The love of family

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When Klaus had told Me and Hayley of what Elijah and Finn had done to the safehouse suffice to say we freaked the hell out. I was pacing the room nervously as Hayley stuffed a bag full of clothes. I had tried to convince her not to go especially on my wedding day, but we both knew the importance of protecting our children.

"Fine then if you go you know damn well I'm coming with you." I move to take the bag from her hand to put my own clothes in." But she moves the bag out of my reach.

"Like hell, you're coming with me! Look I know these last few days haven't been easy for either of us. I've said some things I don't mean but this is incredibly important." I roll my eyes, sighing in aggravation and running my hand through my hair.

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do?! My kids are in danger, my little boy and my little girl are out there and they are scared." My breath coming out shaky, Hayley lays down her bag seeing that I'm clearly overwhelmed.

"I know that things are tough right now Rae but please. What you are doing today is vital to help the pack... we need you... I need you..." Our eyes lock and my breathing slows, finally, allowing myself to relax as I sink onto the bed.

" Reagan, you are getting married today. An act which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn! You will be queen to an army in a way I never could be. And a queen does not run. " She sets down her bag to sit beside me and embraces me and act I greatly appreciate.

I turn to her smiling, a few tears building in my eyes. "What would I do without you, Hayley?"

Aiden, Jackson, Lucien, Adam, and Rixton stand at the water's edge skipping rocks in an effort to distract themselves from the anxiety of the day. Four of the man shared a profound bond with the woman getting married that day. Her brothers were nervous for their sister's wedding day, a day they thought might never come. Her ex-lover though happy to be reunited with his pack and his daughter, there was a part of him that longed for the days when it was just the three of them in that small apartment. Her Fiancee was both nervous and yet utterly excited for the hour when he can finally kiss her and call her his wife. Though he could only imagine how the other men in her life were currently feeling the feelings on the day of a wedding were practically all over the place.

Their conversation is interrupted by Klaus, who comes up behind them and greets them with Hayley's bag from earlier, only it is now covered in blood. He throws it at their feet, the five men look down with a variety of expressions but it consistently remains unamused.

 "Gentlemen. I come bearing gifts." Klaus announces looking rather pleased with himself.

Jackson and Reagan's brothers look wary. "The hell did you do?" 

"I removed the heads of the wolf leaders who refused to relinquish Finn's moonlight rings!" 

"You brought us a bag of werewolf heads?" Lucien looks at the bag half disgusted.

"Well, I'd hoped you'd see it as an early wedding present! Besides, I can't have witch sympathizers in my army."

Jackson rolls his eyes and approaches him. "The wolves are not now, nor ever will be your army. "

"You know, you are a brave and selfless leader, Jackson. And I'm positive you'll remain so for the entire duration of your reign." Confused, Aiden joins Jackson's side as Klaus continues. "Festivities begin at eight at my compound. Spread the word. And, do arrive early enough to clean yourself up. It's your wedding day, for God's sake!" Klaus smiles at them before turning and leaving. Aiden and Jackson look at each other, clearly confused and suspicious. Jackson kicks at the bag of werewolf heads as Lucien and Rixton glance oddly at where Klaus once stood.

Elijah's Miraclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें