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I look out each window we walk pass as Ron looks on the map for Harry. "The protection bubble has broke" I frown as we keep walking

"There he is" Hermione says whilst pointing, we both look seeing an empty area "I just saw him, he's vanished"

"The Room of Requirement is located by there" I speak up

"You said last year it doesn't show on the map" Ron says whilst closing the map and handing it back to me

"Let's go" Hermione replies as we quickly walk off to the ROR

We eventually get there and stick together as we walk around, it's like one big storage room that looks like a jumble sale. We hear Draco's voice followed by Harry so we pull our wands out and head towards the sound. 

"Expelliarmus"I speak loudly 

Crabbe shouts the spelling curse but we all manage to dodge it.

"That's my girlfriend, you numpties" Ron yells chasing after them as I stand back up and Harry starts climbing a junk pile Hermione coping then after around 2 minutes he yells got it pulling out some tiara looking thing. 

We hear Ron's yells then turn in the direction he ran off in seeing an orange glow as Ron's yells gets louder and we see him running towards us. 

"He's only gone and set the bloody place on fire!" He yells grabbing my arm pulling me away with him as a fire looking snake follows. Is now the time to say I haven't ran properly since before I even started at Hogwarts? I'm not a sporty person. Harry manages to use the water spell causing me and Ron to fall backwards into a pile of broom sticks. I grab one throwing it to Hermione as Ron does the same to Harry then we both grab a broom each hopping on it quickly.

"We can't leave them" Harry speaks up as he's looking back at I'm assuming 3 certain Slytherins

"You're joking right?" I ask as we following him now doing a U turn.

"If we die for them Harry I'm gonna kill you" Ron yells 

"You won't be able to do that as you'll be already dead" 

"Now is not the time Paisley"

"shut up Paisley"

Hermione and Ron yells at the same time, take a wild guess at who said what. 

I go lower down grabbing hold of Draco's hand pulling him onto the back of my broom whilst I aim on getting the hell out of here, I'm finally brave and strong I'm not letting it end just yet. As soon as we get out we all fall off our brooms Draco getting up and quickly trying to run off. 

Trying being the key word.

I grab hold of his collar and pin him to the wall "What do you say?"

"Get off me" 


"Ok sorry. Thank you"

"Good, now go away you filthy little snake" I yell pushing him away

"Harry quick" Hermione yells

Harry quickly stabs the crown causing a load of black stuff to fly out, Ron kicks it into the burning room of requirement and the door slams shut.

I walk over to the window and look outside, why are people so evil? Why are people so stupid to believe in Tom Riddle? Why must this war take place? Surely all the bad guys can see deep down this is wrong and they're killing innocent lives, children lives for a man who won't thank them for it. He's using them and they can't see it, if he wins then he's just going to throw them away like the scraps of food on a plate, unless he's a big eater like Ron but you get what I mean.

"Ley come on we need to go" Hermione speaks as she tugs on my arms

"Go where?"


"But that mean's going outside, through that"

"I promise you we will be ok"

"I'm scared"

"What happened to the brave and strong Paisley Davies down in the chamber of secrets?"

"She got lost in the fire I guess"

"No she didn't I know it's scary I'm scared too but I promise you it will be ok. You can be brave and strong again I know you can"

I nod ok pulling my wand out from my pocket and holding it tightly as we make our way into the jaws of death.

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