Forever By Your Side: Steve R...

By AlyssaGomez1515

90.2K 1.9K 421

Daniella Stark is the twenty one year old unknown daughter of Tony Stark. She thought after meeting the Aveng... More

Daniella Stark
Forever By Your Side Epigraph
|| Tony Stark ||
|| Stark Tower ||
|| Workouts ||
|| Bar attack ||
|| Surprise ||
|| Iron Man 3 P1: All by Myself ||
|| Iron Man 3 P2 : Battleground ||
|| Iron man 3 P3 : The Aftermath ||
|| Iron man 3 P4: This is it ||
|| There's no place like home ||
|| Kidnapped P1: Hydra Returns ||
|| Kidnapped P2: Finding her ||
|| Kidnapped P3 : Die in your arms ||
|| Medical Attention ||
|| Kelly and Lucy ||
|| Are You Okay ? ||
|| A Protective New Year ||
|| Stay Away ||
|| What's Left Of Shield ||
|| You can what ? ||
|| Running ||
|| S.H.I.E.L.D's Help ||
|| Sugar Rush ||
|| Mission TS-13 ||
|| In hiding ||
|| Normal Day ||
|| Vera Dixon and John Greene ||
|| Darkness ||
|| Darkness P2: Nero ||
|| Darkness P3: Who's Dani ? ||
|| Darkness P4: Hope ||
|| Darkness P5: The Final Chapter ||
|| If I Stay ||
|| Who You Are ||
|| Afterlife ||
|| Family ties ||
|| Twins ||
|| Coulson ||
|| Scars And Bruises ||
|| SOS||
Aunt Daniella
Under control
Race against time
Own Mission
Christmas Part one
Christmas part Two
Confession of 1992
Kelly's big day Part one
Kelly's big day part Two
The Start Of Ultron
Something's a bit off
Avenger's house party
Thor Get's Angry
Mind games
Hulk Vs HulkBuster
Safe House
Daniella fights Ultron
Battle of Sokovia
Is that the best you can do ?
The New Avengers
|| I'll Never Get Used To It ||
|| I Have A Bad Side So Don't Get On It ||
|| Differences show||
|| Rest In Peace: Peggy Carter||
|| The King is Dead ||
|| My Clouded Mind||
|| Bucky Barnes ||
|| Tony's Little Secret||
|| I'm Not What You Wanted ||
|| The Winter Solider||
|| Not The Only Winter Soldier||
|| Team Captain America ||
|| United We Stand Divided We Fall ||
A broken family
We played this wrong
Who is Zemo ?
We all need family
|| The New Chapter ||
|| Baby Rogers ||
|| How Could You ||
|| Soulmates ||
|| Not Everyone Likes A Reunion ||
|| Our New Ally ||
|| The Understanding ||
|| Guardians ||
|| Wakanda ||
|| Nero's Return ||
|| Titan ||
|| Fight ||
|| Thanos ||
|| No...not you ||
|| Empty ||
|| No Hope ||
|| The Life We Were Sadly Given ||
|| The Second Chance ||
|| Let's Do It ||
|| Getting Them Back ||
|| 2012||
|| Natasha Romanoff ||
|| Thanos ||

Steve Vs Tony || Daniella VS Mason

657 13 1
By AlyssaGomez1515

Third person pov

* Comment what you hope the baby is . Boy or girl ? Also don't forget to vote!!!!!"

" Yes ." Steve said as Daniella's heart dropped instantly with those final words . Tony instantly pushed Steve away from him very hurt at the moment. Tony turned to his daughter seeing her shocked face also , but he didn't buy it . In his mind , she knew and kept it from him just like she kept her pregnancy.  Tony didn't know what to do or how he felt at the moment . There was sadness , fear , hurt , and anger , but guess which one won . Rage . Instantly,  Tony back slapped Steve as the Super Solider flew across the room causing Daniella to gasp loudly .

Bucky  snapped from his thoughts and instantly got into action. Daniella ducked from her father's beam , unlike Bucky who wasn't on time . She went to stop her father from hurting Bucky , but Mason wrapped his arms over her arms so she couldn't get free.
Bucky  threw a punch to Tony , but he caught it and glared deeply at Bucky.  He grabbed Bucky by the neck and drove him to the ground causing the Winter solider to grunt in pain. Daniella's yells were heard as Bucky saw Mason holding her back in pain.

She wanted to get away and stop everything from happening , but was she strong enough to ? Steve quickly hit Tony in the head the same time Daniella send a force through her body and hit Mason . The feeling made her weak , but she didn't give up that easily. Steve charged at Tony sending the metal head to the wall , while Bucky escaped. Tony charged right back sending Steve a couple feet back. Daniella saw this and ran to Steve to help , but heard a growl and turned to see Mason as a wolf.

" Mason please ." Daniella begged , but Mason clawed her arm deeply making it gush open. She screamed from the pain causing both Bucky and Steve into a fit of panic. The minute Steve went to go help her , Tony send two handcuffs onto Steve's legs so he couldn't move. Bucky punched Tony on the face now catching the man attention . Tony , yet again , grabbed Bucky by the next and against a wall .

Daniella back on the ground got up , ignoring the blood and punched the wolf right in the nose then send it to a wall. It was enough to get her away from Mason and to the two boys . As Bucky and Tony fought , Bucky got a hold of Tony's hand and crushed the metal making it dead . Tony went to use the other one , but instead send a missile right above were Daniella was . Steve saw Daniella stuck in the cross fire and went frozen in time.

" Danny !" He yelled as the rumble crushed her . Steve cut the handcuffs with his shield and ran over to see Daniella used a shield around her.

"I'm fine , get Bucky. " She said , but Steve didn't move one inch , he just stood there.

" Steve , I'm fine get Bucky now !" She yelled as she saw Mason getting back up . Steve nodded understanding why and ran seeing the whole place start to fall apart. Right above Bucky and Tony , the whole bridge fell causing the two men to look up. Tony quickly let go of Bucky as the solider fell right where Daniella was fighting Mason .

Mason morphed to a human and started choking Daniella while Daniella grabbed his neck and choked him back , but at the last second Mason kicked her from underneath making her hit her head against the concrete floor. Bucky saw the girl he considered a Sister struggling and get Mason off her . Bucky ran at full speed up to Mason were he tackled Mason off of her and threw him at a far distance.

" Thanks ." Daniella said getting up , but when she did ,  she held her stomach in pain.

" Daniella , what is it ?"

" Something hurts really bad." She winced as Bucky put her arm over his shoulder and looked to Steve from across the room. Steve looked worried as he looked to the two men down on the other side , Bucky and Daniella can escape.

" Get her of here ! " Steve said to Bucky as he nodded and moved to the only place to escape .

" I can't leave Steve , Buck ."

" We won't , but you have the baby to protect." Bucky said as she nodded climbing up the stair case like Bucky was. Mason stood up feeling a bit dizzy , but when his vision came back he looked up seeing the two and glared.

" There getting away." Mason announced as Tony flew after them , but Steve stood in the way.

" It wasn't him Tony . Hydra had control of his mind ! "

" Move ! "

" It wasn't him ! " Steve yelled and grabbed his leg part to break. Daniella and Bucky continued to climb till Daniella bend down holding her stomach.

" I need to breathe." She said as Bucky nodded understanding.

" How you feeling ?" Bucky asked , but for her to answer wasn't so simple. How are you suppose to feel when your four months pregnant fighting a war between your father , Brother , and Fiancée ?

" We need to keep moving." Daniella said getting up , but something grabbed her leg.

" Ah ! " She yelled as it pulled her down to the edge. Daniella looked to see Howler using his claws to bring Daniella to him by her pants leg.

" Daniella ! " Bucky yelled reaching over , but Daniella shook her head.

" Bucky , go . Run ! " Daniella yelled as she let go of the edge and fell to Mason's level. Bucky didn't know what to do . If he should keep going or stay to help Daniella . As she fought Mason , she saw Bucky still standing there and yelled with every voice she ever had left.

" BUCKY GO!" She yelled as Bucky kept going despite the pain in his heart . Once Steve got the left boob ...I mean boot on Tony's suit to go out , Tony cut a hole making Steve stuck on the other side.  Tony turned around trying to fly towards Barnes , but Steve really messed it up.

" Left boot jet failing. Flight systems compromised." Friday said as Tony landed on one metal plate rail. Bucky kept going no matter what . His goal wasn't to leave his problem's away , his goal was to get to the quinjet and get Steve and Daniella the hell out of here. Tony still flew up towards the solider and when he was dangling of a metal plate rail , Tony punched him away with rage . Seeing his best friend about to be attacked , Steve jumped right up to wear Bucky was and protected him with the Shield. Steve helped Bucky up as he looked around in a panic.

" Where's Danny ?"

" Her brother got her . She told me to keep going , I didn't want to , but-"

" There not gonna stop . Go. I'll get her." Steve said as Bucky looked torn yet again on what to do. Steve looked down below to see Tony getting back up to fight another round . Steve jumped , sending a rope around Tony's neck , strangling the man down.
Tony swerved his whole body over so both fell on opposite metal plate rails. Bucky was half way there . He could feel the winter's wind blow strongly right above his head.

Tony saw this also and aimed a missile , which was quickly shot down by Cap's Shield , but Tony blocked it away. As Daniella and Mason fought down below , Daniella couldn't help , but feel worried. Steve and Bucky were gone and so were her father which couldn't be good at all. She kicked and punched Mason multiple times , even broke something by the sound of it , but no matter how hard it was Mason got back up. She admired it . It came from their mother.

The Shield clattered on the ground loudly making Daniella look over with a shock expression . Mason took the chance and punched her right on the face as she fell to the floor not moving. Tony was done with everything . His eyes were filled with so much rage . He focused on the target , but every system was down.

" Targeting system's knacked , boss." Friday said as Tony took his helmet off.

" I'm eyeballing it." He said and with that he shot the missile at the target. Bucky looked up to see the crash and let go before it would kill him. Tony smiled finally winning and flew up to meet the Winter Solider. Bucky quickly got up hit Tony with a pole he found on the floor. Tony got the pole and started to choke Barnes.

" Do you even remember them ?"

" I remember all of them ." Bucky confessed as Tony did a back flip bring the solider with him . Steve tackled the pair as the three came crashing down to the bottom level. Bucky stopped on the same level Daniella was on , but Steve and Tony kept going .
Bucky rolled over seeing Steve on the ground and got up to help his friend , but then he remembered it was quiet . He looked to see Daniella on the floor across from him , injured badly. She winced as she tried to stand up , but seemed to tired too.

" Daniella !" Bucky whispered and ran over as the women coughed a bit.

" Help Steve . I'll be fine ." She said getting up for another round as Bucky shook his head.

" Daniella , I can't . You need me."

" Help him ,...please. I can't lose him too. " Daniella said as she was now standing ready. Bucky nodded as he left the two on their own. Daniella looked to her brother who looked less hurt then she did. Mason spit out some blood and laughed sickly at her which caused her to glare.

" Why ? Why after everything ?" Daniella asked as she took one step forward.

" This is your fault. This is Steve's fault. Own up to it."

" Mason , your doing the same thing I'm doing . Fighting for my rights . Bonnie-"

" Bonnie's not here. We're going to win and your going to sign."

" You know I can't. I want a better life for my child. What if I need to do something and I can't . That could effect my baby and the people I care about . Mason , you're my brother-"

" Dosen't seem like that anymore ." Mason said as he held his fist up . Daniella heard , but did the same thing as they both ran up to each other and threw the first punch. Steve got up from where he fell and looked to Tony who towered over him.

" This isn't gonna change what happened."

" I don't care. He killed my mom." Tony said as he came up to Steve and punched him in the face . Steve also punched back making Tony stumble a bit , but quickly recover punch Steve in the face and ribs. Steve then got Tony in a choke hold , but once Tony hit a beam to the concrete both flipped over. It was a fight between friend and friend , Avenger against Avenger , brother against Brother. As Tony punched Steve in the face , Bucky came right behind him and hit the back of Tony's head with the Shield. Steve and Bucky passed the Shield back and fourth between the fight .

It worked for a while , till Tony send his beam and hit Steve away from the fight . Bucky stepped up to the fight not liking that his friend was getting hurt . Bucky didn't want to hurt Tony in all honesty , but Steve had a baby on the way and a future wife to think about . Bucky new mission was to get them out of here. Bucky punched Tony straight in the chest as the man back was against the wall. There Bucky tried to rip the arch reactor at finding that it was the source to Tony's suit . Bucky felt rage just like Tony did . He couldn't believe after everything it turned to this .

His past. Steve , weakly , got up and saw this happening , but unlike Bucky knew what was about to happen . Steve wanted to yell for Bucky and tell him , but he was frozen in time . At the last second , Tony's arch reactor lit up and shot a blast out which knocked Bucky down. Bucky looked up feeling less on his left hair and saw that his whole metal arm was completely gone like it was supposed to be. Tony shot Bucky away as it was Steve's turn to feel the rage . He then marched up to Tony holding his Shield up high as the real battle started.

Daniella and Mason were in the most heated fight they ever were in . The airport seemed like child's play as they now left scars and bruises not physically , but mentally. Daniella grabbed Mason into a choke hold and flipped him over as she punched him repeatedly in the face. Mason flipped them over as he started to choke her , but she bit his hand. He yelled looking away which gave Daniella the chance to teleport behind him. Once she did , she threw him to the wall. Mason growled turning into a wolf as he clawed her leg making her knees bend a little. She only recovered quickly and kicked the wolf in the rib as a cracking sound was heard loudly.

The wolf whined as Daniella kicked again breaking another rib. Mason turned human and pressed his thumb into her arm cut which made her scream loudly . Her heartbeat was in her ears as she felt like she was losing life . Small black dots came into her vision , but she shook her head and grabbed Mason arm's backward breaking his arm.
Mason screamed as he felt every bone shatter. Daniella yelled loudly using her telekinesis to send Mason high into the sky then to the ground creating a crater . Mason was passed out with three broken rips , broken arm , bruises , and cuts all over .

Daniella panted as she back away from the fight a bit , crying. She held her stomach in pain because she couldn't believe what she did . Her mother wouldn't be proud . She's not even proud with herself. Daniella  couldn't take it no more . Her knees gave out under her as she fell to the floor being no more also. The only thing left was a pool of blood coming from her leg and arm. Both Stark's at the end of their lives.  Steve didn't know about her , yet . Sadly the only thing on his mind was fighting Tony . Steve felt rage and that was never a good sign . Punch , kick , hit , repeat . That was the only thing Steve saw .

" You can't beat him hand to hand ." Friday said as Steve had tears in his eyes from everything.

"Analyze his fighting pattern."

" Scanning ." Friday said as Steve kept going at it .

" Counter measures ready." Friday said quickly as Tony caught Steve's Shield.

" Let's kick his ass." Tony said as he used his beam to send the shield away from them . Next was blocking Steve's punch and sending him away with a beam . Tony went fast on Steve and send a beam to his stomach which made the super solider groan on the floor. Steve got up still having blood on his cheek and panting hard .

" He's my friend ."

" So was I ." Tony said and punched Steve again. Bucky was right next to Steve wanting to help more then just laying on the floor , but he couldn't . Everything hurted and he felt weak. Tony then grabbed Steve throwing him to the other wall .

" Stay down . Final warning." Tony said and raised his hand up in a threatening way. Steve got up , but in the first time in a long time it wasn't for him . Wasn't because he was in some ally way getting beat up , not because he was fighting Hydra . This was for Daniella , The baby , and Bucky.

" I can do this all day ." Steve quoted as Tony got his beam ready , but Bucky grabbed his leg as a distraction. Tony turned wiggling him off giving the chance for Steve to grab Tony over his head and throw him on the ground. Steve quickly got on top of Tony before he could move and punched him till his mask came off. When it did , Steve stabbed his Shield into Tony's reactor sending the fight. Steve closed his eyes as Tony looked at him hurt . Steve climbed off of him as Tony couldn't move due to shock. He got up pulling his shield with him as Tony flipped over trying to catch his breath. Bucky slowly got up with the help of Steve looking a little proud that his friend finally did it without him.

" That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it or her . My father made that shield !" Tony said as Steve dropped the shield on the ground and left. As Steve and Bucky climbed up the latter and to the level where it all began . It was quiet ....too quiet. The only sound came from leaking pipes and the wind blowing in small corners.

" Danny ." Steve said as his voice echoed in the room.

" Danniiiela." Bucky slurred a bit being exhausted and hurt . The boys didn't hear anything which made both of there stomach's twist in knots .

" You don't think..." Bucky said scared for her as Steve shook his head.

" She's strong. Trust me." He said as he thought of Daniella. When they turned the corner , they saw Daniella on the ground covered in blood . Steve's heart dropped all the way to his feet . He was frozen not wanting to even imagine what happen. What made him more on the brink of death was that her blonde hair wasn't blonde anymore , it was dyed in crimson red.

" Danny ! " Steve screamed this time as he ran over and put her head in his lap as he held one hand on her stomach.

" No , no." Steve cried as his hands shook in fear. He didn't know what to think and feared for there unborn child.

" Get her to the quinjet ." They heard and turned to see T'challa with Zemo in his hands tied up.

" I can't take her to America ."

" Wakanda has a great medical . Trust me , you're child needs you." T'challa said as Steve nodded picking Daniella up . Her blonde stained hair swinging back and fourth as Steve covered her body with the Jacket she left at the elevator.

" We'll make it out . We'll make it out." Steve repeated as they all walked to the quinjet leaving Tony and Zemo behind. Steve laid Daniella on the medical bay and stared at her while having his hand on her stomach , which he didn't even notice. He knew they both would be okay because he knew she was strong and if she was strong then so would the baby. As he stared at Daniella he imagined how their child would be. A kid running around the house laughing with a American flag in there hand or in the kitchen cooking with Daniella.

Steve imagined coming home everyday to see his future wife and child sleeping on the couch waiting for him to come home. It made tears come to his eyes. Daniella stirred in her sleep till her eyes opened seeing Steve all bloody like she was . She looked hurt not by her injuries , but by love. Steve saw this and looked sadly at her.

" My" She asked weakly as Steve only looked guilty at her . His eyes covered all emotions he was feeling . Anger , fear , guilt , sadness. He didn't want this to happen . For Daniella to be separated by her family . He just wanted to stand up for what he knew was the best.

" We left him behind with Mason and Zemo. I'm sorry." Steve said as she bit her lip on the verge of crying.

" Okay." She nodded as Steve combed his fingers through her hair.

" Danny , the baby-"

" Is fine . I used my powers to protect the baby . Wanda taught me." Daniella confessed as a tear slid down her cheek.

" I miss them already , Steve." She cried as Steve nodded . The quinjet took off as Tony watched feeling guilty for everything and the fact that......He just lost his own daughter.

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