Secrets (Supernatural Book 1)

By vanessataylor027

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They represent a sense of balance between the untamed Creatures of Dark and the tamed humans. They are the li... More

Prologue - Excerpt
Chapter 1 : Scary Reality
Chapter 2 : What? Countries?
Chapter 3 : The Tale of The Ages
Chapter 4 : Dawn Of Blood
Chapter 5 : All My Life - Blake
Chapter 6 : Back To School
Chapter 7 : Enemies and Friends
Chapter 8 : Girls Night In
Chapter 9 : Enchanted To Meet Him
Chapter 10 : Meeting Her - Blake
Chapter 11 : Morning After
Chapter 12 : Buddy, My buddy!
Chapter 13 : Assumptions
Important Stufff
Chapter 14 : Blazing Fire
Chapter 15 : Tears - Blake
Chapter 16 : A Possibility...
Chapter 18 : Agony
Chapter 19 : Legends and Myths
Chapter 20 : The Truth
Chapter 21 : Last Time
Chapter 22 : News
Chapter 23 : Misunderstandings

Chapter 17 : Despondency

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By vanessataylor027

All Rights Reserved.


I'm back!

For good this time.

For the next 2 months I'm dedicated to writing and reading only.

Sorry for the absence in the past few months, but I've had my term end exams, which are really stressful.

Since I'm entering 11th grade this year, the term won't start till June, so I'm free!

Anyways, enjoy the chapter everyone!


Chapter Song : Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay.


Published :  April 13 2017

Unedited : April 13 2017

Chapter 17 : Despondency

"So? Come on spill it out!" Jon spat out and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tanya said quietly as she began digging in her closet.

"Tanya, don't test my patience." Jon said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not doing anything. Please just leave me alone for right now." Tanya said calmly.

"Look I clearly heard you talking to Jas and I know what I heard. I know that you said you liked someone. I just coudn't catch his name." Jon insisted.

"And I know what I said. I just said that I liked someone, which is none of your business. So sod off Jon. I'm busy." Tanya muttered quietly.

"Look, I'm just looking out for you okay? I'm your brother, Tanya. I care for what happens to you." Jon said softly.

"I know Jon. I know that you worry about me and all that stuff but chill. The guy I like is great and he's an awesome person."

"Is it Aaron?" Jon asked through clenched teeth.

"No it's not!" Tanya replied curtly.

"Well then, who is it? Do I know him? " He asked sceptically.

"I don't think so..." Tanya replied thoughtfully.

"Try me anyways."

"Blake. Blake Parker."

Jon's eyes went wide and he stumbled back in apparent shock. His face went pale and he held onto the door frame for support.

"What's happening?" Joanna's head popped up behind Jon's shoulder.

Tanya smiled warmly at the sight of her hopefully future sister-in-law.

"Hey Joanna. Didn't knew you were here. How are you?"

"Amazing!" Joanna said happily.
"But what's happened to Jon?" She asked him confused.

"Why don't ask him?" Tanya said giving Jon a sarcastic smile.

"Jon?" Joanna questioned.

"She. Likes. Blake. Parker. "

Joanna didn't react at all but thw widening of her eyes gave away all the response Tanya needed.

"You too?" Tanya asked in disbelief and threw her hands in the air.

"You like Blake Parker?" Joanna asked softly.

"Yeah. I do. I just realised it. Just, please don't tell anyone. Please." She said with a slight blush on her face.

"I won't Tanya. But I hope you know what you're getting into?" Joanna asked and shared a conspirative look with Jon.

"What do you mean -'know what you're getting into'? He's not in some mafia thing and drug selling business, is he? Because I should tell you that Judy assured me regarding that."  Tanya huffed.

"Once you know the truth, you'd wish he was in all that stuff than what he is into." Jon muttered.

Joanna stiffened and flashed Jon a hurt look.

"You mean you despise what he is?"

"No no. I didn't mean that baby. You know what I mean right? I mean that I know what I'm getting into. You told me everything before things could become risky. But her? I bet you he hasn't told her anything."

