Bruno Mars Imagines

By the_brunz

278K 7.1K 2.5K

*under editing* More

I love you
Who's She?
I Don't Care.
Game Time
All For You
Nice to Meet You
Turn Around
Just Let Go...
Just Let Go (part 2)
But he's mine
It's no one..
Eh... he's alright
I Do
I'm Not Drunk
Just Let Go (Part 3)
Morning Routine
Drunk Texts
I Can Still Feel It
Teenage Love
Just Let Go (Part 4)
Long Distance
One Last Kiss
Aren't you a fan?
She's Back
You can't hate me. I love you.
She's Back (Part 2)
Just Let Go (Part 5)
For Aubrey ❤
For Madison ❤
Mental Pain Is Worse Than Physical Pain
For Kellie
I Never Noticed
Drunk Texts: Part 2
She's Back (Part 3)
She's Back (Part 4)
The New Guy
The New Guy (Part 2)
The New Guy (Part 3)
Who...Me? (Bruno's POV)

She's Back (Part 5)

2.9K 86 24
By the_brunz

*May contain errors. Last part to She's Back*


You open the bedroom door slowly, poking your head out to look. Silence. You step out onto the hallway, looking around the house as if it wasn't your own.

You felt like a prisoner in that room. Moments after Bruno left, you could hear him and Lena speaking, and after a few minutes, the front door closed.

You walk downstairs in a slow pace, keeping your hand on the railing. You slide your feet across the floor to the living room. Empty.

It hasn't occurred to you that Bruno would've even thought of going with Lena, but as you peek through the windows and see his car gone, you realize your fear was true.

He left...

You slump back down onto the couch, putting your small hand on your head, rubbing your temple. It was hard, knowing that the only man you will ever love has betrayed you.

But, through all the hatred towards Bruno, you couldn't deny that you felt another thing: guilt.
"It's my fault..." You thought to yourself.

"All of this... this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so... jealous. But, this can't all be my fault right? I mean, Bruno did do all the things I accused him of, not to mention the fact that he just LEFT. What's that about?! He's probably kissing her right now... telling her how much he missed her and how unworthy I am... and other things... what a douche! I can't believe I lived with him and fell for him and trusted every word he said to me! All those 'I love you's' are bullshit! All those kisses, late night calls, hugs and cuddling, all that love making... it's fake. It was all fake, it was ALWAYS fake. I can't believe he did this to me. I can't believe I did this to myself... thinking that maybe one guy out there is capable of loving me... but they're all the same! I know that now. I just thought Bruno was different..."

You wipe the tears rolling off your face with your sleeve, sniffling here and there and wishing you had a tissue. The more you thought about it, the more tears you shed.

Closing your eyes made things worse, as you see his face every time you do. Sad is an understatement of how you're feeling. The salty tears that never left your face were flooding your eyes and you couldn't help but to feel weak and used.

"Get it together, (Y/N)," You think once again.
"This isn't your fault. He did this, it's his fault. I can do this. I can... I can... I can't..."

And suddenly, you were weary, tired of crying, tired of trying to convince yourself. The exhaustion came at you all at once, hitting you like a truck and you fell into a deep sleep as you lean your head on the couch.


"Are you ready?"

"What exactly are we doing here, Bruno?" You ask.

"Trying to have fun. Come on, (Y/N), loosen up a bit. It's just you and me and nobody else. Now, take my hand," Bruno commands with a genuine smile. His large hand, which was somehow blurry, was held out for you and you take it.

Bruno leads you to the edge of a cliff over water.
As you look over, fear begins to fill your mind. You turn your attention to Bruno and stare at him, giving him an uneasy look.

He does nothing but smile, grabbing your hands once again, and staring at you with his big, chocolate brown eyes. And still, the look gave you some kind of assurance. Everything will be okay.

He then puts his hands on your shoulders, keeping his eyes on yours. He seemed happy, happy to be with you. The feeling was mutual.

But suddenly, Bruno begins to push you back, and you start to panic as you get closer to the edge.

"Bruno," You say, frantically. "What are you doing?"
He doesn't answer, but continues to hold you, pushing you back until your feet are struggling to stay on the cliff.

You can see the pebbles falling off and into the water as you look down. Your heart pounds faster and you look at Bruno with your pleading eyes.

"Bruno, stop it, please."
The expression on his face was no longer happy, but instead a cold, hard face.
"(Y/N)," He whispers. "Do you trust me?"

"Bruno, please. I'm scared, I-"
"Do you trust me?" He asks again.
You stare at him with the worried face you had and breathe heavily.

