Ohana (Lilo family)

By -NewRules-

440K 10.3K 3.7K

Louis and Liam are both enrolled into Wolverhamptons Boarding School and as both are now over 18, they have b... More



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By -NewRules-

Harry's POV

"Bye baby, we'll see you after school." Daddy said as he dropped me off at school.

"Bye Daddy!" I said and skipped into school.

I took my seat at my desk and brought my folder out. I was making sure that everything I needed was on my desk before I pulled out my pencil case and put my bag in the cloakroom along with my blazer. 

"Kenny!" I shouted as my best friend entered the classroom.

"Hi Hazzy! Do you know that Miss Edwards is taking us out to the playground today? First we're going to measure the length of the football field, then do some litter picking and then once we finish we get to play in the play area!" Kendall beamed.

"Today's gonna be so good!" I said and we both took our seats while Miss Edwards told the rest of the class about what she planned on doing today.

"Okay boys and girls, get your blazers on and line up with a partner at the door please." Miss Edwards said.

"Hazza you're my partner." Kendall said and I nodded.

"Of course Kenny."

We all lined up in twos and then Miss Edwards took us outside. Once outside she did a headcount to make sure no one was missing and then we were given a trundle wheel in our pairs.

Kendall and I spent time walking round the field, recording whenever the trundle wheel clicked and then once we had measures the full size we went to collect litter pickers from Miss Edwards.

"Done all ready?" Miss Edwards asked.

"Yup!" I said happily.

"Well here you go." She said giving us two litter pickers and a bin bag. "Your area is that one there." She said pointing to a patch of gras in front of the stands.

"Rawr. Harry look it's like a crocodile's mouth." Kendall said picking up her litter picker and making the little grabby bit move together and then apart.

"Yeah look, I can do this with mine as well." I said giggling.

"We should make them kiss." She said.

"Yeah!" I replied and then we hooked the grabbers together.

"Wait, is yours a girl or a boy crocodile?" Kendall asked.

"A girl." I decided.

"Mine too. Yours should be a boy though." She said and I frowned.


"Because girls and boys are meant to be together silly!" She said.

"But what about my Daddy and Papa? They're both boys." I said.

"My Mummy says it's wrong." She said and I started getting a bit upset.

"It's not wrong! It's not!" I shouted at her, tears coming to my eyes.

"Calm down Hazza I'm only telling you what my Mummy said. Does it not annoy you? Not having a Mummy?" She asked.

"Go away!" I screamed. "Get away from me." I started shaking as memories of my mum came into my head.

"Harry! Harry what's wrong sweetie?" Miss Edwards called over while she was talking to Kaelin.

I went to walk towards her but I tripped and fell over one of the discarded litter pickers. I landed on my arm and heard a snap. Straight away my screams became louder as they became ones of agony.

"Harry! Oh my god!" Miss Edwards ran over to me.

"D-Daddy." I sobbed.

"It's okay Hazza, we'll get your Daddy to come." She said.

I had to sit on the ground until Daddy came as I wouldn't let anyone touch me and I couldn't get up by myself.

"Baby! What's wrong?" Daddy got out of his car and ran straight over to me.

"D-Daddy, hurts." I cried.

"What hurts baby, you've got to talk to Daddy."

"My a-arm."

"Let me see."

He examined my arm, and I cried as he put pressure on it.

"I think it's broken baby. We need to go to the hospital."

"Nooooooooooo." I started crying loudly again.

"It's okay baby boy, you'll be okay." He whispered in my ear.

Liam's POV

I decided that Harry's arm looked broken so it would probably be best for me to take him straight to hospital as if it is broken then he'll be in some amount of pain.

"C'mon baby boy." I said and picked him up and set him on my hip, careful not to hurt his arm.

"Mr Payne, here's an ice pack to put on Harry's arm until you get to the hospital. It might reduce some of the swelling." She said and handed me the ice pack.

"Thank you, I'll have Louis contact the school later about Harry's condition and whether or not he'll be in school tomorrow."

I put Harry in his car seat and buckled him in, making sure the seat belt didn't put any unnecessary pressure on his arm. I then placed the ice pack on top of his arm.

I raced to the hospital and went straight to the accident and emergency section.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady at the reception asked.

"I think my son has broken his arm." I said gesturing to Harry on my hip.

"Name and date of birth?"

"Harry Payne. 1st of February 2007."

"Okay Mr Payne, if you'd like to have a seat someone will see you soon." She said and I took Harry over to the waiting area.

I sat in a chair with him in my lap and decided to call Louis while we were waiting.

I rang his phone and he picked up after the third ring.

"Hey Li."

"Hey baby. Listen, don't freak out but Harry and I are at the hospital." I said.


"He fell in school and I think he's broken his arm."

"Oh my poor baby."

"I need you to get Niall and Zayn from school."

"Okay, I don't have any classes this afternoon so I'll be able to make it."

"Thanks baby."

"Tell Harry that I love him and that he'll get lots of Papa cuddles when he comes home."

"Will do baby. See you later, I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and Harry cuddled into me. I rocked him a bit in my arms and kissed his forehead.