Joanna stared at him for a long time before she simply shook her head and bounded down the stairs.

Jon and Tanya stared at her back as she went, wide-eyed. A sudden slam of the front door snapped Jon out of his reverie.

"Shit!" He cursed and went after Joanna. Just as he dissapeared down the stairs, his head popped up back again.

"This talk ain't over Tanya. We need to talk about this sometime, so don't think you're off the hook." He rushed out and without hearing her reply he too bounded down the stairs.

"Okay by me!" Tanya shouted after him sarcastically.

"Finally." She sighed to herself and continued digging in her closet searching for something cute to wear.

Afterall she was going to confess her feelings to Blake, so she wanted to look good while doing it.

Eager to meet him, she dressed up in record time in a beautiful blue sundress she found in a corner of her closet.

Smiling widely and delirious at these new feelings, she skipped down the stairs.

A sudden noise stopped her. She concentrated and she could interpret that it was coming from Jon's room.

She tiptoed to his room and found the door closed, however the voices were loud enough for her to listen. She felt bad about eavesdropping on them but she felt guilty that whatever had happened between Joanna and Jon had been partly her fault. It her been her, afterall, whose safety Jon had wanted and in his anger said the words.

"I told you I'm so sorry. You know I am, right? I didn't mean it like that Joanna. You know I didn't mean it like that. I love you. So much." Tanya gasped at his last words.

She knew Jon and Joanna were close but this close for Jon to have started loving her?

Suddenly the door tore open and there stood Joanna in front of her. Seeing her eyes shining with tears, Tanya couldn't help but say something.

"Joanna." Tanya started out softly and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know what Jon meant by whatever he said. I just know that he is sorry. Extremely. Because believe me, he rarely ever says sorry, if ever. He'll mostly just shake his head and walk away. But I know that he must really feel sorry if he is begging about it. And you must know that he is very hot-tempered. Most of time, in his anger, he doesn't even know how far he has gone and says things without thinking over his words. He must really love you Joanna." She ended softly.

Joanna stared at her for a few seconds before promptly bursting into tears.

Scared at her reaction, Tanya stepped back wide-eyed. 

Jon cursed loudly and stepped forward, taking Joanna in his arms and wrapping them around her frame. 

She let him.

"N-nothing. It-it's just th-that I'-I'm jus-just cryi-crying out of happi-happiness." She hiccupped.

"Oh baby." Jon sighed with relief.

They pulled apart from the hug and stared at each other.

Tanya nodded slowly at the scene taking place in front of her and ran away before they could start kissing in front of her.


That made her mind turn back to what was the reason she was going out and a grin was planted on her face within seconds.

Withing a record-breaking time, she was parking her car in front of the big house that had the place where she had first met Blake.

Slowly, she trudged up to the front door and knocked lightly.

The door opened to reveal the face of Diana Parker who smiled brightly once she recognized Tanya.

"Hello darling. How are you? Come on, come inside." Mrs. Parker said and gestured for Tanya to enter inside. 

"I'm fine Mrs. Parker. How are you?" Tanya asked as she stepped inside the threshold.

"I'm good Tanya. And how many times have I told you to call me Diana. Huh?" She questioned while wagging her finger in front of Tanya's face.

She laughed slightly and amended her sentence to suit the woman's request.

Diana smiled as she lead Tanya towards the kitched where Blake had once cornered him.

The memory made her blush lightly.

"Hello Tanya." Greeted William Parker once he caught sight of her from behind his newspaper.

"Hello Mr. Parker." Tanya greeted him.

"Is Judy upstairs?" Tanya asked Mr. Parker who gave her a small smile and nodded his head and motioned 'upstairs' with his fingers.

"Oh. Okay. Thank you Mr. Parker. I need to tell her something important so I'll just go. Bye." Tanya rushed out and was on the base of the staircase when Diana called her name.

"Tanya, will you please take these cupcakes to Judy. I just baked them for her. Of course you're welcome to eat them too. It's just that I wanted to ask you if Judy has said something to you?" Diana questioned hurriedly while wiping her hand on her apron.

