The Ravenclaw has his heart

By AccioSeverusSnape

31.7K 1.1K 114

Paisley Davies, the 4th member of the Golden Trio. She is just like Hermione which is how she joined the trio... More

31 - Epilogue


653 24 4
By AccioSeverusSnape

We all get outside seeing them all returning again along with Hagrid carrying someone. Harry.

"Harry Potter is dead" Tom announces

I quickly grab hold of Hermione stopping her from running towards him.

"He isn't dead"

"How do you know, look at him" Hermione snaps

"I just know ok, Remember that time you thought he gave Ron Liquid Luck but he didn't"


"Well it's like that, please, just believe me"

"Fine, but you better be right Paisley or you'll be 6 feet under alongside him"

We pay attention to whats going on seeing Draco has joined the dark side and Nevile starts moving forward.

"Neville what are you doing?" I whisper yell

"Well I must say I hoped for better" Noseless speaks causing everyone on the bad side to laugh

"No" Ron speaks as stopping me from going

"And who might you be young man?"

"Neville Longbottom"

They all laugh again and I shoot Bellatrix my death glare which surprisingly causes her to immediately stop laughing

"Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks"

"I'd like to say something"

"Well Neville I'm sure we'll all be fascinated to hear what you have to say"

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday, friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight, he's still with us, in here" He looks at us all pointing to his heart "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vein"

He then turns back to facing the bad side "But you will, cause you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us. It's not over" He says as he pulls the Sword of Gryffindor out of the hat.

Harry falls out of Hagrid's arms standing up shooting a spell and running off

"Told you" I smile to Hermione as we run back towards the castle where we meet Harry who hugs Hermione

"On wards into the Castle, we have to kill the snake"

I notice Neville laying on the ground so I quickly go up to him "Neville, you ok?"

He nods his head yes and grabs the sword again I smile a little and run off following Ron and Hermione whilst killing all the bad guys I can see on the way.

"Paisley" Ron yells pulling me tightly inbetween him and Hermione.

My eyes goes wide and I feel my heart pounding. I hate snakes and I'm about to be killed by one. Ron keeps shooting spells but nothing happens, the thing is immortal. I close my eyes not too have it's open mouth as the last thing I see before I die but I don't feel anything.

I slowly open my eyes seeing no snake but instead seeing Neville stood there.

"Neville you killed it" Hermione smiles

"No snake was going to kill my cousin"

"You saved us, you saved me" I smile hugging him

We reach the court yard finding Harry stood there alone he turns around facing us "We won, he's gone"

We all go back into the great hall and I take a seat next to Neville and Lavender whilst the trio goes off somewhere.

"I can't believe it's finally over. If only Harry started looking for the horcruxes in 1st year it would've been over with much quicker"

"True but he wasn't old enough back then" Luna replies

I decide to go and get myself cleaned up because I feel like a third wheel sat here, once I'm all cleaned up and have returned the trio are back.

"Are you ready to go home?" Hermione asks

"What about you? You're parents" I frown

"Could I stay with you?"

"Of course you can" I smile and hug her

When we get home it's safe to say that I nearly died by Dad hugging the life out of me. After explaining to him everything that happened he calmed down and welcomed Hermione with open arms too.

I go to the bathroom in Dad's room letting Hermione use the main bathroom. I let the warm water hit my skin instantly relaxing me. I reflect back on today's event and frown remembering all the amazing innocent people we lost.

I hope Ron is ok, I hope the whole family is ok.

I finish my shower and go to my bedroom finding Hermione sat on my bed reading a letter.

"Harry wrote to us"

"Is Ron ok?"

"No, they're all sad which is understandable."

"I'm gonna write to him" I say as I take a seat at my desk 

After sending my letter along with Hermione's reply to Harry we have something to eat then go to sleep, myself passing out as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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