
By _Simba__

1.5M 48.5K 19.7K

"She's the only person brave enough to punch the joker in the face...and live to tell it. Ashton lawton" More

I need a gangsta
To love me better
Then all the others do
To always forgive me
To ride or die with me
Thats just what gangstas do
Im fucked up
Im black and blue
Im built for it
For the abused
I got secrets that nobody nobody knows
Im good on that shit
I dont want
What i can't get
I want someone
With secrets that nobody knows
My freakness
Its on the loose
Running all over you
Take me to places
Nobody knows
You got me...
Hanging part 2
From the ceiling
You have me hooked..
Up on the feeling
Got me
So high
Im barely breathing
Let me go
I need
A gangsta
To love me better
Better than
All the others do
To Ride or die with me
Thats just what gangstas do-the end?
Bonus chapter- Mommy dearest
Dada dearest-bonus chapter
The finale
New joker story

You got me hooked up on the feeling

29.5K 940 467
By _Simba__

2 Weeks Later

This was not how i planned to spend my friday night. Sitting in the bathtub with the lights off candles lit sipping red wine while listening to soft music sounded perfect until the tears joined the party and the music changed from smooth music to heart break songs and i started wallowing in self-pity. For some reason it actually felt...good. Nobody was here to witness me breaking down and being weak. I could let out everything i've been holding in for years and it felt so good. I'd go back to being a boss bitch tomorrow but today id take care of myself.

Sinking lower into the bubbles and tilting my head back, i smile gulping down the wine enjoying my peace until my phone buzzes. Nope im ignoring it until it stops! My bliss is more important. It buzzes again. And again. And AGAIN before i become irritated and finally answer.

"What?!" I yell not even bothering to check the caller i.d. Cause whoever was calling clearly deserved my anger if they couldnt understand i didnt answer for a reason the first 3 times.

"Well thats no way to answer the phone doll, now is it?" I hear a nasaly cynical voice chirp and i gasp. Why was he calling? I hope he wasnt calling for what i thought, scratch that i knew he wasnt calling to talk about sex because he wasnt needy.

"J?" I ask confused how he even got my number and shocked he was calling me. Nervousness began pooling in my stomach as i tapped on the rim of the tub.

"The one and only, now that we've established who we were-" he snarks but i scoff and i bet he's smirking. He was still a complete ass and in a way im glad because it means he's still him and us having sex didnt change anything.

"I was enjoying my day off in the bath, im hanging up" i hiss into the phone but he chuckles. I dont think ive ever heard him chuckle but it was nice. Fuck i need to focus and stop daydreaming about him.

"No invite? Thats low. But i dont think youd want to hang up when i have something that belongs to you" he humms and i hear my niece, zoe, calling my name before the phone clicks and i notice he hung up but the number he called me from is saved as 'Mistah J😻💚'. Rolling my eyes i cant help but think when did he even have time to do that? Climbing out the tub and rush to my room quickly lotioning my body, throw on my underclothes with a black long sleeved crop top black tight skirt and black high heel ankle boots. Checking my makeup in the mirror i smile glad i wore waterproof because my tears hadnt messed it up. I grab my car keys and run outside to my car. Im going to kill him.

When i pull up to his warehouse i quickly jump out not even bothering to shut my door and storm in the front door already unlocked. I hear yelling and loud noises and follow it into the living room expecting to see the worst but instead see joker and zoë playing uno. "Youre such a cheater! Thats not how this works youre making up your own rules!" He yells but Zoë just laughs throwing her last card down yelling "i win!" If it wasnt for the situation i'd call him out on how he was such a hypocrite when it came to rules.

"Good now get your stuff we're leaving" i say strongly, earning both of their attention. Zoë looks shocked to see me but happy while joker looks angry but i could see hints of lust.

"But aunt A..." She whines and i send her the look making her stop her whining and beging slowly packing her bookbag. I turn my glare back towards joker who looks...upset. Was he actually genuinely enjoying time...with a kid?

"I got the pizza!" Frost yells comming into the living room but instantly picks up on the uneasy atmosphere. Zoë looks at me hopefully but i shake my head making her pout and give me a pleading look. She knew i couldnt resist, she was spoiled to the max and got everything with that one look.

"Fine 10 minutes and thats it, frost sit with her. Me and j are going to have a little chat" i say grabbing joker by his ear pulling him to his office down the hall and locking us in.

