Kingsman: When Hearts Collide...

By jetblackheartsx

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Haven Caldwell's life has been a living hell ever since her dad died, but one phone call, one choice, and one... More

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By jetblackheartsx

**flash forward three weeks later**

It's been a while since I've been in the meeting room talking about Robert Maxwell. I still have all of my notes and leads on him and today is the day we find out where he is exactly and then my mission will begin. I get dressed in a sleek black dress and put on the necklace Taron gave me. After doing my make up and slipping on my black pumps I go quickly to the meeting room. Taron is sitting there along with Harry, Merlin, Debora from the meeting in Berlin, and my friends/fellow agents Jackie, George, Charlotte, and Nate.

After the final test I remember Taron mentioning something about how Jackie and George were in another part of the tunnel and they had finished their tasks and had went back to Kingsman before us so that's why I hadn't seen them that night.

But now, I have a new test, a task if you will. I listened intently as Debora looked at me directly.

"Congratulations for completing the necessary training to become a member of Kingsman. You're now a part of the most prestigious secret service agency in the world and you must carry that title with dignity from now on. You will do your best and take care of your brothers and sisters in this agency. You are considered family now and it is part of your duty as a Kingsman agent to look after the others amidst chaos." She said sternly.

I stood up to shake her hand and put my hand on the coveted book of the agency and swore in to protect the lives of others.

"Repeat after me:"

"I Haven Caldwell, swear to honor the Kingsman name and all within it. I promise to protect the people and to fight for justice. I promise to be there for my brothers and sisters next to me, and to protect thee. I promise to lead by example and to instill within myself the courage and strength to bring justice to the world without hesitation, in the midst of all chaos, I swear to bear the title of a Kingsman agent."

And I did as told and then lifted my hand from the book. After swearing in I sat down and looked over at Taron and he smiled.

"Ok, Ms. Caldwell I know from our last meeting that you're aware of why you're here. Today we were able to find out Robert Maxwell's precise location and from the looks of it he has been there a couple of days. Which is longer than usual for him since he is constantly moving."

"And where is he located?" I asked.

"We found him at a luxurious hotel called the Luxor in Las Vegas. We bugged his phone and got some pretty good leads as to who his next targets are."

"Interesting..." I mumbled noting this in my head.

"We will need you, Taron, Harry, Jackie, Charlotte, Nate, and George to get in and take him out. The tricky part is he has men with him who will not hesitate to shoot up the place. You need to stealthily take them out one by one until you find him. We will send you his current location when the time comes and that's when you strike. You have the closest ties to him in regards to everyone here and so you must make the kill shot. We know how much it means to you and your family."

I sat there shocked and flattered at the same time.

"Who are his next targets?"

"He has a random pattern to his killings so it's been hard to figure out his motives...but we are positive he's planning a massive attack there if he doesn't get the people he wants. He is supposedly been stalking a couple a few hours away and a few more people from around this area and around the world who have a connection with this company called Ensilon..." she stated.

My heart dropped. That company was the one my father worked for. He was going to be promoted to assistant manager later that week before his death. It was an insurance company and as I looked through all my photos it didn't strike me until now that those people who were killed were family members of people working there too.

"Oh my god..." I said looking at her panic stricken.

"M-my father....he worked for that company. It was an insurance company and I think I know his pattern..."

"What is it Agent Caldwell?"

"He's targeting the family members of the employees. And I have a feeling that when he can't get who he wants, he resorts to killing the employees."

"There must be some other motive though..." she said looking at the screen scanning any evidence and information they've gotten.

Then the idea hit me.

"Wait...I think I can find out why! Is there a laptop I can borrow?"

I asked looking around.

"Here" Harry said gently placing his on the table.


"No problem, this better be good." He said chuckling lightly.

"I hope so." I said and then opened the internet browser.

I held back tears as I scanned their site and saw a picture of my dad a few months prior to his death smiling with a majority of his other now-deceased co-workers.

I look up his name in the staff directory and open another tab googling him to try to get his background info.

On their site it says he was fired.

On google and through many failed attempts I finally found out why. He embezzled money from Ensilon and it got him fired. He also had a past criminal record that I found out with Debora's help.

"Okay....I found something more"

"Go on..." Debora said.

"It says here that he was arrested in 2008 for drugs and had some misdemeanor charges. After that it looks like he took a break from a life of crime and later applied and got the job as a desk clerk at Ensilon. He apparently worked his way up the ranks, and was one of two people to be offered the assistant managers position and-"

I closed my eyes as a tear fell. I couldn't believe I was crying right now but memories flooded back with every word I read.

"And Mr. Caldwell ended up getting the promotion...which I think in turn led to him being angry and so he decided to take it all out on his co-workers. But he didn't want to cause any alarm probably and so he started picking off their family members one by one until his story got out..." I said it all finally making sense to me.

"Wow..." Taron said.

I wiped away and remaining tears and while everyone kinda sat there.

"Thank you for that valuable information Haven.....I think we'll have to move you to the intelligence part of this agency when you get back..." Debora said smiling.

"Don't you think Harry?" She asked.

"Y-yes...she found all of that out in about 20 minutes. It's the fastest I've heard of since Agent Brinks was here so many years ago."

"Well...not to mention there's this thing called google and every now and then it can be helpful. But what you all do here is beyond that. I'm just glad I could help." I said smiling.

"We thank you. Now before I dismiss you all, please get prepared for the mission, we leave at noon tomorrow." Debora said and then let us go.

I've never been so scared, nervous, and excited all at once. But I guess I'll have to wait and see what tomorrow will bring. I just hope I can avenge my fathers death and all of those after him who were killed. It's a huge weight on my shoulders, but I know he'll be watching over me.


Hey loves! I'm back! It's been a crazy semester at college and since I've been on winter break I've finally gotten the time to update this chapter! I know it's probably not the best nor the longest, but I hope you all enjoy it! I'll try to update with more chapters later this week or so. :)

Reads/votes/comments are greatly appreciated!

~ Katie 💖

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