Elijah's Miracles

By QueenOfShips2000

193K 4.1K 637

"No one gets to tell me what to do anymore. My life, my choices." Secrets, hidden pasts, and one hell of a ri... More

The former one night stand [✔️]
Search for the mystery man [✔️]
Kidnapped [✔️]
Bewitching Hour [✔️]
Hybrid from Hell [✔️]
Troubled Waters [✔️]
Storm Brewing [✔️]
Death in New Orleans[✔️]
Time Of Death [✔️]
Bless the Broken Road [✔️]
Dance with the Devil
No Good Deed
Blood Filled Nightmare
Sins of the mother
Blood of the Past
New Hell
Grave Reminder
Sweet Love
Sweet Child of Mine
Angel's Mercy
The Devil's Due
Secrets and Trust
A Cross to Bear
The love of family
All I ask of you
Storm comes rolling in
Proof of guilt
Beautiful Corpse
Eyes of a Thousand
When the Levee Breaks
In Comes the Reaper
For the Love of Family
It all Fades to Ashes

Haunting Remains

4K 117 11
By QueenOfShips2000

It was hard even falling asleep last night, my thoughts swirling around my little girl. Luc claims he's following leads but even then I know he's getting nowhere. But it was then a thought occurred to me. Shortly after Savannah was taken I moved into another apartment on the other side of town after what happened and the sight of Adam's blood all over the floor I couldn't stand being there anymore. 

The sun had barely risen in the sky when I slip from my covers and pad quietly across my bedroom floor. Shrugging on a pair of ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a plaid shirt with combat boots. Knowing the rest won't be up for quite a while, time was on my side as I locate the keys to the SUV. If there were any clues that remained after ten years I'm going to find it and use it to get my daughter back. Half my hopes were riding on finding something, she's been gone ten years and I have no idea where she is.

The building has really lost its appeal, then again it's been abandoned for a couple years now so I can't really blame it. After Adam's death and Savannah's disappearance, people didn't feel safe and so many left not that I blame them. The locks were rusted and the gates easy to open, slowly making my way up the old creaky stairs. Trying to reach the fourth floor feels like it's taking forever, it's my body trying to resist the flood of pain that associates with this place. But when I finally reach it and jiggle the doorknob expecting it to be locked, only for the door to swing wide open. Taking a cautious step inside feeling incredibly nervous as to why a place like this would be open, however, it wouldn't be surprising if people had come and robbed this place.

It was still rather dark but streams of sunlight were fighting their way through the blinds as the sun rises higher and higher in the sky. Knowing it won't be much longer before I start receiving text messages and calls wondering where I am. Lord knows that none of them want me getting too close to this and thinking of nothing else. So busy wrapped up in their stupid family drama, they have done to help rid New Orleans of the threats to our children. Savannah isn't the only child I miss with every fiber of my being.

Looking around the old dusty room, a shiver shoots down my spine as I look at the spot on the floor where Adam's body once lay and still seeing the spot of blood. As much as it hurts to look at he's gone and there's nothing I can do about it. As I move around the apartment looking for anything with which I could cling to hope, it slowly dawns on me that there's nothing here. Dust covering everything from the kitchen counters to the walls where I once hung pictures. Moving down the hallway, brushing my fingers lightly against the wall doing my best not to let the tears building in my eyes. When I reached Savannah's old room I can hardly move from the spot I've frozen to. Very slowly I reach out to grip the doorknob and turn the knob, light streams into the room through a broken window pane. Looking around the room, tears slowly fall down my cheeks as I realize the room hasn't changed one bit. Her crib, toys, and other things we'd bought for her remained completely untouched. A fine layer of dust had settled over everything I walk over and pick up what used to be her favorite toy, a stuffed teddy bear with overalls. Clutching it tightly I sink to the floor letting the tears fall freely, my little girl was gone and this stood as a reminder to the fact that I couldn't protect her. I couldn't even fight back, but it's in my depression I realize that there's a possibility to track her with this. 

How the hell could I not have thought about this sooner?!?!