"Y-yes. Yes, I trust you Bruno," You whisper quickly.
"Then..." Bruno releases his grip on your shoulders. "Relax."

The overwhelming feeling you have is making your heart pound faster, not allowing you to do as he says.

As he let go, you immediately hug him, digging your face in his chest, never wanting to let go. You were still very close to the edge, but somehow you felt safer, even if he did scare the crap out of you.

You were terrified in those moments, scared of your life falling apart, scared of Bruno. But now, all those feelings were gone.

"You still trust me?" He asks, gripping your body hard as you wrap your arms around him.
After a brief moment of silence, you whisper, "Yes."

And suddenly, still in an embrace, Bruno turns both of you over, so that his back was facing the edge. He looks down at your face as your chin laid on his chest. And with no warning, he falls back, keeping you tight around his arms.

But still, you felt no fear. You felt safer than ever, even as you both fall. But as you were about to hit the water, everything turns black.
The night was cold and the city was dark, besides the lights that filled it. You and Bruno were still in a tight embrace. Your eyes were closed and you can feel his warm body against yours.

You open your eyes, looking at your surroundings. You were in an alley and the streets that were beyond it were empty. You let go of Bruno slowly, and look up at the sky as you feel the rain drops hitting your warm skin.

Through all the commotion, you remained calm. You weren't confused as to where you were, though you didn't have a clue how you got there in the first place.

Everything felt so... normal, even with the fact that just a minute ago, you were on a cliff. You and Bruno seemed alone, but still you had an uneasy feeling.

And suddenly, a dark figure appears in the alley and your heart stops. You move your hand to hold onto Bruno's, but you felt nothing. Whoever you were holding before was no longer there.

"Bruno?" You call out.
No answer.

As the figure gets closer, you can recognize the soft, curly hair and short, tan body.

Bruno stared you down, coming closer, with no word, eyebrows furrowed.

You didn't see him leave your side when you were lost in your thoughts, but you didn't care where he went as long as he's with you now.

He stops about 5 feet in front of you, remaining immobile. As you start to move to him, another figure approaches.

It was a smaller one, and you couldn't recognize this one, but as it spoke, you were frightened.
"Stop," She tells you as you try to move closer.

You can recognize Lena's voice in an instant, though her face was still unrecognizable. She stood besides Bruno and they both stared at you.

"Bruno..." You whisper.
"Kill her," Lena says.

And suddenly, Bruno held a gun, pointing it straight at your heart.
"What?" You ask, beginning to panic.

"Do it," Lena insists, but Bruno stood still, still staring at you with an expressionless face.

"Please, please Bruno. You- you said you'd never hurt me, why are you doing-"
"Shut up," Lena interrupts. "Do it, Bruno. Then it'll be done and we can be together."

You remain silent now, keeping your eyes on his. The gun did not move it's position, but Bruno finally begins to say something.

"Do you trust me, (Y/N)? Even at gunpoint?" He asks, suddenly.
You couldn't think straight. Your head was saying no, but your heart... your heart trusted him.

"Do you?"
You swallow hard and breathe once more.
"Yes," You tell him softly.

And suddenly, Bruno grabs another gun from his pocket and points it at Lena. But still, the other gun remained pointed at your heart.

The cool air was hitting your skin and all you could hear were the rain drops. And all of you stood silent, Bruno's eyes still on yours and yours on his. And in one sudden moment, he pulls a trigger.



Your eyes flutter open. You look around, at first confused of your surroundings, but soon realized you were home.

The room had grown dark and your neck became sore from the sleeping position you were in.

Outside, you can see Bruno besides his car and his hands on his head. You couldn't help but to stare at his beautiful structure. His face was filled with frustration and you wanted to comfort him badly, but realized quickly what he had done.

The longer you stare, the sadder you get. The man of your dreams, the man of every girl's dream, has broken your heart and you weren't sure if there was any way to heal it.

You became so lost in your thoughts, you almost didn't notice as he walked up the driveway and to the front door.

It took you a few brief seconds to realize that you should leave and hide, but as you got up to run, Bruno came in the door.

You stood still, hoping he wouldn't see you, but when he closes the door and looks up, you make eye contact.

He stood in front of the door and you in front of the couch, both immobile. You were not going to be the one who broke the silence, but you did not like the awkwardness. Finally, he spoke up.

"(Y/N)," He states your name, being cautious.
"Bruno," You mumble, clenching your fists and jaw and avoiding his eyes.

Again, the silence rises and the sadness returns. All of this mess was Lena's fault. It pained you so much, seeing Bruno in front of you, knowing he was just out with her doing things you didn't even want to think about.

