Trust: A Worthless Shield (Bl...

By Alexmercer156

104K 1K 401

A small time gang tries to be with the big bad dogs. But what happened when that all goes down and they get... More

A Group Of Misfits
I Scratch Your Back As You Stab Mine
A Family Reunion... Sorta
Meeting New People
One Gone, One Tried
Forced Into Battle
Royalty Made To Be Downgraded
Get To Know Your Workplace
Why Not Work Together?
New Metal Member
Kitty See, Kitty Do
Was It Worth It?
Public Enemy Number One
Robots Have Feelings Too
Fist Vs. Claws
Power Comes To All
Let The Past Stay Back
A Job Well Done
Welcome Back
A Night To Let All Worries Go Away
Who Let The Cat Out The Building?
A Sour Note For A Cat
Into The Open Sea
Cause More Trouble Than Before
Red Head To Red Hood
Coming Back Home
Let's Get To Working
Madness Takes Off
Crying Over Spilled Ashes
Fight Encyclopedia
Training Day
Found What You're Looking For?
Fire Vs. Ice
Beat You To The Cut
To A Hero To A Zero
Can't Get Raided Twice, Right?
A Change Of Heart For... Reasons?
Don't Be A Problem, Make It Worse
At Least You Tried
The Real Truth
Why Do We Die?
Part Of A Bigger Enemy
Final Misson
Trust: A Precious Shield
Epilogue: Reconciliation
*NON-CANNON* Spooks To Life

Fathers Aren't Best When Angry

4.2K 42 9
By Alexmercer156

Ruby's P.O.V

I and Yang went along the hallways to think of who to find while Blake and her brother started to run and find Weiss. 

Yang shook her head and looked at me before stopping in front of me. "Ruby, I think it'll be better if we split up. We can find Jaune and the rest faster if we do that. Alright?" She suggested as I shrugged, not thinking it wouldn't be bad as a plan.

Yang went behind me and started to take a light jog, leaving me in the hallway. It was very dark outside, so good thing that the lights were on. I walked a bit forward as then I looked ahead and saw a door open. Maybe I'll have a chance to find Jaune or anyone in there. I started to walk faster until shouting came from the other side of the door.

"Jacques. Please understand." It sounded like Ironwood was inside. He sounded calm as he tried to talk to somebody. 

"James! You understand! My daughter is out there without any help! Send some of your men to go and find where she was at!" It sounded like Weiss's father. He doesn't sound as happy as he does.

"We can't do that. There'll be no point in doing that. I say we wait for it-" He was cut off by Weiss's father hitting the desk. "I say you do! The Schnee dust company will not like something of a mission accident to be known to the heiress." I finally got to the door and looked inside. Winter was beside her father as James was leaning on a desk and Professor Ozpin was sitting at his desk, drinking coffee. 

Both of the grown men kept arguing until Professor Ozpin hit his can down on the ground and got both of them silent. I walked inside of the room as all three of them looked at me. "Ruby. You're here." Ozpin said before looking at me. "Were you with Weiss before she disappeared?"

I bet I looked stupid. I didn't know what to say. Blake never told us where she would be going to get Weiss. I just looked over at Ozpin and tried to think of an honest answer. I opened my mouth and before anything could leave it, I turned around to see Winter and Qrow enter inside of the room. When they did, I noticed that everyone had their attention on them. I quickly backed away out of the room and went out.

Qrow's P.O.V

"Misfortune never comes singly." Winter said towards me as then her father hit a cane and got our attention. 

"Winter. This is a serious matter. I need you and Qrow to get something." He said as Longwood looked at the both of us. I remember that back earlier when that Fanaus girl tried to shoot something, but luckily, my misfortune was there to stop her I knew she would have called over a lot of Grimm cause of that shot. But I didn't save anything. Something must of happen to that Weiss Schnee girl. 

"Well listen, Jaques is right. You two are needed for something else. Weiss Schnee is gone. You two are called to find her and bring her back." Ironwood said as I sighed and pulled out a flask. "Well, Ironwood. You know about me and Winter. Why would-" That's when Ozpin started to get to me and make the soft heart come out of me. 

"Qrow. I know you don't care about working with Winter. You two don't have the best of history together. You could give a damn about Weiss. Be honest. But think about Ms.Rose. The both of them have been a team since the beginning. Their relationship has grown faster than any other in this school I have seen. So you might have to work with someone you don't like but think about your niece and her teammates. They will not be the same. Not only as team RWBY but also as just Ruby and Weiss."

I stood there with my flask before looking at it and seeing myself. I got to think of that girl. Ruby would be just dead on the inside. I gave a groan before putting it down on the desk and giving a sigh.

"Where do we go?"

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