Standing with the toy still tightly clutched in my grasp as I look around to see if there's anything else worth taking with me. It's then that I spot a picture hanging on the wall of the three of us when Savannah had turned six months old. For a moment I swear to god my heart stops beating as I lift the picture off the wall holding as tightly as I had the bear. Knowing these might be the only two things I'll have of my daughter and that my heart doesn't need any more pain in it I leave the room shutting the door behind me and leaving the apartment very soon after.


Sighing heavily as I pull out my phone and set the photo and teddy bear in the passenger seat.

Hayley: Any idea where Klaus is? Elijah came looking and we're also wondering where you are.

Me: Been out left early. And how the hell should I know and why should I care I'm not his wife.

Hayley: Lol that's what I told Elijah.

Knowing that neither Elijah and Hayley knew where Klaus was is incredibly worrying.  However, if they couldn't find him whatever the hell would give them the idea that I could?! But regardless I headed towards the Quarter as that would be my best bet of locating him. 

I walked through the crowded streets texting Hayley about my progress and wandering aimlessly. 

"Jesus Christ how hard is it to locate one fucking original?" I ask myself looking like I'm about to strangle the next person who so much as looks at me.

"Well, that was rather rude!"  I clench my fist and force a sort of homicidal smile on my face and turn to face a rather smug looking Klaus.    "Well, it's a pleasure to see you, to"

"Oh fuck you, you homicidal dick what do you want?" 

"Well, I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with, and at the top of that list is a certain runaway witch." Knowing he's talking about Davina I suddenly grow slightly nervous. 

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found because that would mean looking at your butt ugly face." I retort casually, Klaus, however, doesn't seem to be amused.

"And for good reason. Had I magically resurrected the insane, vampire -hunting father of my sworn enemy, I'd be hiding too! "

Well, that came out of nowhere. "Wait, what?"

"Oh, haven't you heard? Mikael the Destroyer, back from the dead. And, by all accounts, under the complete control of our little friend, Davina."

"Well that is certainly a problem, we don't know where she is and I don't particularly care so... bye." I turn to leave but he vamp speeds in front of me."

"Oh, on the contrary, love. You just had to know how to listen, as I overheard a delightful conversation between her and Camille. For instance, I heard cicadas, and I heard tans, but the real giveaway was the church bells. Did you know Davina's family owns a little cabin in Terrebonne Parish? It's been abandoned for years! But, a brief glimpse at a map showed its just a mile from the loveliest little chapel. "

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.  "So, what's the plan? Because... Well, the way I see it if Davina wants to use Mikael to kill me, we just have two options. One, you reason with her. Two? Well, I don't think you'd like two very much."

 Klaus considers this for a moment.  "Fine. Let's go"

I sit alone at a table with a cocktail, staring off into space, when Klaus walks in and finds me. I smirk as he looks particularly annoyed with my actions, serves the bastard right for trying to hijack my afternoon. I was having a perfectly acceptable emotional day when these people tried to get me involved with shit I want no part of.

 "Wait in the car," you said. "I'll be right back," you said!"  I ignore him and takes a big gulp of her drink.  "Did I not sufficiently explain to you the urgency of this endeavor?" 

"You did, however, I don't really care. You're the one who hijacked my afternoon to drive me along to this revenge fantasy of yours! Excuse me if I need a drink to take off the edge before the killing begins."

"So, that's your plan, is it? Ply me with alcohol and prattle on until I'm convinced to leave Davina and Mikael alone to plot my death? "

"No. My plan is to survive long enough to bring my children back home. Because in all honesty unless you people need me for something I am completely useless to you. Just as I was the night I saw my lover killed and daughter kidnapped." I quietly sipped my drink as Klaus gives me a look of sympathy. When Luc told me he spilled the beans about Savannah I was beyond pissed, Savannah was my silent burden to bear and I didn't want anyone else involved. I didn't have a choice but to tell Klaus what I'd been up to when he saw the things in the passenger seat of the SUV. He may have lost one child but so far I've lost three and if I lose anything or anyone else I'm going to lose it.

"I can only imagine how hard this must be for you. Hayley and I lost Hope... you lost your daughter and the twins..."

