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As we enter the Great Hall I notice the Weasleys so I walk with Ron to them where we find Fred laying on the floor.

"Fred didn't make it" Ginny manages to speak Hermione hugs her as Ron hugs George and then kneels down

I get tears yet again as I watch Ron breakdown

"I'm so sorry George" I say whilst hugging him

"Thanks Ley" He mumbles back

Once we pull away I look for Harry but I find him a few feet away so I go over to him "Are you ok?"

"They had a baby"

I look down and realise it's Tonks and Remus, McGonagall approaches us but Harry just walks off.

"Snape died" I say as I turn to face her "Please say you notice him lower his wand to you, noticed he knocked the carrows out when he left, noticed he didn't want to duel you"

"I noticed it all Paisley." She replies stepping closer to me "He was a spy for Dumbledore and the Order."

"So he wasn't on the bad team, he was a good person?"

"He was the one who informed me of you being hurt by the carrows. After a few days of not seeing you around he came to me worried you're not ok and got me to speak to you."

"Why did Tom have to turn so evil? Why must this war happen? Too many innocent lives are being taken away"

"I know, I promise he will die tonight cause we will all make sure he is.  Now I believe you have to see Mr Weasley as he's asking for you"

I nod ok and walk back to the Weasley's where Ron is sat against the wall away from everyone. I take a seat next to him wrapping my arm around him.

"Percy was with him" Ron speaks as he leans his head on my shoulder. "He died laughing after making a joke"

"He died doing something he loved, He didn't die in silence or pain."

"Yeah. I'm sorry about the way I acted when you was with Snape. He was there when I wasn't"

"It's ok, don't let it get to us otherwise that is letting Tom Riddle win again."

"Where's Harry?"

"He stormed off somewhere after seeing Tonks and Remus is dead"

"No, he can't go there" He says standing up quickly

"Go where?" I ask as he helps me up

"The Forrest"

"Why would he go there?"

"Did you block him out in the boat house?"


"He wants Harry to face him and meet him in the Forrest."

"He won't go though. Harry isn't that stupid surely"

"I don't know, this is Harry we're talking about" He replies as he grabs Hermione and we leave the Great Hall.

We look around and see Harry coming down the stairs so we stop and look at him.

"We thought you went to the Forrest" Hermione speaks

"That's where I'm going now"

"Are you mad? You can't give yourself up to him" Ron speaks

"What are they on about?" I ask Ron as Hermione and Harry talk in code

"I don't know"

They both hug and kiss then Harry walks off continuing down the next set of stairs. I walk over and hug Hermione "He's going to be ok. I promise"

"I hope so"

"Come on, let's find the snake and kill it" Ron speaks

We both nod ok and follow him

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