"Daddy, my arm really hurts." He complained, getting teary again.

"I know babe but we've got to wai-"

"Harry Payne?" The doctor asked and I stood up with Harry in my arms.

"Follow me." The doctor smiled kindly.

I carried Harry to the doctors room and the sat on the chair with Harry on my lap.

"So what seems to be the problem today?" He asked.

"I think he's broken his arm, he fell on it quite forcefully this morning."

"I see. Can I take a look at your arm bud?" The doctor asked kindly but Harry shook his head and turned into me a bit more.

"Harry stop this behaviour right now. You're being extremely rude. The doctor is only trying to help you." I said into his ear.

He reluctantly let the doctor feel his arm and when he was finished he cuddled straight back into me. The doctor gave Harry some paracetamol as he kept complaining of the pain.

"Well I think that it's broken but we're going to do an X-ray just in case. Harry if you'd like to follow me." The doctor said.

"Go on bud, I'll be right here when you come back." I said but he shook his head and started crying.

"Hey, what are all these tears for?" I asked wiping some of the tears off of his cheeks.

"Don't want to go alone. Scary." He said.

"Okay baby." I said, not wanting to put him through any more pain.

"Is it okay for me to come too?" I asked the doctor.

"Normally we only allow the patient but I'll make an exception." He said smiling at Harry.

Once we got into the room Harry was given a lead apron to wear and so was I. I had to stand behind the screen with the doctor while Harry sat in the chair.

"That's you done bud." The doctor said, removing Harry's apron and taking mine from me. "Let's go and see what the pictures show."

We got back to his room just as the pictures were being printed.

"Ah. Just as I expected." He said and showed us the picture.

"It's broken. Not a major break but there is a snap. Now I don't think it's a big enough break to have to operate so we're just going to put a cast on you." The doctor said.

He left the room for a few minutes and when he came back he was wheeling a trolley full of supplies.

"Now Harry, what colour do you want your cast?"


"Okay bud."

The doctor spent half an hour making Harry's cast while Harry babbled to him about lots of different things. I stood there chuckling at the weird things Harry was saying but the doctor assured me it was just the painkillers.

"There we go! I'll see you in six weeks to see if it's healed. For now, no physical activity, limit the use of that arm and try to sleep with it propped up on a pillow for the next six weeks."

"Thank you." I said while picking Harry up and setting him on my hip.

"No problem, see you in six weeks."

We drove home and Harry started to doze off as the painkillers must've been making him drowsy.

I pulled up at the apartment and carried him into the house.

"Baby!" Louis shouted as we walked through the door.

"Shhh Lou, he's sleeping." I said and laid Harry down on the couch carefully, putting a cushion under his cast.

"Oh my poor baby boy." Louis said and brushed a few stray curls out of Harry's face.

"He's fine now Lou. A bit scared at the doctors but apart from that he was fine."

"Dad!" Zayn and Niall called as they came into the living room.

"My babies! How are you two." I said sitting them both on my knee.

"Good! We made Hazza a get well soon card. Do you think he'll like it?" Zayn asked.

"I'm positive he will baby."

"Look, I drew a cast on it." Niall said pointing to the cast on the front of the card."

"It's beautiful baby."

Just then Harry started to whine and right away Louis was fussing over him like a mother hen.

"Oh baby. What's wrong, are you hungry?" He asked.

"Drink?" Harry asked and Louis rushed to the kitchen to get him a sippy cup of water.

When he returned he held the sippy cup for Harry while he drank it.

"I've made chicken pasta for dinner, so let's go have some. I'm sure everyone's hungry." Louis said.

I picked Harry up and took him to the table, although instead of sitting him on a seat by himself I just sat him on my knee.

I fed him his whole dinner and then he laid against my chest.

Niall and Zayn disappeared to do some homework so it left Louis, Harry and I.

"Daddy?" Harry said.

"Yes baby?"

"Why do some people think it's wrong for a girl and a girl to be together. Or a boy and a boy." He asked, shocking both me and Louis.

"Some people are just narrow minded love, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Kendall told me her mum said it was wrong for two girls or two boys to be together. That it should be a boy and a girl." Harry huffed. "Then she asked me if I wished I had a mum."

"Kendall's only repeating what she's heard, which is sadly the problem. Children need to be taught to love, not taught to hate certain groups of people." Louis said.

"Will people think I'm weird if I do t have a mummy?"

"No baby, you have your Papa, who is kind of like a mummy." I said.

"Hey!" Louis said and I laughed.

"C'mon you know you're the mother hen." I teased.

"Yes and you're the big daddy bear." He laughed.

"I wouldn't want anyone else though." Harry said. "I love you."

"And we love you too baby. To the moon and back."

Hey guys!

I've decided that I'm just going to focus on this book until I can get motivated to write the other book again. I've absolutely loved updating again and I don't think I actually realised just how much I missed it.

A lot of you have been asking for more Harry or Niall centric prompts so here you go, hope you liked it.

Love you guys!

Comment! Vote!

Thank youuuuuu



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