Broken Hearted - POSTPONED

By Nanziee

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three ©
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Seven ©
C Nine
chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter Eight

649 5 2
By Nanziee

Broken Hearted – Eight

Chapter Eight

Josiah P.O.V

I flicked through the photo album.

When was the last time I saw my mum? My REAL mum.

10 years back? The last time she was sober.

I had to see her. Did she even know that her son was dead? Well her favourite son. Jeremih was everyones favourite.

I stood up and walked into my parents’ room. I knocked.

“Come in Joey.” My mum said. I walked in to see my Aunt/Mum and dad sitting down.

I looked at her. I respected her so much, the way she took on me and Jeremih like we were her own. She couldn’t have kids. Aunt Marie was my real mum’s sister. My dad was my mum’s first love...and then he met Aunt Marie. Everyone blames Aunt Marie for my mum’s drug addiction. But I personally think and believe that it’s my mum’s fault. As she never introduced my father to the family and when she did it was too late, my father had already fallen in love with her sister. And plus no one forced her to take drugs. It was her decision.

“Hello earth to Josiah.” I blinked.

“Sorry about that.” I smiled at her. “Dad can I speak to you’ll only take a minute.”  I said.

“Go on then.”

“In private.” I murmured.

“Josiah!” My dad said. And I realised what I said, how rude it sounded.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t...I didn’t mean it like that. I’ve just got something really important to ask. Sorry mum.” I said.

She shrugged. “I need to go anyways. I’ve got work, in abit. Have a good day okay baby?” I nodded and she kissed my head before walking out.

“What is it son?” My dad as I sat down.

“I want...I want to see mum.”  I murmured.

“You what? Re phrase that please.”

“Stop that man, just give me the rehab address and number and I’ll be gone.” I said feeling agitated.

“Who you shouting at son? You best come correct.”

“You know what f*ck you. I’ll find out from someone else. Does she even know that her son is DEAD! 6ft under.” I kissed my teeth before picking up my phone and side bag before leaving.

I knew where I needed to go. Damien’s. He was sure to know where I should go.

I brought out my phone and dialled his number.



“Yo, I’m busy holla back yeah.”Damien started  

“Oi, don’t hang up.”

“Josiah? Is that you?”  He asked               

“Check caller ID.” I said before jumping on the bus.

“Oh yeah, can I help?”

“Are you at yard?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I’m waiting for someone to come and then I’m leaving.”

“Stay for abit. I’ll probably get there in 10 minutes max.” 

“Aite cool.” I hung up and walked up the stairs.

As I was walking to the back, I noticed a girl with a baby.  She looked around 18 and she was hot! I looked at the baby in her hands. Cute. I sat down behind her.

I was getting off in 5 stops so I had time.

 I coughed and she turned around.

“Do you mind? I aint tryna get my baby sick.” I looked at her. Americans.

“Sorry babes.”

“Babes, tsk.” I smirked as she kissed her teeth.

5 stops later, I stood up and walked down the stairs.

I smiled slightly as I realised she had also. I slowed down as I crossed the road to Damien’s.

“Uhm excuse me, boy! You! Ay you!” I turned around to see the girl holding her child. Looked around 3. With his bag in hand. Cute.

“Can I help you?” I asked looking at the time. Damien would leave any moment now

“Yes, yeah you can. Where’s Pembroke ave?” She asked.

 “Just here, were going the same way. Walk with me boo.” I said while winking. She kissed her teeth.

“I’ve got a man.” She stated.

“I didn’t say anything.”  I said while shrugging.

We crossed the road.

“So whats your name then?” She asked as I rubbed my arm. Theres me thinking it would be hot, it was fricking COLD.

“Josiah. Whats yours?” I asked while looking at her.  Her eyes were nice!

“Emelia- Rosé.  I’ve seen you somewhere. On TV.” I looked at her.

“What where?” I asked. What did I do now?

“But, it was a death picture. So does that mean you faked your death?”  I calmed myself before I lost my temper.

“Don’t piss- Nah I didn’t fake my death. It was a real death. My twin brother actually. You know figure out how to get to your destination yourself...” I kissed my teeth before walking off. I reached Damien’s house and I knocked.

“Long time cuz, come inside.” I stepped in.

“WARMTH!” I shouted.

