Haunting Remains

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It was hard even falling asleep last night, my thoughts swirling around my little girl. Luc claims he's following leads but even then I know he's getting nowhere. But it was then a thought occurred to me. Shortly after Savannah was taken I moved into another apartment on the other side of town after what happened and the sight of Adam's blood all over the floor I couldn't stand being there anymore. 

The sun had barely risen in the sky when I slip from my covers and pad quietly across my bedroom floor. Shrugging on a pair of ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a plaid shirt with combat boots. Knowing the rest won't be up for quite a while, time was on my side as I locate the keys to the SUV. If there were any clues that remained after ten years I'm going to find it and use it to get my daughter back. Half my hopes were riding on finding something, she's been gone ten years and I have no idea where she is.

The building has really lost its appeal, then again it's been abandoned for a couple years now so I can't really blame it. After Adam's death and Savannah's disappearance, people didn't feel safe and so many left not that I blame them. The locks were rusted and the gates easy to open, slowly making my way up the old creaky stairs. Trying to reach the fourth floor feels like it's taking forever, it's my body trying to resist the flood of pain that associates with this place. But when I finally reach it and jiggle the doorknob expecting it to be locked, only for the door to swing wide open. Taking a cautious step inside feeling incredibly nervous as to why a place like this would be open, however, it wouldn't be surprising if people had come and robbed this place.

It was still rather dark but streams of sunlight were fighting their way through the blinds as the sun rises higher and higher in the sky. Knowing it won't be much longer before I start receiving text messages and calls wondering where I am. Lord knows that none of them want me getting too close to this and thinking of nothing else. So busy wrapped up in their stupid family drama, they have done to help rid New Orleans of the threats to our children. Savannah isn't the only child I miss with every fiber of my being.

Looking around the old dusty room, a shiver shoots down my spine as I look at the spot on the floor where Adam's body once lay and still seeing the spot of blood. As much as it hurts to look at he's gone and there's nothing I can do about it. As I move around the apartment looking for anything with which I could cling to hope, it slowly dawns on me that there's nothing here. Dust covering everything from the kitchen counters to the walls where I once hung pictures. Moving down the hallway, brushing my fingers lightly against the wall doing my best not to let the tears building in my eyes. When I reached Savannah's old room I can hardly move from the spot I've frozen to. Very slowly I reach out to grip the doorknob and turn the knob, light streams into the room through a broken window pane. Looking around the room, tears slowly fall down my cheeks as I realize the room hasn't changed one bit. Her crib, toys, and other things we'd bought for her remained completely untouched. A fine layer of dust had settled over everything I walk over and pick up what used to be her favorite toy, a stuffed teddy bear with overalls. Clutching it tightly I sink to the floor letting the tears fall freely, my little girl was gone and this stood as a reminder to the fact that I couldn't protect her. I couldn't even fight back, but it's in my depression I realize that there's a possibility to track her with this. 

How the hell could I not have thought about this sooner?!?!

Standing with the toy still tightly clutched in my grasp as I look around to see if there's anything else worth taking with me. It's then that I spot a picture hanging on the wall of the three of us when Savannah had turned six months old. For a moment I swear to god my heart stops beating as I lift the picture off the wall holding as tightly as I had the bear. Knowing these might be the only two things I'll have of my daughter and that my heart doesn't need any more pain in it I leave the room shutting the door behind me and leaving the apartment very soon after.

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