"If you wanted to be alone-" he begins one of his stupid jokes but im furious with boiling rage and send my fist into his face making him fall on the hardwood floor.

"Have you lost your mind?!" I yell before kicking him in his stomach making him roll over on his back. "You fucking kidnapped my niece to get back at me" i hiss walking closer to his retreating figure but he just smiled once he coughed up blood.

"Forgot you hit hard" he muttered standing up but this time i let him just to grab his neck and pin him against the wall.

"What the actual fuck were you thinking?! Do you know how much danger she's in now being fucking seen with you! But no you dont think about other people or what effects your actions have on them because youre such a narcissistic egotistical ass" i growl slamming his head harshly against the wall behind him.

"Youre sick, youre fucked in the head... a real ass" i add tightening my grip on his neck but he just smiles.

"Talking dirty to me?" He growls with a smirk flashing his silver teeth and i realize hes enjoying my torture, every bit the hits, kicks and name calling. Theres nothing i can say or do that would hurt him. Loosening my grip only makes his smirk widen to a grin and my rage is ignited.

"Im going to knock every last one of your silver teeth out" i smirk watching as his grin falls off his face. "-just like batman did" i finish but our positions change as he slams me into the wall by my neck.

"Careful what you say doll, i can snap your neck right now and not feel any remorse. Kill you in 2 seconds" he breathes in my ear his whole body shaking with rage his grip on my neck loosening and tightening. Glaring at him from under my thick eyelashes he licks his lips swaying slightly. "That glare is doing the exact opposite of what you want." He chuckles and i push him off knowing we were both stubbourn and hotheads we could argue and fight back forever so we'd never get anywhere unless i got to the point.

"And i might be alot of things but a kidnapper isnt one. I was actually on my daily stroll through the neighborhood when i noticed two burly men following a innocent little girl with two pigtails that looked like you, home from school. Two of YOUR men were going to hurt your niece but i stopped them and kept her fed and entertained while you enjoyed your bubble bath" he says sitting on his desk.

That cant be right. My people new how against rape i was and man on woman violence. But i believed j,  i knew those men-my men, were going to do that. My niece was like my daughter i was so protective of her, i would kill for her with no hesitation hence why i attacked j when i seen him. But something wasnt adding up. "My brother usually walks her home from school where was he?" I ask and he shrugs running his tounge over the fresh cut on his lip.

"She wouldnt tell me, something about stranger danger pffft whatever that means, im not a stranger everybody knows the joker" he scoffs unamused. "She even punched me in the stomach though, shes got moxy" he adds and i cant help but laugh. THATS my niece! I turn around and head back to the living room seeing frost helping her with algebra homework but i tap his shoulder and he nods giving us a second alone. 

"Zoë-" i sigh sitting on the couch behind her and she gives me a sad look but begins to pack up her stuff but i stop her by grabbing her hand.

"Time to go, i know" she says sadly but i laugh shaking my head, she was so dramatic fierce and extra its like a mini version of myself.

"No Z, we can stay for a bit only if you tell me what happened? Why were you walking home alone?" I asked and she shrugs.

"Daddy didnt come get me and mom..well she been sleeping alot more lately and her boyfriend gives me weird looks, the same looks guys give you when we go out" she says and i feel anger and tears boil up in my eyes. He wasnt going to touch her ill make sure to handle him.

"Is there something youre not telling me?" I ask suspiciously and her fingernails become the most intereseting thing to her. "Zoë justine lawton" i say grabbing her full attention while tears pool in her eyes.

"We were christmas shoppin when batman came...he came. Batman took him. I didnt want to tell you cause i know youd go after him but what if he takes you to? Whos going to protect me? I already dont have a dad i dont want to be missing an aunt to." She sobs throwing herself on my shoulder and i feel a tear come down but quickly wipe it as i hold her stroking her hair rocking us from side to side.

"Im always going to be there for you baby, always i promise kiddo. I love you like my own and would do ANYTHING for you, even if it means doing nothing." I tell her drying her tears and kissing her forehead. 

"Pinky promise?" She ask holding out her pinky sniffling and i nod attatching our pinkys before we tangle our thumbs to making her giggle which turns into laughs as i begin tickling her which she pushes me away playfully  and i let her go. "Can frost finish helping me, no offense but you suck at math" she smiles making me give a light laugh and agreeing. Getting up off the couch i head to the kitchen seeing joker and frost who mustve been eavesdropping but frost quickly goes back to the living room and i cross my arms releazing there was only one thing left to talk about.

"You look like youve been crying" joker says breaking the silence but i ignore him. "Your eyes are slightly red and your cheeks get puffy when you do. Why were you crying?" He ask and i huff sitting on the stool next to him. I cant believe he actually noticed...or even remembered.

"Because it felt good," i finally admitt and he snorts shaking his head. Looking him over i notice hes playing with a knife, strange man.

"Crying doesnt feel good but sex does" he says and i realize what hes alluding to after a few seconds. Of course he wanted to talk about it, of course he wouldnt just blurt it out because he doesnt like talking about feelings.

"Yeah it did...i mean does" i quickly fix my mistake trying not to think about when we did and how amazing it felt. But then i remembered it wouldnt go anywhere, with him being him and how easy it was for him to just toss me to the side for harley...that was another factor of this whole thing he was dating harley! I was NOT about to be a side chick or some whore. Im not even sure if i could have sex without catching feelings...fuck i already did. Shaking my head i look up at him.

"Just because it feels good doesnt mean it should happen" i snap biting my lip wishing this little tutor session hurry up.

"Why not? Thats the point of life doll to enjoy it but some people like to live by societys rules...bleh" he shrugs twirling the knife with a eye roll  and i look at his cut lip and down to his redish purple neck where i choked him. Reaching up to brush my fingers against his smooth skin he hisses slightly but leans into my touch. That was one thing id never understand about him how he enjoys pain wether its done to him or he does it to others, he loves it.

"Why did you choke me?" He ask genuinely confused running his tounge over his bottom lip and i peck his lips gently but he pulls me closer holding me by my neck to keep me in place. This kiss was different from all of our other kisses it was slow and soft but needy on his part. Sucking on his bottom lip before pulling away i looked up at him becomming angry.

"What am i to you?" I ask and he groans with a eyeroll getting up out the chair. "Was i just a quick fuck or some side hoe to you?" I ask angrily but he snorts. Why was commitment so hard for him?

"Why-" he begins mcf but i cut him off.

"No shut up joker! Thats all i was to you because your little girlfriend harley wasnt here when you got horny but i was so i was your quick fix thats all ive been and im nobodys temporary fix" i demand only to receive a blank stare. Rolling my eyes because i knew this was a waste of time, joker didnt feel and i needed to get over these stupid feelings i had for him.

"Are you done?" He begins rudely but its my turn to give him a blank uninterested stare. "First of all Harley isnt my girlfriend, more like puppet and secondly i wasnt the only horny one that night lets not forget. You werent a quick fix nor have you ever been, gosh you women just love making up theorys and having these strange ideas of whats going on in a guys head" he complains. In a way he was right, men werent as mentally complex as us to live up to the theories we created.

"Do you want me to punch you in the face, again?" I ask and he laughs putting the knife in the drawer. "Speaking of simple minded and puppets where is harley?" I ask and he lets out a light growl.

"Why do you care?" He grumbles childishly his whole mood changing from playful to irritable and annoyed. The absolute worst. "Werent you the one who left that book in my car? I read it and her little plans to follow me around see what i did what i was like make money off of it and blah blah blah" he growls angrily and i walk over to him smirking.

"Yeah your little harley doll was using you. The girl you kicked your absolute best friend to the side for-"

"Did you just friendzone me? Mmm no thanks" he jokes-or atleast i think he is right before thunder and lightning strike signaling the thunderstorm going on. The power surges before it goes out and i hear zoë's laugh. Before i could check on her i feel breathing on my neck followed by hands on my hips and a low growling sound.

"I like you in the friendzone though" i tease just to see how much i could get out of him when im lifted up by my waist and put on the counter.

"I like being in something else" he says in a deep husky voice against my ear nipping at it as he spreads my legs stepping inbetween them.

"Wait did you just-" but his lips on mine cut me off as he kisses me rough and hungrily. My arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer as he bites on my bottom lip before slipping his tounge in my mouth but i have other ideas as i pull away and begin lightly biting against the bruise on his neck. I was hooked on the rush i got from his kisses. He let out a deep throaty groan as his nails sunk into my thighs. I was definately hooked to that sound i loved it, craved it and would do anything to hear it. The sound of my phone ringing stopped our little moment much to BOTH of our dismays his because he was enjoying it and mine because i was dominating it.

"Where ever you are you need to leave batman has a tracker on your car"

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