Clockwork Cowboy

By shelleyinon

59.4K 4.7K 271

Ten years after her family avoided imminent imprisonment by sneaking aboard an airship headed for Wyoming, No... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Note from the Author

Chapter 42

778 81 1
By shelleyinon

Jese watched his wife struggling out of her bedroom window. Well worn jeans snug against her trim body, she looked prepared to travel. A brown leather bag dropped to the ground before she began to climb down... almost the same colour as corset that cinched her white shirt.

He shook the distracting image of Nova with a blanket around her feet from memory. He didn't need that impairing his judgement. Jese was determined to keep his head as cool as possible, so that - this time - everything would go smoothly.

The plan was fairly simple. He was going to follow her till she led him in the direction of the hidden treasure. Then - when he was absolutely certain she'd uncovered it - he would apprehend her and return the jewels to the sheriff.  No, he glanced about doubtfully.  He would find the closest train station and dispatch them there. He didn't want any scrutiny thrown over the area surrounding Radcliffe Ranch. Not only for his own safety but for the safety of the gold he'd found there.

When everything was cleared up, he planned on disposing Nova's saloon girl attire once and for all.

The part of the plan he hadn't decided on was how he'd sort Brandon out. Or how he was going to keep control of his wife. He had some tantalizing ideas, his eyes darted to the rope that she was descending.

Self loathing overwhelmed him. When had he turned into such a testosterone fueled git? Jese already knew the answer to that: the moment he'd laid eyes on Nova Radcliffe. Calhoun, he told himself sternly, she was his now, and he wasn't prepared to let her go.

Jese saw her touch down - catlike - before walking off with a confident ease. Seemingly unaware of him trailing her from a distance.

"Freddy?" Jese heard her call. He watched as Nova took a sharp corner around the barn and collided heavily into her workman.

Freddy, who'd been fixing the axles of the wagon, glanced down at her face in concern. He took her shoulders in his hands, and seemed to be comforting her.

Jese shook his head in admiration. His wife was using her stunning looks, once again, to get what she wanted from a man. Jese wished he could be closer to hear what elaborate tale she was creating. He watched them speak at length, before Nova crouched down and drew something in the dust. Then, after a quick embrace, Nova turned and fled back to the homestead.

Jese chewed his lip in thought. He should have expected her to mess his plans up almost immediately. Now he felt torn in two different directions. He could follow her... but then he might miss finding the crucial jewels. Had she passed that vital task on to Freddy? And that crude drawing in the earth - if he saw it could it help him locate the treasure, or was it only a ranch related request?

His gut told him that she'd realized she had a cold hearted bounty hunter on her tail. Otherwise she would have screamed for help when she'd heard Brandon's arrival that morning. He wondered if she'd overheard the whole conversation. Jese felt a pang of regret... if she had then perhaps she was thinking he was a prized pig of a husband. Why should he care? He snarled. He wasn't the one robbing trains.

He didn't have the luxury to make the wrong decision. If he followed Nova, and she led him away from the hidden gems, then all hell could break loose when Brandon alerted the district to who India Sommers really was; lawmen advancing onto the ranch would open up a bag of worms, most definitely revealing Jese's true identity.

Jese cursed aloud. Every time he thought he knew what action his wife would take she managed to shock and confuse him further.

He watched as she hurriedly packed a cart, deducing that - from what she packed - she intended to be away for a long time. The cart filled to the brim, she hurried into the homestead before promptly reappearing with her mother. Nova helped the older woman up, and then alighted herself; setting off to the North.

Questions plagued him. Was it a decoy? Was Nova hoping that he would follow her, so Freddy had time to collect the bounty? But why would she take her ailing mother? After brief indecision Jese turned in Freddy's direction. The man was busy himself, saddling a horse and throwing some supplies into a bag in preparation.


The man glanced up, before springing forward to scuff a boot over the map drawn in the dirt. "Yeah?"

"I saw everything. Are you going to tell me what you know?"

"It's none of your business."

"I could have you arrested for accessory to theft..."

Freddy stayed silent. A stubborn look upon his face.

"What's the cut?"

"Cut?" He glanced down at his hands, almost as if he were searching for some oozing wound.

"Don't play coy with me. How many jewels is she giving you for your part in this?"


"I'm prepared to pay you in gold, double the amount she offered, if you return them to me."

"I told you. She's not giving me anything."

Jese delved his wallet out of a back pocket and flicked it open.

"Save your breath," Freddy said. "I'm taking them to the sheriff; to clear her name."

"Why?" He asked in surprise.

"She was set up."

"Oh." Could she really be so naive? "And who duped her?"

"That smarmy well dressed lad, I think."

"Brandon McCabe?" He didn't know why he bothered to ask.  He'd known the man was trouble.

Freddy nodded in reply.

Jese let out a whistle in surprise.  That he would set Nova up, and then set out to capture her for her reward... The man was beyond cold hearted. He was a psychopath. Could he be lying in wait for Nova to drive her cart by - the barrel of his gun trained on her head?

Armed with this new information, he left.  Without a word.


Jese found his way, on horseback, to his Airship. Waiting where he left it after the fire.

He led his horse on board the ship and made his way to the cockpit.

From the sky he could quickly track Freddy, while keeping an eye on Nova's direction.

With the ship empty of livestock it would take less energy to get it off the ground, and more agility with quick manoeuvres. He only hoped that he got to Nova before Brandon did. 

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