The Stars of Our Future (Amou...

By darlinyoureclazzic

144K 2.1K 2.2K

"You can't leave me, Ash!" Serena exclaims, grasping on his soaked jacket. Ash smiles, and brings her chin up... More

Author's Note ~ 1
Chapter 1 ~ Until We Meet Again!
Chapter 2 ~ A Journey's Beginning!
Chapter 3 ~ Wait. Ash?
Chapter 4 ~ Serena's Boyfriend
Chapter 5 ~ Serena's Past, and Clemont's Mini Lecture!
Chapter 6 ~ The Ash I Know
Chapter 7 ~ Serena, Meet Dawn...Ash's Girlfriend?
Author's Note ~ 2
Chapter 9 ~ Fixing the Bond Between Us!
Chapter 10 ~ Ash V.S. Bonnie!
Chapter 11 ~ Trouble!
Chapter 12 ~ This Isn't a Goodbye
Chapter 13 ~ Oh My...Arceus?
Chapter 14 ~ Forever and Always.
Chapter 15 ~ Into the Future
New Book!

Chapter 8 ~ Ash's Mistake

7.2K 119 64
By darlinyoureclazzic


"What're doing Cle-" Ash says, as he gets interrupted by the lemon-haired boy. "I should be the one asking questions." he says, adjusting his glasses. "Ash? What in Kalos are you doing?" Ash blinked a couple times in confusion. "What do you mean?" Clemont sighs, placing a hand on his forehead. "I meant her." Clemont points at Dawn, as she is playing with Bonnie's Dedenne. "Clemont." Ash says. "She's my girlfriend." Clemont raises an eyebrow, "Oh yea? Since when?" As Ash scratches the back of his neck, he replies, "Uh, since a few minutes ago." Clemont sweatdrops, and sighs. "You are so dense, Ash."

     It was Ash's turn to raise his eyebrow. "How?" Clemont places his hands on his hips. "I'm not stupid, Ash. I know you still have feelings for Serena." Ash sighs in defeat. "I do." he admits. As he clenches his fist, and grits his teeth, he says, "But she's with Calem. And she's happy." Clemont chuckles. "Didn't Serena tell you? She broke up with Calem." Ash shots his head up, and looked at Clemont in the eyes. "H-how'd you know that? D-did she tell you?" Ash stutters. Clemont shook his head, and grabbed Serena's phone from the kitchen counter. "I checked her messages when you were out with Dawn."

Ash took both his hands, and ran them through his raven-black hair. "Oh man." he says, filling guilt and anguish flow throughout his body. "I really messed up. Didn't I?" Clemont nodded in agreement. "I should've listened to her." He murmurs, "Serena's right! What am I doing?" he chuckles, as he adjusts his hat. "I'm not acting like Ash." "I need to find Serena." Ash eyes widened, "Ohhhh, but where can Serena be?!" he panicked. Bonnie emtered the kitchen, "I was on the phone with Serena." she giggled. "She's staying at the Pokémon Center for tonight. She used Nurse Joy's phone." Ash sighs in relief. "Thank Arceus, she's okay." Ash chuckles, pumping a fist in the air. "Starting tomorrow, I'll make things okay again!" he exclaims with determination. Bonnie laughs, "Great to have you back again, Ash!" she exclaims. "Yeah, me too." Clemont winks. Bonnie's smile dropped, "But uh." she whispers, pointing at Dawn who is now, asleep on the sofa. "What about her?" "Bonnie's right!" Ash thought. "I'll talk to her tomorrow. For now, I'm getting a goodnight's sleep."



"Hi, Nurse Joy!" Nurse Joy turns to Serena, a huge smile plastered on her face. "How may I help you, Kalos Queen?" Serena smiles. "May I call my friends? To let them know that I'm alright?" Nurse Joy nods, and happily hands her phone over to Serena. I decided to call Bonnie, since she's the only person I'm in the mood to talk to right about now. "Hello Bonnie?" I then hear stirring in the background, along with light snores. "Who's that?" I ask. "Oh, that's just Dawn." I frown. "Oh." I say. Bonnie giggles, "Where are you?" Serena then looks down at Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon. "I'm at the Pokémon Center, I'll be staying here for the night. Tell them I'm okay. I'll be back, first thing tomorrow morning." Bonnie chuckles, "Okay, goodnight Serena! Be safe!" Serena smiles, "Goodnight to you too, Bonnie!" And with that, she hands the phone back to Nurse Joy.

Serena walks to the room she was staying in for tonight, and tucked herself in bed. She couldn't sleep. The only thing was on her mind was Ash. The thought of him with another girl, was absolutely heartbreaking.

But then, she remembers. "Never give up till the very end." She won't stop, She won't give up. She'll do anything to win Ash back. "I'll make things okay again." And with that, she drifted off into a slumber. The words, "Never give up till the very end." echoing in her dreams.

(Author's Note: Awwwwwwww. So cute! Make sure to check out my other book based on amour! They're all one-shots! ~Lia)

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