"Where were you?" You suddenly blurt out.
Bruno sighs and rubs his temple.
"Look, (Y/N)," He starts, looking up once again and beginning to make his way towards you.

"Answer my question," You interrupt, backing away from him.
"I will," He says carefully and slowly, "but I feel like we should clear up this tension between us before-"

"Before you kick me out?" You finish.
"What?" Bruno asks.
You look away and close your eyes shut, trying your best to hide the tears in your eyes, that were now falling like a waterfall.

"I understand, I guess. It wasn't meant to be. But, seriously, if we're going to end this, don't think I'm going to be able to leave this relationship on a good note. I-... I've been nothing but good to you and I will not be sympathetic or understanding when you want to leave me for... someone better. Can we just pretend we didn't see each other and let me go upstairs so I can gather my things?" You manage to croak out.

The words flowed out of your mouth like vomit and you were surprised at how easily you said it without bursting into tears. However, as he stared at you and as you spoke, you felt them coming back.

You wanted to hold, touch, and kiss him all at the same time, but it now felt like a sin to do so. You love Bruno and you know you'll never stop loving him, but leaving is for the best.

"What in the world are you talking about?" Bruno asks suddenly.
"I'm not-... I don't-... why do you want to leave (Y/N)?" He whispers sadly.

"Want? You think I want to leave?" You ask, suddenly becoming angry.
"Listen, (Y/N)..." Bruno walks to you slowly.

"I don't know exactly what you're talking about, but I do know that I don't want you to leave me... ever."

He grabs your hand and stares into your eyes, his full of sadness. With confusion, you ask, "What about Lena?"

Bruno sighs. "What about her, (Y/N)? Okay, I'll admit it. I was overly excited to see her, but only because she was someone who once made me happy."

"Don't I make you happy?" You ask, immediately feeling clingy.
"Of course you do," Bruno says, pulling you in for a hug.

With his strength, he pulls you close to him and you hesitantly place your head on his chest. His comfort was good, but there was definitely not a clear answer. You were still angry at him and still jealous of the attention he gave her.

"Then why did you leave, you asshole?" You suddenly burst out, trying your best to be released from his grasp.

Bruno holds you tighter and you become more angry. "Bruno, stop it! I am furious with you, you made me feel like shit! I was scared you wanted her and hated me and-... and I was scared you were going to leave me! Do you know how that feels, Bruno?! Huh? Do you?" You screech.

But Bruno doesn't say anything. He holds you tighter and caresses your hair, even as you continue to struggle.

It seemed as if he never wanted to let you go and even with the anger you had built up inside you, you felt a sense of relief.

"I was mad at you for ever thinking that I'd leave you, (Y/N). Of course I said things I regret, but I'm not exactly the only bad guy here. You failed to give me your trust and that made me feel terrible," He tells you softly.

The guilt begins to rise and you realize that your feelings had gotten in the way of your relationship. Trust was the main issue and you failed to believe in him.

"I'm sorry," You whisper. "But you have to admit, I had every right to be suspicious."

"You did, I guess... in a way... but I also had every right to be mad at you... you could've told me about how you felt."

"It's not that easy," You grumble.

Silence fills the air and you two remain in an embrace. You were confused. "Should I be mad at him?" You think to yourself.

"Everything he said... its true. I didn't trust him, but he... He still left! What do I do? How do I feel? Mad because he left? Sad because of Lena? Guilty for not having trust? Or happy that he's home..."

You knew that there were many unanswered questions to be asked, but for now, you continued to let Bruno hold you.

Why had he left and where had he gone? You did not know. But you know that the reason this happened was because you didn't trust him, and now, you're giving it to him.

You trust that he remained loyal, even after the argument, and hoped you were right to do so. Tonight, your questions will remain unanswered and tomorrow, hopefully a better day is to come.

But now, you will continue to hold, touch, and kiss Bruno. You will let him hold and comfort you as well. You'll ignore your anger towards him, just for tonight, for both your sakes.

Of course, tomorrow will be something else; a day with answers and tears and even arguments, a day you hope will be good. But, to top that all off, it'll be something even better. When the next day comes and the space is clear between you and Bruno, Lena will be forgotten.


Not going to lie, I definitely feel like it's just a bit unfinished but I can always work on that.

Well, how was it?

Too much drama, too little drama?

Need more clarity?

Yea sorry... it's late at night and I'm tired, plus I have school tomorrow. I'll probably regret uploading this in the morning but oh well (:

Hope you enjoyed !

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Thanks for reading!!

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