“Argh allow the shouting Jo. Do you not check the weather before you leave? Rah that sleeve is SICK!” He poked my tattoo and I just nodded.

“Safe, is your mum home?”  I asked while looking around.

“Nah, why whats going on?”

“Argh, do you have her number or something?”

“Yeah.” Just then the door bell went off.

He got up to go get it and I checked my phone.  

Don’t go and see her

It was a text from my dad. I laughed before kissing my teeth. Who did he actually think he was?

Damien walked back in with the baby from before in his hands.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“My son.” I nodded. Just then the girl from before walked in - Emelia- Rosé.

“So is that your baby mum?” I asked

“Nah, my girl.”

I watched as she screwed me.

“Leaving me out in the cold.” I smirked

“Ay don’t start Emz, here take DJ upstairs.” Damien said before putting his son down. She nodded before kissing his cheek.

“Anyways, do you know when your mums gonna be back?” I asked.

“Late tonight.”

“Argh, I aint got time man. Is she at work or?” I asked while standing up and looking at the pictures on the wall.

There was one of me, Damien and Jeremih.

I smiled at it.

“How old where we in this?”

“10?” I nodded.

“Hmm...So where’s your mum at?” I asked

 “Emi’s mum’s yard.”  Damien said

“Aite lets go.”

“What? Whats actually going on?”  He asked.

“My dad won’t let me see my mum. She doesn’t even know about Jeremih or anything. Its peak.” He nodded.

“Emz theres food in the kitchen. I need to go check something quickly? Okay?” She didn’t reply so we left.

“Ignore her she’s in one of her moods.”  I nodded and we left.


I sat there in silence as everyone else ate their food.

I couldn't believe that had just happened. How could my mum kick me out like that? Like she didn't care. One thing she said had been ringing through my head the remainder of the night.

'Good he deserved to be dead. Good for nothing fool' 

That was what she said when I broke the news that her oldest child was murdered. She really didn't care. I went through all of this to find her address just to see if she was comfortable and that's how I got treated. I had to remember to apologise to my father.

I pulled my phone out to call my dad when Damien stopped me.

"You going yard now?" He asked

"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do." I stated while standing up.

"You do now. Do you remember Khalid?" 

How could I forget? Back in the day it was always: the twins, Damien and Khalid. The amigos, four musketeers. We were always together. But then we had to leave.

"YES" I shouted as I stood up. "Why?"

"He's turning 20 today. Having a full blown bash at his house. You on dropping by for a bit?” I nodded and we got ready to go.


We walked into the house to smell pure alcohol and the house was literally vibrating. We made our way over to the drink table and grabbed a drink.

"Where's Khalid then?" I asked.

" There," he said while pointing. "I'm gonna go dance yeah" I nodded and he walked off.

I drank my drink before walking up to him, I tapped his shoulder and he turned around in shock. 

"Josiah?" I nodded and he spudded me before pulling me in for a 'bro hug'. 

"Long time man" I said while sipping my drink.

"What you doing here?" He asked.

"Heard my don from young was turning 20" I said and he grinned

"Arr safe for that fam. Where's Jeremih? Is he here?" My smile dropped. We all said we would spend our 20th together. Maybe we spoke to soon?

I shook my head slowly. "Nah, he's dead" I watched as Khalid shook his head slowly.

"Don't lie. Nah not Jerry" Khalid said while shaking his head. 

"Nah, he's gone..."

"You know what, I'm going to do. I need some time to myself. I'm going upstairs for a bit." 

I nodded. I stood against the wall looking at everyone having fun. This was the first party I'd been to without Jeremih and to be honest it didn't feel right.

My eyes stopped at one girl in particular. She looked familiar. I strolled up to her. As I was about to tap her she looked up at me. She smiled before kissing me. I pushed her back before dragging her up the stairs. I opened a couple of rooms in search for a guest room cos this girl was out of it. 

"Noo, this one" she pointed to a black door. I shrugged and opened the door. I helped her undress herself as she talked complete rubbish. I shook my head and helped her get into bed.

"Why is he leaving? Doesn't he love me?" She asked. I picked up my phone from the desk. 

"Don't leave me, love me. Sleep with me tonight" she said

"Nah, I have to go babes"


I kicked my shoes off before jumping into the bed.


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