"I've learned to deal with loss all my life... my parents died when I was a child not that I can remember." He looks over calmly and takes my hand, and though I want to pull away I don't and glance up at him.

"You may have dealt with a life of loss... but I assure you that as long as you are with this family you will be loved and protected..." He tilts my chin so that I look him in the eyes. Though it surprises me that he seems to be so concerned with my well being, it surprises me more that he tells me I will be loved. Elijah may care about me as the mother of his children but I highly doubt he loves me in the way that he loves Hayley.

"Thank you for your words Klaus but I can't help but wonder if it's too late for me to find love or be loved..."

As we pull up to the cabin which is dinky and in disrepair Klaus eagerly hops out and begins looking for his father. He walks up onto the porch and looks through the windows. As I get out of the car and slam the door behind me, Klaus walks across the porch and looks into another window. Knowing his father has the white oak stake makes this trip all the more dangerous. I make my way across the yard, hoping to find something in the grass, though its dark and I can hardly see a damn thing my foot hits something in the grass. As I bend down and feel for the object my foot located Klaus comes over to see what I've found. When I pick up a staff with an odd symbol carved into it, my fingers hardly have time to run over the symbol before Klaus takes it from my hand. He angrily throws it through the front window sending glass everywhere, muttering curses under my breath from him startling me and though I know he's angry I swear I hear him chuckle. But just as he heads for the front porch again Mikael comes out of nowhere with the White Oak stake in hand.

"Holy shit!" I yelp instinctively drawing Mikaels eyes as he takes in my form. He smirks as he comes for me with his vampire speed, but just as he gets too close my leg flies up and kicks him where the sun don't shine. Klaus sees this he lunges for Mikael, and the two begin fighting. 

Though they both manage most of each others' blows, Mikael clearly has the upper hand. And though I do my best to keep Mikael from doing any serious damage, a swift backhand sends my flying across the yard, hitting the dirt hard.  He eventually kicks Klaus down onto the ground and then kicks him again so that he's laying flat on his back. He grabs Klaus in a choke -hold as I yell and plead though extremely disoriented and is about to stake him when Klaus kicks him backward, allowing him to rise to his feet. He stomps on Mikael's hand before he can grab the stake, which is laying on the ground between them, and the two begin to fight again. Mikael once again knocks Klaus flat on the ground and holds him in a choke -hold as he tries to stake him, while Klaus desperately tries to keep the stake from piercing his skin. Eventually, Mikael manages to stab him in the shoulder. Klaus screams in pain and grabs Papa Tunde's blade from his jacket before stabbing Mikael in the chest with it. Mikael screams out in pain and falls to the ground as the knife begins to embed itself in Mikael's chest. Klaus pulls the stake out of his shoulder and rises to his feet and upon seeing me unable to stand normally, rushes over and feeds me his blood upon seeing I have a concussion.

"It's alright love I've got you."

Mikael was scary as hell and equally as ferocious but he was down, for now, I doubted the blade was going to keep him down for long. Klaus, still with the stake in hand, stares at Mikael's body lying still on the ground, incapacitated by the pain inflicted by the cursed blade. 

"I'm assuming Davina's going to be ok given the fact that you practically threw a javelin through the damn window?"

 "Davina's fine. She'll wake with a spectacular headache, but given her intentions for me, she should count herself lucky."  I sigh in relief rubbing my neck, and Klaus smiles although it drops as he searches me for the cuts and bruises I sustained during Mikael's assault.  "'Course, if you drop dead of a heart attack, I may have to kill her on general principle. "

"Really? You basically just killed your dad so let's refrain from more killing. Please?"

"Well, your perseverance is duly noted." 

" Whatever but please under no circumstances will you hurt that girl, do you understand me?" 

Klaus opens his mouth to say something but reconsiders.  "You have my word." I'm relieved, and walk over to Klaus and give him a hug. Klaus looks surprised.

"You looked like you needed one."  

He smiles, glad that she doesn't know how much he's grown to care for the beautiful young woman that has become so close to his family.

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