Wonders of the world

By KendalRosey

20.2K 867 299

Connie decides to travel the world, whilst away she makes friends with someone who brightens her horizons mor... More

Koh Lanta
Hoi An
Cycling tour
Hungover travels
Ho Chi Minh city
Missing you
Northern lights
About time
Bedside vigil
Pieces of memories
I promise
Moving forwards
Not fair
We'll be okay
Thank you
Love love love
New job
Phantom limb pain
Wedding planning and puppies
Missing you
Time alone
Mummy's girl
Old friends
You amaze me
Weekend away
Maternity leave?
Seven years
Indian nights
Wonders of the world

Halong Bay

333 15 6
By KendalRosey

"Jacob... Look..." She gasped as the long boat pulled into the large bay. "This place is so incredible," she breathed and he stood beside her, a smile on his face.

"Apparently a dragon breathed fire and out came all these islands," he smiled, "I'm sure there's some other geographical explanation, but I prefer the myth,"

She removed her clothes so she was dressed in nothing but a swim suit, "I like that myth better too,"

They sat on the deck, overlooking the bay, watching people from other boats swimming in the clear blue sea.

"Fancy kayaking?" She asked and she smiled as he nodded, taking her outstretched hand and getting into the smaller boat that was to take them to the kayaks.

She sat in front of him, unable to keep the smile off her face as they followed the kayak in front closely.

"Don't feed them," she told him as she shook her head,

"Don't tell me you're scared of monkeys?"

"Scared of getting rabies more like,"

He laughed, his breathe tickling her back, "good point."

"What job did you do? Before you came away?" She asked him over dinner that night. They sat at dinner with another two people from England,

"I was... Well still am I suppose... An ED nurse... What about you?"

She smiled, crossing her tanned legs and sipping her wine,

"I used to be a Cardio Thoracic Consultant... But for the last two years I've been Clinical Lead in the ED,"

He smiled, "not only are you beautiful, you've got brains too,"

She felt her cheeks blush, "I could say the same to you."

They found a secluded spot on the beach and she lay her towel out, laying on her front, placing her hand on his arm.

"Thank you," she told him quietly, watching as he turned on his side to face her,

"What for?" He asked, draping his arm over her waist, his hands running gently up and down her back,

She cuddled into his chest, "for proving to me that not all men are arseholes,"

He smiled, running his hand through her hair, "I could say you've proven the same to me about women," he smiled.

He noticed how she threw her phone down before heading into the shower. She took longer than she had previously and when she came out dressed in only a towel,  he guided her gently onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her firmly.

"You cry if you need too," he told her gently and she sobbed into his chest as he ran his hands through her hair,

"Sorry," she uttered moments later, sitting up and pulling on her pyjama shorts and vest top.

"Don't apologise," he nodded kindly,

She cuddled into his chest again and he kissed her forehead, "you want to tell me what those tears are for sweetheart?"

She shook her head, "I don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet,"

"You don't ever have to if you don't want too...but I'm here if you need a friend,"

"Thank you," she whispered into the darkness, watching as he opened he curtain to reveal the dark sea, lit up by lights from surrounding boats,

They moved so they sat facing the window, she leaned against his chest as his hands ran gently through her hair.

"It's so beautiful here..." She smiled against his chest,

"It is... I feel like this is a dream," he admitted.

She fell asleep on his chest, his heartbeat provided her with something to focus on other than her ex husbands messages. He carefully manoeuvred her so she lay beside him, reaching to her bed to pull that duvet over them.

"Sweet dreams sweet cheeks," he whispered, looking out across the moon as she slept soundly against him.

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