"Nothing. Judy hasn't told me anything. At least not anything special. Why? What happened?" Tanya asked curiously as she accepted the basket of frosted-cream cupcakes.

"Not much. Except that both Judy and Blake have been acting weird this past week. I don't know what's happened. It seems whatever happened is making them both sad." Mr. Parker said from where he was sitting on the kitchen island chair.

A crease formed between Diana's eyes and her eyebrow's furrowed. She looked truly worried.

"Diana, whatever it is, I'm sure it's not too serious otherwise they'd have told you. Trust me. If it's too serious I'll inform you or at least convince them to tell you about it." 

Diana looked a little relieved at her words, nodded slightly and motioned Tanya to go upstairs.

As Tanya walked up the stairs she couldn't help but wonder about the reason that was bugging both the Parker siblings.

She entered Judy's bedroom but the owner of the bedroom was no where to be seen. Then she heard the shower start and rapped loudly on the bathroom door.

"Judy? Are you there?" Tanya asked as she knocked on the door.

"Tanya?" Judy's muffled voice questioned from behind the door and the noise of shower died down as it was closed.

"Yeah. It's me. Come out fast. We need to talk." Tanya said seriously.

"Oooh! The four dreaded words,huh? Why girlfriend, You aren't breaking up with me are you?" Judy joked as she asked in a mock-horror voice.

"No I'm not my love. Just come out. I need to tell you something." 

"Why is it that I smell Cupcakes?" Judy hummed.

"Because they are here. Your mom baked them for you and asked me to deliver them to you. So if ya want to enjoy some warm buttery chocolatey, gooey cupcake goodness with frosted cream, you better come out fast." Tanya threatened.

"Okay boss. Give me five minutes." Judy answered and promptly the shower started again.

Tanya waited for 10 minutes but there were no signs of Judy coming out anytime. Tired of waiting for her, she decided to go, confront Blake and tell him about her feelings regarding him.

She walked down the hallway, in the last room in the corridor, where she knew Blake's room was.

She reached the door and raised her hand to knock when the noises coming from the room stopped her.

She heard muffled voices coming from inside.

"I told you I'm not ready for it. Just wait one more year." She could hear Blake's exasperated voice yell.

"I'm tired of waiting okay? I want the ceremony within this month Blake!" A female voice shouted in reply.

"Dammit Mackenzie. You know I'm not ready." Blake shouted. 

Suddenly there was a sound of something crashing on the ground and breaking. Tanya flinched back in surprise and the female voice inside shrieked.

All of a sudden Blake's sentence caught up to her.


What was Mackenzie doing inside Blake's room?

Everything became quite the next moment and in fear she slammed opened the door only to flinch back in disbelief.

On the wall opposite to the door, was Blake standing with his face towards Tanya.

Only, he wasn't alone.

Wrapped around him, like a vine was Mackenzie. Her arms wound around his neck, as she pressed him against the wall.

They were kissing.

Mackenzie was kissing Blake.


Blake wasn't resisiting Mackenzie's advances.

If anything, Tanya could see his arms around Mackenzie's waist, as he pulled her into him.

As that last scene registered in her mind, tears blurred her vision and she couldn't help but run from the scene.



Well, will you look at that?

What the hell happened?

Blake was kissing Mackenzie. 



Now what will happen?

I had to very reluctantly write this scene, because of it's importance in the plot.

I'm very very sorry that Blake kissed Mackenzie, but he did.

And now his beautiful lips are forever tainted.

Hahaha! LOL!

Anyways, on to the important note.

You guys must remember that in one chapter I mentioned the Vampire King to be Edward Cullen, right?

Well I was stupid that time and so, I'm changing it to be James Montgomery, the Vampire King of the oldest Vampire Coven and the natural born son of The First Vampire.

Also, this is change neccesary to the plot, so please bear with me.

On to another note, what will happen next?

Any guesses?

Will Blake chase her?

Will he not?

Will Tanya come to know about his furry little secret?

Keep Guessing guys!

Until Next time,

Lots of Love,






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