but you yanked it away.
" stop it, if I had known it was you who I would be working for I wouldn't even have agreed to it "
" please y/n listen to me "
" just look at me as an employee working for you "
" you know I can't do that, I spent four years looking for you "
" really, well I didn't "
" I know you missed me just as much as I missed you "
" let's be mature professionals here please, so if there isn't anything you need I'll be leaving "
He grabbed your arm before you could take another step.
" I love you "
You felt the tears already starting to form in your eyes but your held it in. You turned to look at him in the eyes
" yeah well I don't, please let's just be mature about this for the next month because I wouldn't want to ruined your relationship with Mandy "
" y/n please "
" I'm not the same y/n as before, I won't let you push me around "
He started to cry a bit and this was the first time you seen him cry.
" I'll be leaving now "
You stepped out of his office feeling like you can breathe again. You leaned against the door and tears already streaming down your face. You wiped them off and started walking back. You came back to the office sitting down. You got a text from Taehyung saying he's outside existing for you. You grabbed your purse and went outside.
" what are you doing here "
" to take you to lunch "
You smiled at him before he opened the door for you to get in.
" so what's today's menu "
" umm you pick "
" anywhere should be fine "
He drove to this little cafe as soon as you step inside you could smell the Fresh smell of coffee. You sat at the table across from Taehyung.
" so did anything happen at work today "
" ummm well there is one thing "
" what "
" your promise you won't get mad "
" depends "
" he's back "
" who "
" jimin "
" shhh clam down Taehyung "
" why is he back "
" it's just for the month "
" do you think you can handle this for a whole month "
" I'll be fine "
" but just letting you know if he does anything to you I'm coming right back to hurt him "
" don't worry I'll be fine "
You both had lunch and he dropped you back to work. You stepped out waving at him before leaving. You walked back inside the department.
" so that your boyfriend "
" sungjae you startled me "
" sorry "
" no he's not my boyfriend, just a good friend "
" great that means I still have a shot "
" well see about that "
You stepped out the elevator before going back to your desk. You got a note on your desk asking you to go to jimin's office. You rolled your eyes before heading over there.
" yes Mr. Park "
" just call me jimin "
" sorry, but I would prefer to call you Mr. Park "
" y/n "
" is there anything that you need "
" please listen to me "
" if you have nothing for me I'll be leaving now "
" no wait "
" I don't want too discuss personal matters at work "
" I'm telling you now but I won't give up on you on us "
You didn't want too hear anymore from him so you left. He chased after you but you tried to avoid him as quickly. You accident bumped into someone chest.
" ms. Clumsy again "
" what are you doing here "
" well I wanted to ask you something "
" yes "
" since you don't have a boyfriend I would like to to take you too dinner and movie "
" uhhh "
You saw jimin looking at you two and you New it was a immature move but you had to
" of course I'll go out with you this weekend "
" great I'll pick you up at seven "
" sounds like a plan "
I came after her but seeing her with a guy makes me jealous and angry. Their going out this weekend and that made me super jealous. They walked away, I really just wanted to get y/n back. I went back to my office running my hands through my face. I balled my fists up and slam my fists on the desk. Y/n drives me crazy when she does this.
Your POV
You knew doing that was immature but you just needed him to stay away from you. You didn't know why you tried so hard to distance him from you when all you wished for was too see him again. But then you realize he has a kid now with Mandy. You moved out here to start a new life but yet here you are again going through the same situation. You really didn't want to start a new year like this. You went outside the parking garage to get to your car. Someone stopped toe door from opening and it was Jimin.
" are you really doing this to me right now "
" doing what "
" are you really going out with that guy "
" what does it matter if I go or not it's my business "
" have you forgotten were still a married couple "
" what do you mean "
" you never signed for a divorce and so really were still married "
" whatever Jimin, move "
" not until you agree to listen me out "
" I don't want too, now move "
" I won't give up "
You got inside your car and left. You felt bad you were being so mean but what can you do.
You were getting ready to go on your little date with sungjae but all you could think off was jimin. You shook your head clearing your thoughts. You shouldn't be thinking about him right now. You were a causal date outfit, you kept the makeup light. You waited and sungjae arrived exactly at seven.
" wow you look great "
" so do you "
" are you ready "
" yup "
You both decided on the movies first. You both decided on a comedy movie to watch. He was a real gentlemen he bought you a Snacks and the popcorn. You were watching the movies and you remembered when you thought about how much fun it would be to go on a date with jimin. The movie was over and you were so into your thoughts you didn't even notice.
" so did you like the movie "
" it was great "
" so dinner ? "
" sure "
Jimin POV
y/n was going to be going on a date with that guy today. I've been really stress lately and needed to take a walk. I was walking around the streets of the busy New York. I suddenly had a flash back. I saw the aquarium and remembered that day.
I kept walking closer to her I really wanted to kiss her but I knew I shouldn't. There was a piece of food stuck on the corner of lips. She closed her eyes and I smiled at her. I took the food off from the corner of her lips. She felt embarrassed and didn't look at me.
I suddenly smiled out of no where thinking about that day. I was walking by a restaurant and I saw someone familiar looking. It was y/n and that same guy from work. I didn't know what came over me. I clenched my fists and opened the door. I started walking towards y/n
" Yah y/n "
Her eyes widen from seeing me here.
" oh Mr. Park, what brings you here "
" what are you doing "
" sorry we were on a date "
I grabbed y/n hand pulling her behind me.
" she's my wife "
" WHAT "

[ GOTTA LOVE CLIFF HANGERS LOL, anyways if any of you guys know a good author with good books please drop the name of the book in the comments, I really want to read a good story thanks ]

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